For a universal health

olmo's profile photo   11/18/2012 4:37 p.m.

Community of Madrid: consultation for universal health ....

Source: Link ... IES9bem43/

Great participation in the consultation on the sanitary outsourcing of Madrid with more than 920,000 votes

Workers, citizens and unions called the referendum.
You have to add another 157,467 votes collected online from all over Spain

The consultation of the consultation for public health has managed to gather in less than a week 920,987 voters in 1,837 tables enabled by different parts of the Community of Madrid, according to the data collected by the organizers of this initiative.

The organizers have also promoted a 'virtual' consultation so that citizens who want to do so could also express their opinion on the externalization process.We must add another 157,467 votes collected online from all over Spain, including 55,924 votes of Madrid, 12,686 of Citizens of Valencia, 5,168 of Alicante, 4,905 of Barcelona, ​​3,971 of the province of Vizcaya and 3,803 from Las Palmas.

The consultation concluded this Friday.It was organized by members of groups such as the 'White Marea', 15-M and various assembly movements so that the company is pronounced on the process of outsourcing six hospitals and 27 health centers promoted by the Regional Executive.

"Are you in favor of a public, quality and universal management health, and against your privatization and the laws that allow it?", Collected the consultation ballot.

The organizers will use the result of the consultation to articulate a citizen initiative that will be sent to the Madrid Assembly, the General Courts and the European Parliament.

In this sense, signatures collection sheets have been designed in accordance with the regulation of the European Parliament, which establishes a period of 18 months for the validity and use of signatures.

Water consultation

This initiative emulates the social consultation of the water that was made against the entry of private capital in the Management Model of Isabel II, where they were deployed with a total of 305 tables and 67,000 people voted.

In addition, it is expected to exceed the participation in this vote, the consultation has the support of more than a hundred organizations, such as all groups linked to the 'White Marea', neighborhood associations, neighborhood assemblies and groups linked to 15-M.

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05/11/2013 10:28 a.m.
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The majority of citizens, as expected, in favor of continuing with the current health system, the counselor, looking for the interests of theirs ...

Even so, the fight continues


The ‘white tide’ moves the debate on the privatization of health

929,903 people (99.4%) are in favor of a public management health and against the privatization of six hospitals and 27 health centers in the region
The next step is to present a citizen initiative to the Assembly of Madrid, the General Courts and the European Parliament, with the support of the political forces of each community of the community

Greetings to the forum!:)

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05/13/2013 4:13 p.m.
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Continuing with the cuts ...

Source: 2,500 public jobs destroyed in four months in Madrid health

The union will sue the privatization of cleaning of 18 health centers before the courts, which will involve the elimination of 300 jobs.

which will imply that more than 7,000 workers will lose their job.

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05/13/2013 8:09 p.m.
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Source: Link ... 92249.html
New Vigo Hospital, the never ending story
The private financing process has been full of traps and irregularities:

The project was presented by the emergency process so as not to have to present a comparative study of the different possibilities of financing and construction of the public infrastructure, unavoidable requirement in the ordinary process.This urgency contrasts with the delay of the start of the work.

On September 27, 2010, the Directorate of Economic Resources of Sergas awarded Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) a contract to advise the evaluation of bidding offers of the new hospital project and for the selection of companies that should finance and build it, for a amount of 220,660 euros.

HeContract was awarded by the consultant to a consortium composed of A.Mediterranean (CAM), entities that at that time had received the worst solvency grades from the Bank of Spain.It is striking that in one of the selected construction companies (OCA) will occupy a position of maximum responsibility the former Consalleiro Agustín Hernández, who subsequently returns to the Government of the Xunta (PP) and that at the beginning of the work the company Erros Santa Cruzwhose unique administrator was Telmo Martín, popular councilor in the City of Pontevedra and the main defender of the privatization of his public hospital and subsequently elected deputy to the Congress by the PP.

To favor the economic ball to these concessionary companies, with a waste of especially serious resources in times of crisis and restrictions in public health, the PWC establishes conditions that force the Department to pay the concessionaire 1,566,4Millions of euros (fee of 71 million euros per year) to which it should be added 256.1 million euros of the parking lot, stores and commercial premises.This means a total of 1,108, 8 million above the public financing (SPI) initially planned.Concessionary companies were guaranteed a business benefit of 8%, without assuming any risk.

Cuts in the PFI project

The initial project contemplated an endowment of 1,465 beds, 35 operating rooms, 160 external consultations and 62 image diagnostic rooms.However, the company of the company in charge of the surveillance and technical assistance of the works, Gerens Hill International, showed that the private project of the hospital was going to have 900 beds.

In subsequent studies of the administration itself it was recognized that the surface was reduced by 70,000 square meters as well as in most of the planned services.

Changes were also introduced into the access roads, in the parking lot, which goes from 4,350 to 3,600 places and in the environmental contour.There are also cuts in the endings of the consultations, operating rooms, ICU, exploration rooms, magnetic resonance rooms, patient rooms, nursery, emergency boxes and other dependencies.There are changes in facades, windows and closures;Modifications in pavements, paintings, interior coatings, false ceilings, fixed furniture and large energy facilities, all with the purpose of lowering costs to construction companies, reducing resources, equipment and construction quality.Despite this, the Canon's amount to be paid by the Public Administration was not modified to private awarding.

On the other hand, the City of Vigo refuses to assume the undertaken of the infrastructure, electricity supply, sanitation and supply, based on the defense of the public nature of the new hospital and disagree with the privatization of the project by the government of the Xunta de la Xunta de la XuntaGalicia.

The center opens repeatedly, but in reality it is stopped

The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, went to Vigo to inaugurate the works of the new hospital on March 21, 2011 - two months and one day before the municipal elections - when the works had not yet started formally, and returned toOpening them on September 20 of that year -two months before the general elections.Despite all the work officially began on June 25, 2011, six months after planning.On that same date the suspension of the start of the calculation of the execution period of the works for three months, such asThe winning company, audited by the consultant Ernst Young.

As a consequence of the abandonment of Bankia and CAM of the work of financing the work, the concessionaire has problems getting credits with which to finance the work.The construction price is calculated at 375 million euros, of which 75% (281) should come from long -term bank loans, according to the bidding contract.The construction companies have already disbursed the 63 million that corresponded to them (20% of the cost) which allowed to initiate the work.However, the lack of liquidity of the concessionaire has forced companies to give money to their own society.On December 20, 2011, shareholders agree a loan of 7.88 million euros and less than a month later (January 12) another 7.88 million, as they have transferred to the Mercantile Registry.

Money partners are sought, which do not appear

To face this economic insolvency situation, the Department of Health has held different meetings with banking entities, although none has agreed to participate in the project.As a consequence, the Xunta de Galicia has requested a credit to the European Investment Bank (BCI) for 180 million euros to finance the work, breaking again the contract (tender) that specified that the financing of the center was at the risk and venture of theConcessionaireIt should be remembered that the justification for resorting to private financing (PFI) was that the Xunta could not borrow and yet it now does so to cover 58% of it.Anyway, the BCI does not give the money if the private part does not face 42% of the 375 million that the hospital's work costs, but neither the concessionaire is unable to face that expense nor are new banks be obtained to invest.

Now, and as if that were not enough, the company works roads and asphalt (OCA) has presented payment suspension, which further aggravates the financial problem of the concessionaire.The construction company OCA has 10 % of the capital (3.1 million euros) of the concessionary company, controlled by acting with 39 % of the capital, and the payments that the construction company does not make will have to take care of the rest of the companies.

For 10 months the works are stopped and it seems that the thing goes for long.

Vigo needs a new hospital urgently

Vigo's care problems accumulate with urgent services in permanent collapse and one of Galicia 'greatest waiting lists: 68.3% of surgical delays exceed the year and 22.8% of cases have more thantwo pending years, with an increase in the last four years of 64%.All this raises the need to have the new hospital as soon as possible.

The logical thing would be that, based on the breach of the NHV tender conditions by the concessionaire, both in terms of the resources and equipment project (which has been reduced by more than 30% on the expected)The execution deadlines and especially of the financing commitment, the Xunta de Galicia denounced the contract and resumes the initial public financing project through the Public Society of Research of Galicia (SPI) with the financial support of the European Investment Bank.This would immediately restart the work and reduce the cost of construction by more than a quarter, in addition to recovering the initial project, providing Vigo with an advanced and reference hospital and guaranteeing the public nature of the center, which would be managed in a mannerintegral by public administration.

Only the ideological stubbornness and unconfessable commitments of Núñez Feijoo, which make it hostage of the concessionaire, explainThe paralysis of this situation, which in an intolerable impact on the health and quality of life of the population of Vigo and its health area.

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05/18/2013 4:31 p.m.
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The resistance against "Latrocinio" continues ..
Community of Madrid:

Source: Link ... 92303.html

Thousands of people defend public health in Madrid

The demonstration has left from the Plaza de Neptuno at 12 noon and has finished at 2:00 p.m. at Puerta del Sol, where a manifesto has read in defense of the Madrid health system.

Greetings to the forum!;)

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05/19/2013 4:02 p.m.
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WHO recommendations ... It is obvious that our disagreements make deaf ears.

Link ... 92390.html

WHO warns that all people must have access to quality health, regardless of their ability to pay

The general director of the World Health Organization has highlighted the need to increase citizens' equity in access to health systems and recalled the importance of social cohesion and stability for guaranteeing good health rates.

Chan has spoke thus during his speech at the World Health Assembly of the WHO, which has begun this Monday, and will last until May 28, its sixth sixth session with the assistance of more than 3,000 participants from the majority delegations of the majorityof member states of the organization.

There, the general director of the organization has highlighted the need to increase the equity of citizens in access to health systems and recalled the importance of social cohesion and stability in order to guarantee good health rates.

Therefore, Chan has advocated contributing to establishing low -cost health policies, focused on the use and promotion of generic medicines, in the commitment to primary care, as well as in the education and training of health professionals.And, he has apostilled, the preventive measures must be the "cornerstone" of any health policy and the worldwide response that is when treating diseases.

"The future that is presented to us is not easy since, for example, not a single country has managed to turn the epidemic of obesity in any age group. Only this example should make us reflect on the importance of adopting policiesadequate.

That said, Chan has "drastically" condemned armed conflicts and acts of violence that are taking place in different parts of the world since, in their opinion, these situations the only thing they do is "increase" the need for greater health care.

In addition, WHO general directory has recognized being aware of the aggressions that are producing health personnel and medical care centers in countries that are in conflict and highlighted the need for the safety of facilities anddoctors is invulnerable.

requires reaching the millennium development goals

"I ask all member states to do everything possible to ensure that health occupies a prominent place in the new development agenda, since it is a measurable indicator of the success of all other development policies. Invest in the health ofpeople is an intelligent strategy for the relief of poverty and, this requires the inclusion of noncommissible diseases and continuing efforts toReach the millennium development objectives (ODM) related to health as of 2015, "he stressed.

In this sense, he has recognized that in the last "thousand days" countries have accelerated their efforts to achieve MDGs, especially those that are related to the health of women and children.In fact, he recalled, WHO and UNICEF have reached last April the plan for the prevention and control of pneumonia and diarrhea.

In addition, Chan has continued, it has been achieved in "tremendous success" in the control of unattended tropical diseases and in the access of HIV treatments."I am very happy to inform that more than nine million people living with AIDS in low and medium income countries have managed to improve their life expectancy thanks to antiretroviral therapies," he said, to comment that this is becauseWHO has progressively simplified approaches and test prices, as well as HIV treatment with the objective that citizens of the poorest countries had access to them.

In this way, WHO general director has reported that next June, the organization will simplify "even more" the access of these treatments thanks to the fact that it will publish new guidelines "reviewed and consolidated" about the use of the useof antiretroviral medications for the treatment and prevention of HIV.

Now, Chan has warned that although progress in the eradication of tuberculosis and malaria has been "encouraging", "more threats" of medications resistance cases are being produced.In fact, "some observers" have assured that the "pre-antibiotics" is taking place again.

"If we are not careful all the achievements won are going to go for the drain. Health assistance cannot be allowed a decline of such magnitude, so we must recognize and respond to the serious threat of resistance to antimicrobials", he has argued.

Similarly, it has underlined the need to eradicate polyomyelitis, remembering that many workers have lost their lives trying to provide vaccines and that, in addition, imports continue to "threaten" the "free" countries of this disease.

Finally, Chan has explained that noncommunicable diseases, mental health and prevention of blindness and visual disability-themes that will be discussed in the assembly-demand a "approach" of the life cycle supported by themade of achieving equity through universal health coverage."The three must have a greater emphasis on the benefits of the provision of integrated services," has settled.

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05/21/2013 10:08 a.m.
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Mato disconnects the death of an immigrant of the health reform ... :?


Dismissed the managing director of the Inca hospital for the death of Alpha Pam

Madrid, May 22 (EFE) .- The Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato, has today disconnected the death of a young Senegalese, who lacked a health card and died due to tuberculosis at home, of the application of the application of the application of theHealth reform and has admitted that, "unfortunately, sometimes errors are produced."

Mato has spoken in this way in the Plenary of Congress by answering a question by the socialist deputy José Martínez Olmos about whether he intends to repeal "the exclusion" of the sanitary coverage of immigrants without papers that introduced the health reform to avoid "tragic events" tragic"Like the death of this young man

The question has led to the deputy of the PP Rafael Merino to call Martínez Olmos in his speech, as reported by the affected person, something that the president of the Congress has not heard but has regretted.

After asking to apologize for this qualifier, Martínez Olmos has accused the minister of being "political responsible" for this death "because her signature is in that royal decree that removes the health coverage of thousands of people."

Mato has assured that "no person has denied health care.""Absolutely none," added. "Another different thing is that you want to use such tragic issues for partisan strategies. We are accustomed because you usually do it."

"If a rule in force prevented urgent health care for some people, we would immediately proceed to their repeal, but this is not the case. No person has ceased to be treated when he has needed," the minister insisted.

The head of Health has said that, according to the reports that the Autonomous Communities have sent, the patients have been treated with "the maximum diligence in primary, in the emergency department."

"The diagnostic tests have been performed - he has continued - and public health protocols have been activated. In no case has discrimination occurred based on the origin or condition of the person attended.

"But," unfortunately, "Mato has warned," sometimes, errors are produced, but that has nothing to do with health care "

The minister has reproached Martínez Olmos for his question, which will make that in a few months or years, as he said, when he reads his intervention, he is ashamed to have done it.Unjust, inhuman decision of a soulless government, a useless health decision "because, according to the deputy, the case of the Senegalese citizen" we could have dealt with a cost of less than 300 euros. "

In addition, according to MartínezOlmos, all professional organizations are against this reform, so he has asked Mato again to repeal it "so that new cases do not fall on their backs that will surely occur because there are already accounted for hundredsof cases of health absence ".

On the other hand, and in response to a question by the socialist deputy Trinidad Jiménez, the minister has assured that the government does not plan to reduce social spending, to which it has dedicated 63 % of the global budget in 2013, because "it is a priorityAnd we will do it again in 2014, but reducing from the deficit of administrations. "

In response to the also deputy of the Socialist Group Esperança Esteve about child poverty, Mato has recalled that his ministry has just approved the childhood and adolescence plan, the first of democracy that has economic memory, more than 5,000 million euros, andHe has insisted that the best social policy is job creation."In that line we will continue working," he concluded.

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05/22/2013 11:30 a.m.
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Community of Madrid:
Third day of strikes in health

Source: Link ... aojcw2oo4/

The third strike of health professionals in the Community of Madrid yesterday caused the cancellation of 179 surgeries and 2,499 consultations in public hospitals, with which the total suspension since November amounts to almost 6,500 operations and 50,000 consultations, according to the Ministry of Health.

Madrid, May 23 (EFE) .- The third strike of health professionals in the Community of Madrid yesterday caused the cancellation of 179 surgeries and 2,499 consultations in public hospitals, so that the total suspensions since November amounts to almost 6,500 operations and50,000 consultations, according to the Ministry of Health.
The department directed.

Health has also indicated that, according to the first activity data, 512 radiography tests were canceled yesterday.

However, the Ministry has stressed that "only 2.7 %" of health personnel seconded the third day of strike so far this year, convened by SATSE, Amyts, USAE, AFEM, FESITESS, AME and CGT unions, which have raised the follow -up at 62.5 %. According to the data provided by Health, the strike yesterday had "the lowest incidence recorded so far among every day of strike summoned in Madrid health since last November".(EFE Agency)

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05/23/2013 9:07 a.m.
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Community of Madrid:

cuts in the beds of critical patients at the Ramón y Cajal hospital

The manager of the Ramón y Cajal hospital (Javier Maldonado), and the director of Nursing (Esther Rey) have decided to unify the surgical UVIS and the intermediate care units (resusciations, awakenings ...) of the hospital, with an expected date of June 30.

Link ... 92524.html <!

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05/24/2013 7:33 a.m.
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The PSRM states that it will abandon the Health Sector Table "if its privatization content is not eliminated from the document"

The general secretary of the PSRM, Rafael González Tovar, said this Saturday, in statements to Europa Press, that the PSRM will leave the Sectorial Health Table "if its privatization content is not eliminated from the document."

González Tovar explained that at the sector table held last Thursday, which is included in the different sector tables that are being held for the elaboration of the 2014-2020 Strategic Plan of the Region of Murcia, the PSRM was "alarmed" by theContent presented by the Regional Government, "a clearly privatizing content of public health."

Thus, he explains that the document admits that financing can proceed by public-private capital, so different formulas such as consortiums, concessions or subcontractations could be established."We raised at that table that the document was withdrawn at that table, we would understand that it was to accept that the community wants to privatize health."

The leader of the Murcian socialists has pointed out that the CCOO and UGT unions, some experts and the Medical College."What we are going to raise for the next sector table is that they do not withdraw that document with these privatization lines we will abandon it," he said.

And, González Tovar missing novel measures that could be considered interesting.In addition, he proposed, in addition to the withdrawal of the 'privatizing' idea of ​​health, that he does not continue to cut on his own health, "since the Murcian health service has already suffered a cut of 500,000 million euros (It must be a errata, and the correct figure is 500 million) in the last year, which represents 25 percent of its budget, which is assuming the increase in waiting lists andthe closure of services even for five months in some centers. "

On the other hand, he defends that in the financing "there is still room to continue saving in the spending of medicines and not having to continue cutting."In this way, it proposes to equate the average price of the recipe in Murcia with the national average, "something that has to be relatively simple, and that would have meant in 2012 a saving of 17 million euros."

In this sense, he has put as an example the auction of medicines that has already been put into practice in Andalusia and that is allowing the co -payment of pensioners to disappear. Finally, he has claimed that the document "contains a clear pronunciation in favor of theUniversal, public and free health;

Link ... cubwkpop4/

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05/25/2013 6:37 p.m.
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The PSOE records the motion of 'Cantabria for the public and without cuts' in defense of Valdecilla y Health

The PSOE records the motion of 'Cantabria for the public and without cuts' in defense of Valdecilla and Health

The Socialist Municipal Group at the Santander City Council will defend in the next municipal plenary, which is held on Wednesday 29, the motion of 'Cantabria for the public and without cuts' in defense of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and public health.

This has been agreed by the socialist spokeswoman, Judith Pérez Ezquerra, with members of the platform after a meeting in which they have coincided in the rejection of the public-private collaboration contract prepared by the Ministry of Health and Social Services and in demanding the withdrawal of theDocument that "privatizes" the Valdecilla hospital, the PSOE has reported in a statement.

Pérez Ezquerra has stated that the motion coincides with that defended by the socialist group in the previous Plenary, so it shares its content.

The motion warns that the concentration of the central services contemplated by the regional government "is only the first step for its privatization, as it has been able to verify in the hospitals of Madrid, this being the entrance door to the privatization of servicesclinicians ".

Likewise, it rejects that the National Health System is very expensive, "what is that there are powerful interests that seek to obtain large profits.""For this, they do not hesitate to discredit it, in question the values ​​of solidarity and plurality that support it, promoting individuality and consideration of health as something that can be bought," they point out.

In this sense, they argue that health in Spain is "remarkably efficient" in the relationships/costs in the international comparison and add that the privatization of public hospitals "increases between 6 and 7 times its final price, the services that the services thatThey lend themselves and there are less personal. "

Thus, they regret that "it is being besieged by a campaign to discredit public, disinvestment and cuts in the universalization of assistance and free", and denounce that public-private collaboration is the method "moreopaque "that can be used.

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05/27/2013 7:37 a.m.
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Source of the previous post
Link ... F1xznmtm2/

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05/27/2013 7:58 a.m.
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Unions call on the 'white march' against hospital fusion

The Seville Health Trade Unions platform has called on the participation of health professionals and users in the 'White March' convened for this Tuesday, May 28 in the Spanish capital.

The Seville Health Trade Unions platform has called on the participation of health professionals and users in the 'White March' convened for this Tuesday, May 28 in the Spanish capital.

Under the motto 'Health is not trimmed,' CCOO, CGT, FATE, SAE, SATSE, SMS and UGT have called a demonstration that will travel the city center to protest against the merger process of the Virgen Macarena andVirgen del Rocío and, in general, against the cuts in health.

As recently announced at a press conference, the protest will run from the Plaza de la Encarnación on Laraña Street, Plaza de la Campana, Tetuán Street, Plaza Nueva, Avenida de la Constitución through the headquarters of the Andalusian Health Service(SAS) and Jerez Puerta to end at the gates of the Palace of San Telmo, with an estimated duration of two hours.

The convening unions have been criticizing that the objective of the march is to denounce the cuts that are being made in public health and that are impacting "directly" on the attention provided to the Sevillians, "such as the closure of centers, the dismissalof health professionals or the merger process that is being carried out between two great hospitals in the city. "

In this sense, the union platform denounces that this fusion is "one more step" in the policy of cuts in health, as it implies "substantial changes in the health benefits of hospitals, which will make accessibility to health services difficult, centralizing someHealth services in just one of the centers. "

All this, they emphasize, will lead to "a decrease in care quality and a worsenThey understand that the SAS is carrying out the process, "which refuses again and again to respond to the different requirements made by workers' representatives."For this reason, the unions demand the paralysis of the merger until the administration presents its proposal and agreed with the unions.

Link ... ympvf0ln3/ >

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05/28/2013 6:18 a.m.
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No comments ...

Rosell asks to industrialize health and analyze whether money in education gives results

Valladolid, May 28 (EFE) .- The president of the CEOE, Juan Rosell, has defended today that in Spain it is necessary to "industrialize health" and analyze whether the "huge amount of money" invested in education obtains results, alreadythat "the first" to overcome the crisis must be the control of the public deficit.

In his speech before the II Economy Forum organized in Valladolid by the world of Castilla y León, Rosell has claimed that the "battle between the public and the private cease ceases", since the health that is "good is the efficient", somethingthat in your opinion you must evaluate and draw conclusions.

For this reason, he has claimed that the vision that "private is the bad" because "83 percent of officials choose private" to be treated, although then has recognized that by their particular experience public health "It works wonderfully "when he had to go to himself or a relative.

For the leader of the employer, with public spending on education, the objectives are not being achieved, having thirty percent of school failure, so he has claimed the review of variables such as the staff ratio per student, which he considers excessiveWhen comparing it with Europe.

Similarly, Rosell has wondered if Spain will not have "passed" in creation of degrees or universities that, in practice, are not among the best in the world and if the "great differences" that exist between the agreements are justifiedgroups that govern public and private education.

However, when the rector of the University of León, José Ángel Hermida, has asked him for his opinion on the agreement reached between Spain and Germany to send young people to carry out practices in German companies has lamented that this is a "great investment"For the Central European country and a "disaster" for Spain, since they are sent "free" to young people who "has been very much formed."

The president of the employer has remarked that to definitely overcome the crisis the government "has to continue making reforms without a doubt", for which he has offered the support of the employer.

"You don't have to leave governments alone, you have to support them, they are the ones who send, the rest are songs to the sun," Rosell said before the political, business and trade union authorities present in the forum, before telling them that society must"get more involved" and "start exercising active responsibility."

The businessman has considered that Spain lost "a precious time" until May 2011, when in his opinion the "adequate medicine" to the economy began to apply, so he was convinced that "the results will arrive."

Asked about the question of questions of the forum, Rosell has indicated that the internal reports of the employer speak of an evolution from the current decrease to a "flat" indicator at the end of the year, although he added that all entrepreneurs would sign a growthof "a few tenth".

"Without reforms we degrade competitiveness," added the president of the CEOE, convinced that "open eyes to reality" and assume that a "balanced diet" is necessary instead of "amputations."

From the business point of view, Rosell has recognized that the panorama is "complicated" if analyzed from the point of view of thedomestic demand, although he has defended that "there are lights" in export

Asked by the possibility that the employer and the Chambers of Commerce are merge, he replied: "And when the merger between Barça and Madrid? It is impossible, the cameras are public and us, private," he summarized.

Link ... Sybvlyozm/ >

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05/28/2013 6:09 p.m.
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Community of Madrid

doctors denounce that the Madrid government will privatize social security with sanitary outsourcing

Doctors have loaded hard against Ignacio González and have accused him of wanting to go further with his privatization plan of health.Specifically, the collective denounces that the true objective of the Madrid president is none other than privatizing social security, since what he proposes in the specifications "does not constitute a concession of public service, but a Health Insurance Contract ”.

The Association of Specialists of Madrid (AFEM) and the Firm López Rodó & AMP;Cruz Ferrer, whom they have hired to take the courts to the Community of Madrid for privatizations, have prepared a report in which they analyze in detail the specifications prepared by the regional government to outsource the management of six hospitals.

In it, they denounce that the contract "does not constitute a concession of public service, but a health insurance contract", since the Community of Madrid "is ensuring the health care of social security and creating a special regime similar to that of theMutualities of public employees ”.

Doctors say that "what is privatized is not health but social security", so the regional executive is "invading powers that the Constitution clearly assigns to the State."As explained, the objective of the specifications "is not the granting of services", but what the Ministry intends is that "the concession companies assure him that the cost of health care to the population 'protected' by each hospital thatIt will be privatized, do not exceed the capita premiums that will be paid every month. ”

“The objective is the cost, not the provision of the health service and that is very important.In fact, much of the health care will continue to be provided by the great public hospitals of Madrid, which are the only ones that have certain services, ”says this report.

Likewise, doctors indicate that “this distinction between cost assurance and the effective provision of the service will have a surprising effect: the community will advance monthly to the concessionaires the payment of the premiums for the total cost of the service, including about 280 million eurosannual for the services that the hospitals of the Sermas will continue to provide. ”

"That is, the community pays the concessionaires for the cost of a service they will not provide, but will continue to provide public hospitals in the community."A money that according to the document will not return to the administration, since although it is estimated that “the concessionaires must pay for expired annuities the price of the services that each hospital has provided to its 'protected population' (thecalled intercentros billing) ”, the truth is that“ the great public hospitals do not have computer services that allow them to identify each patient who enters from a private management hospital and, therefore, invoice each and every one of the servicesLet them give him. ”

In addition, the AFEM and its firm ensure that the ‘protected populations’ “do not have freedom to change their‘ reference hospital ’, since freedom of choice is for episodes or disease processes.That is, they cannot change from ‘insurance company’ ”.

According to the report, this model of ‘concessions’ not only “violates the basic regulation of social security - the universal and public assurance by the State - but alsoThe design bases of our national health system, as an integrated network of services that users can access in conditions of effective equality and quality. ”

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05/29/2013 10:44 a.m.
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White tide will demonstrate again in Madrid on June 9

The full white tide will demonstrate again through the streets of Madrid on June 9 against the privatization of hospitals and health centers orchestrated by Ignacio González.This new march, in which toilets and patients will go by bike, skates or on foot, will leave the hospital of La Paz and end in October.

‘Run, walk, pedaling, skate ... get underway for public and universal health’.That is the motto of this new initiative, organized by the Assembly Platform of Workers and Users (Patu-Salud), with which the white tide intends to put the gold brooch at the five strike days called between May and June against outsourcing against outsourcingof the management of six hospitals and 27 outpatients.

The “on wheels” demonstration, that is, of all those who choose the bike, will start at 11:30 am from the La Paz Hospital, and at the same time the “on foot” march will leave from the Ministry of Health.Both columns will go to the October twelve, where the protest will end.

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05/29/2013 10:48 a.m.
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White tide demands that the Community of Madrid make the accounts of the Madrid Health Service

The unions, municipalities, professional associations and social entities that are integrated into the Madrid Observatory of Health have today demanded that Ignacio González make public the accounts of the Madrid Health Service (Sermas), as well as a transparency and parliamentary control of the contracts thatThe regional government maintains with the concessionaires.This is one of the alternatives they propose to the "dismantling" of public health that the PP is carrying out with its cuts.

This has been indicated by the representatives of the Observatory that have been in charge of presenting the report ‘The impact of the policies of cuts and privatizations on Madrid health’, which analyzes the situation of public health after the measures taken by the regional president.

After enumerating the measures taken by the Autonomous Executive in health matters, such as the privatization of hospitals, the copayment or the personnel cuts, the observatory indicates what are the alternatives that González must adopt so that public health recovers the quality he has lost byThe cuts.

In this way, in addition to demanding the president to make the accounts of the Sermas public, in line with the PSM, which a few days ago loaded against the Community of Madrid for not revealing or explaining to the citizenship the fate of the health budget, the members of theObservatory have also requested that "the management of the Ministry of Health of Madrid in recent years be audited, with special attention to the concessions made."

In the opinion of these groups, "society as a whole does not have to continue dealing with payments of‘ Canon ’for the constructions and management of health centers that are already pleasantly amortized."

However, the list of alternatives is very long, and among them is also the request to “repeal all laws that allow private health management, whether externalizations or concessions, preventing the implementation of profit in health”so that "all public money" is "dedicated to obtaining quality public health."

They also indicate the need to elaborate “a government and management plan that allows the return to public hands and the direct management of everything privatized so far”, and to eliminate co -payment in pharmacy, prostheses, orthosis and diets.

At this point the observatory is very critical, since according to “the pharmaceutical copayment has produced a decrease in the number of recipes (10,987,660 recipes less between April 2012 and April 2013, that is, 9.97% less)which is due to two phenomena that act in parallel: the exclusion of medicines and the unimporting of recipes prescribed by pensioners with low income (a total of 16.83% of pensioners do not withdraw any recipe for not being able to assume the costs)”

All this without forgetting what they consider most important: to paralyze the plan of guarantee measures of the sustainability of the public health system, which includes many of the cuts applied in recent months, as well as the “repeal of the single health area” to “establishhealth areas as corresponds according to the criteria of the General Health Law in force today ”."We bet on a decentralization that guarantees the proximity of professionals and patients, as well as the effective establishment of health councils that allow citizen participation and facilitate community intervention," concludes the report.

Greetings to the forum!

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05/29/2013 7:18 p.m.
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Mato traveled to Disneyland in 1998 on account of Gürtel

The Tax Agency also details a trip to Dublin and different birthday expenses and communions by Correa companies.

(just over 90,000 pesetas to change at the time)

This is stated in a report by the Tax Agency and has been sent to the Judge of the National Court Pablo Ruz, which investigates the "Gürtel case".

In this document, of 109 pages, it is also proven that companies linked to Francisco Correa financed other family trips formed by Mato and his then husband Jesús Sepúlveda, charged in the plot, such as the one made by the minister to Dublin with one of hisDaughters in 1999, for an amount of 1,303.22 euros, in addition to various birthday expenses and family communions.

The realization of this report responds to a petition made at the end of last February by the head of the Central Court of Instruction number 5. The contents of the document extends the until then issued on the alleged payments and gifts made by the companies of the leader of the leader ofThe plot, Francisco Correa, to the ex -husband of Mato and former mayor of Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid).

Sepúlveda has already discounted the current minister of the management of these family trips through a statement in which he pointed out that he was the one who dealt "personally" of his economic and professional activities and was solely responsible for "any economic decisionor movement "in their accounts, as sources from the Ministry of Health have recalled.

In the report made available to the Central Instruction holder number 5, it is indicated, in relation to the trip to Disneyland Paris, that the General Directorate for Spain and Portugal of the Management Company of these Thematic Parks took over the financing of another partyof this trip.

List of services

The document delivered to the judge contains a list of up to 15 services provided to Sepúlveda and his family by Correa companies, such as a trip to Helsinki who was the first mayor of the Madrid municipality in 1996, whose amount is unknown.

The payment of 295.82 euros for plane tickets in 1999 whose destination is not concretized is also pointed out.The company linked to the Pasadena Travel plot is also indicated as responsible for the payment of travel of which this family benefited for a total of 38,905.63 euros between 2001 and 2004.

With respect to Special Events, also belonging to the plot, the report indicates that it provided services to Sepúlveda in 2001 for 631 euros and in 2002 for an amount of 1,9996.19 euros whose destination is not indicated in the report.

If gifts are detailed to the Sepúlveda-Mato family of another of the plot companies, Easy Concept Communication S.L, which took charge of expenses for a total of 6,004 euros for the celebration of communions and birthdays of children of the marriage.

The origin of these inquiries is based on the information from a registry that the National Police Corps made in an industrial ship of the Easy Concept company located in the Ventorro del Cano polygon, in the Madrid town of Alcorcón.

Link ... 92837.html

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05/30/2013 6:50 p.m.
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CC OO believes that the SCS manager resigns to "not be accomplice" in the "privatization" of health

The CC OO Health Federation wished this Friday the former manager of the Cantabrian Health Service (SCS), Santiago de Cossio, "the best" in its new professional stage, while "congratulated" him for his decision ofTo resign "Before being an accomplice, he says, in the change of the health model that, with the excuse of the completion of Valdecilla's works, it is intended to be carried out in Cantabria with the privatizations planned in the SCs."

The CC OO Health Federation wished this Friday the former manager of the Cantabrian Health Service (SCS), Santiago de Cossio, "the best" in its new professional stage, while "congratulated" him for his decision ofTo resign "Before being an accomplice, he says, in the change of the health model that, with the excuse of the completion of Valdecilla's works, it is intended to be carried out in Cantabria with the privatizations planned in the SCs."

The union encourages "to follow its example" to the rest of health leaders and positions with responsibility in the centers "that defend the excellence of our public health and are against their sustainability to be used as an excuse for their dismantling."

Link ... xudmk6hc6/

Greetings to the forum!

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05/31/2013 10:42 a.m.
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Murcia reculates in their cuts after collaposing their doctors the hospital centers

The Regional Medical Union opted to set aside the strikes and exert pressure in other ways: prescribing the most expensive products, dedicating the necessary time to each patient or making the income of patients.The result was the collapse of some consultations.The region has reversed its plans.

" Always put the strict medical criteria and without taking into account economic variables. "

In a circular sent to all its affiliates and approved last Monday at an assembly at the Hospital de la Arrixaca, doctors decided to undertake this kind of heat strike (scrupulous care of working conditions).The patients' income rose suddenly in some hospitals in Murcia and Cartagena, to the point that in the Santa Lucía hospital in the port city they had to enable 30 more beds to be able to serve everyone.Official sources of the Ministry of Health recognize the increase in hospital income although "within normality" and claim to have no record of any zeal strike.Coinciding with these pressure measures, the president of the Murcia community itself, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, has announced 'Sotto Voce' that will reverse the adjustment plan on health workers, although the withdrawal of the extra pay (December of December of2013 and June 2014) of all regional officials.

From the medical union, he assures Vozpópuli that "we have realized that the strikes to use, which are the ones that proclaim workers and UGT commissions, are useless because we lose money and on top of that the patient pays the consequences."The two class unions demonstrated this Thursday afternoon in the center of Murcia, in their nth demonstration and with a meager support that barely reached 1,000 people.They recognized themselves that the march was a "failure."

Prescribe the most expensive medications

Medical union sources recognize that it has urged to "prescribe the most expensive medications, not the generic ones as they tell us in the Ministry, especially if they are better for the patient."Similarly, the necessary time has been requested from each patient "and that it is more scrupulous with hospital admissions, entering patients who would be sent for home on previous occasions."For example, a patient who has spotted his mouth and asleep an arm, with 6 hours of evolution, on other occasions he was not asked for a CT and now he is asked. Or elderly with paintings that in 80% of theSometimes they evolve well and in 20% they evolve badly.

From the Ministry of Health, on the other hand, and as reported this Friday 'La Truth', you already think of paying with incentives to health personnel if you get the new savings goals.This adjustment would affect the material, concerts with clinics and diagnostic tests.Ministry sources have assured that "thePossibility of collaborating with professionals when managing, we have a clinical management project that is very advanced and that includes that in the services, the co -responsibility of the professionals is rewarded. "

Hard cuts to health workers

The war to control the deficit in Murcia continues to have hospitals as the main battlefield.The plan of the Minister of Finance, Juan Bernal, to save 200 million, includes very hard measures to the point that most adjustment would fall to the Murcian Health Service and its workers.Murcia has to cut 200 million this year, of which 150 would carry health, and most of them in salaries.Among the 'Settings', some bluntness, such as "Remove 820 euros from doctors who have private consultation in the afternoon or lower the Guard time, 5 euros average per hour. Now there is 26 time on Mondayas of Friday and 29 Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, "according to union sources.The Murcian doctors achieved, already in 2008 and with the crisis initiated, a rise at the time of the guards that made them become one of the best paid in the country, well above the bordering autonomies of Castilla-La Mancha, Valencian Communityand Andalusia, with the consequent "effect called" of doctors of these communities.

As a last comment, 200 million is exactly the money that is needed to cover the losses of the 'private' airport in Murcia in the town of Corvera, and which was the great commitment of the Popular Party government despite being only 40 kilometers from theSan Javier semi -live airport, already amortized.This airport is already finished (La Sacyr of the glitter of Murcia Luis del Rivero led its construction) but has not yet achieved a single flight.

<!Centers-hospital "

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05/31/2013 12:10 p.m.
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