{'en': 'Diabetes and pregnancy', 'es': 'Diabetes y embarazo'} Image

Diabetes and pregnancy

NoAddedSugar's profile photo   01/17/2012 11:30 a.m.

Wow: ((: ((Anabeg, what a shame, sorry ...

But well, there are at least no complications ... A hug.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
08/14/2012 10:21 a.m.
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Tica, Owash, thank you
Tica, I have not been told the reason, it has passed and this is, most of the time it is not known, but when it happens it is not good or I do not know, nature is very wise.5 years ago I had another abortion, but very at the beginning, I thought it was the rule and it was not, it was like coagulos and a strong red.When there are continuous abortions, they do evidence to know why they occur, so I have read they have to be three consecutive, there is a saying that today they have told me "woman cracked, pregnant woman", they will not crack me but well, toSee if it meets me, hehehehe
Owash, the important thing is that there are no complications, they made me analytical and gave me results at the time, all ok.
To those who are on vacation to enjoy.

anabeg's profile photo
08/14/2012 11:07 a.m.
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I have to continue taking folic acid, since I will try again, for September I will lower my rule and then when I go on to try again.

anabeg's profile photo
08/14/2012 11:11 a.m.
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Anabeg I'm very pretty, but I'm glad to know that you're animated and good !!!Good luck for next
Here I continue with hyper and unable as you say some of controlling hypos and hypers, I think it will be time because we are all the same.

pachu109's profile photo
08/14/2012 11:57 a.m.
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Anabeg encourage ... sure you soon give us good news .....: D ... a kiss

DiabetesForo's profile photo
08/14/2012 12:10 p.m.
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Pachu, Prado, thanks.
Pachu, I am very positive, it is my character, I do not usually eat my head and always when something bad happens I change the chip and happen to me, things when they happen is for something.Let's see if on the 21st they tell you something and get so many hypers, much encouragement.
Prado, I hope to give you the news, but I planEider we didn't say anything, but go for a chasco.

anabeg's profile photo
08/14/2012 1:11 p.m.
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What a heat that makes here, they have told me that there was a heat wave here, in Galicia no, the divine temperature, and the good time, we have enjoyed the beach and be with the family, I have seen cousins ​​that I did not see fromBy 30 years, the reunion has been very beautiful, we all met the Saturday, although I was not very lively, but I did my best that will not be noticed, and thanks to the fact that I was entertaining because it takes it better.I love Galicia, its landscapes, its people, its gastronomy ... Everything, next year I hope to return, is that the earth throws.
I am going to take a turn, they are parties in San Sebastian, the big week, I am not very lively to parties but for the girl I have to do it, that is, I will take a walk around the fairs and others.

anabeg's profile photo
08/14/2012 1:16 p.m.
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Well I finally see normal numbers from dinner to see how much they last ...
Here in Zamora we reach up to thirty -so many and then at night comes an Airin and it is appreciated .....

pachu109's profile photo
08/14/2012 8:10 p.m.
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pppfff .... what a stick .... I feel a lot of anabeg ... but hey, we will have to keep trying to the stork, right?Much encouragement !!

kekiya's profile photo
08/15/2012 4:29 a.m.
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I continue with the fatal glycemia, I have lowered the basal and instead that the blood glucose I am uploaded I am in a constant hypo ... Today I have scared myHe broke the Dexcom sensor at night and how it takes two hours to calibrate, I didn't put it on my song ....
Then I have gotten back ... in the end two juices at night and lifted to 98. I did not believe that this was going to be so complicated.Pff that wants to end or make glycemia to normal.

tica's profile photo
08/15/2012 6:31 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


Anabeg, I am very sorry for your loss, you are very positive and that helps you a lot.I really expect with all my heart that you can achieve another term pregnancy.I send you a hug!

Always pass through this thread to see how they are all, remember ... Pa'trás or to gain momentum.

Greetings and hugs to everyone from Florida.

Nana's profile photo
08/15/2012 10:28 a.m.

Desde los 8 años con mi amiga Diabetes, llevamos de amistad 55 años...pa'lante siempre.

Hemo 5.9 enero 2014 Bombera 3 años.

Si algún día te sientes pequeño, inútil ultrajado y deprimido, recuerda que un día fuiste el espermatozoide mas rápido y victorioso de tu grupo.


Hello girls
Anabeg, a very strong hug and dares. And to follow palante.It is admirable your positivism.
To the other TB we cheer up to control those glycemia. For what you say it seems not easy.
I am on vacation. With very hot but relaxed, I have no news.
A very strong kiss for everyone

Sugared's profile photo
08/15/2012 12:54 p.m.
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Well, sugared if you endure without knowing it, I couldn't hehehe

pachu109's profile photo
08/16/2012 3:01 a.m.
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I'm very sorry Anabeg, but I'm glad you're animated !!
You never know why these things happen ... But really, I don't think we got anything knowing, nor would it use us either ... I don't think they can be avoided, as you say, nature is wise ... there are timesthat it is better not to force things ...

Patience, and for that reason you can !!

A very big kiss for all !!!

DiabetesForo's profile photo
08/16/2012 4:47 a.m.
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Today I had a gynecology and I have come out a bit sad.I have been told that hypos are very dangerous, much more than hypers.And I have had many.Almost all of 50 and something and I have solved them quickly, but a few days I have had them totally flat ...
I do not know, it is not to take me blame, but I give me the feeling that they could have explained it better from the beginning, if before the food I had to be 70, little margin left me not to have hypos, I was very insisted that theSugar as fair as possible, okay, it is understood that just above and below, but if from the beginning they would have told me that the risk to the fetus was much higher with hypos that would have been more care with hyper, perhaps it would have hadMore hypers, but that is the "correct" ... I have sent me a fetal echocardiography (I think it is called that) urgent to see if these hypos have affected him in something.They do it on Friday of next week, but Ufff I'm on a downturn, I knew that diabetes had its risk (high), but I was very good and I had proposed not to worry excessively, and now this ...

tica's profile photo
08/16/2012 5:58 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


Tica, don't eat your head.However, they told me that they were much more "dangerous" for the baby hyper .... so each doctor will tell you one thing ...
Not osbriente I have had very sooooed hypos, and remedying them in time, no problem (logically, whenever you do not have to pull glucagon or lose knowledge ...) and thank God in all the controls it has come out that my baby is healthy.And I had some hiccup of getting up sweating!
And I made the echocardium last week and all correct.Maybe they wanted to make fear unnecessarily, but come on, they have always told me that hyper affects the baby more. They are no hypos or hyper good, but hyper affect more or worse ...

kekiya's profile photo
08/16/2012 6:14 a.m.
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I think it is not clarified even.Looking online I have found this (it's in English)

Brief, Short-Term Episodes of Hypoglycemia Generally Pose No Risks To Pregnant Women or Their Babies.If a Woman Experiences Frequent Drops in Blood Sugar Or Ones That Go Untread Over Extended Periods of Time, In Rare Cases They May Lead to Seizures, Strokes and Comas;Conditions that have serious repercussions for the Woman and her baby.

And be that it looks better.". Basically says that the level of sugar in plasma lowers you but not to the fetus because it has some type of protection mechanism, probably lactic oxidation (as in anaerobic episodes that then produce holes) that prevents it.

From there it would come as to the continuous hypoglycemic episodes are bad but the short ones do not.You can run the smooth 100m for 100m but not for 1km because the lactic acid saturates blood and simply cannot continue.The same could happen to the fetus if it is too long without sugar.

i n s z r l i n - i n & amp; c & amp;h and p o g l y e r r r i c r a b b i t s.T w o h o u r s a f t e r i n s u l i n a dmi n i s t r a t i o n, ma t e r n a l p l a sma l e v e l s
D R O P E D B Y 6 0 %.F e t a l p l a Sma g l u c o s e a l s o d e c r e a s e d If my f i c a n t l y (2 0 mg / d l).S u b s e q u e n t i n f u s i o n o f [u -
1 + c l g l u c o s e d i d n o t c a u s e a n y i n c r e a s e in ma t e r n a l o r f e t a l p l a sma g l u c o s e l e v e l s.T h e d r o p in c i r c u l a t i n g
G L U C O S E D I D N O T L E A D T O A D R O P IN C E R E B R A L G L U C O S E L E V E L S, IN E T H E R T H E MA T E R N A L O R T H E F E T A L B R A I N.T H E L A C K ​​O F E F F E C T O F H Y P O G L Y C EMI A O N C E R E B R A L G L U C O S E L E V E L S M A Y S T EM F R om T H E A D A P T I V E P R O T E C T I V E C H A N I SMS, K N O W N T O C C.T h e i s s u e o f i n c r e a s e d c e r e b r a l b l o d f l ow in t h e h y p o g l y c emi c f e t u s h a s n o t, t o t h e b e s t o f o u r k n o w l e d g e, b e e n s t u dT H U S, W E C A N N O T A S U M E T H A T T H E F E T A L B R A I N W O U L D A P T ITSELF B Y I N C R E A S I N G B L O O D F L OW.O U r d a t a l e d u s t o s u g e s t a n a l t e r n a t i v e p r o t e c t i v e m e c h a n i s m in t h e f e t a l b r a i n.T h e d r o p in f e t a l c e r e b r a l l a c t a t e l e v e l s u g g e s t s t h a t in o r d e r t o ma i n t a i n n o rma l b r a i n f u n c t i o n d u r i n g h and p o g l y c emi S I N C E T H E F E T A L B R A I N H A S T H E ABILLITY T O O X I D I Z E O T H E R S U B S T R A T E S, B E S I D E S G L U C O S E.T H E L A C K ​​O F E F F E C T O F H Y P O G L Y C EMI A O N MA T E R N A L L A C T A T E L E L S IS E X P E C T E D S I N C E, IN C O N T R A S T O and, t h e a d u l t b r a i n l a c k s t h e ability t o o x i d i z e a l t e r n a t i v e e n e r g y f u e l s.I N T H E MA T E R N A L B R A I N, G L U C O S E, 3 - H B A N D L A C T A T E L E V E L S W E R E N O T S I G N I F I C A N T L Y A L T E R E D.T H I S M A Y B E E X P L A I N E D B Y A N I N C R E A S E IN C E R E B R A Lb l o o d f l ow w h i c h p r o v i d e s g l u c o s e t o t h e b r a i n, s u f f i c i e n t t o ma i n t a i n n o rma l g l u c o s e me t a b o l i Sm d u r i n g a c u t e h y p o g l y c em.

Well, I will try to avoid the hypos, and above all eat my head :)

tica's profile photo
08/16/2012 6:21 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


How are you girls ???I see that more or less not ??Today I call the Conult and still have no one, I have to wait for 21 yes or yes but good.I see that holidays well right ???I want to return to the routine, to see if my curro partner comes back soon.
I continue with hypers, this morning I saw a 90 !!I didn't see it for 2 weeks !!God who wants to go to the end to see what he says ...

pachu109's profile photo
08/16/2012 5:01 p.m.
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90 ??90 is not a hyper !!I change it to you for my 180 !!!hahaha

kekiya's profile photo
08/17/2012 4:59 a.m.
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Thank you all for the animals, the truth is that I am very lively and that helps a lot.
Tica, do not eat your head, I see that with pregnancy it is impossible to maintain normal values, each doctor will tell you one thing, and I would not read on the Internet, think that everything will come out well.
Pachu, 90 is a great value, it is not hyper.Let's see what they tell you 21.
Kekiya, TB with high glycemias?Let's see if the heat is going to be, which TB influences.
Sugared, to see if you have given in the target, you will tell us, you have done the homework and very well, hehehey
A lot

anabeg's profile photo
08/17/2012 9:40 a.m.
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