For a universal health

olmo's profile photo   11/18/2012 4:37 p.m.

Castillla-La Mancha: The cuts follow ...


Cospedal will take advantage of summer to deepen its cuts to health

María Dolores de Cospedal will take advantage of the arrival of summer to delve into her health cuts.After trying to close the night rural urgencies, a measure that finally could not carry out in the back of justice to the affected municipalities, has now decided to put the scissors in the Virgen de la Luz de Cuenca hospital.According to the Socialists, the president of Castilla-La Mancha will close several units of the center during the summer period.

Specifically, the Manchego PSOE has loaded against the PP general secretary for decree.This Cospedal decision puts the health of all patients at risk, since those income with infections will be taken to plants that are not prepared to handle and treat this type of ailments.

A decision, say the socialists, who does not stay there, but also joins the announced closure during the summer of the 1st A, of general surgery, and half of the beds of the Intensive Care Unit (UCI) of the hospital.All this, says the center's own manager, will double the cut in the budget announced by Cospedal for the Cuenca health area.

However, this decision has not only been denounced by the PSOE, but the center professionals have also loaded hard against it.Even, the Socialists say, given the lack of response of the Cospedal Executive to their claims, there are many who consider bringing to court the situation of the hospital.

These criticisms arrive a day after the mayor of the Toledo municipality of Madridejos, José Antonio Contreras, denounced the health cuts of Cospedal, and more specifically the fact that the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM) did not have medicationenough to avoid contagios after an outbreak of meningitis.

Some cuts that the Manchega president itself launched a few months ago, when she decreed the closure of the nocturnal rural emergencies.However, shortly after, she was forced to reverse due to the support that the municipalities affected by the Superior Court of Regional Justice had achieved.

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04/16/2013 2:12 p.m.
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Community of Madrid:

Source: http: // Noti ... e = national
Cifuentes mounts a wide police device to protect the headquarters of the protest of about 60 sanitary

Cristina Cifuentes has "armored" the headquarters of Capio, renamed as IDC Health, before the protest of the white tide that the Patu-Salud platform had summoned this morning.The Government Delegate in Madrid has sent six 'milkmen' and 25 agents to control a concentration of 60 people compared to the headquarters of a private company.

The large number of police officers has surprised the protesters, who between Canticle and CantagGovernment.

This concentration of toilets and patients has begun at 11:30 am, with a 'punch' of posters on the walls of the Capio headquarters, located on Fernández de la Hoz 24 street, in defense of public health and against thecompany business.

José, a clinician and member of Patu-Salud, has indicated to El Bulletin that this is a “social protest against theft and the scam” that supposes the privatizations of hospitals and ambulatory announced by the Community of Madrid."They remove public health and give it to private companies with profit", and in those outsourced centers "Merm health care is not the same as public because companies take a benefit of between 10% and20%, which is detailed from health expenses, ”he explained.

In his opinion, the Regional Health Minister, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, has not contributed “data on savings and efficiency of privatizations because they do not exist”, so before the externalizing process is launched, which believesHe has delayed for the protests of the White Marea, have decided to demonstrate in front of the headquarters of the companies that could take the management of hospitals to make it clear that "we are in front."

According to this doctor, Capio has been the first because he manages four public hospitals in Madrid (Jiménez Díaz Foundation, Infanta Elena de Valdemoro, Rey Juan Carlos de Móstoles and Collado Villalba, although the latter is closed)."We start here," said José, who has announced that in the next few weeks they will go to the headquarters of other great health, such as Ribera Salud, to avoid that in the region "there is a place for all" thanks to the measuresof Lasquetty."We are willing not to stop," he concluded.

Also, among the acclamation of slogans such as those already typical of the protests of the white tide, 'public health, it is not sold' or 'we are not customers, we are patients', a patient has raised the voice to criticize the “theft”From Ignacio González's government to citizens.Baston in hand, Leonilo Sevilla, which is what it is called, has loaded against the regional president and the Minister of Health.

Seville, as he commented on to this newspaper, comes since the health conflict began every day "as a nail" to the concentrations that are held at the Princess Hospital."They want to privatize everything," this citizen has complained, who believes that people "could answer more because many look but do not join" protests in defense of public health.

After having a good time shouting various slogans against Capio and their leaders, the protesters have read a manifesto in which they have rejected that "profit companies manage Madrid public health."They have also taken the opportunity to remind the regional government that "indignation grows every day" by measuresprivatizers, so "they will continue to have us in front, we will not stop."

Finally, one of the protesters has disguised himself as a chicken to honor the hashtag launched a few days ago against Capio, #lagallinacappiomata.Faced with the questions and criticisms of the White Marea, this chicken defended the management of the company and the businesses of the same.

The protest is finished shortly before 1 pm, after a new batch of songs, without incident.

olmo's profile photo
04/16/2013 2:18 p.m.
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Community of Madrid, this Sunday 21 new demonstration ...

Source: http: // Noti ... e = national
The white tide ‘heats’ the demonstration of April 21 after knowing the conditions of privatizations

The publication of the specifications with the conditions of the privatization of hospitals have put on a war foot in the white tide, which has decided to ‘heat’ the demonstration that will take place this Sunday, April 21 by the center of Madrid.Its objective is to fill the streets of Batas Blancas to make clear the regional Health Minister, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, who will not stop mobilizing against their cuts.

Health and patients have called through social networks so that this Sunday's march is massive after knowing the conditions imposed by the Community of Madrid to outsource the management of six hospitals (Infanta Leonor, Southeast, Tajo, Infanta Cristina,Henares and Infanta Sofia).

The doctors of the Association of Specialists of Madrid (AFEM) say that "now more than ever" is when you have to go hand in hand to the demonstration to say "not to the privatization" of hospitals devised by Lasquetty.

The goal, they say other Twitter profiles in defense of public health, is "invading the streets of Madrid" and filling them with white bats because "there is not the thing to stay at home."“Are you going to miss it?Now more than ever, health is not sold, it defends itself, ”says other users of the social network, who ask for a“ white tide with more force ”because“ we cannot take ourselves now ”.

The demonstration will travel the streets of the capital in five columns that will converge in the Plaza de Cibeles at noon and reach the door of the Sun at around 15 hours.As reported by the Federation of Associations for the Defense of Public Health, a column will start from the Getafe Hospital at 7 hours and it will be added the professionals of Infanta Cristina, Infanta Elena, Severo Ochoa, José Germán, Hospital del Tajo andMóstoles Hospital.This column also includes the October 12 hospital, which will begin its march at 10 in the morning.

Another of the columns will leave the Infanta Leonor, the Virgen de la Torre Hospital and the Transfusions Center at 9 am.Both columns will be added in Atocha to the professionals of the Southeast Hospital, the Alcorcón Hospital, Hospital de Fuenlabrada, the Prince of Asturias, employees of the central laundry, the Virgen de Poveda hospital, together with workers and users of primary care and theSumma 112.

From the North, workers and users of the Hospital de La Paz, the Infanta Sofia, El Ramón y Cajal, the Hospital de Canto Blanco and the Rodríguez Lafora hospital will leave at 10 am.Another column will begin with the march of the staff of Hospital Clinico, Carlos III and the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, which will join those of the Red Cross Hospital at 10.

Both will be seen in new ministries at 10:45 hours.To her, those of Puerta del Hierro, the El Escorial Hospital, the Guadarrama Hospital, the Fuenfría Hospital and the central services of the Ministry of Health.

Finally, the employees and users of the Henares hospital that support this protest will leave at 7 hours and will be added to those of the Santa Cristina and Gregorio Marañón hospital at 10 in Manuel Becerra.Then, at the Puerta de Alcalá, they will also converge with those of the Princess Hospital and the Niño Jesús hospital.

olmo's profile photo
04/18/2013 10:15 a.m.
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Continuing with the Community of Madrid ...

Source: http: // Noti ... e = national
doctors claim that the figures of the privatizations "do not fit" and confirm that they will go to the strike

The Association of Specialists of Madrid (AFEM) “maintains its strike call at the time the specifications come out.Not a step back. ”That is the message that the group has launched after knowing the conditions of hospital privatizations imposed by Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, since he considers that the figures handled by the Ministry of Health on the capita to pay the concessionaires "do not fit."

As the Boeltín has advanced, the patient cost in privatized hospitals will be 12.6% more expensive than the Madrid government initially announced, since in November there was talk of a capita per inhabitant of 441 euros on average andNow the specifications speak of a maximum of 496.85 euros.

This detail has not gone unnoticed by the spokeswoman of the AFEM, Fatima Brañas, who has told Europa Press that these figures "do not fit" and show that the model that the Community of Madrid wants to implement in six hospitals (Infanta Leonor, Southeast, Southeast,Tajo, Infanta Cristina, Henares and Infanta Sofia) will make health spending.

Therefore, the Association maintains the plans to convene a stage strike when the specifications are published since they consider that the outsourcing "is not cheap and generates inequalities."Specifically, Brañas has asserted that the position of the association has not moved "not an apex" because the "central problem, which is" the private management of public health ", is still there.

The AFEM spokeswoman has also criticized that Lasquetty has intended to "undo" the privatization problem by putting the "focus on the labor issue", in reference to the obligation of the concessionaires to assume all the workforce that wants to remain in that center, which does not guarantee jobs.

On this issue, Brañas has stressed that although this obligation is collected in the specifications, nothing about the type of contracts that will formalize the companies for the eventual or work personnel are specified.In their opinion, the companies that assume the management of the centers are not interested in “detaching themselves from the workforce as soon as it arrives because it is more operational notfive months ”.

olmo's profile photo
04/18/2013 10:18 a.m.
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Community of Madrid:
Although there is no beach here, this Sunday we have "Blanca" again
Good weekend to all !!:)

Source: Link ... 91121.html

The ‘white tide’ will take the streets of Madrid again

Under the slogan "Health is not sold, the table in defense of public health is defended"Madrid.

Once again, patients, professionals, workers, neighbors and neighbors, the citizens in general, convened by the table in defense of the public health of Madrid will patent their most resounding rejection of the privatization process and the progressive dismantling process in the streetsto which the regional public health system is being subjected.

The table in defense of public health, composed of citizen movements, social groups, neighborhood organizations, health professionals, union, platforms, considers "intolerable that the PP government approving the specifications of conditions be reaffirmed in its privatizing policies away from the needsRoyal of Madrid citizenship and deteriorating the public health system, in a clear attempt to weaken those essential mechanisms for social cohesion, and essential in the current context of crisis, "according to a statement from CCOO in Madrid.

For the table in defense of public health, the privatization of the 6 new hospitals and 27 health centers, kitchens, cleaning, laundries, etc.causing the extinction of 26 professional categories, the privatization of non -health services of the Iron Puerta, the closure of the Institute of Cardiology, the transformation of the Princess and Carlos III in geriatric and hospital of medium and long stay respectively, the concentration ofLaboratories in four hospitals with loss of quality of care, the elimination of more than 8,000 public work, etc., is a long list of nonsense and a true attack against a basic and constitutional right;Health protection.

Likewise, denounce, that both the Government of Spain and that of the Community of Madrid, in a scenario of evident democratic fraud, are imposing a political and ideological model that dismantles social protection systems, making them merchandise and business.It is enough to see how the former counselors of Health, Mr. Güemes and Mr. Lamela assume business responsibilities in those previously privatized health services and centers under their decision and public responsibility.

On the other hand, the table in defense of public health rejects any initiative that strategicly and intentionally orchestrated, tends to justify the privatization measures of the regional government of the Popular Party.

For all this and under the popular motto "Health is not sold, defends", the table in defense of public health, demands the immediate withdrawal of the sustainability plan and the paralysis of the privatization process, the repeal of law 15/97, denounce the managing inability of the current rulers to administer, protect and develop public health asking for its immediate cessation, and reiterates its demand for public, universal and quality health with the democratic participation of citizens by making a new call to defend it inthe streets.

olmo's profile photo
04/19/2013 1:24 p.m.
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Community of Madrid:

Bárcenas' papers also suspect hospital privatizations in Madrid

The private management of Madrid health has been questioned after knowing the papers of Luis Bárcenas. The alleged accounts of the former PP show how the large construction companies that manage five hospitals in the region allegedly made various income to the party. movements that have not only put these concessions on suspicion, but also the new outsournes provided by Ignacio González.

The siege of health is narrowed on the successor of Esperanza Aguirre.If the president of the Community of Madrid already had the entire health community against their cuts, now the situation could be aggravated after knowing that the companies that manage five hospitals in the region would have donated important sums of money to the PP.

Specifically, the construction companies that are ‘under suspicion’ are Ohl, manager of the Southeast Hospital (Arganda);Sacyr Vallehermoso, who is in charge of the hospitals of Coslada and Parla;and Ploder, Manager of the Infanta Leonor hospital (Vallecas).There are also those who have pointed to FCC, with a minority participation in the Torrejón hospital.
According to some information, these companies charge the Community of Madrid 45.15 million euros per year for canon .Of these, Sacyr would be the biggest beneficiary, since this construction company takes 27.5 million every year, and according to the Bárcenas roles the president of the company between 2004 and 2011, Luis del Rivero, would have entered the coffers of PP 380,000euros between 2004 and 2006.

Precisely, according to some political observers not always well informed, that is the reason that the Contest for the Management of the Infanta Cristina de Parla and the award for the financing, construction and exploitation of the Henares de Coslada hospital won in 2005.

For his part, the president of OHL, Juan Miguel Villar Mir, also appears in the alleged secret accounting of the former PP with donations of 100,000 (2004), 180,000 (2006) and 250,000 euros (2008).When the community awarded the Southeast Hospital, it promised to pay a fee of about ten million euros per year, although in 2010 the Executive led by Esperanza Aguirre increased that departure in half a million.

Likewise, the founder and president of Ploder, Luis Gálvez, also appears in the alleged secret accounting of the PP with donations worth 50,000 euros.The Infanta Leonor hospital, like that of the southeast, benefited in 2010 from the increase in the canon decreed by Aguirre.

These revelations have generated great controversy between the opposition, which has demanded explanations to Ignacio González.Specifically, the president of the Socialist Parliamentary Group at the Madrid Assembly, Amparo Valcarce, demanded a few days ago to the successor of Aguirre who gave his face because "he cannot look the other way, nor say that this is not of his incumbency."

olmo's profile photo
04/22/2013 11:21 a.m.
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Madrid community today:

Source: Link ... 91253.html >

The Ministry of Health will not save practically anything with the privatization of the six hospitals

CCOO of Madrid wants to denounce the ideological character- not economic- of the decision to privatize six hospitals.According to the data of the Ministry of Health in 2014, the amount of 551,573,797 euros will be paid (including the central lease and laboratory canon) for the management of the six hospitals that will soon be privatized.According to the 2012 Health Budget, for these hospitals the cost was 481,875,714 euros (including the lease and the capita for the management of the privatized laboratory).That is, between 2012 and 2014 the six affected hospitals will increase their cost by 69,698,043 euros per year.

Therefore, despite the attempts of the Ministry to twist the figures that justify savings, it will not occur.If the Hospitals of Aranjuez and Parla are excluded, in 2014 the Ministry will pay for the other four, 442,578,067 euros (the budget recorded in 2012 was 360,623,363 euros, including canon and laboratory).In other words, the private management of these four hospitals will consist of the citizens of Madrid more than 82 million euros per year.

For the joint management of Aranjuez and Parla, according to the conditions of conditions, the Ministry will pay 108,995,723 euros.In 2012 the sum of the budgets of both hospitals was 124,252,358 euros.This saving that occurs on paper seems unbelievable, since how are you going to save 15 million euros in two hospitals? Will services be eliminated? Do the citizens of Aranjuez have to go to Parla and vice versa?

The Ministry says that the concessionary companies will be discounted by the lease and capita canon by the central laboratory, but this does not involve any savings since the administration will have to pay the fee to the companies that exploit the non -sanitary services and the laboratory.

Undoubtedly, companies will reduce professionals and increase their workday, which will involve a cut in the templates, to obtain the business benefit they are looking for with this operation.For CCOO, the equation posed by the regional government is very simple: that professionals win less and work more so that companies in the health sector, where many of the politicians end through the famous rotating door, obtain benefits benefits.

The Secretary of Institutional Policy of CCOO of Madrid, Manuel Rodríguez, said that "this is a decision of the government that can be legal, but of course it is immoral", adding that "these data demonstrate two things.First, that the Regional Government wants to camouflage with twisted economic data the political decision to privatize hospitals thus evading their responsibility in management and, second, the disastrous policy that has led to the government of the Popular Party. ”Blockquote>

olmo's profile photo
04/24/2013 10:48 a.m.
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Wow! Now this lady comes saying that the "outsourcing of public services" is one of the most infamous lies he has heard in recent times.It is evident that he herself listens very little ... Anyway, we get in our face and say she is raining.


Esperanza Aguirre calls the militants of the Madrid PP to defend the privatization of health

Esperanza Aguirre is not willing to stay with a cross -eyed seeing how "our adversaries do not get tired of saying that we are going to end public health."At the inauguration of the new headquarters of the PP of Alpedrete, the 'leadersa' called the militants and affiliates of the party to fight against "one of the most infamous lies that I have heard in recent times" about the "outsourcing of servicespublic ”.

Just one day after last Sunday the white tide took the center of Madrid in defense of public health and against the privatization of six hospitals and 27 health centers, Aguirre lashed out against these protests and the campaign that, about it, aredoing PSOE, IU and UPyD.

Before a large group of militants and positions of the Madrid PP in the new headquarters of the popular of Alpedrete, the 'leader' said that “everything that is being said that the Madrid are going to be affected by the outsourcing of the outsourcing of the outsourcing ofpublic services ”.

"Our adversaries," insisted the president of the popular Madrid, "do not get tired of saying that we are going to end public health, and that is one of the most infamous lies that I have heard in recent times."

Therefore, Esperanza Aguirre demanded that her own "denounce, even more firmly, that it is an absolute lie."“If we can offer the same services with less cost, our obligation is to do it.Making reforms is not to charge the system, but to get it maintained, ”said the popular, according to some of the attendees on Monday at the act in Alpedrete.

A thesis that the 'leader' has asked the militants to transfer citizens to "reassure them" in the face of the criticisms and efforts of opposition parties in the community to "scare with the most precious good we have, which isthe health ”."Health will continue to be universal, public and free, and with those reforms what we are going to do is improve its quality," is the ‘mantra’ that now must defend the supporters of the Madrid PP.

This order to its ‘faithful’ is due to the fact that many of the measures now promulgated by Ignacio González have the ‘seal’ of Aguirre, since there have barely been nine months since he resigned from the regional presidency.

olmo's profile photo
04/24/2013 6:19 p.m.
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To this if you can call a meal from m ...... a

Source: Link ... Es-Comida/ >

The Public Health Institute continues to detect hygiene and temperature failures in the controls that it has carried out in the kitchens of the public hospitals of Navarra.In total they have found 22 failures, among which are the fecal remains found in the food offered by the Private Mediterranean company of Catering.
According to the inspectors, the lack of hygiene has caused that they have found the e.coli bacteria in Escageti, which means that there were remains of excrement.However, Inspector Agurtzane Jiménez has stressed that it is not dangerous for health and that there are no reasons to light alarms.

Public Health has detected in total 22 failures since the kitchen service of Navarrese public hospitals was privatized.Among the failures that can be found in the minutes, are the following: inappropriate clothing of Catering Mediterranean workers, chicken boxes on the floor, lip paint in breakfast, dirty dishes, open garbage bags, yogurtsat room temperature, etc.

The inspectors have highlighted the lack of hygiene control and food temperature.In one of those cold dishes, in a lasagna, he has found the bacterium of Listeria, but the Health Security Directorate has clarified that the man who died in the hospital for Listeria did not infect himself with the bacterium of the lasagna.

The opposition of the Parliament of Navarra was speechless to hear the result of the inspection and denounced that the Cáterin company and the Department of Health have lied.Thus, they demanded the Government of Navarra again to terminate the private company contract.

olmo's profile photo
04/25/2013 7:07 a.m.
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Well one more measure
In my opinion very important.

VAT rise from health products from 10% to 21%, more than double

From the entry into force in the BOE, the reactive strips, the insulin pumps and the continuous meters, among others, will cost 11% more
If hospitals purchases were paid 2 or 3 years old, let's imagine now ...

Private insurance premiums are going to shoot ...

DiabetesForo's profile photo
04/26/2013 2:08 p.m.
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Well one more measure
In my opinion very important.

rise VAT of health products from 10% to 21%, more than double

From the entry into force in the BOE, the reactive strips, the insulin pumps and the continuous meters, among others, will cost 11% more
If hospitals purchases were paid 2 or 3 years old, let's imagine now ...

Private insurance premiums are going to shoot ...

They lie more than they speak, they said that VAT stayed the same, it is already seen ...

olmo's profile photo
04/26/2013 6:19 p.m.
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The "writing" continues ...


‘rescue people’ makes a escrache the president of the Giant of the privatization of Madrid health

A fortnight of people has pointed to Victor Madera, current president of Capio
After reading a manifesto, shouts have been heard in defense of public health and against privatizations

Shadow Government

With today's act, 'people to rescue' ensures that it pretends that citizens be aware of people "who govern in the shadow.""We do not want to threaten or coerce, but we will not allow Capio to continue receiving concessions," they said.

Today's protest is a qualitative leap, since it is the first time that an entrepreneur becomes the objective of a escrache.In addition, it is also the first time in which groups in defense of public health develop a protest of these characteristics.Until now, the toilets had primarily limited themselves to calling numerous demonstrations.The last one, considered the most successful so far, took place last Sunday and summoned up to 50,000 people in Madrid according to the organizers.

olmo's profile photo
04/26/2013 6:27 p.m.
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Democracy essay 2.0 ... I leave the link: D


Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
04/29/2013 6:36 p.m.
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Catalan ...

Source: http: // ... 97321.html

CiU and PSC Varce various appearances in the commission that investigates irregularities in public health

Among the rejected appearances are two mayor of the Maresme region (one of CiU and one of the PSC), suspects of having diverted public money through the entity that controls the Blanes and Calella hospitals

Several people who have helped to uncover some of the scandals such as the journalist of 'Cafè Amban' Albano-Fachín or the former member of the Agustí Colom Accounts Syndicate have also been vetoed.

Link style = "max-width: 300px;

The CiU representative in the Research Commission on Catalan Health Management, Albert Batet, warned it at the beginning of this Monday's session: "We are not justice."The fact is that his parliamentary group, together with the PSC, has rejected yesterday the appearance of several people involved in alleged irregularities in the Public Health System of Catalonia.ICV representatives, Marc Vidal, and CUP, David Fernández, had expressly asked that no one was vetoed, but it has not been so.Among the rejected appearances are those of Carme Aragonese (Councilor of Pineda de Mar by the PSC), Xavier Rius Moya (Councilor of Santa Susana for CiU) as well as Guadalupe Oliva, the wife of Deputy Xavier Crespo (CiU), charged in the frameworkof the 'Clotilde Case' of money laundering in Lloret de Mar. These people are suspected of having irregularly received money from the Maresme Health Corporation and the jungle when Crespo was in front.

The Catalan Accounts Syndicate previously investigated these facts and exposed the improper use of at least 1,300,000 euros, but ended up filing the case, despite Agustí Colom's protests, a trustee proposed by ICV and one of the people vetoedtoday in the commission with the votes of CiU and the PSC.
Several people who have helped to reveal irregularities in the Public Health System of Catalonia have also been vetoed.Possibly the best known are the journalists of the journal Gerunda 'Cafè Amb Let', Albano Dante-Fachín and Marta Sibina.Thanks to his investigations, it was learned that the former mayor of Calella Ramon Bagó (CIU), president and main shareholder of the SERHS Restoration Group, would have obtained for his company the finger of millionaire contracts with Catalan hospitals.There is a chance that these health centers belong to the Consorci de la Salut i Social de Catalunya (CSC), which Bagó was a manager.The journalist of El País Oriol Güell or the president of the Company Committee of the Sant Pau Hospital, Carme Pérez, who denounces several irregularities in this institution, will not appear either.

On the contrary, the main ones involved in these cases have been called to appear: Ramon Bagó, Xavier Crespo, Carles Manté, Josep Prat (who had a triple position: manager of the Consortici de Salut i Social de Catalunya, president of the Institut Català de la LaSalut, I General Director of Innova) and the former directors of the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona Jordi Colomer and Jordi Varela, as well as the Health Minister Boi Ruiz and his predecessor Marina Geli.

This parliamentary commission had already been created during the last legislature but had been deactivated by the advancement of the elections.It is expected that the first appearances - a total of 34 - begin within three weeks.

olmo's profile photo
04/30/2013 9:30 a.m.
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Community of Madrid:
Until May 10, this consultation will be held for public health.

Source: The consultation for public health achieves 61,888 signatures on its first day

The signatures collection sheets, as established by the regulation of the European Parliament, have a validity period of 18 months
The results of this consultation may help articulate a citizen initiative that will be sent to the Madrid Assembly, the General Courts, and the European Parliament

Greetings to the forum!

olmo's profile photo
05/06/2013 10:39 a.m.
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The Minister of Health has ordered the eviction of several tables where the consultation was made ...


Lasquetty orders to dismant

Ministry sources confirm the eviction because the referendum was inside the hospital and occupied the public space
Promoted by white tide and 15-M, aims to collect the opinion of citizens about the privatization of the health of the community hospitals

For this Tuesday, syndicates of the sector have called a strike to which 75,000 sanitary and non -sanitary employees are called
The Ministry of Health has estimated the follow -up of the first day in 6.4% and the unions at 60%

Minimum services

As reported by the Ministry of Health, minimum services may not exceed 35% of the total health center staff in the days of the strike.

In health centers with four or more family doctors, the presence of two family doctors, two pediatricians, two nurses and an administrative assistant per shift will be guaranteed.In those who have less than four family doctors, there will be a family doctor, a pediatrician, a nurse and an administrative assistant.

In hospitals, they will be provided by the personnel who work in Sundays and/or holidays and those of guards scheduled for each day of strike.

In addition, dialysis, urgencies, resuscitation, critical care and hospitalization units, operating rooms, pathological anatomy, oncology day hospital, AIDS, pediatrics, surgical doctor and palliative care units will also have minimal services.

olmo's profile photo
05/07/2013 11:16 a.m.
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Community of Madrid:

Finally, the Constitutional Court has admitted the appeal to unconstitutional to stop this latrocinio of public health ...

Source: http: // ... _1012.html

The TC admits the resource of the PSM against the privatization of Madrid health

The Socialists resorted to the outsourcing of six hospitals and 27 public health centers

olmo's profile photo
05/08/2013 3:49 p.m.
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Judge Ceres imputes 4 former senior positions of the Consell, including the mayor of Castellón (Alfonso Bataller)

This man was, for many years, the main leader of diabetes in the Valencian Community

Judge José Ceres, who instructs the Valencian Gürtel, has summoned to declare as accused, on June 6, to the current mayor of Castellón, Alfonso Bataller, for alleged irregularities in contracts with the companies of the corrupt plot during his stage as Undersecretaryof the Department of Health.

Specifically, Bataller is one of the four high positions of the Valencian Government (Rafael Peset, Arantxa Vallés and Clara Abellán) who will have to appear in the Superior Court of Justice as accused, according to a providence issued this Thursday by the magistrateCeres.

The resolution is part of the separate piece number five of the cause regarding the irregular financing of the Valencian PP, where possible anomalies are investigated, by the regional administration, in the award, of contracts minor to signatures linked to Gürtel.

In this piece, which excludes the award for five consecutive years from the Fitur Stand to 'El Bigotes', already appears as accused that former Director General of the Institutional Promotion of the Generalitat, Dora Ibars, ceased precisely by its involvement in the cause.

Now Ceres has cited as charged to four other high positions of the Generalitat between 2004 and 2009, as well as several employees of Orange Market, including the plot dome: Álvaro Pérez, Cándido Herrero, Pablo Crespo and Francisco Correa.

Contracts in the spotlight

On the part of the Department of Health, two former high positions will have to appear for the award of two editions of the 'Health and Society' awards, in 2006 and 2007. This is Rafael Peset, current manager of the Father Jofre Hospital, and AlfonsoBataller, now mayor of Castellón.Both will go to the TSJ on June 6.

Likewise, it will give a statement (on May 30) the one that was manager of the Management Society for the strategic and promotional image of the Valencian Community, Arantxa Vallés, for the opening ceremony of the Villa de Regatas de la Volvo Ocean Race in Alicante.

The former general director in the Ministry of Social Welfare Clara Abellán will also have to respond (on June 6) about three hiring of said department with plot signatures.Specifically, the acts 'gender violence, zero tolerance', in March 2006;'Point and end', 2007;and the act of the 'general balance' of this same exercise.

Finally, Antonio Santo, former president of the Vaersa Company Committee, must explain on June 4 the contract for "the recording, edition and documentary realization for the communication and awareness campaign of the correct use of the yellow container 2004-2005".

The investigating judge will also take a statement to the leaders of the Gürtel Network (Francisco Correa, Pablo Crespo, Álvaro Pérez 'El Bigotes' and CándidJudgment for the costumes, and Mónica Margariño, for its link with the contracts that several signatures of the plot sealed with the Valencian administration.

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05/08/2013 4:08 p.m.
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Balearic Islands

Source: Link ... i98dfjan2/

Balearic Islands will return the money charged to illegal immigrants treated in emergencies

The death of Alpha Pam, who lacked a health card and died from tuberculosis on April 21 at his home in Mallorca, has generated a wide political and social reaction.

Imigrants in an irregular situation are guaranteed free health care for urgent treatments.

olmo's profile photo
05/08/2013 5:14 p.m.
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Community of Madrid:

Source: Link ... 91866.html >

412,924 people have already voted in the first three days of the consultation for public health

The consultation for Madrid public health will take place until May 10 and has been organized by members of groups such as the 'White Marea' or 15-M.

Greetings to the forum!:)

olmo's profile photo
05/08/2013 5:38 p.m.
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