For a universal health

olmo's profile photo   11/18/2012 4:37 p.m.

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World Physicians ask for the repeal of the health reform in the Health Commission of Congress.

The president of doctors of the world, Álvaro González, denounced on Wednesday, before the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies, the "confusion, asymmetry and inequality" created by the Royal Sanitary Decree, approved a year ago by the government ofMariano Rajoy.

There, the president of the association has made a summary about the position of the organization before the Royal Decree, which has described like a "Change of health model "in which universalism is passed to assurance," under the speeches of austerity and deficit control by stealing society. "

"The application of Royal Decree has caused a notorious confusion environment among health professionals, generating a manifestly asymmetric and unequal application, with groups excluded with special impact among the most vulnerable -
And, in his opinion, the reform undertaken by the department led by Ana Mato "is not justified" or from the point of view of human rights, since "health is not a luxury";Nor economic, since, it has stressed, the emergency department is "more expensive" than primary care and prevention.

Likewise, it has continued, it cannot be based on the idea of ​​public health, since leaving vulnerable populations without coverage can be a "serious risk" for the population;nor in the medical ethics since, as he has apostilled, this measure is "totally contrary" to the deontological code and the Hippocratic oath.

"The application of the Royal Decree has caused a notorious environment of confusion among health professionals, generating a manifestly asymmetric and unequal application, with groups excluded with special repercussion among the most vulnerable -Víctimas of trafficking or gender violence, mentally ill orChronic patients-as well as a constant violation of one's own measure, excluding from health care to pregnant women, minors and urgent care, "González denounced.

In this sense, the president of the organization has warned the deputies that, specifically, the regulations are generating "contradictory" responses between the different autonomous communities, as well as a "marked uncoordination" between care levels, causing "multiple" situations of"Disinformation and neglect."

In addition, he has lamented the errors that are occurring when assigning the pharmaceutical contribution code as a consequence of the introduction of co -payment into medicines.In this sense, he has denounced that, also, this measure is generating "absolutely dramatic", personal and family, that are causing "inexorable physical deterioration" and an "intense psychological suffering" due to the inability to deal with the economic cost of theirtreatments.

SimilarPatients with HIV, diagnosed with cancer, renal diseases or people on the surgery waiting list ."In Balares, for example, there are renal transplants to which monitoring in consultations or immunosuppressive treatment is prevented, with the consequent loss of the transplanted organ," he said.He has also assured that there is a loss of effectiveness of health prevention programs in primary care and has warned that his organization has detected the "impossibility" of accessing HIV diagnostic methods, as well as the monitoring of the disease andThe "correct" therapeutic prescription to maintain the immune state of patients.

"It is also taking place that immigrant women in an irregular administrative situation victims of gender violence, do not have access to health care, when the important role that health professionals assume in this type of problem is demonstrated. Regarding victims of traffickingHealth assistance is only accepted if they have temporary residence authorization for being welcomed to the period of restoration and reflection, a requirement that, in addition to being restrictive, is inapplicable in a very high number of cases, "González argued.

"neglect" to pregnant and minors

On the other hand, the president of doctors of the world has lamented that the Royal Decree of Health has caused an "exclusion" of attention to pregnant women and minors in an irregular situation, as well as a "systematic" turnover in emergency care.Aspects that, in his opinion, "are not contemplated" in the regulations and are the result of the "confusion" that created and "excessively tense the rope."

Specifically, González has criticized that they are contributing to the lower "erroneous" information about their rights, the derivation to specialists or mandates "unnecessarily" to emergencies;And that pregnant women are denied access to prenatal programs, care for childbirth is billed and that, also, urgencies are derived in cases where they are not necessary.

In addition, they have indicated, these groups are being prohibited access to public and reproductive health services, with the consequent "difficulties" to access contraception services, and, in the same way, there is an "attemptSystematic "of demanding the signature of payment commitments prior to receiving health care.

"This same month, the Ministry of Health of the Balearic Government has issued an official statement in which it requires withdrawing the letters of payment commitment in emergency services. This shows that it is not an isolated event but that, by theOtherwise, it is something promoted from the administrations themselves, "he added.

A "serious mistake" of forecast

For all these reasons, González has assured that the Government has had a "serious error" of foresight when approved the royal decree because, as it has insisted, it is assuming a "clear violation" of human rights, a change of health model andAt the same time, it is promoting xenophobic attitudes and a deterioration of medical care.

"With all this, it is demonstrated that they are not sporadic cases, resulting from bad medical practice or specific errors, but that they are the result of the confusing application of the unfair, ineffective and dangerous regulations. As a consequence of all this, we request its immediate repealAnd the restitution of the universality of access to health care, "said the expert.

In this way, the president of doctors of the world has presented to the Congress Health Commission a series of application proposals at the regional level, among which the development of a protocol for minors, pregnant women, victims of trafficking and violence ofgender;the elaboration of a procedure that facilitates the inclusion in the health system of people without economic resources;and inclusion in health care for people with mandatory declaration diseases, mental health and chronic diseases.

Finally, haRequested to suspend the issuance of invoices in the face of emergency services and rectify pharmaceutical contribution codes, in order to "facilitate" the right to payment exemption.

"In summary, from a point of view of rights, this decree is unfair; from an economic perspective, it is ineffective; from the point of view of public health, it is dangerous because infectious pathologies do not understand administrative barriers; and from aEthical point of view, it is unjustifiable, since it violates the deontological code of health professionals, "he has settled.

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06/20/2013 9:04 p.m.
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Community of Madrid

A Judge of Plaza de Castilla admits the complaint against Güemes and Lamela for alleged crimes of prevarication, bribery, fraud and embezzlement ...

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Güemes and Lamela declare as charged on October 2
A Judge of Plaza Castilla imputes to the dome that initiated the privatization of Madrid health

The Judge of Instruction number 4 of Madrid, Marcelino Sexmero, has admitted to processing a complaint filed by the Association of Specialists of Madrid (AFEM) against nine people, including former Health Counselors Manuel Lamela and Juan José Güemes, for allegedIrregularities committed in the award for externalized health management of the first hospitals of the Community of Madrid (Infanta Elena, in Valdemoro; King Juan Carlos, in Móstoles; and the Hospital of Torrejón de Ardoz).

The complaint is also directed against the current Vice Minister of Health Assistance and director of the Madrid Health Service (Sermas), Patricia Flores, then General Director of Primary Care;the general director of Hospitals, Antonio Burgueño;the representative of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, Juan Antonio Álvaro de la Parra;the president or CEO of Grupo Ribera Salud;the president or counselor of Capio Health;the president or counselor of Unilabs;and the president or counselor of Asisa.

In a car dated yesterday, to which Europa Press had access, the magistrate agrees to admit to process, prevarication, bribery, fraud and embezzlement of public causes.The popular accusation is represented by several deputies of the Socialist Parliamentary Group of the Madrid Assembly.

After incoming the investigation proceedings on June 3, the judge quotes in his car to the complaints from next September 13.The declarations as accused will conclude on October 2 with the appearances of Lamela and Güemes.The judge indicates in the order that all of them must be accompanied by a lawyer, since they will declare as accused.

After that, he will dictate a new providence to mention several witnesses, including the director of care continuity of the La Paz Hospital, Miguel Amengual, or the medical director of the Infanta Elena Hospital, Juan Antonio Azofra.

In the resolution, the judge states that the complaint complaintHealth, in negligence in the control of public spending and intercentros billing, the derivation of the patient through the so -called call center and the violation of the rights of patients protected by law 6/2009 of freedom of choice in the health ofthe Community of Madrid and Law 41/02 Regulatory of the patient's autonomy and rights and obligations. "

He adds that the facts "are summarized in the context of the administration's performanceAutonomic in the management of public health, in which according to the complainants, there has been an increase in information an increase in expendpublic health portfolio ".

The community, "safe" that everything was done correctly
The Community of Madrid, on the other hand, has explained to Europa Press that the complaints are always admitted when they have no form defects and is "sure that it acted correctly" during the first outsourcing, as it was developed with "all procedureslegally established ".

Therefore they understand that this complaint is a "political maneuver of the PSM and its medical union" since these first hospitals with outsourced management not only "comply with a very high satisfaction threshold", but that with 92% ratio they even exceedTo the average hospitals in the region, which also have a very high satisfaction among patients.

In relation to Lamela, the complaint speaks of its relationship with the company Assignia InfrastructuraMinister of Health and that inaugurated the hospital that now manages the society in which he works. "

Similarly, he points out that Güemes, former Minister of Health between 2007 and 2010, is linked to Unilabs, "a Spanish subsidiary of the Swiss mutliance of the same name and announced last November the purchase of 55% of the UTE, composed ofGrupo Balaqué and Ribera Salud ", the winner.

"The operation has been carried out worth five million euros and its domicile is at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation after closing the central analysis laboratory, and closing the hospitals laboratories, the concession to Unilabs was awarded in which it was integratedGüemes, "adds the car.

Güemes is a member of the Unilabs Board of Directors.This company acquired last November Balaguer, the company to which the community originally, with Güemes of the Minister of Health, awarded the clinical analysis of six hospitals in 2009 in a contest that, in addition, Unilabs lost.

Hospital Health Management
In the complaint, it is detailed how between 2004 and 2007 the construction of eight new hospitals in the Community of Madrid is tendered and addressed, considering its construction between 2007 and 2011 of the hospitals of Torrejón, Móstoles, Collado Villalba and Carabanchel.

He continues that for hospitals subsequently built, Infanta Elena de Valdemoro, Rey Juan Carlos de Móstoles, Torrejón and Collado Villalba, public service management contracts are formalized that also include clinical services.The duration of contracts is also thirty years.These hospitals are known as hospitals with public-private collaboration (CPP) in administrative concession regime.

In this management model, the private company receives from the public administration an annual fee that is paid in advance monthly, for each person of its protection area, in exchange for addressing the care needs of its population.

Sexmero emphasizes the order that the object of this investigation is aimed at "the investigation of the reality of irregular behaviors denounced only to the extent that they have criminal significance regarding the unjustified, massive and systematic transfer of public health patients to the private healthunder intimidation or deception. "

Also, to investigate "the denounced absence of price control by the awardfrom the centers of Pontones and Quintana and the non -claim of 1.5 million euros to Capio to the extent that it may have harmed the public hacienda ".

"The denounced falsehood or not of the intercentros billing, the irregularities of some of the agreements or concessions to the private sector and specifically to companies with opaque shareholders, the hiring of former healthcareos of health by the concessionary companies and beneficiaries of the management will also be investigatedof those and the supposed negligence and lack of control in public spending in the management of services, without prejudice to those that could derive from these. "

Greetings to the forum!;)

olmo's profile photo
06/21/2013 12:27 p.m.
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Hopefully there are judges who can stop the business they want to do with health.It seems a lie that there are people who are rubbing their hands with this issue.

Regina's profile photo
06/22/2013 10:23 a.m.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20


Hopefully there are judges who can stop the business they want to do with health.It seems a lie that there are people who are rubbing their hands with this issue.

In this riot in which we live, difficult task has the judges to stop the Latrocinio that these scoundrels exercise almost with absolute impunity, but have "hails"; the judge of the Eres, the judge of the Fabra case of Castellón, a couple of judgesIn Galicia, judging Caciques - with a couple.

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
06/22/2013 11:37 a.m.
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Andalucia, Aragón, Community of Madrid, La Rioja ...
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A massive 'white tide' again floods the streets to the shout of "Yes you can"

Thousands of citizens, convened by organizations in defense of public health, have participated this noon in various marches, the most numerous has been that of Madrid
In other cities, such as in Zaragoza, Logroño and Sevilla, hundreds of people have seconded different initiatives against privatizations in the health sector.

(EFE agency) |In Madrid, patients and health professionals have begun the protest in front of the regional government headquarters, located in Sol, where they have launched white ballots of the popular consultation with the marked yes box, in favor of public health.

The "white tide", which has left that color the floor of the square, has initiated shortly after the march behind the banner "for a million reasons. No to the privatization of public health."

Next to the header, citizens carrying vests with maps of all the autonomous communities, have walked to the rhythm of slogans like "the united people will never be defeated."

The initiative has concluded with a minute of silence at the Puerta de Alcalá, where the thousands of participants have raised a folio with the word "yes", with which they have formed a great white spot.

"Almost a million citizens have participated in this consultation, of which 99.4 percent said 'yes' to a public management and quality health," said Enrique Martín, organizer of this "symbolic" popular initiative,that they will transfer to the municipalities "to present motions aimed at the Courts and the regional governments."

From the AFEM Association, Mónica García, highlighted the importance of judges being investigating the management carried out by responsible for Madrid's health for alleged irregularities in the outsourcing of health services since 2004. "Politicians live outside the people,But they are not unpunished, "said the representative of the toilets.

During the reading of a manifesto against the cuts and in favor of public health, the concentrates have issued slogans of the "thieves" type, "join, do not look at us" and "for them."

The concentration of Madrid occurs after a court of the capital has cited as accused of former Health Directors Manuel Lamela and Juan José Güemes, in a complaint that asks to investigate crimes of prevarication, bribery, fraud and embezzlement of public funds.

The Madrid Health Counselor, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, has assured that those who have summoned the new tide "are no longer thought much about health" but follow a "pure confrontation strategy with the government of the Community of Madrid.

In other cities, such as in Zaragoza, Logroño and Sevilla, hundreds of people have seconded different initiatives against privatizations in the health sector.

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
06/23/2013 8:02 p.m.
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Barcelona // For a few weeks, several Catalan public health managers are appearing in the Parliament in the framework of an investigation commission.Some of them are charged with alleged irregularities committed from their management positions in public health, severely affected by budget cuts.Part of these were not known by the work of the media or the inquiries of justice, but for the research carried out by health professionals and citizens.

Free magazine Cafeambllet contributed to open the way.Its editors, Marta Sibina and Albano Dante, are not training journalists.For two years they investigated the functioning of hospitals and the fruit of this detected numerous irregularities in their management.Although they collected the witness of other people who for years investigated the health managers in silence, the impact that their case had served as other citizen groups, which with their investigations have contributed to open judicial processes and to initiate investigations ofOffice by the Anti -Fraud Office of Catalonia or the Prosecutor's Office.

The most recent case was known this week, when the newspaper El País announced the alleged incompatibilities that affect the director of the Catsalut, Josep Maria Padrosa, which in turn is agent of six private companies that last year invoiced this agency (which manages almost 98% of the health budget) more than 14 million euros, which would breach the law of incompatibilities for high positions of the Generalitat.Padrosa has claimed to ignore that her powers in companies had not revoked, and the Ministry of Salut, Boi Ruiz, defended that the performance of her former meeting companion in the employer Unió Catalan d'Hosphem, the largest in the private sector in Catalonia, it was "totally regulatory."The research carried out by the platform of affected by the health cuts (PARS) was key for these facts to be known.

In the pars there are no journalists, or detectives.Not even most of their members work in the health field, but from other professions they are united by the common will to preserve the public health model and, in some way, to control the performance of those health managers who, with the argument of savingsand efficiency reduce spending and drive privatizations.

The investigation work of the PARS had its bases in the complaint presented in the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) by various groups against the Minister Boi Ruiz and three other senior positions of the Department of Health, including the same Padrrosa, by, among other alleged crimes, prevent the right to health protection with applied cuts.The court ended up filing it.“When we filed the complaint we already talked about the possible incompatibilities of Padrosa.Neither the TSJC nor the Prosecutor wanted to investigate, but we have never stopped trying to spin the data we were having access, ”explains Marian Rodríguez, administrative and member of the PARS.

When in May of this year, the Generalitat published the Registry of Catsalut agreements and contracts, observed how the companies that Padrosa remainedReported directly invoiced the Agency of the Generalitat.The documents that have consulted are in the public domain, such as the acts published in the Official Gazette of the Mercantile Registry, the Public Procurement Website of the Generalitat, the Registry of Catsalut agreements and contracts or the laws that regulate the regime of incompatibilities for highcharges."The idea we like to convey is that anyone who has the interest of investigating can do it, because our basic work tool is an Internet and Google connection," says Rodríguez.

Information available to everyone

And it is that in the network it is, at the disposal of the one to find it, much of the information that has allowed to know the alleged irregularities committed by the health managers.For example, the reports of the Comptes union (the Catalan Court of Accounts).In these, a worker from the Clinic Hospital in Barcelona was immersed, who prefers to maintain his anonymity for fear of work reprisals, when the cuts began and the intention of the managers to initiate a privatization process began to be known.

As a result of this research, carried out with the help of some of their peers and other citizens organized during the hospital confinement, they knew, among other aspects, that the Clinic had assumed a private debt of the company that provides the cleaning service, irregularities in the hiring processes of the center or the narrow links between managers such as the former delegate councilor of the hospital, Raimon nativity scenes, with mutuals and private companies in the health field.

“What guided me was to see what Cafeambllet was denouncing, and where they were finding the information.I started looking at the reports of the Comptes union.What I found made me see the dimensions of the level of corruption that had been in the clinic, and the silence that had been at all levels, from the trade union to outside that area, ”explains the worker.The alleged irregularities discovered are collected in a blog: Esclat Clinic, through which they try to spread the facts they know.

This research work, however, requires great dedication, and occupy the hours outside the working day.“When you start seeing that you have found something interesting, that you have to keep looking, that you have to spin data, suddenly things accelerate and in the end you end up lying every day at two or three in the morning.Obviously it is an effort, but we are delighted to do it and we could not do anything else, ”explains Rodríguez.

In the Hospital of Sant Pau, also in the Catalan capital, a complaint from the Company Committee gave rise to an extensive judicial investigation that remains imputed to managers of the center of the last 15 years.Illegal payments to high positions, extra costs in irregular works and awards are some of the alleged irregularities that justice investigates, and that came to light thanks to the effort of the workers.Among them the Radiologa Carmen Pérez, used in the center since 1979 and was the main driver of the investigations that have allowed the hospital for the dome.

Mobilization generates support and dissemination networks

The increase in mobilization has favored that support and dissemination networks are created, which help to know the information.Also contact with some political groups that transfer complaints to the Parliament and with the media that want to echo is key for complaints to acquire relevance.

The collective of independent journalists SICOM (solidaritat i communication), collaborates in the dissemination of the scandals that come to light, contributing their knowledge in the audiovisual field to hang theNews on the network.Its president, Josep Cabayol, argues that this dynamic has appeared in large part due to the neglect in its functions of the great media.“Something does not work in the means of reference.And if the media do not do their job, it is logical that citizens, which is seeing that, or self -organized and self -employer or has nothing to do, it is looking for formulas to make all these things that affect their lives and their future emerge., defend.

Cabayol explains that he has found in all these people a deep sense of citizen responsibility.“They are people with great conviction that rights are not given by anyone but that they are conquered by citizens, and therefore are people willing to devote a part of their lives to ensure these rights.They are very sensitized and very responsible people, with a great capacity for work and sacrifice, ”he values.

His work, in addition to helping in dissemination, is also to verify, as journalists, that the facts that are denounced are true.“We are responsible for information, that is important.When we publish something, because someone gets in touch with us, all the information is confirmed, but we do not give it. ”In their videos they also provide the documentation that accredits the alleged irregularities detected.

Offering the necessary tools to citizens to be able to initiate investigations on their own is one of the objectives set by the caffeamblolet editors when they published their book Artur Mas, where is my money?“Beyond demonstrations and banners, citizen investigation and control should be part of the struggle for health.The intention is that the book serves as a guide for any citizen or group of citizens who want to start investigating, ”they expose in the introduction of the work.

Marian Rodríguez concludes: “That responsibility for citizens today is happening at levels that are not the ideals.Because we are in a very critical situation and because all the mechanisms of the administration that would have to work are failing ex officio.Now more than ever it is necessary for citizens to be attentive. ”

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
06/24/2013 7:58 p.m.
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Austerity, a lethal weapon
David Stuckler presents the book that has co -written together with Sanjay Basu, 'why austerity kills', which summarized data and analysis that shows that the cuts have a deadly effect for public health.
"Recessions are neutral for health, the danger is the decisions that politicians make"

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
06/25/2013 5:13 a.m.
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Community of Madrid

White tide intensifies its protests two days after knowing how much companies offer for hospitals

The white tide does not rest.In the absence of two days to know the economic offer presented by the companies to take over the six hospitals that the Community of Madrid is going to outsource, the group has decided to throw the rest and intensify its protests.Today he has gone to the Ministry of Health to deliver user signatures that require being treated in the public and the end of the derivations to private centers, and this Friday there will be a cacerolada to show the repulsion of professionals and patients in the face of the privatization process.

The 15M of Moratalaz has collected among the citizens of the district its claims against the intention of the regional government to “dismantle” public health.The users and patients of the district require being treated in hospitals closest to their homes and that hospitalizations and diagnostic tests are always in public centers.

The citizens of Moratalaz refuse to be treated in private or concerted centers, and precisely this feelMadrid health.

Although the actions of the white tide against the privatization of hospitals orchestrated by Javier Fernández-Lasquetty does not end there.For this Friday, when the specifications are opened with the economic offers presented by the companies that have attended the Concuse, the table in defense of public health has summoned a cacerolate.

The action will take place from 9 am in front of the Sollube building, in Carlos Trias Bertran square (Azca Zone), just at the same time when the opening of the features of the Puerto Rican Hima San Pablo will begin, which opts for theInfanta Sofia (San Sebastián de los Reyes), that of the Tagus (Aranjuez) and Infanta Cristina (Parla), these last two tendered in a single pack;of Sanitas, who has brought only for the Henares Hospital (Coslada);and of the consortium made up of Ribera Salud (insurer of Bankia and the Sabadell), Ingesan (OHL Services Concessionaire) and the IECISA company (El Corte Inglés), which has brought by the hospitals Infanta Leonor de Vallecas and the southeast, located, locatedIn Arganda del Rey.

On June 19, the Public Opening of the Plicas (Technical Offer) occurred, and after knowing the economic offer, the Ministry of Health will study the proposals and assess its award or not the hospitals to these companies.

All the best!

olmo's profile photo
06/26/2013 9:35 a.m.
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Gaspar Llamazares: "Health is before the third wave of privatizations"

The deputy of IU was with Juan Barranco presenting the book 'The Health Counter -Reformation', a work coordinated by Dr. Marciano Sánchez Bayle and that intends "in a necessarily partial way, denounce the change of health model in our country."

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"We must defend public health and improve public health, but not as the government has been doing," with these words, Gaspar Llamazares started to present the book 'The Health Counter -Reformation', a work coordinated by Dr. Marciano Sánchez Bayleand that aims to serve as opposed to the privatization process within the health field initiated in some autonomous communities such as Catalonia, Madrid or Valencia.

According to Llamazares, with the process of privatization of health we are "before the third wave of privatizations."The first, always according to the deputy of the United Left (IU), was initiated by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.The second, was at the end of the last century;with the privatization of infrastructure, services and telecommunications.And the third wave would be precisely "the one we are living now."

As the author acknowledges in the introduction of the work, the book "intends to make a, necessarily partial review of the main aspects of health privatization in Spain."Not surprisingly, the other ranks to present the volume was Juan Barranco, the former socialist mayor of Madrid and current senator for this community.Initially, the place of Barranco was going to occupy Tomás Gómez;But the general secretary of the PSM was in Brussels, precisely filing a complaint with the European Commission against the privatization of Madrid health.

As Sánchez Bayle acknowledged, the objective of the book is clear: "It is about denouncing the change of health model in our country."And with this, we want people to read 'the health counter -reform' find in the work an instrument to deal with this situation.In summary, they want the volume to be useful for all those who are against the privatization of health.

"The National Health Service will last while there are people willing to fight for it"
A privatization process that in Sánchez Bayle's opinion comes from afar: "From the seventies of the last century both Reagan and Thatcher began a crusade that put in vogue a process of destruction of basic public services leaving in the hands of the market andprivate companies all services provided by the State. "And that also finds accommodation in three reasons: "The ideological reasons, the reasons for multinationals with their eyes put in the health system as a great niche of market unleashed and the reasons that carry personal interests."

Gaspar Llazares went further and pointed out that before what is happening in Madrid, citizens are facing a Trojan horse and said that "it is social mobilization, the only thing that slows the Trojan horse", in clear allusion to the white tides thatHealth professionals have carried out to protest against privatization measures.

Juan Barranco, meanwhile, criticized Lasquetty's words when he alludes to the opposition as if they were "radicals" and defended that hisParty, the PSM, "maintains a clear and resounding position on what public health is."In addition, Barranco carried out an interpretation of the way of acting to carry out the privatizations: "First it begins denouncing everything public and discrediting it. And once that phase of grained fire is achieved, the occupation of the land by the infantry comes,What are private companies. "

Both Sánchez Bayle, and Llamazares, and Barranco are in favor of public health and against privatization.As Dr. Sánchez Bayle recalls in the book, parafering Bevan aneuryn

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
06/27/2013 7:55 a.m.
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Community of Madrid
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Health reveals the economic offers to outsource the management of six hospitals in Madrid

Jun 28 (EFE) .- The economic offers presented by Ribera Salud, Sanitas and the Hima San Pablo group to opt for the management of six Madrid public hospitals will be revealed today, when the contracting table opens the required documentation.

Jun 28 (EFE) .-

The economic offers presented by Ribera Salud, Sanitas and the Hima San Pablo group to opt for the management of six Madrid public hospitals will be revealed today, when the contracting table opens the required documentation.

The opening of the bidding envelopes, which will be granted for a period of ten years, will take place from 10 in the morning, in a public act at the headquarters of the Madrid Health Service (Sermas).

With this outsourcing contest, whose technical offers have already been opened last week, the Ministry of Health aims to obtain 20 % saving in the welfare spending of these hospitals, which are tendered in five lots.

A Temporary Union of Companies (UTE) composed of Ribera Salud, Ingesan (of the OHL Group) and IECISA (Computer Science El Corte Inglés S.A.) Puja for managing the hospitals of the Southeast (Arganda del Rey) and Infanta Leonor (Vallecas).

Sanitas, on the other hand, bid for the Henares Hospital (Coslada), while Hima San Pablo, who is the only foreign bidder, aspires to manage Infanta Sofia (San Sebastián de los Reyes), as well as Infanta Cristina (Parla) and the Tajo Hospital (Aranjuez) that are offered together.

The capita, which is the price that the administration will pay to the concessionaire to serve the reference population of each hospital, will be an average of 484 euros per inhabitant and year, a figure that has been calculated based on the care cost of thesehospitals during the years 2011 and 2012.

One of the requirements to opt for these centers, which together meet more than 1,154,000 people, is the commitment to maintain the 5,200 jobs of health professionals who currently work on them.

As a novelty, the concessionaire will pay the community an annual fee for the lease and use of buildings and infrastructure made available, including specialties centers assigned to these hospitals.

The contracting table, chaired by the general director of Economic Management and Purchases of Health and Pharmaceutical Products, Jesús Vidart, will approve the awards based on both offers, the technique and the economic one, which will be valued at 50% each.

Once the process is over, the regional government expects the change in management to occur in September and that hospitals maintain their normal activity.

The outsourcing process, contained in the Fiscal Measures Law of December 28, has raised eight months of protests and strikes convened by unions and platforms of workers and users, in addition to numerous judicial resources filed by unions and parties.

Greetings to the forum!

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06/28/2013 11:32 a.m.
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White tide uses the free choice of doctor driven by the facts to boycott the privatization of hospitals

White tide has proposed to fight against the privatization of hospitals in Madrid from all fronts.Thus, after the numerous strikes, manifestations and protests of all kinds that have been carried out in recent months, the group has now decided to boycott the initiative of Javier Fernández-Lasquetty using his own medicine.Madrid patients have organized themselves to demand by letter to the counselor that allows them to accept the single health area implemented in the region.They want to be attended by professionals who work in public hospitals.

The letter used by the free choice of doctor that the Community of Madrid promoted a few years ago to load against privatizations already runs like gunpowder through social networks.The white tide has been responsible for spreading this letter to achieve maximum support for the campaign.

Thus, patients make it clear to those who “except in case of risk to my health, and since in the Community of Madrid there is a unique health area and free choice of doctor, through the present I want to communicate my absolute rejection of beingattended by health professionals who provide their services or are functionally assigned to private, concerted or private management centers of said community ”.

Consequently, the letter follows, "I only want to be attended by health professionals who are providing their services in public hospitals and, preferably, in the public hospital closest to my address", so they request to be discharged in the centerprivate health and be assigned to the public hospital closest to your home.

Finally, the letter indicates that "if, due to the specialty, or other reasons of clinical nature, I must be transferred, I want my health care to continue in public management health centers."

Precisely last Wednesday the CAS Madrid collective delivered about 5,000 signatures in the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid against health privatization and so that all patients can choose “a hospital, center or specialist that does not belong to a private company”.

Greetings to the forum!

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06/30/2013 7:25 p.m.
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Community of Madrid

Lasquetty opens a new front with the College of Physicians for the places of pediatricians and family doctors

Javier Fernández-Lásquetty is in La Gresca with the Official Medical College of Madrid (ICOMEM).The institution has denounced in a letter the disappearance of the places of pediatricians and family doctors after the forced retirement imposed by the Community of Madrid, although the Ministry of Health has rushed to deny these statements.

In a statement sent yesterday by the department directed by Lasquetty, the regional government "flatly denies that any family doctor or pediatrician square has been amortized, as assured by the Official College of Physicians in Madrid."This is his response to the complaint launched by the institution's primary care table, which assured that within the framework of the “current deterioration” and after the retirement imposed, among other incidents are disappearing from the Madrid health centers “numerous places ofFamily and pediatric doctors. ”

The ICOMEM, in a letter collected by, denounces that there are already health centers without a pediatrician or with a part -time one, indicates that patients' care falls into general medical professionals already overloaded work and without specific training.

It also criticizes that from the recent privatization of the management of the program for the early detection of breast cancer (Deprecam) the delays, incidents and irregularities accumulate, and the confusion reigns to something that worked in a models."If you are a woman between 50 and 70 years old and you live in Madrid, your family doctor does not know if they are going to do the mammography or when," says the school.

Something that has also denied the Ministry of Health, which in the note has denied that deprecam management has been privatized and has assured that "no irregularities have occurred" of any kind.

The ICOMEM has also loaded against the reduction of a third of the budget for cleaning the health centers, with a decrease in both personnel and the work schedule of these professionals.According to the school, there are health centers where there is no cleaning worker present during large time slots, with the consequent deterioration in his usual and necessary hygiene and cleaning, even reaching the temporary closure of emergency rooms and consultations if a discharge occursAccidental of organic waste (urine, vomiting, blood) for not having personnel to proceed with their withdrawal.

In this regard, the Lasquetty department indicates that the new cleaning contract of the health centers "has been awarded according to the conditions of the contest, adapting the working hours to the square meters of each of the centers."Although it is not the only rifirrafe between both institutions.

The College has also denounced the new 'Billing A Third Parties' system, the collection of the service to users who lack the right to it for their condition, for example, of foreign tourists, or by the nature of the problem -labor or traffic actions- Implanted in the computer system of the Madrid Health Service.According to ICOMEM, it does not allow administrative staff to collect patient data, de facto forcing health personnel to these tasks.

However, the Ministry of Health also denies this point, ensuring that “the health professional is limited toComplete the patient data and assistance that you have given you in the computer application.With those registered data, a receipt is printed and the patient has to go to the administrative unit.It is the minimum essential process so that they can receive attention from a healthcare professional. ”

Although the collegial institution does not see it that way, and considers this process “absurd, burden for the system, ineffective and inappropriate, because it detracts from the medical professional for patient care, increasing the bureaucratic tasks of the same”.

Greetings to the forum

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07/02/2013 6:32 a.m.
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Basque Country
Link ... hvlfnraw6/

satse accuses Osakidetza to close almost 25% of the beds in summer and reduce "to the maximum" the substitutions

The Euskadi Nursing Union, Satse, has denounced that Osakidetza will close about 25 percent of its beds during the summer period and will reduce "the replacements.

The Euskadi Nursing Union, Satse, has denounced that Osakidetza will close about 25 percent of its beds during the summer period and will reduce "the replacements.

In a statement, the trade union center has indicated that these "savings measures" have an impact on matters "as serious as the increase in waiting lists, both medical and surgical, the high in a precipitous way, as well as the piled up of patients in the emergency department""Professionals are forced to serve the sick in the halls," he criticized.

SATSE has assured that the closure of beds increases the index of displaced patients, "which are not treated in the unit corresponding to their pathology" and must be treated "by non -specialized professionals."

In his opinion, this is the result of policies that "only seek economic savings at the expense of the deterioration of care quality." The union has warned that all this "overload" professionals.For the union, the "excessive" care demand must be "supported by an adjustd staff of personnel", due to "the policy of reducing the hiring of substitutes that Osakidetza is following."

In Satse's opinion, the "scarcity" of nursing professionals, as well as the "progressive precariousness" of their working conditions, entails "a loss of the quality of care and even the greatest health risks of the people served".As indicated, all existing research concludes that the number of nursing professionals in the centers has "a defined and quantifiable impact on the health and mortality results of patients."

Bed closure

Satse has specified that, of the 4,800 beds from which Osakidetza is equipped, this summer the Basque Health System will close about 1,140 beds, which is 23.75 percent of its beds.For territories, he has indicated that Vizcaya loses about 530 beds (20%), while Álava runs out of 245 beds (30%) and Guipúzcoa closes this summer about 22 percent, with the loss of about 356 beds.

The union has indicated that, in Bizkaia, the Cruces Hospital will close 200 beds, of which 12 would be resuscitation and ICU, while the users of the Galdakao hospital will meet a hospital with 94 beds less during the months of July andAugust, of which 10 are for mental health patients.

In relation to the Gorliz hospital all summer will be with 30 less beds and the Hospital de Basurto closes 156 beds throughout the summer, losing 11 UCI beds and coronary unit or half of its surgical beds.The San Eloy or Santa Marina hospital will lose between 28 and 30 beds respectively, according to Satse data.

In Álava, of the two hospitals in Vitoria, currently unifiedIn the so -called Hua, Santiago runs out of 125 beds and Txagorritxu without 120, has denounced the union.

As indicated, in Guipúzcoa, the Bidasoa hospital closes the 21 beds on its fifth floor and both the Mondaro and Zumarraga hospital are left without 28 beds of surgery.To this situation, he added that in Zumarraga there are 12 internal medical beds that open according to occupation.

Finally, he has censored that the Hospital del Alto Deba, which has three units (one of 19 beds, another of 29 and another of 39), closes the unit of 29 beds during the months of July and August, while in the hospitalDonosti will remain closed during the summer 238 beds, "some even until October."

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
07/02/2013 6:47 p.m.
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Community of Madrid

Unions, municipalities and associations denounce irregularities in the privatization of hospitals

They ensure that the Sanitas company, which opts for the center of Coslada, has already taken company sheets to the hospital even though the award has not been formalized
The Madrid Health Ministry and the health company deny it

Greetings to the forum!

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07/02/2013 7:11 p.m.
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White tide denounces that the facts want to close the operating rooms and UVIS of Ramón y Cajal

The white tide has loaded against Javier Fernández-Lasquetty for the "abuses that certain units and services are suffering covert" at the Ramón y Cajal hospital.The collective accuses the Health Minister of wanting to close some operating rooms, transferring others and concentrating the UVIS of cardiology, neurosurgery and general surgery in one, operations that will cost a million and a half euros.

This is denounced by the Association of Specialist Facultatives of Madrid (AFEM), the Alonso de Ojeda Family Association of Alameda de Osuna-Barajas, the coordinator in defense of the public health of the districts of Linear City and Hortaleza, the Observatory of Public Services ofThe ATTAC Madrid platform, the Platform for the Public Health of San Blas and Canillejas and the Platform of Workers and Users (Patu-Salud), in a letter to which the Bulletin has had access.

In it, the white tide criticizes the actions carried out by the regional government in parallel to the process of privatization of six hospitals to “dismantle” the “100x100 public” centers.Specifically, the group indicates that “the direction of the Ramón y Cajal hospital wants to make a reduction and restructuring of operating rooms and UVIS in this center.It is proposed to close some operating rooms, transfer others and concentrate three UVIS (cardiology, neurosurgery and general surgery) in one, which according to calculations of the center workers could also assume the closure of about 10 beds of UVI ”.

They also ensure health and patient, if this plan is carried out there will be an “important cut of resources for the hospital: less surgical capacity, less UVIS, less beds and less personal”, which “will reduce quality and healthcare safety”.And "to top it off, at least 1.5 million euros will be dedicated to this project," says the letter.

Finally, the critical white tide that is "deriving without need numerous surgical interventions of the hospital to private clinics."According to the collective, “while the expenses to pay these derivations are increased (in the budget for 2013 the money destined for templates is reduced 1,429,238 euros, but the one destined for private concerts increases 2,782,990 euros), the operating roomsexisting are at half a gas, and about 1,000 beds are being used less than 700 ”.In addition, "by reducing the number of operating rooms there will be a new excuse to continue sending more sick to private clinics."

Some measures that, they say, "do not happen by chance", since "they are framed in the policy of privatization of public health: there is a visible privatization and another camouflage that involves the gradual dismantling of the usual public hospitals.It is not accidental, therefore, that these measures are taken outside any consultation to citizens and workers, ”concludes the group.

Ramón y Cajal address

However, the Ramón y Cajal hospital, although it recognizes the closure of UVIS, gives a different version.In a note sent to this newspaper, the Center confirms that it will carry out a “reform of its UVIS and post -surgical resuscitation areas to improve assistance”, although “the exact figure of beds will be maintained in each of the areas included”.It also confirms that "more than 1.5 million euros will be allocated to these improvement works and the acquisition of new apparatus."

According to the hospital letter, the objective of the projectof unification and redistribution of critics units and post -surgical resuscitation is “the improvement of the distribution and situation of the facilities, which are currently dispersed, which will result in better conditions for professionals and of care quality for patients”.

Likewise, the "unification of the surgical blocks to improve their facilities and performance has been raised."In this sense, the hospital insists that "whatever the improvement project that is finally approved, the number of operating rooms in operation will remain invariable."

Finally, the hospital ensures that it is immersed "in a process of global improvement in the performance of the facilities, which is allowing to significantly reduce referrals to concerted centers."According to the data provided, between 2012 and 2013, surgical interventions have been reduced by 20.6%, derivations for CT realations have decreased by 26.9%, those of magnetic resonances by 44.1%, andRehabilitation treatments, 60.1%.

All the best!

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07/02/2013 7:30 p.m.
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Community of Madrid

Sanitas already has sheets with their logo to the Madrid hospital he opts, although it has not yet been awarded

Sanitas, who has brought for the Henares hospital in the contest opened by the Community of Madrid, has already taken sheets with its logo to this center despite the awarding has not yet been confirmed.This is stated by the platform for the improvement and defense of the public health of the Henares, which in a letter indicates that the company has distributed sanitary material marked with its name in different areas of the hospital, such as emergencies, ICU and obstetrics.

In this letter to which the newsletter has had access, dated June 28, the collective ensures that what is happening shows that “despite not having legally produced the award, Sanitas has the authority to act in this way insideof the hospital ”.

“Citizens are seeing indignant how it implies, without any respect for legal norms and times, which before and having been awarded to Sanitas the Henares Hospital, this company is acting unpunished within the central as the winner of the public tender andowner ”.

Although it is not the only complaint that the platform has launched.The group also criticizes the “seemingly managerial, organizational and decision -making of the Sanitas to the hospital” that occur very common, “in the morning”, with the consequent “social alarm and pressure on staff and users”From the center.

This platform loads against these “irregularities” and the “absence of the necessary transparency by the Madrid Health Ministry about the award of the Henares Hospital to a private company to be exploited as a business”.And to show their rejection of working privatizations and users have been locked up this morning in the center.

They complain that the regional government has not consulted the citizenship to which it will deprive “what is its right and that it has just corroborates with 1,000,000 votes its desire that the health system in this community will remainpublic".

This medium, after trying, has not been able to contact the company to comment on the accusations launched by said group.

The platform for the improvement and defense of the public health of the Henares is formed by AAVV Jarama, AAVV Park Henares, AFA Corredor, Atac, AECC, APAINE, APRA, PAULO FREIRE, AAVV CITY 0, TRANSPLANTADOS OF THE HEART, coordinator of Coslada Associations, AAVV Barrio de la Estación, Mind and Sociedad, Monserrat Roig, Goya Puerta, Ecologists in Action San Fernando and Coslada, Arco Coslada, PSOE San Fernando and Cosladof San Fernando.


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07/03/2013 9:32 a.m.
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Link ... 94429.html

Before the award of the privatization of hospitals

The stubbornness to continue with the awards can only respond to hidden commitments acquired with the companies, or to the attempt to save the political career of Gonzalez and Lasquetty.

And although Lasquetty pretendscarried out in the Centers of the Public Health of Traditional Management, to pay the business businesses of the privatizations, they are responsible for the disaster of Madrid health.

The Madrid government and the Ministry of Health has stressed in continuing with a privatization process carried out in forced marches and with the frontal rejection of professionals, citizen organizations and most of the users of these hospitals, including voters of thePp.It is an absurd decision and condemned to failure.

In addition, the entire process is aware of judicial decisions to multiple resources, in Spain and before the EU, placed by political and union entities.Common sense would have forced to wait for this multitude of legal actions to be cleared before making a decision, which to prosper one of them will have unwanted and very negative effects for all parties (citizens, professionals and even companies).

The stubbornness to continue with the awards can only respond to hidden commitments acquired with the companies, or to the attempt to save the political career of Gonzalez and Lasquetty.In any case one more sample of the disaster and the chaos in which the Madrid health situation has become where the incompetence and economic and personal interests of a few are harming the health of the entire population.

Greetings to the forum!

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07/04/2013 7:14 p.m.
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"I am not going to emergency because they charge me"
Link ... 94421.html >

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07/04/2013 7:31 p.m.
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Madrid consumes the privatization of six hospitals for a decade

The Madrid government officially delivers to private hands the management of six hospitals built with public funds
The workers of the health sector, who have maintained a combative attitude against privatization, say they have a "bittersweet" feeling
The imputation of the Madrid sanitary dome comforts them but regrets that the process goes ahead.

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
07/05/2013 9:55 a.m.
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CCOO asks in court

CCOO has submitted an appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) to demand the total nullity of the Human Resources reorganization plan promoted by Javier Fernández-Lasquetty.The Ministry of Health developed this document to comply with the staff of the six hospitals to be privatized.

The union has made this decision, as reported in a note, since it understands that this plan "will entail the destruction of public employment and the decapitalization of public health."

The demand for CCOO loads against the relative point "to the provision of headquarters in hospital centers", for understanding that "its regulation is not the object of a human resources management plan", and demands the "revocation of forced mobility"Of the professionals for the closure of the work center, for concentration of the activity in one or more work centers and for justified care needs, since" it will lead to the destruction of public employment, in addition to threatening the labor rights of workers ".

Likewise, Rosa Cuadrado, secretary of the Federation of Health of CCOO Madrid, has indicated that the judicial action also goes against the "assignment" of professionals of public health centers contemplated by thequetty, and whose sole purpose is to "continue to decapitalize the public health both bothIn material resources such as humans, reversing all these resources in favor of private companies, since they will be public employees working for a private company ”.

CCOO also criticizes that the Community of Madrid intends to “integrate career health official personnel, without specifying whether they would maintain their current economic conditions or if this would cause layoffs of interim official personnel”, so it claims that, in any case, the integration is"Voluntary and with guarantees of maintaining jobs and working conditions for interim staff and so that those who do not opt ​​for statutory."

The union follows the Association of Higher Physicians and Titles (Amyts), which a week ago filed a demand at the TSJM to stop this plan.

Greetings to the forum!

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07/08/2013 6:39 p.m.
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