For a universal health

olmo's profile photo   11/18/2012 4:37 p.m.

Community of Madrid

The white tide will collect food in the hospitals of Madrid on the last day of strike

Public health professionals are called this June 4 to the last strike called the privatizations of Ignacio González, although it will not be a day of unemployment to use.The workers have launched a solidarity collection of food that will be carried out in hospitals and health centers throughout the Community of Madrid.

‘Solidarity strike.Do what you do on day 4, provide your kilo of food.That is the motto with which this campaign has been launched, which aims to show the regional government the discontent of citizenship with its measures.This initiative has emerged in support of the mobilizations convened by the unions during May and June, given the impossibility of many professionals to secondary the strikes due to the strong economic burden that this implies.

Therefore, from the Madrid Independent Nursing Association (AME) they have launched this solidarity collection of food, with which the white tide wants to "thank the population for their support" and help "the citizenship that most needs it at the moment".

In this way, each worker of hospitals and health centers is invited to provide a kilo of food do or do not strike.Likewise, citizens are also called to participate in this initiative, which in some cases will extend to other structures closer to the population, such as shopping centers and supermarkets.

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06/03/2013 6:43 a.m.
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Castilla y León
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Platforms for public health on Cyl, against the closure of hospital plants in the summer months

Representatives of platforms in defense of public health of various provinces of Castilla y León, gathered in Valladolid to assess the situation of the public health system in the region, have expressed their disagreement with the closure of hospital plants, in principle during the summer months, which will mean up to 30 percent of the total hospital capacity.

against the industrialization of Rosell

The representatives of the different platforms have also shown their disagreement with the demonstrations of the president of the CEOE, Joan Rosell, on his recent trip to Valladolid, when he pointed out his desire that healing was industrialized.

"According to this man, it seems that human beings must receive a treatment similar to that of any industrial product," they regret, at the same time they warn that in Castilla y León they are beginning to give an exclusion process, of sectors of the population,of health care, as a consequence of the application in Royal Decree 16/2012 of April 20.

And they denounce that the health policy of the Ministry and, therefore, of the Autonomous Government of Castilla y León is not oriented to guarantee the stability and viability of the health systempublic in the region, but to privatize this by other means than those that are being used in the Community of Madrid, "specifically the deterioration of it from within to open more and wider spaces to the intervention of private health."

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06/03/2013 8:05 p.m.
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impute the former president of the ICS Josep Prat and eight more people for the Sant Pau

The Court of Instruction 22 of Barcelona has summoned to declare in quality to nine more people in relation to the instruction in the case of the Hospital de Sant Pau for alleged prevarication and embezzlement of public flows, among which are two deceased: theExconseller Josep Laporte and the religious Malachi Zayas.

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06/04/2013 12:09 p.m.
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Physician Union sees the Human Resources Plan for "Unprecedented attack on public health"

The Medical Union of Aragon has described as "unprecedented attack on public health" the Human Resources Management Plan of the Aragonese Health Service (Health), as Lorenzo started, representative of this entity, who has appeared in commission, who has appeared in commissionof the Autonomous Courts together with Celso Mostacero and Leandro Catalán.

The Medical Union of Aragon has described as "unprecedented attack on public health" the Human Resources Management Plan of the Aragonese Health Service (Health), as Lorenzo started, representative of this entity, who has appeared in commission, who has appeared in commissionof the Autonomous Courts together with Celso Mostacero and Leandro Catalán.

Arracó has criticized, in the Commission of Citizen Appearances and Requests, the ordination of the personnel provided by the Department of Health, Social Welfare and Family, which provides forced retirement of most doctors between 65 and 70 years.

According to the data of this union, a total of 2,368 places and, specifically, between doctors will be lost between 290 and 522 of a template of just over 4,000 "in attention, exclusively, exclusively, exclusivelyto economic criteria ".There will be a "brutal" decrease of the most specialized and prepared ", has added.

In his opinion, these measures are "drastic and serious", the plan has been elaborated "without knowing what is being talked about and what consequences will have in the coming years", and, in general, it is an "insult" to theProfessionalism, to the maintenance of quality and technical innovation.

Leandro Catalán has asserted that this "is not a human resources plan, but only retirement, which are made without reorganization" and has regretted that only economic criteria are taken into account to amortize places "with the exclusive purpose of short savingsTerm in the budget ".Catalan has made it clear that care quality levels cannot be improved "without counting professionals.

Celso Mostacero has stated, on the other hand, that "it is not possible to maintain the levels of health benefits decreasing and amortizing places", after which he has denied that public health is universal, since it is financed with taxes.Forced retirement, he added, "means dispensing with the most qualified professionals with the sole purpose of amortizing places."

It has also been surprised by the decision of the department to transfer the competition to the area managers to determine which professions retire, "if there is no objective criterion" and has expressed that any modification of the human resources of health "cannotdamage the provision of the service to the Aragonese. "


The deputy of the PP Nuria Loris recalled that "health promised to cover all needs and that there will be covered places and others" and has argued that the objectives of the plan are, among others, "the renewal of templates, theStable employment generation, the greatest ability to adapt to change by professionals and facilitate the approach of new scientific-technical projects. "

The PSOE parliamentarian Eduardo Alonso has defended that "Aragon cannot allow these numbers because it is an adventure that our health should not run."In his opinion, this plan "will increase the delays in evidence and consultations tremendously, it is a shortage of medical and knowledge leaders, without planning to be replaced."

For his part, the deputy of the PAR Manuel Blasco has opted for "an ordination of agreed resources and analyzed case by case" and has indicated that "any element of distortion that may produce the sensation contrary to this will seem unjustified; they must beAspects agreed between the parties and in the scope of the corresponding tables, without reaching extremes that we like, "he said.

The spokeswoman of Cha, Nieves Ibases, commented that "there is no trait of objectivity in the order and neither" criteria or concrete issues. "These" are very hard times for us to play what we are doing and we cannot allow toCoast of the rights of citizens and workers are scratching euros, when it turns out that we have badly attended people. "

From IU, the parliamentarian Patricia Luquin has described the appearance of this union as "absolutely clarifying" and has agreed that the plan is "an unprecedented attack on public health", adding that "if someone thinks there is no deterioration, there islying and is quite irresponsible;

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06/04/2013 12:17 p.m.
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What we have left to hear, also now that they remove the subsidy to the Gin-Tics and other Copichuelas in Congress.Marihuano, every day you overcome ...:-/

Rajoy has "absolute confidence" in Ana Mato because "he is doing things very well"

Mariano Rajoy has shown his “absolute confidence” in Ana Mato before the new revelations in the ‘Gürtel Case’ that ensure that the Minister of Health, allegedly, would have received numerous gifts from the plot of Francisco Correa.Asked about this controversy, the president of the Government has avoided any criticism and has assured that Mato "is doing things very well."

The figure of Ana Mato and the gifts that the Minister had allegedly received by the Francisco Correa network have persecuted Mariano Rajoy to Brussels.In a press conference with the president of the European Commission, José Manuel Durao Barroso, the leader of the PP has closed ranks with the head of Health in an attempt to silence the controversy that surrounds it.

And, the constant information about the cases present that Gürtel would have granted to Mato have made the minister constantly on the tightrope and sign up as the first to fall.

Beyond this issue, which Rajoy has tried to Zanjar, the president of the Government has focused his intervention on the economy and his meeting with Duroo Barroso.

According to the chief of the Executive, the 2014 Budgets and the National Reform Plan that has presented today.He also said that "it is essential to continue advances in the bank union" and in fighting youth unemployment.

Regarding pensions, Rajoy has affirmed that since the crisis began in 2007 there are 3.3 million social security contributors less and the only budget item that his government has not dropped is dedicated to pensions.In this regard he has announced that he will take any decision to the Toledo Pact in this regard to be transferred by the Commission.

On the issue of taxes, the president of the Government has denied that he will upload them.

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06/05/2013 1:18 p.m.
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Community of Madrid
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A court opens previous proceedings by an AFEM complaint about alleged irregularities in outsourcing

The group will present today an resource against the outsourcing of 6 hospitals and asks for the suspension of the tender

"The privatization of health management will not only mean savings but will be more expensive to Madrid, it does not ensure as real quality possible in patient careAnd it also violates norms from the legal point of view and irregularities that could be constitutive of alleged crimes " , highlight the collective in a statement are produced.

Finally, he recriminates the Minister of Health, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, who has not attended to his opinion the opinion of professionals and citizens to "rethink their crazy plan.""We only have to trust justice, and we trust," says the spokeswoman for AFM, Fatima Brañas.


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06/06/2013 7:41 a.m.
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The Andalusian Board insists the government that explains why it seeks to prevent by law the auction of drugs

The Andalusian Minister of Presidency and Equality, Susana Díaz, has demanded this Thursday to the Government of the Nation that I explained why it has been on the side of the pharmaceutical industry and now tries to prevent, by law, the auction of drugs in Andalusia.

The Andalusian Minister of Presidency and Equality, Susana Díaz, has demanded this Thursday to the Government of the Nation that I explained why it has been on the side of the pharmaceutical industry and now tries to prevent, by law, the auction of drugs in Andalusia.

Speaking to Canal Sur Radio collected by Europa Press, Díaz has referred to the forecast of the Ministry of Health to prevent sales in the industrial price of medicines unless they are made throughout the national territory, which would enter intoConflict with the auction of medicines approved in Andalusia, although appealed by the Government before the Constitutional Court.

The counselor has indicated that how the central government that still wants to change "even the will of justice" can still explain.After remembering that the Government of the Nation has resorted three times the auction of medicines in Andalusia, has expressed that "what does not win in court wants to do it by law."

He pointed out that the Executive will have to explain to the Spaniards and the Andalusians why he has put on the side of the pharmaceutical industry and not on the side of the citizens and why do they not allow us to save us200 million euros a year in this community in medicines.

In his opinion, something has to take the Minister of Health, Ana Mato, and Mariano Rajoy's government to make such a decision, which again puts the cost of the crisis on the citizens' shoulders.

"They prefer the copayment, that citizens pay, to stop winning a little less the large pharmaceutical industries," he said.

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06/06/2013 10:15 a.m.
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The shipwreck of the Vigo Hospital
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The shipwreck of the new Vigo hospital, those six towers as six keels against the wind, seems to be definitive.For months, against what was stated by the health authorities, the works are stopped and find no departures to continue.The concessionary company, in charge of building and then managing the hospital, is not able to get financing.The banks do not trust, they do not give it the necessary credit.The one that was going to be the great health work of the Galician government, in response to an imperative need of the region, is in stand by.Let's make a brief chronological review of what happened.

-Febrero, 2009. The Progressive Government (2005-2009) approves the creation of a new hospital complex in Vigo, after a negotiation process and consultations in which numerous professionals and representatives of the regional health participated.The project tries to respond to the chronic lack of beds in the area and raises the integration of the population currently attached to the Povisa Private Hospital.A public company was created with the approval of a sufficient economic-financial plan to finish the works in a period of five years (2009-2013), with a final cost of less than 500 million euros.

-Abril of 2009. The PP occupies power in Galicia.The Government of Núñez Feijóo, through an emergency procedure (which avoids presenting a comparative study of the different possibilities of financing and construction), paralyzes this project and replaces it with another used by the PFI model (private financing initiative).This concession system, used in the United Kingdom three decades ago, has shown that it is less efficient, more expensive and offers a worse quality.In Madrid and Valencia, the PP promoted this management model: today they have public health in the RUÍNA and with serious care problems.The Galician Government knows, surely, these experiences;But he considers that, at this time of real estate crisis, in health there is a private business possibility at the expense of public budgets.The promoted project introduces important losses: it reduces the number of beds, certain care services disappear and maintains the Povisa hospital within the public network with assigned population (part of the city and the Peninsula del Morrazo).A process plagued by irregularities begins here.

-September 2010. El Sergas (SERVIZO GALEGO DE SAÚDE) awards the PWC consultant a contract to evaluate the bidding offers and select the company that will be in charge of the project of the new hospital (in this consultant, with strong links with power,He worked as Guindos when he left Lehman Brothers-in bankruptcy-).The Sergas paid 220,000 euros to PWC for a report that now does not appear in the file Soicited by the TSXG (Superior Court of Xustiza de Galicia): the defenders of public health suspect that such a report does not exist.The contract of 1.3 billion euros to project, raise and exploit the services of the new hospital are awarded to a UTE (Temporary Union of Companies) composed of ruined banks (including Bankia and CAM, rescued entities and with the worst solvency qualificationsby the Bank of Spain) and bankruptcy construction.Among the latter is, considered, considered a "toxic" firm, whichIt is denounced for fraud and received a fine of 5.5 million competition.In it he had a high position Agustin Hernández, Ministry of Environment, Territory and Infrastructure.This company subcontracted part of the work to Irros Santa Cruz, owned by Telmo Martín, relevant member of the PP, councilor in Pontevedra and deputy (the richest in Congress).

-Marzo of 2011. In the pre -campaign of the municipal Núñez Feijóo he goes to Vigo, when the works had not yet begun, to inaugurate the new hospital.Surrounded by high health and local positions he appeared as a champion, as if he were already working.There were even more inaugurations (September-2011, before the regional elections), but in reality the works began in June 2011 and today they are stopped.

-Febrero, 2012. The concessionary company is desperate in search of financing.Meanwhile, Núñez Feijóo proclaims the benefits of the system.In the PP Congress held in Seville, he affirms that "the experience of some autonomous communities has demonstrated the effectiveness of this model in the health field."In a paper he claims the extension of this model without restrictions: “Innovation in management is a requirement of modern health, and should not be constrained or penalized by laws beyond the firm guarantee of access and quality standards in quality in quality inthe benefit ”.

-Junio ​​of 2012. The UTE declares an extra cost of eight million in the foundation of the work, which claims to the Xunta, for having to look for solutions “in the absence of a geotechnical study of the plot”, which Sergas claims to have deliveredtogether with the fold of contest conditions.These tactics, which introduce successive modified on the planned work, are often used by concessionary companies to increase their benefits.

-A 2012to a court of Santiago.The fact is that no bank agrees to provide funds for this project and the concessionaire considers “completely altered” the basis of the contract.The works, initiated with the 20% contribution by the concessionaire itself, have no way to follow.No banking entity trusts the viability of this project.

-Octuberent of 2012. All union forces and opposition parties, together with thousands of people, occupied the city of Vigo in a busy demonstration against the privatization of the new hospital.It was not the only one: there were, in recent months, numerous acts of protest and claim that reflect citizen concern for the direction that health policy has taken in the region.A few days ago (May-2013) the leaders of the opposition of and of the unions, together with leaders of SOS Health Public, appeared before the hospital works to denounce their paralysis."For a unique hospital without cuts or privatizations" is the motto of the campaign that they will promote to claim the rescue of the project to be public in its financing and management.

-Mayo of 2013. "There is no problem with financing," said the Minister Mosquera, at the beginning of the last electoral campaign, when they already knew the disturbing position of the concessionaire.The Xunta repeatedly denied the financial problems and that the works were stopped.But the truth is that he promoted meetings with various banking entities to seek financing without obtaining any result.He even requested his own credit to the European Investment Bank (BCI) for 180 million euros, which clearly breached the contract where it is specified that the financing is "at the risk and venture of the concessionaire."TheCompany began to terminate contracts with workers.Now there are a hundred employees dedicated to maintenance tasks;The 2,400 that the Xunta announced when it presented the project is very far away.The work is stopped when less than a year is missing for the last period established for delivery.

-Epilogue.Recently, Núñez Feijóo pointed out the absence of a story of the central government.This is not the complete account of its government action, but collects the substantial facts of an important plot of its commitment.Here are the deceptions, traps and lies that have happened during these years.This is the chronicle of an announced death, the resounding failure of what was going to be the great work- and the greatest business- of its presidential mandate.Now Vigo already has its unfinished gaiás, it already has its white elephant, but still waiting for an essential health work to guarantee adequate hospital care to citizens.

-Postdata.But there are those who learn from their own mistakes.They push us towards the precipice and do not step back.In Ourense the PP also wants to privatize health.The Hospital Management (directed by Eloína Núñez, cousin of Núñez Feijóo) announced in February the tender for the "Comprehensive Management of Spaces", for 150 million euros, which would include the transfer to a company of all non -sanitary services during adecade.The winner could subcontract the completion of the works.The contest was deserted: no company wants to assume this concession.They will continue to press until economic conditions improve at the expense of public budgets.Now they will do a negotiated procedure and the Xunta will carry out the award by choosing the candidates for finger.

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06/07/2013 7:51 a.m.
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Community of Madrid

collect 23,000 kilos of food in hospitals in the Health Strike

Jun 10 (EFE) .- The last day of strike against the outsourcing of healththe organizers of the initiative that coincided with the unemployment of June 4.

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06/10/2013 7:40 p.m.
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Community of Madrid
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seven months of cuts and privatization in Madrid health

Seven months after the presentation by the Madrid Government of the PP of the sothe measures taken so far and its impact on the functioning of Madrid's public health and on the health care that the population receives.

First, the degree of realization of the plan proposals should be assessed:

- Reconversion of the Princess Hospital: it has not been executed in the planned terms, although the result of the agreement reached with the heads of service have already been implemented some geriatric specialties.In any case, the hospital remains a general hospital with reference services and fundamentally, the plans of the

-Reconversion of the Carlos III hospital: it has not yet been executed.The Ministry has made a proposal to depend on La Paz, which is seeing with the Heads of Service but not with the workers' representatives.It seems that the entire area of ​​international care (tropical diseases, etc.) will be preserved.

-Privatization central laundry (improved): The specifications have not yet been approved.

-Privatization Central Radiodiagnosis Unit: There have also been specific advances

-Privatization Primary care centers: it was announced that they were going to be 27 and lately that they will only start for four, although the conditions of conditions have not yet been approved, although they have already approved a decree that regulates the conditions that mustto fulfill the entities formed by professionals who may be interested.It also remains to be specified.

-Privatization Non -health services Hospitals: Hospitals: The specifications of some services of some hospitals such as cleaning for example have already been approved.

-Concentration of the laboratories: an agreement was reached with those responsible in such a way that there will not be a single central laboratory for all centers, that is, the provisions of the plan were not carried out.

-Cierre Cardiology Institute: It has been closed since December, even before regional budgets and their personnel relocated in other hospital centers or fired for non -renewal of contracts.It is the only point that has been fulfilled for all purposes

-Tasa of the euro per recipe.It began to become effective in January 2013 and was of short duration when it was suspended by the Constitutional Court (government and PSOE resources), despite this, € 4.9 million were expropriated to Madrid, money that probably notThey will see again.

-Suspension of active service extensions (forced retirement of those who had grant their prolongation up to 70 years), carried out on May 15.No hiring have been made in vacancies.

-Privatization Hospitals of Mixed Management: The specifications that were published in the BOCM have been approved.They are pending award and the PSOE has made an appeal against which it has been admitted to processing by the Constitutional Court.

And we must not forget the other measures made:

-It is applying the privatization of non -health services of the Hospital de Puerta de Hierro, although in reality it isof a measure pending apply since 2008.

-It tried to withdraw the sanitary helicopter with Lozoyuela: the regional government has rectified and maintains it, although at the expense of subsidies for local issues that it annually grants the municipalities of said areas.

-Cierre of the Laín Entralgo training agency, with the corresponding employment file.

-The afternoon extensions have been suspended in many centers.

-It has produced a shortage of vaccines in health centers and other materials.

In this context, the approval of the privatizations of the 6 Semi -Private Hospitals (PFI) that have the clear intention not only of privatizing healthcare but also in addition to favoring the private sector at the expense of public funds.

It is striking, for example, the high bed that arises (well above that of traditional management centers (in some cases triples the annual bed cost), as well as the cost for stay that is far higher than that of public hospitals.On the other hand, the existing technology (bought by the public system) is transferred at the balance price, and they are guaranteed an annual canon update with the CPI, while the public sector only suffers budget cuts.audiences that are Social Security Heritage (Specialties Centers and Mental Health Centers).which can be affirmed that these are specifics designed only for companies benefits.

It also turns out that only one company has been presented for each hospital (Ribera Salud in Vallecas and Arganda, Bup-Sanitas in Coslada, and Hima in San Sebastián de los Reyes and Parla-Aranjuez) because it seems, well among companies, well by the Ministry, and calls into question that it is really a public and open tender.

Another relevant fact is the landing of Hima a company of Puerto Rico specialized in "health tourism" so its practice does not correspond to the guarantee of health care of a delimited geographical area.

The problems of delivering hospitals to business groups have been repeatedly denounced, but these problems make major when it comes to multinationals associated with capital-risgo companies that can easily decide a divestment in the health area leaving without coverage to coveragecitizenship.This issue becomes even more thorny with the presence of companies without health experience such as OHL and the English Court and with groups dedicated to “health tourism” whose care practice has nothing to do with guaranteeing health care to a geographically delimited population.

Of course views the entities that have presented the reasonable thing is to think that the Ministry of Madrid, whose responsible are politically and personally "burned" by the conflict that have irresponsibly caused, have been those that have led to these presentations through pressures of all kinds,And let's hope that the funds of Madrid's public health have not been mortgaged.

At the same time, there has been a large staff cut, around 2,500 jobs in the health centers in 4 months, and moreover, it is expected that when the year ends the staff cut between 7 and 8,000 troops from all categories.

In addition, copagos are being applied in application of the RD Law 16/2012 in Pharmacy, and in prostheses, orthosis and diets, being provided for non -urgent sanitary transport, and the public financing of 417 medications was withdrawn.

HePharmaceutical co -payment has produced a decrease in the number of recipes (10. 987,660 less recipes, 9.97% less recipes) that is due to 2 phenomena that act in parallel, the exclusion of medications and the unpaid of recipes prescribed by pensionersWith low income (a total of 16.83% of pensioners do not withdraw any recipe/s for not being able to assume the costs of the copayment).

The call centers are being used for a systematic derivation of diagnostic tests and surgical interventions towards private centers (well administrative concessions, special concert centers and concerted centers) that occur from call centers that pursue users for users toChange the appointments of public centers for others in private ones.At the same time, numerous cases have been detected in which the free choice of center by users has been prevented from avoiding, with all kinds of tricks, the choice of public centers.

And in the midst of everything, irregular immigrants have been excluded from the public health system and the conditions under which it has been established in clear violation of European conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and we believe we believe that it isunconstitutional.


The results of this policy can be summarized in:

-4,700,000 less consultations in primary care (of general medicine, pediatrics and nursing)
-1.054,000 less external consultations of specialized care
-123,000 Radiological Explorations less
-44,800 income less
-37.400 Surgical interventions less
-A loss of the quality of the care paid
Waiting lists increase

In accordance with the above, it will occur, an increase in waiting times, especially in external consultations and surgical interventions.The estimated increase in these delays is 9.5% average, although its distribution will not be homogeneous and there will be some specialties and activities that will have much higher increases.

worsens the quality of health care

Because less personnel to serve the patients is a greater workload, a decrease in quality, less patient safety, and an increase in the risks of errors in assistance.

citizenship rejects the process of cuts and privatizations

Madrid citizens have repeatedly expressed its rejection of the health policy of the regional government of the PP, through mass participationIn the mobilizations, the collection of more than 1,800,000 signatures against privatization, actively participating in the popular consultation (more than 930,000 voters), etc.Another fact is that it shows citizen concern against the actions of the PP in Madrid is that in the last Barometer of the CIS (April 2013) in the Community of Madrid, 12.8% of respondents point to health as the main problem against7.9% in the country as a whole

With everything it is convenient to be aware that the privatization process advances more slowly than expected, thanks to the pressure of citizenship and health workers, which have been mobilizing for seven months against cuts and privatizations in Madrid's public health.The tactics of the Madrid government and the Ministry seems to be clear: letting the time pass for tiredness to end generating demobilization.It is a risky strategy because it generates a lot of frustration and of course in the medium term it will end up taking its toll.We have to continue with sustainable mobilizations over time, and the most unitary and integrative as possible.It is a health and moral requirement.


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06/10/2013 8:12 p.m.
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A report on health cuts in Spain, a new threat to the tourist season

The British Medical Journal medical magazine, one of the most prestigious in the world in its guild, has published this Thursday a devastating article against the health cuts carried out by the Spanish authorities.His message could also become a deterrent element for all British tourists who frequent Spanish coasts during the summer season.

There are already several foreign media that have echoed the deterioration of Spanish health and how this could affect those who visit the country.An example occurs in the BBC portal, which has warned of the legal battle that Brussels maintains with Spain for wanting to reject the EU health card.That is, traveling to this country is no longer as safe as it was, for international tourists.

A message that begins to penetrate and that appears in some guides, but that can now be dramatically amplified by the 'tabloids' with the conclusions of the article published by British Medical Journal.

Researchers who have analyzed the situation of dismantling Madrid (although they talk about Spain in a more general area) warn that if the trend does not change, there is a risk that a loop of health problems is created in the countrythat could imply an increase in infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or HIV, according to information published today by the newspaper El País.

A part of the analysis has consisted of interviewing 34 doctors and nurses of Catalonia.The majority claimed to feel "crashed, lethargic and disappointed" with the cuts, and some expressed the fear that the adjustments "kill people", according to the researchers.

"For five years, policies to solve the financial crisis have been based only on economic indicators," said Martin McKee, a professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene & AMP;Tropical Medicine and one of those responsible for the study."Our work brings light on the burden of human suffering that these policies have involved."

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06/13/2013 11:32 a.m.
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Spain has passed in 5 years to the European tail in new oncological drugs

Madrid, Jun 14 (EFE) .- Spanish oncologists have warned today that in five years Spain has gone from being, together with Austria, the European country that most quickly incorporated new oncological drugs, to be in line in line with other statesSouth such as Portugal or Greece.

Madrid, Jun 14 (EFE) .- Spanish oncologists have warned today that in five years Spain has gone from being, together with Austria, the European country that most quickly incorporated new oncological drugs, to be in line in line with other statesSouth such as Portugal or Greece.

This delay has been denounced today by the Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group (GEICAM) during the press conference presentation of the 6th Annual Review of Advances in this type of tumors, in which more than 300 experts analyze the associated challengesto the approach of these patients and the new advances in treatments.

Dr. Miguel Ángel Seguí, of the Parc Taulí and Vocal Health Corporation of the Geicam, has indicated that new drugs approved in the United States and that they are already being used in that country with demonstrated effects, do not reach Spain until a year and a half later.

He has set the example of Everolimus, a drug used in the treatment of advanced breast cancer Re+, of regular use in many countries, but in Spain, although his indication is approved, if a woman needs it "simple it will not be".

"It is evident that not only our health, but the Portuguese, the Greek or the Italian will increasingly have more problems to incorporate new drugs," he said.

And that, although, as explained, the new oncological drugs have an impact less than one per thousand of the pharmaceutical expenditure.

"If there is a drug that allows you to save lives and improve the situation, the relative cost is ninfimo," said Seguí, who stressed that oncologists "will try to resist drug cuts."

In the same sense, Dr. Ana Lluch, head of the Hematology and Medical Oncology Service of the University Clinical Hospital of Valencia, has specified that the new therapeutic advances now take longer to join because the negotiation time of the price between the authorities has been extendedSanitary and companies, for the sake to look for greater savings.

Oncologists have also denounced the inequalities in access to the most innovative medications that occur not only between autonomous communities, but in the same city, depending on hospitals.

This has agreed Josefa Madrid, of the Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer (FECMA), who has considered that health cannot be negotiable and has asked that "no crisis can stop early detection campaigns."

However, and despite the cuts, "the roads are underway," said Dr. José Enrique Alés, coordinator of the GECAM Epidemiology and Chemotherapy Group, who stressed that thanks to research, a very high percentage of patients isThey cure or live much longer, so they become long survivors.

In fact, in Spain there are 90,000 women who are alive five years afterThey are diagnosed with breast cancer.

The fact that there are more and longer survivors will make it necessary to consider the transfer to primary care for their follow -up, according to Doctor Seguí, although he has nuanced that he will have to find the time to do so that patients do not feel unprotected.

Currently, breast cancer research is aimed at identifying which patients will benefit more from each treatment and the search for medicines aimed at new families of therapeutic targets that allow to stop the progress of these tumors.

Before an advanced cancer case, the objective focuses on "chronifying it", so that its evolution is slow and treatments with lower side effects that do not affect the quality of life of patients can be administered.

Dr. Lluch has pointed out that "the good news" is that for each subgroup of breast cancer there are specific treatments, less and less toxic and that increase survival.

Great advances have been made in the her2+ type (25 % of the total), as well as in tumors that have positive hormonal receptors, present in more than half of the cases.

This oncologist has acknowledged that where there is less progress is in the approach of the triple negative type, which represents between 15 and 20 % of cases, although he has ventured that in the near future there will also be a treatment for this cancer.

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06/14/2013 10:34 a.m.
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Link ... kjet1h6y6/ >

Patusalud summons a "national tide" on June 23

Madrid, Jun 16 (EFE) .- The Patusalud Association (Assembly Platform of Workers and Users for Health) today has called a "national tide" on June 23 to "demonstrate" that citizens "of all Spain" areagainst the "dismantling" of the public health system.

Madrid, Jun 16 (EFE) .- The Patusalud Association (Assembly Platform of Workers and Users for Health) today has called a "national tide" on June 23 to "demonstrate" that citizens "of all Spain" areagainst the "dismantling" of the public health system.

As reported in a press release, with this call, they intend that each city organize the act "that it considers possible" (a manifestation, a march or a concentration), but all the same day at the same time.

In Madrid Patusalud has already summoned a demonstration at 12 noon that will pass from the Puerta del Sol to the door of Alcalá with the motto "for a million reasons. No to the privatization of public health."

The association has denounced that "numerous regional governments" have the "intention"profit of profit. "

With this statement, Ribera Health, Sanitas and Hima San Pablo, from Puerto Rico, which opt for the management of six Madrid public hospitals (Southeast, Infanta Leonor, Henares, Infanta Sofía, Infanta Cristina and Tajo).

"The most serious diseases will produce less profitable customers who will only be attended in traditional public hospitals," Patusalud has predicted. The table in defense of public health called on May 19 a "white tide" in Madrid that brought together 6,000 peopleAccording to police and 60,000 sources according to some of the summons.

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06/16/2013 12:03 p.m.
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Community of Madrid
Link ... Knmupfdg3/ >

Link Width = 642 & amp; height = 482 & amp; type = height & amp; id = vnjuzdxucseg4clm6wloy & amp; time = 1371 93043 & amp; project = lainformacion "style =" max-width: 300px;

The SATSE Nursing Union has registered this morning an administrative contentious appeal against the specifications for the tender of the externalized management of six hospitals in the region.

As reported by the group in a statement, the process that promotes the Ministry of Health for the outsourcing of the Infanta Sofia, Infanta Leonor, Infanta Cristina, Henares Hospital, Hospital del Surrete and Hospital del Tajo, has been challenged.

With this measure, the union expects that "the privatization process that the Regional Government intends to implement in the Community of Madrid is paralyzed."With this, Satse also resorts to the process as the PSM and the Amyts doctors union have already done.

On the other hand, Satse reiterates his rejection of the sustainability plan of the health system promoted

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06/17/2013 8:34 p.m.
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Five negative consequences of privatizing health

The Public Private Management Model multiplies by seven final expenses
Health foundations have 28% less doctors per 1,000 inhabitants than public hospitals
The co -payment of medicines and certain care services affects health promotion and prevention
Assurance .According to the report, competition between companies that provide private health insurance is associated with inefficiency and inequality.The researchers - which cite the example of Holland, where the use of insurance is very common - ensure that this system increases health spending because it forces the administration to regulate and control the work of insurers so that they do not try to "move theCost of premiums and their inefficiencies to system users. "

2. Copagus and cuts .The "repayment" of medicines and certain healthcare services - the expense, prostheses - affects, according to this study, the promotion and prevention of health and the monitoring of chronic patients.In fact, according to a recent study of the Federation of Associations for the Defense of Public Health (FADSP), 27% of patients with pensions less than 400 euros per month did not withdraw the prescribed medications.As of July 2012, almost all pensioners (those who have non -contributory or minimal pensions still do not pay in pharmacies) have to pay a part of the mediation they need.This system links the percentage paid to the patient's rent and there are monthly payment stops.
3. Provision of services.The public-private public-private model (Private Management Initiative), according to the report, multiplies by seven the final costs while "reduces the resources, staff and activity of the centers to lower the cost for the cost for theconcessionary companies ".This model is that the company that has obtained the concession takes care of everything but the health part and the administration pays a fee in charge of the budget.According to FADSP data cited in the document, the owners of the eight hospitals created under this model in the Community of Madrid - among which are construction companies such as Hispanic, Dragados, Actua or Sacyr - disbursed a total of 701 million euros inbuild them.For exploitation among all, they will receive 5,010 million euros of public money for 30 years as a canon for the construction and management of the non -sanitary part.

The report also includes a UGT study that, with official data, evidences how the COST per bed of the PFI centers is greater than that of hospitalstraditionalThe hospital with lower bed for the PFIs (Henares, 335,000 euros per bed and year) was similar than the most expensive of public management, the clinician (338,000 euros).

But there are also differences in efficiency.Thus, according to CCOO, if the resources and results of the five hospitals of IDC Health (former Capio) with those of a traditional one such as the princess are compared, the differences are notable.The public, with a budget 76% lower than that of the private ones and with 46% of personnel, carried out half of the interventions of the other five together, with an intervention cost 46% smaller.

4. Externalization .According to the report, the outsourcing of services causes a decrease in quality.The argument is that the company that offers them "wants to reduce costs and maximize their profits."As an example, the authors cite the consequences of privatizing the PFI hospital cleaning service of the United Kingdom, where this model began to be implemented.The winning companies reduced the number of workers in half.And, as a result, hospital infections reached the highest rate of the entire EU.

They also point out that it is difficult to evaluate the quality of services and question transparency in management when it is the concessionaire itself that disseminates the results.On the other hand, they remember the difficulty of sanctioning the company in question or changing the supplier because a hospital is a welfare monopoly impossible to replace in the short or medium term.In this line, they argue that the result of the outsourcing of health services leads to the economic and intellectual decapitalization of the public system."Public managers in Spain avoid facing companies that can hire them in the future (pure interest conflict) as shown by personnel transfers between private companies and public managers (rotating door)," they conclude.

5. Management models.On the other hand, the report criticizes other business management models such as health foundations such as Jiménez Díaz or the Alcorcón hospital in Madrid.These are commercial companies created by public administration although they have private legal personality.These foundations, the report details, are not governed by State Contracts Law, its guiding bodies are Board of Trustees, your staff is regulated by the labor regime and are financed by program contracts.

Another of the systems questioned by the authors of the report are the clinical institutes.It is a kind of "microenterprises" with their own legal entity, budgets and capacity to buy and sell their services created in hospitals.According to the document, this management formula "fraction" health centers and promotes "confrontation" and "competition" instead of collaboration.It also hinders coordination between hospitals and primary care and comprehensive care.Its objective is the search for greater flexibility in management, when moving from the public-administrative regulatory framework to the private law itself, which is more flexible.

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06/17/2013 9:38 p.m.
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Link ... S746WVP37/

Madrid.IU says that the Government wants to turn Madrid “into a kind of healthy health for wealthy”

The IU spokesman in the Madrid Assembly, Gregorio Gordo, today accused the government chaired by Ignacio González of "wanting to turn the region into a kind of Disneyland of health for those powerful Moroccans who may come."

After warning of the serious consequences that the privatization of six public hospitals from Madrid will have, he spoke of the statements of the president of the Puerto Rican group Hima, Joaquín Rodríguez, and said that “they are still the symptom of health that the PP has planned, whichIt is not based on guaranteeing the health of Madrid, but the business of companies at the cost of health of all Madrid's ”.
In this sense, Gordo referred to the statements of the "picturesque" Mr. Rodríguez in which he said that one of his objectives was the health tourism of Morocco.

"While in Spain, health care to immigrants without papers can be mounted, a kind of Dysneyland of health for powerful Moroccans can be set up," he said.
He said that “the PP eliminates the concept of public, universal and free health and endangers the health of Madrid so that characters from this tasting, such as the president of Hima or Mr. Adelson, of the Eurovegas project, come to solve the problemsto the Community of Madrid ”.
He assured that since IU all means are being used at their disposal to paralyze privatization, "this mere distribution prior to a contest that could not have closed, because they have even gone to look for companies to Puerto Rico, because if it was not empty"and defended "the constant political pressure to stop this nonsense."

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06/18/2013 10:12 a.m.
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Link ... aqcqosio7/

UPyD presents an appeal against Health against the externalization sheets of the 6 hospitals in Madrid

The UPyD Parliamentary Group at the Madrid Assembly presented this Monday, at the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid, an appeal against the resolution of April 30, 2013, which is made public the call for the tenderof the management of six public hospitals of the Community of Madrid.

UPyD asks for these sheets because "the price of the contract is indeterminate" since "it is not known as much as the awarded companies are going to collect.As they explain, "the total cost depends on variable factors such as intercentros billing or public prices by the administration."

"The need for the contract in economic memory is not justified," says UPyD, which argues that "the specifications are a sample of opacity and poor management."

In his opinion, the corrections that have occurred in the annexes of the specifications have been "substantial modifications in the content of the specifications" and "has been reduced to the tenth the guarantee that the contractor has to contribute."

He also adds that this resource "enters with the appeal for amparo" that they have presented months ago when he understood that "there was neither a technical study nor any documentation that proved the usefulness of the privatization of these hospitals." UPyD spokesperson.From Velasco, he explained that this is "the first step" that they consider to give before going to the administrative contentious route.

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06/18/2013 10:37 a.m.
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Basque Country
Link ... lonxr2kr1/

The Basque Country will begin to apply the pharmaceutical copayment on July 1

The Basque Country will begin to apply the pharmaceutical co -payment on July 1, with a system that will prevent pensioners from advancing economic amounts for their medications in case of exceeding the maximum stops planned to pay according to their income.

Link Width = 642 & amp; height = 482 & amp; type = height & amp; id = kscukxs17siqwc1Oon4954 & amp; time = 1371558135 & amp; project = la Information "Style =" Max-Width: 300px;/>
The Basque Country will begin to apply the pharmaceutical co -payment on July 1

Vitoria, Jun 18 (EFE) .- The Basque Country will begin to apply the pharmaceutical co-payment on July 1, with a system that will prevent pensioners from advancing economic amounts for their medications in case of exceeding the maximum stops planned to pay according to theirincome

In this way, as announced today by the Basque Minister of Health, Jon Darpón, residents in Euskadi will have to start paying the medicines depending on their income, a year after the citizens of the rest have begun to do itof the State.

They will be exempt from paying the medications without subsidy, the perceptors of the income guarantee income (RGI) and of non -contributory pensions.Nor will the drugs derived from accidents at work and occupational diseases have to be paid.

For their part, pensioners will have a different regime, since they will pay, in general, 10 percent of the drugs, but with a maximum ceiling, depending on the rent.

The delay in the implementation of this measure decreed by the government of Mariano Rajoy is due to the fact that the previous regional executive presided by the Socialist Patxi López approved a decree that left the copayment without effect.

The Constitutional Court suspended that decree last July, but the previous Basque Government did not comply with this judicial decision and continued without applying the copayment.

The current executive of Iñigo Urkullu (PNV) has assumed, after consulting its legal services, that the co -payment must also be implemented in the Basque Country.

This will mean that, as of July 1, citizens residing in Euskadi will begin paying the medications based on their income.Until now, 40 percent of the medicine cost is paid.

Workers with income above 18,000 euros will pay 50 %, and those who are below will continue to pay 40 %, while those with more than 100,000 euros will pay 60 %.

Pensioners will have a different regime, since they will pay, in general, 10 percent of the drugs, but with a limit based on their income.

If less than 18,000 euros earn the maximum to pay per month, it will be 8.14 euros, and if their income does not exceed 100,000 euros they will pay a top of 18.32 euros.It will be pensioners with income greater than 100,000 euros that will have to pay a maximum of 61.08.

The computer system implemented in Euskadi, at a cost of 423,000 euros, will prevent citizens from having to pay the total cost of medicines in advance, as in other autonomous communities.

Thus, it will allow the 850 Basque pharmacies to meet when a pensioner has reached the corresponding top, so that from then on he receives the medicines for free.

Through this system theEstablishments are connected in network with the Basque Health-Osakidetza service to know the labor and income level of each citizen with a mere reading of a barcode that contains this information and that will be incorporated into health cards or recipes.

Darpón has commented on all these details after the weekly meeting of the Governing Council, in an appearance in which he has estimated that the Health Department will save between 16 and 20 million euros with the start -up of the copayment.

The counselor has insisted that the Basque Government does not agree with this measure, but that he is forced to apply it.However, he said, the Executive has tried to do so in the "less burdensome" way for citizens, so that groups such as pensioners have to be immersed in bureaucratic procedures.

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06/18/2013 10:47 a.m.
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Community of Madrid

doctors announce a lawsuit against Ignacio González for accusing them of extortion

The Association of Higher Physicians and Titles (Amyts) has announced that a criminal complaint against Ignacio González will interpose to accuse them of “matoning and extortion” after knowing that they will present an appeal against the privatization of hospitals.The group will ask the Madrid president for compensation of 48,000 euros that will use the judicial process that they will initiate against the “dismantling” of public health.

As doctors have announced in a press release, they will ask González "one euro for each of the doctors of the Community of Madrid for the injuries to his honor" he has committed when charging against Amyts, the "majority union among the doctorsof the public health centers of the region "that" is also fully legitimized for the defense of their affiliates, of the doctors and higher sanitary graduates in general and of the public health system that these professionals have collaborated to build. "

The amount of this compensation, said the collective, "will be destined to cover the expenses of the contentious-administrative process opened by the Association against the Plan for the Privatization of the Management of Six Public Hospitals of the Community of Madrid", of which they gaveA week ago.

The request for this compensation is included in the denunciation procedure against the regional president of Amyts.Specifically, the Association has submitted today in the Courts of First Instance of Madrid the request for a conciliation act prior to the criminal complaint.

Doctors remember that Ignacio González told the media on June 12, after knowing the intention of the union to present an resource against all of the specifications and ask for the precautionary suspension of the contest to outsource the management of six hospitals, which “we areIn a community that everyone knows that it is a serious community, with a rigorous management system, where there is legal certainty, and where despite all attempts of matonism and extortion of these gentlemen of Amyts and the Socialist Party, since theCompanies that have wanted have been presented to this contest as many others. ”

Amyts points out that the only thing he has done is “to use the tools enabled in law for trade union organizations, such as dialogue at the Health Sector Table and the measures contemplated in the Organic Law of Freedom of Association”, to defend the public health ofThe attacks the regional executive.

In his opinion, “accusing, as the president of the Community of Madrid has done, Amyts to try to 'extort' the companies that were presented to the contest, which according to the Criminal Code constitutes a crime, is smooth and plainly a slander"And it shows that with these statements Ignacio González" has tried to attempt against the honor of the members "of the union.Therefore, doctors have decided to file this complaint and demand the aforementioned compensation.

The Association of Higher Physicians and Titles (Amyts) has announced that a criminal complaint against Ignacio González will interpose to accuse them of “matoning and extortion” after knowing that they will present an appeal against the privatization of hospitals.The group will ask the Madrid president for compensation of 48,000 euros that they will use to cover the judicial process that are goingto initiate against the "dismantling" of public health.

As doctors have announced in a press release, they will ask González "one euro for each of the doctors of the Community of Madrid for the injuries to his honor" he has committed when charging against Amyts, the "majority union among the doctorsof the public health centers of the region "that" is also fully legitimized for the defense of their affiliates, of the doctors and higher sanitary graduates in general and of the public health system that these professionals have collaborated to build. "

The amount of this compensation, said the collective, "will be destined to cover the expenses of the contentious-administrative process opened by the Association against the Plan for the Privatization of the Management of Six Public Hospitals of the Community of Madrid", of which they gaveA week ago.

The request for this compensation is included in the denunciation procedure against the regional president of Amyts.Specifically, the Association has submitted today in the Courts of First Instance of Madrid the request for a conciliation act prior to the criminal complaint.

Doctors remember that Ignacio González told the media on June 12, after knowing the intention of the union to present an resource against all of the specifications and ask for the precautionary suspension of the contest to outsource the management of six hospitals, which “we areIn a community that everyone knows that it is a serious community, with a rigorous management system, where there is legal certainty, and where despite all attempts of matonism and extortion of these gentlemen of Amyts and the Socialist Party, since theCompanies that have wanted have been presented to this contest as many others. ”

Amyts points out that the only thing he has done is “to use the tools enabled in law for trade union organizations, such as dialogue at the Health Sector Table and the measures contemplated in the Organic Law of Freedom of Association”, to defend the public health ofThe attacks the regional executive.

In his opinion, “accusing, as the president of the Community of Madrid has done, Amyts to try to 'extort' the companies that were presented to the contest, which according to the Criminal Code constitutes a crime, is smooth and plainly a slander"And it shows that with these statements Ignacio González" has tried to attempt against the honor of the members "of the union.Therefore, doctors have decided to file this complaint and demand the aforementioned compensation.

Greetings to the forum!

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06/19/2013 6:47 p.m.
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Link ... f3bmqkwe4

Antifraude will investigate ex officio to the director of Catsalut for their relationship with the private company

The Anti -Fraud Office of Catalonia (OAC) will investigate ex officio to the Director of the Catalan Health Service (Catsalut), Josep Maria Padrosa, for their link with six private companies in the health field, have confirmed to Europa Press sources of the public institution.

Antifraude will investigate the director of Catsalut ex officio for their relationship with private companies.

The Anti -Fraud Office of Catalonia (OAC) will investigate ex officio to the Director of the Catalan Health Service (Catsalut), Josep Maria Padrosa, for their link with six private companies in the health field, have confirmed to Europa Press sources of the public institution.

Padrosa, director of the institution that finances all the health activity of the public centers, maintained his figure as an attorney in these companies, although he resigned as general director in January 2011, when he was appointed for the position, so that the OAC will elucidate theLegality of this aspect, advances this Thursday 'El País'.

The Ministry of Health of the Generalitat, which has avoided commenting on the investigation of the OAC, said on Wednesday that all contracts signed by the Catsalut conform to the legality.

The six companies where Padrosa maintained its agent-of the scope of physiotherapy, rehabilitation and speech therapy-invoiced the Catsalut 14 million euros in 2012, a year in which the service budget stood at 8,506 million euros.

The billing of these companies was reduced by 9.2% compared to 2010, when Padrosa agreed to the position, and in the same period the Catsalut budget fell 10.9%, in a context of budget cuts.

The double position of Padrosa could contravene the law of incompatibility of high positions of the Generalitat and the Sanitary Planning Law, which sets that occupying a position in the Catsalut address "is incompatible with any link with companies or entities related to any type ofprovision of services ".

Justification of the company

In a statement sent on Wednesday, Corporation Physiogestion-one of the six companies that Padrosa was general director-confirmed that he maintained his position as attorney, but assured that these powers "have not been used at any time."

"It is corporate policy that, when a person leaves the corporation for whatever reason, their powers, by virtue of their position, are guarded by the company, and not already being usable, they are not notarially revoked," says the statement,So neither the company nor Padrosa went to the Mercantile Registry to unsubscribe as an attorney.

"This situation has been reproduced in all the people who have left the organization," adds the note, in which he states their peace of mind because he understands that his performance and that of the Catsalut director have been totally correct.

All opposition groups claimed explanations to the Department of Health of the Generalitat, Boi Ruiz, who also "flatly" denied anyirregularity.

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06/20/2013 9:42 a.m.
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