{'en': 'My reflections on diabetes and whatever', 'es': 'Mis reflexiones sobre la diabetes y lo que le rodea'} Image

My reflections on diabetes and whatever

HanSolo's profile photo   06/07/2013 6:59 a.m.

Hello, we expect those results and sensations transmitted, which we already know that the theory is one thing, and the practice is another.What counts is ... opinions.

Meanwhile, and not for getting prominence to the flash (more would be missing), today I have tested measurements (the truth is that I never did or gave it importance, but as I have time ...), 3 glucometer measurements -Tomorrow, noon, and now in the afternoon- that I have even taken repeated, to reach this data.

Link You have the photos with the measures

Tomorrow, Mark 78, Leo 72, anyway it is in a drop, the errors can be high for the simple reason that the Dexcom reads every 5 minutes, if you show you a value taken 4 minutes ago, and you have a descent, andIt is normal for blood to be different.In this we all agree, I think.

Half morning, mark 127 ... Leo 114 ... but I measure again 1 minute later, 118. I don't know who lies.

And does nothing ... Last measure ... Dexcom 140 ... Glucometer 129 ... I repeat measure with the same drop of blood ... 156. Without a doubt ... for me the Dexcom is much smarter.

The graphs, linear, measurements in general, for me (I insist for me) perfect, for me the dexcom is "ideal".Of course he woke me up at dawn with a hiccAlto already corrected with insulin.

I hope that the flash, and for what Hansolo comments will be so, seems very precise about the glycemia of the traditional meter ... although I do not know to what extent it can be reliable (I do not know how much the measurement takes the flash, if inThe time to pass it through the arm makes an instantaneous measure or does not release the one in memory 1 or 5 minutes ago, or 15, or when read).The important thing is that the measures are reasonable, the graphs too, and the trends too.

Ahhhh, and speaking of the Dexcom, pointing out that for me it is absolutely reliable, marks greatly, of course there are sometimes there are greater differences, for my use, even with them it is perfect (to me to have 230 and that the glucometer marks me 208, or 255, I am not trauma, since I do not thread so fine, the one that is spinning "fine" and gets a disgust because the decxom marks 150 and has 138 for example, or 165 in an analytical, then possibly these systems are notfor him).

And last detail: we talked about the Dexcom Seven Plus, an obsolete device with the 7 -year a whoppingRecent battery, at the end of life errors appear and loses precision-, using an expired sensor a little less than 2 years ago (you already know that for the Seven Plus they are not manufactured).Ahhh, and the sensor put on my left side, the bad, the one who "marks" me worse ...
That said, for me, dexcom ... I embroider (although I understand that there are people who complain, that the sensors last little, mark them badly ... each one is a world and the behavior is not the same in different people).


pabloj2000's profile photo
09/08/2014 4:19 p.m.



Pabloj2000 have ever compared the results of your Onetouch Ultraeasy, with any other meter?

I made a comparison between 4 meters: Link

And the Onetouch Ultraeasy turned out to be the worst meter in history.I don't know if it was my unit that was wrong, but trusting Dexcom's calibration in that meter if it is as bad as mine ...

Sherpa41's profile photo
09/08/2014 5:50 p.m.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?


Hi Sherpa41, because I have not compared it, but I do not discuss your results.I also have the ultra2 but I do not use it by slowing and size, the ultra -asy likes for speed and size, it is comfortable in that format.I will try to do some double test ... but even so, of the glucometers, the truth, I do not trust (and it makes me funny that "therapeutic" decisions can be made with them, because they fail and mark badly ... in fact thanks to theDexcom is when I began to realize how bad they were going, since I used to have the idea that they were "infallible").I have been for many years -about 8 or so, I have not changed it-

And since you say it, because you are right, calibrate the Dexcom with a glucometer that is no longer reliable ... it sounds almost weird :).But I am clear that in this diabetes it is all "by eye", or as the joke says ... What is more reliable, a rolex of 120,000 euros or a "Chinese" standing clock?;)


pabloj2000's profile photo
09/08/2014 6:05 p.m.



Pabloj2000 I am more and more happy to have stopped putting the sensor in the belly, the next site I will try on the side at the height of the chest and in the arm I do not think I can, it gives me a stick that the thread gets intoThe muscle.On Facebook on a Dexcom page I have seen that they also put it on the float as we usually call the side between the back and the belly, although sincerely he does not convince me since the rubbing of the clothes is continuous.
As I have put in another thread if we had enough strips to do tests and repeat the analysis we would see how to do two, the values ​​can vary up to 60 or 70 several times in a week, always having wasted the first drop of blood and having performed the analyzeswith the second and third gout and on the same finger.

jconegar's profile photo
09/08/2014 7:03 p.m.

Miembro del equipo moderador del foro.

Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)

Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.

Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ


We eat our nails to know your first impressions, Óscar.
I have already seen the photographs on Instagram and your answers on the blog.Let's see if tomorrow you get rid of the Margarita ...

Thanks for your dedication.I assure you that, from here it is price.

aaandres's profile photo
09/11/2014 7:39 a.m.

Padre de Andrés, 17 años. Debut: septiembre de 2011.
Levemir (30ud. mañana y 24ud. noche) y Novorapid (en desayuno, comida, merienda y cena 40ud aprox - 24HC/día).
Medidor continuo DEXCOM G4 desde julio 2014
Hemo: 6.2 (Sept. 2013), 7.0 (Dic. 2013), 6.9 (Marzo 2014), 6,6 (Junio 2014), 6,7 (Sept. 2014), 7,0 (Dic. 2014), 7,7 (Mar 2015), 6,9 (Jul. 2015), 7,0 (Sept 2015), 7,4 (Dic 2015), 6,8 (Mar 2016), 6,6 (Julio 2016), 6,8 (Octubre2016)... 7,0 (Mar 2018)


Pablo, first of all, to say that I have no conflict of interest with Abbott.I do not charge, nor do I sell them anything, I am not interested in promoting them.I am only a person who wants to provide people with diabetes with maximum information.And as I have had access to different meters and I know their characteristics, I explain them and give my analysis.And I can tell you that in the studies that have been done so far, the Navigator of Abbott was the most reliable in almost all areas of comparison.And Freestyle is the improved heir of the Navigator.That is, the wicker are unbeatable.

I don't understand what you mean that Dexcom is more "intelligent."Can you explain it to me?In my humble opinion, I don't believe it.To start, you have to calibrate it, and the more times, the better.Free does not require a single calibration.

Free measures 4 times per minute.And take the average of those measurements.If you pass the device for the sensor every minute, you can see that the figures change (if your glycemia changes, of course).In turn, every 15 minutes it takes an improved mean of those 15 previous measurements and stores it in memory.As for its accuracy, if you have seen my publications on my Facebook page Link and on Instagram Link the results are quite spectacular at the moment.Tomorrow I will publish a first analysis of the device after a week of use, with accuracy figures.

The Dexcom has a problem (which is in turn a small "advantage" but very quoted): that the duration of the sensor can be stretched, and not in free.It is quoted because it is worth, it allows you to save a little in sensors (by the way, at a demential price compared to free), but at the same time the accuracy plummeted and the incongruities in the values ​​are triggered as the days go by.That is so and it is the risk of stretching a sensor.But what is an MCG of if your values ​​are under suspicion from the seventh day?The truth, right now free surpasses G4 Dexcom.But I would like to see serious studies in which the free appears (which will be shortly) and see the accuracy of all the systems.

In any case, Dexcom and Medtronic must put the batteries.Abbott has not only created a device (it seems that) precise, but also much, much cheaper than its rivals.Compare the thousand and peak euros against the 59 of the free is laughing.Abbott loses money with his device?Do others have an exorbitant price?I fear that it is the second.I think that all patients in any case, we will win with this new rivalry if Abbott has some success in his new device.And the Glucotrack is also on the scene, which does not even require puncturing and spending is that of a single ear clip every six months.The thing moves ... finally.

HanSolo's profile photo
09/11/2014 9:47 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


I am lucky that I can lengthen the Dexcom sensors up to four weeks, but with a "small" problem, an infection in the area.The last one was perfect, but at two and a half weeks I started at night because I could no longer endure pain ... I hope these are designed to take them 14 days, because I have already taken 3 Q when I take them away and I have toGive it antibiotic ointment ... in what I do not notice that the figures deviate more than normal, which still makes me more angry to remove it.I have not seen sensor failure for months, or I fall or take it for pain ...

tica's profile photo
09/11/2014 12:07 p.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


Hello ... Hansolo, when he said "intelligent" I mean that the glucometer itself gives two different measurements, and the Dexcom stays in the middle.It is a specific case, but in mine, I trust Dexcom than from the glucometer (sometimes they want to calibrate the glucometer with the dexcom¡¡¡¡).

Of the Abbott, of course, 4 measurements per minute is impressive, and yes, it is a lot, without a doubt, which allows many values, so that the graphs, the more data, the better.Of course, we remember it again, it is not MGC, it is not working until you pass it, it is as if a dexcom or Guardian turns it off, and only ignite it promptly.I still say that the MGC has to be your guardian angel, that is, to be able to take it in my pocket, and make your normal life.And when you whistle, you look at it.

In my case, the ABBOTT would only serve for economic issues, I would have to be passing it every 10 minutes, it is not viable, I do not "understand" my blood glucose, it is the dexcom that translates it by warning me.The Dexcom for me is artificial medium, I manually inject me or as (pity of the injectable glucagon) to correct it as it asks me.

On the advantage of the Dexcom ... as you say, it is partial, but it is total if you know how to use it.I mean, for me, I insist, for me, fighting you with the sensor's duration is wasting time, as you say, it ceases to be MCG.I have learned it many years ago.So the dexcom, hard, what lasts for each person, and there is no leaf turn, there are a few that take 3 or 4 weeks, 2 weeks marking well, they could be 3, but as the 3rd would be a continuous fight with the ???, disappearances of arrows, etc ... step.So in my case, it's 2 weeks working well.To another will last 7 days and from there bad.

So that each one has to try to know what he faces.

If we talk about money, of course, Abbott is cheaper, nothing, cheaper.
If we talk about consumables (I do not enter the purchase of the device), the ABBOTT supposedly is 59 euros x 2 weeks = rounding, 120 euros per month.There are no more expenses.

The Dexcom is 370 euros the box, but let's say you are a user and make the subscription (7 boxes at the price of 6) = 2220 euros for 7 boxes, the box at 317 euros.

I put myself in my case, each with their performance can have better costs or worse:
317 euros = 1Ceja = 2 months (I insist, in my case, and running well at 2 weeks, step of stretching anything, I want mcg.

that is, Abbot's flash costs 240 euros 2 months ... and the Dexcom 317 euros.
Of course, in the amortization there is a detail, the transmitter, which we put rounding an average of 10 months, the last ones that I have seen sold them to 390, that is, 39 euros per extra month to amortize it and always have a transmitter.That by the way, it is a shit, the new transmitter, for its duration (3 times less or more than that of Seven) and by size, since the Seven is tiny and you do not know.

Let's go back to maintenance numbers:
240 euros every 2 months Abbot
317 euros every 2 months dexcom +78 of transmitter amortization = 395 euros.

that is, 120 euros per month the Abbott, and 198 the Dexcom

That said, none seems cheap, the Abbott is cheaper, but it is not McG ... and now the question comes ... pay 120 euros without being in real time and without alarms ... or pay 78 euros more a month, and have real time and alarms?

Honestly ... If I have to pay 120 euros, it does not seem cheap, and put to pay that, pay 78 euros more per month because I need continuous medication.

And we no longer enter the hypothetical case that I already told you, of "equality" of price (imagine that your cousin gets in the USA at the same price as the Abbott, for example?)

Abbott for me, in the market, is a bit out of course, in the land ofNo one ... is expensive.Of course Dexcom or Guardian are more expensive, but they also offer more things, although their price is unjustifiable in our society.

For me the flash abbott will make sense and a clear justification when it costs 0, that is, the Social Security ... meanwhile, I do not pay 120 euros per month, if for 198 euros, and at the price of rate, I have medicationContinue (I speak of my case, if you last the Snes a week ... bad matter ... but as a few take 3 and 4 ... it turns out that the Abbott is more expensive

Of course, the receiver's price is missing, 60 euros in Abbot, and 650 in Dexcom (crazy), I do not enter amortizations, which could, because both are not consumable.But we will also have to see "the price ... remember that the Dexcom kit when they arrived in Spain was offered at 500 euros (transmitter and receiver).

I am that I am a lot to analyze the figures coldly, the manufacturer does not give me anything, rather it takes me out, and moreover, I try to take advantage of everything I can, and I do it ... economizing enough its cost.

Of course I will surely end up in an Abbott, but it will be:
-The cost 0 financed by the SS
-The Abbott Free II with continuous measurement (real time, levels of levels and arrows)

Greetings and thanks for the report!

pabloj2000's profile photo
09/11/2014 1:27 p.m.



ahh, from Navigator II -No the 1- of Abbott I have heard some good experience.But for some reason that I do not know, his presence is absolutely minority, almost even difficult to get (in Spain I think nothing).For me the only "but" is the size of the transmitter (that of the G4 is already a "shit" and is small next to it), and the use if I am not mistaken, of rigid needle, but as Hansolo has put in theFacebook that I have read, the free does not carry a rigid needle if not filament, which is another clear success.

Of course I like to have no needle, the measurement every 15 seconds is impressive, the sensor size itself seems reasonable ...


pabloj2000's profile photo
09/11/2014 1:57 p.m.



Here you have the review about free freestyle.


HanSolo's profile photo
09/12/2014 4:30 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Hansolo said:
Here you have the review about free freestyle.

I had thought to buy the Dexcom past summer, but when I saw the first news of this device I changed opinion, for what I see I have done very well.

It is really fantastic.After reading you the review I have a crazy desire to have it on my arm.:)

Sherpa41's profile photo
09/12/2014 5:32 a.m.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?


Thanks Óscar.I have two questions:

- In that 31% of measures above 5% deviation, have you found really weird things like a 150 when it should be 200 or were all reasonable deviations?
- How long does it "recover" when you are in a period of great variability?I explain: you say that in rapid ups or down the value it gives is not credible.When does it begin to be credible?

Thank you.

aaandres's profile photo
09/12/2014 6:52 a.m.

Padre de Andrés, 17 años. Debut: septiembre de 2011.
Levemir (30ud. mañana y 24ud. noche) y Novorapid (en desayuno, comida, merienda y cena 40ud aprox - 24HC/día).
Medidor continuo DEXCOM G4 desde julio 2014
Hemo: 6.2 (Sept. 2013), 7.0 (Dic. 2013), 6.9 (Marzo 2014), 6,6 (Junio 2014), 6,7 (Sept. 2014), 7,0 (Dic. 2014), 7,7 (Mar 2015), 6,9 (Jul. 2015), 7,0 (Sept 2015), 7,4 (Dic 2015), 6,8 (Mar 2016), 6,6 (Julio 2016), 6,8 (Octubre2016)... 7,0 (Mar 2018)


Excellent review, first of all thank you for bothering you in writing it.However, I disagree in certain parts.

First of all, the "problem" to take off, it seems to me the most normal in the world, that is, there are no miracles, or I would not wait for them, any dressing, before or then, falls, we will advance in manyThings, but in that, I think not.

Of course you will end up as you commented at the time with the Dexcom, "mummifying" in some way or another, you have to devise some system.The arm is certainly a complicated area, even if you sweat less.It is complicated because in my view, it cannot be used in summer, or when you wear short sleeve, because it is a way of stigmatizing the diabetic (and I am clear that the Abbott even if they say no, it has to be able to put in the bellyor another site, since if for whatever it is, it is mandatory in the arm, for me, I insist, for me, bad matter in 3 months of the year -Galicia is not Seville, but those who live in the south ...-)And you know what I speak, people do not stop looking at you, and look at it, there is no need to provoke that, and secondly, put the bandage as someone has commented, you need help, although sometimes we manage to do it, certainly, theBetter results is with help.

In my case, the Fixomull and the designed sponge works perfectly to me, I also have to say that this is learned with practice.The same as not stretching more than the sensor really works well, I have also learned these almost 7 years from Dexcom, to protect the sensor at the same time of putting it, nothing to endure until it starts to take off, etc ...I put new, I can sleep one night without fixomull, but the next day, perfectly stuck I already put it with the sponge, and there it stays until the end.Again, for me, fight to stop, special glue (which I already tried), etc ... is to waste time, but I insist, each person is a world.

And returning to the device itself ... I remain very skeptical, and almost pessimistic with any manufacturer (Dexcom takes us as fools ... and with the G4 even much more! What a goal they put us, they laugh at us).

We are not going to enter the debate of whether it is continuous measurement or not, for you it can be, for me, no ... let's say it is continuous measurement ... in deferred :)

You comment that the measurement is simple, and it seems so ... passing the receiver through the arm ... and that even so easy that you even pass it almost 50 times a day! This sounds great to me, but, but, butAnd I get pessimistic or realistic ... I think, and I think, that this sounds good with the novelty, the test, the first days ... that you comment, over time it will be a nuisance! Notice thatIn my case, sometimes, just look at the Dexcom screen when I whistle, it laziness, I am entertaining in gardening in my house ... whistle ... "now you don't bother me" ....

Honestly, what you now look so frequently, the reality is that in the day to day you will end up "passing" enough, that is, you will have quite spaced measurements and values, which will serve as a reference to know what you did, the result, etc ... Without a doubt, but that at all it will serve as continuous measurement in order to avoid hypos or hypers, because you will not have looked at it.

If you have to spend 50 times a day, which are every 15 minutes for eg for 12 hours ... to have usable arrows and values ​​in continuous measurement ... you end up being a slave of the device.I insist, in the end, over time, the boredom will take its toll, that is my experience.

And not only that, having to make that "simple" movement can "touch your noses", running, or for my experience, I go on a motorcycle ... I take the Dexcom in view in an overdexy bag or in thePocket, which I take with one hand and see value ... It is not comfortable, it is more comfortable than a glucose measurement, of course, but as a continuous medication, I already tell you that it is not.

And returning to the price, I continue to say that it is expensive, and that Dexcom is charisimo but proportionally, equally expensive (more expensive, but surveillance).

And with this as you ask you in another message ... analyze this situation:
The SS facilitates the continuous meter you want, at cost 0. Which one do you stay?Then we are already talking about the price, important, but not of benefits.

And I add ... the Dexcom Seven Plus, with almost 7 years in the market, still looks like "superior", and more, if Dexcom wanted to compete, to get the Seven Plus again at a smaller price (it is a meterWith monochrome screen, without politicians, etc ...), and sells the sensors at 300 euros, Abbott is out of play.
Because not only the Seven Plus to Abbot seems superior, it seems superior to G4, perhaps not in operation with an unapprecable difference in values, if not cost, the "shit" of the transmitter and its 10 months ... Pufff ...More (if they improve something clearly and reduce cost, transmits that last 2-3 years, etc ... then I will find it justified).If you make the numbers with a Seven Plus and a transmitter that lasts that ... the monthly cost is almost the same as the Abbott.

What happens is that as you say ... they take us out the iPhone4 ... now the same 5 that has a much better screen, but in the light of day it looks worse and the battery lasts less ... and like crazyTo buy it ...

Dexcom is teaching us, I think about it deeply ... imposing changes that clearly benefit them, and we are very important disbursement, in exchange for absolutely marginal improvements.

About prices ... what has been said, you have to analyze everything with tweezers, and make numbers.Nor should we be blinded with "promotions" of launch (remember Dexcom also did so at the time, Seven or G4 included), because ... 60 euros is a definitive price?then will it have another?60 euros per sensor now and always?or is it offer?In the case of the sensors, I am clear that it will always be so, or they will have to lower them more, since as I say, cheap, they are not at all.

On the devices, indeed the purchase of the Dexcom is infinitely more expensive, but ... it can be cheaper, right now the fellow Fer of the forum, is for sale a Dexcom and I know that at a good price.

And hopefully the people who use Dexcom changed to Abbott ... Second -hand devices will begin to appear at a good price, even subscription sensors or people who had them saved, little more than Abbott's sensors ....

What I think - and already had news - is that sooner or later, the Abbott will enter, it seems likely and logical, Abbott as a laboratory that sells strips, may present the convenient offer for the one that uses more than 5 toDay for example ... Dexcom is an American laboratory, focused on its market, and also has no other glucia products or meters.As soon as the SS gives it to it, there, between paying almost 200 euros per month, and not paying anything, it is clear!

Let's win, all ... :)


pabloj2000's profile photo
09/12/2014 8:52 a.m.



Pablo, so you have in your case it is not useful ... but for thousands of people surely.Compared to what we have now, it is a great advance ... We can look at the times we want without having to click.Many times it is not laziness, it is the time when you are ... it is much more discreet to pass the device through the reader, than the "scandal" that is the drop of blood ... which sometimes seems that it never endsto leave ... with the inconveniences that it has.I hate having to measure myself in the gym .....

It seems to me a great invention, but let's be realistic ... neither is the panacea nor is it shit.There will be those who want to take advantage of him, and others who, however, see that they are high/bass ... they will give them the same, in each of us is to take care of us or not.

mimbek's profile photo
09/12/2014 9:30 a.m.
No signature configured, update it from user's profile.


You are absolutely right, if it seems to me a great advance! And I am looking forward to the SS of (in the absence of a real MCG which is what I need).

But you have to remember that what we have now are the glucose strips that you say, it is a scandal, without a doubt, that if you take out the case, boat, measures, throw, keep ... but you also have to take into account thatThat for us has a cost 0, or almost 0.

When you have to pay, and quite, then ... you have to analyze everything well.But of course each person is a world, and what is doing well, not another, and vice versa.The interesting thing is to have the option.

By the way Hansolo ... we will try to "extend" life, that this is what interests us ... I understand that the sensor comes for 14 days, at some point I suppose it is initialized, at which time you read theNFC and those 14 days are activated ", at which time it says" Sensor "(all this are my assumptions).If you tell the same sensor, he will say "Tururú", it is clear that he has saved his serial number, reference, etc ... Then you put another sensor, and you active it, ok ... Do not throw the old man!

I would like to believe, to use some cache or small memory, but that - although I fear no, for trying - to store a small record, 2 or 3 sensors.This happens with some printers and their cartridges, memorize the cartridge so that you do not "relax", but if you make the change with 3 empty cartridges passing one after another, that memory is emptied, and the first already recognizes it as new.

Therefore, keep that sensor, and you get another ... and I would try another one ... with the 3rd that is over ... try to activate it with the first (this one that has fallen), if youHe gives it as ok ... you spend the second (you have taken) and then ... you spend the one you have put in the body.It could be a way to stretch it if I had that little memory.Although being an intelligent device, it gives me that it will have a good database (come on, will store all), and the subject would be to access the device, to this database, to modify or delete it ... everythingIt will walk.If something spabila, it is the need!


pabloj2000's profile photo
09/12/2014 9:49 a.m.



aaandres said:
thanks Óscar.I have two questions:

- In that 31% of measures above 5% deviation, have you found really weird things like a 150 when it should be 200 or were all reasonable deviations?
- How long does it "recover" when you are in a period of great variability?I explain: you say that in rapid ups or down the value it gives is not credible.When does it begin to be credible?

Thank you.

Hello Aaandres, I have answered you on the blog.Your question is good.Better that the answer is there for people to read it.

HanSolo's profile photo
09/12/2014 9:59 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Let's see, now talking about all this, then the free measure goes 15 minutes late and that of the Dexcom with 5 minutes or how is the thing going?Do you throw them if they give you the value of the moment?

BanHop's profile photo
09/12/2014 10:14 a.m.
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Pabloj2000 said:
Excellent review, first of all thank you for bothering you in writing it.However, I disagree in certain parts.

First of all, the "problem" to take off, it seems to me the most normal in the world, that is, there are no miracles, or I would not wait for them, any dressing, before or then, falls, we will advance in manyThings, but in that, I think not.

It is a problem that the sensors take off, look where you look.Logical?Well, relatively.Maybe I would say better than "expected" seeing what happens to the rest.But they should work in that aspect.

Pabloj2000 said:
Of course you will end up as you commented at the time with the Dexcom, "mummifying" in some way or another, you have to devise some system.The arm is certainly a complicated area, even if you sweat less.It is complicated because in my view, it cannot be used in summer, or when you wear short sleeve, because it is a way of stigmatizing the diabetic (and I am clear that the Abbott even if they say no, it has to be able to put in the bellyor another site, since if for whatever it is, it is mandatory in the arm, for me, I insist, for me, bad matter in 3 months of the year -Galicia is not Seville, but those who live in the south ...-)And you know what I speak, people do not stop looking at you, and look at it, there is no need to provoke that, and secondly, put the bandage as someone has commented, you need help, although sometimes we manage to do it, certainly, thebetter results is with help.

The gut always has more sweating than the arm.Therefore, I keep my arm as the best option.

Pabloj2000 said:
In my case, the Fixomull and the designed sponge works perfectly, I must also say that this is learned with practice.The same as not stretching more than the sensor really works well, I have also learned these almost 7 years from Dexcom, to protect the sensor at the same time of putting it, nothing to endure until it starts to take off, etc ...I put new, I can sleep one night without fixomull, but the next day, perfectly stuck I already put it with the sponge, and there it stays until the end.Again, for me, fight to stop, special glue (which I already tried), etc ... is to waste time, but I insist, each person is a world.

It's true.Each person will have to do with how much he takes off (if he takes off, that nothing will happen to him).It depends on the skin of the person, their hair, their level of activity, their sweating ... and the gods.

Pabloj2000 said:
and returning to the device itself ... I remain very skeptical, and almost pessimistic with any manufacturer (Dexcom takes us for fools ... and with the G4 even much moreThey put us, laugh at us).

It is continuous full -fledged measurement.Do not see it in the receiver more than when you escape, it is a detail that differentiates it.But reading is continuous.The concept of these devices is called continuous measurement because they measure continuously, not continuous visualization.And this ABBOTT apparatus reads continuously, even many more times than the Dexcom that you defend with such vehemence.and that the Guardian.

Pabloj2000 said:
comment that the measurement is simple, and it seems so ... pass the receiver through the arm ... and that even so easy that you even pass it almost 50 times a day!This sounds great to me, but, and I get pessimistic or realistic ... I think, and I think, that this sounds good with the novelty, the test, the first days ... what you comment, over time it will beA nuisanceNow don't bother me ".... at 5Minutes I whistle again "Joer that I am entertaining now" ... and nothing, I just looked at him, and just look at him!

Well, looking at the Dexcom or Medtronic screen is not only simple, but convenient.Waiting for me to be because I am in hypoglycemia is in my opinion an error.A hypoglycemia is by definition a failure of therapy, with all the asterisks you want to put to this phrase.And you have to avoid them yes or yes.That the device whips me the same: I cannot wait for that value to arrive.And any of the existing 3 now allows us to avoid it.That is the advantage of having a continuous meter: avoid glycemic peaks, both above and below, and anticipate.

Pabloj2000 said:
Pabloj2000 said:
Honestly, what you now look so frequently, the reality is that in the day to day you will end "passing" enough, that is, you will have quite spaced measurements and values, which will serve you as a referenceTo know what you did, the result, etc ... without a doubt, but that at all will serve you as continuous measurement in order to avoid hypos or hypers, because you will not have looked at it.

What you say that with the time "passes" to look (in reality what you do is look at something less than the first days) can happen to all continuous meters.And the answer is easy.Because?Because you learn from yourself: from your glycemic behavior, how the different meals upload, your daily patterns ... but you always keep looking, because as you know, every day in diabetes is different, and the information provided by aMcG is very valuable.

Pabloj2000 said:
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If you have to spend 50 times a day, which are every 15 minutes for 12 hours ... to have usable arrows and values ​​in continuous measurement ... you end up being a slave to the device.I insist, in the end, over time, the boredom will take its toll, that is my experience.

What an obsession.You are just as "slave" looking at your dexcom who spending free through the arm.The difference is a simple gesture of more in free ... and thousands of euros less in your pocket with respect to mine XDDDDDDD

Pabloj2000 said:
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And not only that, having to make that "simple" movement can "touch your noses", running, or for my experience, I go on a motorcycle ... I carry the Dexcom in view in a bagOverdexing or in the pocket, which I take with one hand and see value ... It is not comfortable, it is more comfortable than a glucose measurement, of course, but as a continuous measurement, I already tell you that I do not.

I go on a motorcycle and never recommend that practice.Unless you are one of those few people who have completely asymptomatic and very fulminant hypoglycemia (I don't know, you are still in that group).That type of people simply should stop driving (and in fact the law can prohibit it if that happens to them).In the other cases, I do not see at all necessary to look at the value.You look at it before starting ... You can look at it when you make a stop on your way ... or if it is a trip, stop expressly to look at the blood glucose (recommended).But going looking at the device ... is exaggerated and unnecessary.

Pabloj2000 said:
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and returning to the price, I continue to say that it is expensive, and that Dexcom is very consistent but proportionally, just as expensive (more expensive, but surveillance).

The concept of expensive and cheap is subjective.That must be taken into account.But for a majority of people, I understand that any expense is expensive, because things are as they are.€ 120 per month is money and many will not be able to afford it, but infinitely more bearable than their two competitors.If I have to choose right now, I do not doubt me a millisecond.

Pabloj2000 said:
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and with this as you ask you in another message ... analyze this situation:
The SS facilitates the continuous meter you want, toCost 0. Which one do you stay?Then we are already talking about the price, important, but not of benefits.

If any zero cost gives them to me, I am left with the free.It has demonstrated more accuracy than competitors.both in the official figures given by brands and in the independent studies that have been made, where the Navigator was above.The G4 is smaller now, but it is still a dead.And that of Medtronic screams for both hardware (pump housing, pump miniplop, amazing) and software.Free does not need to calibrate, it guarantees exact values ​​from day 1 to 14, lasts more its sensor (without artificial stretching full of ??? and incongruous values), the sensor is more comfortable to carry, lighter, do not find out thanYou carry it, the AGP management software is better with its trend indication algorithms, the applicator is in-child-ta-men better than Dexcom and much better than Medtronic ... I better leave it there, that IThe fingers hurt.

Pabloj2000 said:
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And I add ... the Dexcom Seven Plus, with almost 7 years in the market, it still seems "superior", and moreover, if Dexcom wanted to compete, to take out the Seven Plus againAt a smaller price (it is a meter with monochrome screen, without politicians, etc ...), and sells the sensors at 300 euros, Abbott is out of play.
Because not only the Seven Plus to Abbot seems superior, it seems superior to G4, perhaps not in operation with an unapprecable difference in values, if not cost, the "shit" of the transmitter and its 10 months ... Pufff ...More (if they improve something clearly and reduce cost, transmits that last 2-3 years, etc ... then I will find it justified).If you make the numbers with a Seven Plus and a transmitter that lasts that ... the monthly cost is almost the same as the Abbott.

That is like saying that a Pentium is better than a quad core.It has been more than clear that free is above benefits, accuracy, cost, maintenance, etc.Will you not have dexcom Inc actions?I start thinking about it :-)

Pabloj2000 said:
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What happens is that as you say ... they take out the iPhone4 ... now the same 5 that has a much better screen, but that in the light of the day is worse and the batterylasts less ... and like crazy to buy it ...
Dexcom is teaching us, I think about it ... imposing changes that clearly benefit them, and we are very important disbursement, in exchange for absolutely marginal improvements.

For me they do not tease.Medtronic in his day could ask for what he wanted for the Guardian.Because?Simple, Market Law.It was the only one.Then Dexcom arrives;Small company that costs much more money the development of its new system, and the price as it is logical, it has to be high.And as they have a very small demand, prices have not only lowered, but uploaded.And now Abbott arrives with superior technology and a better accuracy.A new continuous meter approach.What decision to adopt?They could have put it € 300 (for putting a price) and would still remain much more accessible than its rivals.But they have opted for a strategy that printer manufacturers know well: the business is not in the device, but in its consumables.Therefore, we must manufacture at the lowest possible cost, without large waste in materials, design, etc., and offer it at a demolition price.And you've already tied that consumer.It seems like a good idea.And besides that we could all benefit, because if this deviceTriumph, the price will fall.

Pabloj2000 said:
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About prices ... what has been said, you have to analyze everything with tweezers, and make numbers.Nor should we be blinded with "promotions" of launch (remember Dexcom also did so at the time, Seven or G4 included), because ... 60 euros is a definitive price?then will it have another?60 euros per sensor now and always?or is it offer?In the case of the sensors, I am clear that it will always be so, or they will have to lower them more, since as I say, cheap, they are not at all.

It gives the feeling as this progress gives you rage, really.€ 60 The receiver, € 60 the sensor.There are no deceptions.I understand that it hurts, but it is like when I bought my laptop (from which I write to you now).It was an HP cucumber, all luxury on the outside and benefits inside.But 5 years have passed and today I am looking for another because it cannot with many programs.It is what there is, Pablo.We cannot fight that.The numbers are incontestable.And free wins by the others: 1000 to 59. That is the result of the game in which Abbott wins (well, there is more than 1000 what the Dexcom costs).And here there are no emitters to change, which is another shameful sablazo every year.

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About the devices, effectively the purchase of the Dexcom is infinitely more expensive, but ... it can be cheaper, right now the fellow fer of the forum, is for sale a dexcom and I know thatat a good price.

... well for you.I do not buy a Dexcom today used by hundreds of euros having a new free for € 59 or clown dress, come on ...

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and hopefully the people who use Dexcom changed to Abbott ... Second -hand devices will begin to appear at a good price, even subscription sensors or people who had them saved, little more than the sensorsof Abbott ....

The good thing about all this - I don't know if I said it here or elsewhere, I have answered this post one hour - is that we will all benefit from this novelty.Or the others move or the market is abbott.And the prices are what they are.If there are sales, they do not go up.It is the law of supply and demand.

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What I think - and already had news - is that sooner or later, the abbott will enter, it seems likely and logical, Abbott as a laboratory that sells strips, you can present the convenient offerFor those who use more than 5 a day by ex ... Dexcom is an American laboratory, focused on its market, and also has no other glucia products or meters.As soon as the SS gives it to it, there, between paying almost 200 euros per month, and not paying anything, it is clear!

I am clear (and I have also said this to the questions they have asked me somewhere) that the SNS will put the sensors in their benefits.Because on the one hand, there are already studies that support that the continuous measurement allows to improve the control of diabetes, and on the other, because certain type 1 (eye, an MCG is not suitable for all) will be assumed to give 2 sensors per monthinstead of 4 boxes of strips (as they give me right now).If today I had to go to the pharmacy for material paying me from my pocket, I would spend € 200 on strips against € 120 in free sensors.Striking, right?Against science you cannot fight.And it is inevitable that these consumables end up entering the SNS.Although it will cost.

I think it is the post that has taken me the most time in the many years that I have been in this for forums ...

HanSolo's profile photo
09/12/2014 11:19 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Banhop said:
Let's see, now speaking of all this, then the free measure goes 15 minutes late and that of the Dexcom with 5 minutes or how does the thing go?Do you throw them if they give you the value of the moment?

Free happens to all interstitial reading meters (Dexcom, Medtronic and Abbott): they have a delay of about ten minutes with respect to blood glucose.It is more or less that it takes for the concentration of glucose to reach all blood vessels and tissues and stabilize.That is why when these devices are more reliable it is always in times of glycemic stability: that is, in the pre.And they are not reliable (or rather, they are delayed) when there is insulin in their maximum "power", or in moments of free fall towards a hypo, or when we have eaten and will rise quickly, or when we do sports ...

HanSolo's profile photo
09/12/2014 11:23 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


Mimbek said:
Pablo, so you have in your case it is not useful ... but for thousands of people surely.Compared to what we have now, it is a great advance ... We can look at the times we want without having to click.Many times it is not laziness, it is the time when you are ... it is much more discreet to pass the device through the reader, than the "scandal" that is the drop of blood ... which sometimes seems that it never endsto leave ... with the inconveniences that it has.I hate having to measure myself in the gym .....

It seems to me a great invention, but let's be realistic ... neither is the panacea nor is it shit.There will be those who want to take advantage, and others who, however much they see that they are high/low ... They will give them the same, in each of us is to take care of us or not.

Objectively it is good: because on the one hand, it improves accuracy and for another, price.They are already two fundamental aspects.It is not the panacea because an MCG does not fix anything about your diabetes.You have to know how to interpret that data and take advantage of them.That is why I insist that an MCG is not suitable for all, in the same way that it is not an insulin bomb.

HanSolo's profile photo
09/12/2014 11:25 a.m.

ISCI / debut: 1986 / HbA1c: 5,5%


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