For a universal health

olmo's profile photo   11/18/2012 4:37 p.m.

Source: http: // ... _1012.html
Cospedal cancels the closure of the emergency noctures of 21 health centers

The decision is due to different pronouncements in the form of precautionary suspension issued by the Superior Court of Justice that gave the reason to the 21 affected peoples
The Executive defends the previous measured measure "in the low use of these resources"

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The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has repealed the order of the Ministry of Health that established the closure of the night emergencies of 21 points of continuous attention (PAC) in the community.As published by the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha (DOCM), the different pronouncements in the form of a precautionary suspension dictated by the Superior Court of Justice of the Region (TSJCM) "make the achievement of the improvement objectives that were intended to be obtained virtually impossible"With the order that regulated the hours of attention of these 21 PAC, reports Europa Press.

The announcement of these closures caused the response of the residents of the affected municipalities, who starred in enclosures and demonstrations.And also of mayors and councilors, including some of the PP, who rose against the decision of the regional government that presides over number two of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal.The truth is that, in some cases, the limitation of the opening schedules meant the inhabitants of these villages that would increase and even bend the time it took to reach the health centers if they had an emergency between eight in the afternoonand eight in the morning.

The entry into force of the Order, according to the DOCM, occurred on January 14, 2013, and only three days later, the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha adopted a very precautionary measure of suspension "without intervention of the author administration authorof the norm ".Presented allegations by the Board, the TSJCM hosted the subsidiary request for a precautionary measure requested and it was agreed to keep it provisionally with respect to the first demanding town hall, the trembling.At this point, through Providencia, the measure to two other recurring municipalities that had requested it, referring to the PACs of El Pobo de Duens and Budia (Guadalajara), was extended."The administration, in disagreement with such a progressive suspension of its disposition, filed a appeal for replacement, being dismissed although with the opinion against two magistrates" of the seven who pronounced.

"Scarce use"

In its edition this Wednesday, the DOCM indicates that "in view of the verification of the low use" of these centers "the achievement of a more efficient, effective, useful, rational, rational, effective and modern health is hindered."In the text of the Derogation Order, the DOCM asserts that the territorial and functional organization of the provision of urgent health care for the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, "expedited urgent and emerging assistance in the basic areas affected through theLocation of a life support with health personnel, responding to criteria of rationality of public resources, immediacy and continuity in urgent and emerging health care. "

Thus, the Official Gazette of the Autonomous Community ensures that the elaboration of the aforementioned order was based on the technical work carried out by the Primary Care and Specialized Care professionals, as well as the Emergency professionalsand Emergencies of the SESCAM, through the study of the frequency of the Emergency Centers, the epidemiological study of each basic health zone, the existing areas between the different emergency and emergency devices, terrestrial and aerial, and the coordination of said devices.

The DOCM emphasizes that in view of the previous events "and for the sake of compliance that corresponds to due exercise of its powers," he considers to repeal the order that reduced the schedule of the PAC, "without prejudice to the further needof proceeding to rationalize the urgent health care provided in the basic health areas. "

This order comes into force on Wednesday, the day of its publication in the DOCM.

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03/27/2013 9:07 a.m.
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Community of Madrid:
More initiatives in progress to stop privatization ...

Source: http: // Noti ... e = national
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The Association of Specialists of Madrid (AFEM) has achieved its goal.Thanks to the support of health and patients, in just a month and a half, 183,000 euros to carry before the courts the privatization of hospitals and outpatients devised by Ignacio González.A few days ago the group sent a report to the Ombudsman to present in his name an unconstitutional appeal against these measures.

As reported by the AFEM through its Twitter profile, since on February 12 they gave the departure gun to the collection of funds for the “legal defense” of public health have raised 183,000 euros.This amount exceeds 1,500 euros the initial objective marked by the association to guarantee the first steps in the courts against outsournes.

Doctors have described the support received as "impressive", which has left them "speechless."They have only been able to articulate a "thank you" that they have dedicated to all those who have collaborated in their initiative and who are the ones who make it possible to undertake the legal way.

The spokeswoman for the AFEM, Fatima Brañas, explained a few days ago to El Bulletin who had received donations "from 14 euros" from people and groups, and many non -health citizens worried and interested in defending public health, although “no spectacular”

However, and although the amount collected exceeds the initial objective of the AFEM, Brañas assured this newspaper that they will continue with the campaign because it is not known for sure how much money it will be necessary if the process lengthens.Therefore, the amount they do not use for this purpose will be donated to "an NGO or association that will be decided in the Assembly Assembly."

A few days ago, doctors sent to the Ombudsman a report prepared by the law firm that they have hired to take the courts to the Community of Madrid, López Rodó & AMP;Cruz Ferrer, in which they defended the unconstitutionality of Ignacio González's measures and asked Soledad Becerril to present an appeal before the high court in his name.

The news about the collection of the AFEM is known a few hours after the PSOE has presented an appeal for unconstitutionality against health privatizations in Madrid.

olmo's profile photo
03/27/2013 10:05 a.m.
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Community of Madrid:

The PSOE resorts privatization to prevent "sanitary apartheid"

Gomez goes to the TC to "paralyze" the "dismantling of the health of Madrid" approved by the PP "with its eagerness to business"
The text is based on the report commissioned by specialist doctors

seven violated precepts

The challenge, in effect, is totally tax of the AFEM report.In fact, the PSOE endorses the argument and transfers textual paragraphs of the doctors' text.The appeal indicates, in its introductory part, that the Madrid law dodges article 88 of the Constitution since it does not prove or justify why six hospitals and 27 health centers must be privatized.And it obeys alleges, to the "perverse intention that underlies the entire procedure followed by the legilator", full of "very brief and apodyctic manifestations", is that the "interest of very few" imposes itself "to that of the majority"

The resource indicates that a total of seven precepts are violatedConstitutionalThe first referred to is article 149. 1. 18, since the law "enables" the Madrid Health Service (Sermas) to proceed to the award of the centers to private companies, when the being "obviously lacks competition"The PSOE believes that this concept is also violated by "preferably" the management of health centers to medical professionals.

The bankruptcy of the "equality" of the Madrid

But the medullary part of the Socialist's argument is the complaint of the breach of articles 9.3 (Principle of Legality), 14 (Equality of the Spaniards), 41 (Social Security Regime) and 149. 1. 17th (exclusive competenceof the State in the basic legislation and economic regime of social security).This is where the AFEM imprint is most noticeable, which financed the report with the one -day salary donation that several professionals made.

The PSOE insists that the community legislates in favor of the awarded companies and to the detriment of public management hospitals, preparing the land for a "very notable decrease in economic resources" assigned to the latter.In short, the party argues, the privatization of health "generates a dual economic assurance model of the benefit", the contractual - which is worth the concessionary companies - and the budget - that of public centers, which perceive their resources via viaRegional budgets - which triggers "unfair inequalities among citizens of the same community, violating the principle of equality."

The Ombudsman does not want to "enter" the management route

Finally, the legislation of the Regional Government, chaired by Ignacio González (PP), violates articles 43 (health protection) and 149. 1. 16th (State Basic Regulation of Public Health) of the Constitution.The reasoning underpin the idea of ​​inequality between Madrid, the consecration, in defining, of the "sanitary apartheid".

AFEM's study has also reached the office of the Ombudsman, but this does not seem to support his take into consideration.Soledad Becerril, asked last March 22 at an informative breakfast, said that the institution that directs "should not enter" the way of managing health - because it is "competence of governments" - and in complaints that patients and patients anddoctors can present on the service.

olmo's profile photo
03/28/2013 9:28 a.m.
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More news, Community of Madrid:

A former healthcare of Madrid is now a hospital manager who awarded
Manuel Lamela is part of the Board of Directors of Assignia Infrastructuras, a company that manages the privatized services of the Aranjuez Hospital for a concession of 270 million euros
He inaugurated this center, one of the six that the Madrid Executive intends to privatize completely in the coming months.

The former Minister of Health of Madrid Manuel Lamela is a member of the Board of Directors of Assignia Infrastructuras, a company that manages the privatized services of the Aranjuez Hospital with a concession of the Community of Madrid of 270 million euros granted in2007, when the expolitic of the PP was in charge of the Department of Health, according to the SER chain.The Tajo Hospital is still one of the six centers that the Madrid Executive intends to fully privatize in the coming months.Lamela himself inaugurated the hospital that now manages the company in which he works.

Lamela's is a new revolving door case between the public and the private similar to that of the former former councilor Juan José Güemes, who resigned from his position in the Unilabs clinical analysis company after it was published that he was advisor to this company,which manages the laboratories of six public hospitals in Madrid, a service privatized by Güemes himself when he was a health counselor.

olmo's profile photo
04/02/2013 11:49 a.m.
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The same previous, but expanded news ...

Source: The company of which Manuel Lamela is managed the hospital he assigned in his stage at the head of Madrid health
The former councilor of Health is part of the Board of Directors of Assignia Infrastructura

Lamela himself inaugurated the hospital that now manages the company in which he works.The Tajo Hospital, still semi-public, is one of the six Madrid hospitals that the community intends to privatize completely in the coming months.
well positioned for new contracts

The Aranjuez hospital that Assignia manages is still semi -public but the community will completely privatize it with five other Madrid hospitals in the coming months.Assignia says that it has no intention of competing to compete in the provision of medical services since it lacks experience in the sector, however, the management of the Tajo Hospital makes it a candidate for tenders of non -care services.

On March 5, in addition to announcing the next departure from the specifications to privatize the management of the hospitals, the current Health Minister Javier Fernandez-Lasquetty said that "in a few weeks" the outsourcing of the non-sanitary services of the hospitals would begintraditionalAccording to the Ministry, the process will begin with kitchens.But this will only be the beginning.

olmo's profile photo
04/02/2013 2:46 p.m.
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Community of Madrid

Source: The company of which Manuel Lamela is managed the hospital he assigned in his stage at the head of Madrid health
The former councilor of Health is part of the Board of Directors of Assignia Infrastructura

Lamela himself inaugurated the hospital that now manages the company in which he works.The Tajo Hospital, still semi-public, is one of the six Madrid hospitals that the community intends to privatize completely in the coming months.

well positioned for new contracts

The Aranjuez hospital that Assignia manages is still semi -public but the community will completely privatize it with five other Madrid hospitals in the coming months.Assignia says that it has no intention of competing to compete in the provision of medical services since it lacks experience in the sector, however, the management of the Tajo Hospital makes it a candidate for tenders of non -care services.

On March 5, in addition to announcing the next departure from the specifications to privatize the management of the hospitals, the current Health Minister Javier Fernandez-Lasquetty said that "in a few weeks" the outsourcing of the non-sanitary services of the hospitals would begintraditionalAccording to the Ministry, the process will begin with kitchens.But this will only be the beginning.

olmo's profile photo
04/02/2013 3:02 p.m.
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Source: Link ... 90472.html >

The former health councilor of the Community of Madrid works for the company Madrid Medical Destination, dedicated to top -level health tourism.Only two years after leaving their positions in the Aguirre government, it constituted another company, Madrid City of Health, with the aim of creating a sanitary macrocomplex in Madrid to attract foreigners private health with resources.

Lamela and the lucrative health tourism business

From the Association for the Defense of Public Health of Madrid “it is another scandalous case to use privatizations, or as they call it from the 'public-private collaborations', to favor public funds to public funds to public fundspersonal and private of those who decide.We are already facing the second former councilor of Madrid who personally benefit from the privatizations model he has promoted, we fear that it will not be the last ”.

The ADSP recalls that Lamela, before being a health counselor of Madrid, lacked experience and knowledge in the health area, and that its eldest and its most “disastrous contribution to Madrid's Health was the Leganés scandal, a whole montage to discreditPublic health facilitating their privatization, ”they affirm in reference to the case of the alleged irregular sedations against Dr. Luis Montes.

olmo's profile photo
04/04/2013 11:20 a.m.
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Source: http: // Noti ... e = national

Rajoy commission Ana Mato to dismantle the ‘white tide’ dividing doctors

The delicate situation of the Government in trying to change the health model with all professionals against it has become a problem that, since the Executive, the Minister Ana Mato has been commissioned that try to dismantle the so -called ‘Blanca Marea’.As?: With frequent meetings in which he tries to divide this group and make doctors see that his opinion matters.However, professionals have hardened their speech and, through doctors and nursing schools, they have notified the PP today that the health sector "has a lot of power and is well organized."

Mariano Rajoy is aware that 500,000 doctors and nurses who makein charge of the minister who deactivates the mobilizations.To do this, Ana Mato meets important doctors in public hospitals and asks them for their opinions on savings formulas, what some doctors have described to as "Paripé".

In the same line of 'conciliation' marked from the central government, the 'hand laid-hand' of the Minister of Health and Social Affairs of Castilla-La Mancha, José Ignacio Echániz, would be framed, after the judicial wrappers that María Dolores de Cospedal received in relation toHis cuts in rural health care.

Cospedal has had no choice but to reverse and repeal its closing plan for the night emergencies after the resolutions of the Superior Court of Regional Justice gave the reason in precautionary way to the affected municipalities.Hence, Echániz will ensure on Monday in Ciudad Real that has "with the collaboration of doctors in this province and all of Castilla-La Mancha in the path of transformation and modernization of health."

But neither the periodic meetings of the minister in which she tries to convince professionals that her opinion matters, nor the reverse of María Dolores de Cospedal have prevented doctors from warning the Government that they will not allow them to allow them to"The National Health System is dismantled."

85 measures against privatization

To avoid privatization, the General Councils of Medical Colleges and Nursing Personnel throughout Spain, which in total represent about 500,000 health professionals, have presented a set of 85 agreed measures to guarantee the sustainability and quality of the national system of the national system ofHealth (SNS) and prevent the Spanish model from going to "to the gate".

The proposals are collected in the document “The alternative of doctors and nurses to guarantee the sustainability of the National Health System (SNS)”, which has been presented today at a press conference, and are the result of a macro -state in which they haveParticipated 80 experts, 4,508 doctors, 2,724 nurses and 2,000 citizens, as reported by Europa Press.

The most priority measures, according to doctors and nurses, are those aimed at providing more governance and less politicization of public health, giving greater decision -making capacity to professionals themselves.

To do this, among the main initiatives is the creation through an organic law of a state high inspection agency for the entire SNS, with executive capacity and with a government body "as a council of councilAdministration "formed by political, professionals and patients.

In addition, they propose more participatory government mechanisms, "starting with the management of the centers itself, where professionals have the responsibility of deciding how the resources they have apply.""Because this is now in the same hands of those who intend to privatize," said the president of the Collegiate Medical Organization (WTO), Juan José Rodríguez Sendín.

The president of the General Nursing Council, Máximo González Jurado, explained that these proposals will be presented in the next few days to the Ministry of Health and communities, political parties and society, trusting that “they do not fall into a broken bag”And he warned that if they are not taken into account, they could shuffle other ways to carry out their proposals, such as the presentation of a popular legislative initiative.

The representative of the Nursing Council recalled that fortunately in a democratic system the polls are those that pass invoice "and Rodríguez Sendín has also insisted on it, who warns that the health sector" has a lot of power and is well organized. "

olmo's profile photo
04/04/2013 4:01 p.m.
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I share with you this opinion article that I found interesting ...

Source: Link ... 90632.html
who win and those who lose with health privatization

Spanish health is immersed in a hard process of cuts and privatizations promoted by neoliberal governments at the central level and in the CCAA.It is convenient to make some reflections on what are the interests in the presence and those who win in privatization and who will be the losers in this process.


The main beneficiaries of this policy are the large insurers, the pharmaceutical and health technology industry who will have the opportunity to expand their business.Risk capital entities such as Capio Health, Ribera Health (Sanitas and Adeslas), USP -iron;Business groups such as HM hospitals, which are taking over a large part of the hospitals of numerous CCAA.Health insurers to which clientele and fiscal aids are facilitated (subscription deductions of complementary policies)., Hospitals directories, plans award competitions, provision of resources etc.), which gives it an enormous capacity to use public funds to satisfy their economic and business interests.These measures also benefit the groups of managers and health experts that act as a powerful professional lobby.The leaders of the Popular Party, family and relatives are also part of the winners who leave and enter the administration and the adjudicating companies based on their interests (rotating door).Finally, the construction companies affected by the brick crisis that see in the PFIPFI), which benefit from millionaire contracts to be paid for public administrations.


The citizens in general who have suffered cuts in their health rights, which must pay more for the health care that was previously financed with taxes (more just and progressive socially), and that must hire private insuranceTo complement the lower supply of public health care services, on the other hand they also lose the guarantee that in their health care they prevail scientific evidence and general interests and not business criteria. people with less resources, unemployed, unemployed, pensioners who will see their access to health benefits difficult to lack money to face multiple co -payment.The elderly, chronic and disabled patients who need more health care and greater therapeutic and rehabilitative resources, and who are the most affected by cuts and privatizations. The professionals and workers of Health who have lost salaries, labor rights, employment stability and jobs.Health also have a lower opportunity to develop their profession, knowledge and skills and many of them will be forced to emigrate to other countries to work, despite the enormous effort that the educational and health system has dedicated to their training.These losses will be greater among women who are numerically predominant in the sector.LosesAlso the Spanish economy that with cuts in health and socio-sanitary services reduces jobs that will stimulate the economy and reduce the high unemployment rate.Finally, we must remember that universal and accessible public health systems are necessary to maintain the workforce that are associated with better levels of economic and social development.

The contradiction of interests between winners and losers of this policy, of dismantling and privatization of public health, clearly marks what to do.Although it is true that privatization is supported and supported by very powerful pressure groups, those affected by it are the majority of the population.Only a great strategic alliance between citizens and health workers can paralyze that process, which will only benefit a minority, that very powerful and influential.

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04/06/2013 12:07 p.m.
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Source: How is it created and who benefits the privatization of health?

Teacher angels
Medical and Superior Public Health Technique.Red Red Militator

Many people think that the privatization of health is a recent phenomenon product of PP policies.This is a serious mistake, a bad diagnosis, which prevents proper treatment of the causes, because as in a disease, if we treat only the symptoms we are not acting effectively and the process is aggravated.

The privatizations of public companies and services are a spinal part of the response of the great capital to the great economic crisis that we live now, which begins in the seventies.Neoliberal policies are part of a general strategy aimed at tryingof labor and social rights and privatizations.

They are long -range policies, implemented by governments of all political color, in a framework of class struggle marked by the co -optation of the union domes and the corresponding setback of the power of the working class.

The first assault of privatizations takes place over public companies.The private business is assured, not only because they are sold at the price of balance and practically under monopoly, but because to the extent that they produce necessities (light, fuels, transport, communications, water, etc.) the clientele isinsured.In the Spanish State this process is initiated by the PSOE in the mid -eighties coinciding with the entry into the EEC and is continued by the governments of the PP.

The second assault is public services, and especially health, which consumes a considerable percentage of GDP (7% in 2013).

Already with the UCD government, meetings took place in the Ministry of Health in which private insurers, pharmaceutical industry, representatives of banks and large companies participated, together with leaders of the large media. The objective was to plan, and finance, discredit campaigns of public health. The argument is well known: it is bureaucratic, wasteful, uninjury and its staff yields little because it has its insured work, in the face of the competitiveness and effectiveness of the private company.

In 1991 it was intended to take a qualitative leap.The Plenary of Congress approved the elaboration of a report for the consolidation and modernization of the National Health System.The PSOE, governing with an absolute majority, commissioned its elaboration to Fernando Abril Martorell, former attorney for the Cortes de Franco and vice president of the Spanish Central Bank.The report was a guide for the preparation of health for their privatization, including the introduction of co -payment for the use of health services and drugs for pensioners.The public presentation of the report was aborted because as a deputy, then, of IU, I had access to their conclusions and I could make them public, conveniently explained, before they were officially presented.Before the enormous rejection of the report, the report was never voted in Parliament but its basic proposals were executed.

Privatization - “outsourcing” - of hospital services such as cleanings, laundries, kitchens, ambulances, etc., and concerts with the private health of low complexity surgery (themore profitable), radiodiagnosis, etc. I highlight for its importance the privatization of cleaning services, almost all subcontracted by construction companies, and which resulted in a drastic template cut and precariousness in employment.These facts are directly responsible for the spectacular increase in hospital infections, with the corresponding increase in mortality and hospital spending [1].

In 1997, governing the PP in the minorPP, PSOE, PNV, CIU and CC.The day after his vote, CC OO issued a statement by congratulating the great parliamentary support received “by a key law for the modernization of the SNS” .

The private company had open the way and the different regional governments (of the PP, of the PSOE, or of the PSOE with IU and other leftist parties such as the Catalan tripartite or the Balearic Pentapartite) executed it.It was the safest business that they could dream, especially in times of crisis: public financing and clientele and private benefit.

The construction companies, after the outbreak of the real estate bubble, have entered strongly into the management of private management hospitals: a part them involved in the gürtel plot such as Begar, Ploder, Hispanic, other “donors” of the PPas OHL, or the Cantoblanco Group of Arturo Fernández.private insurers such as Sanitas or Adeslas.Capio, owned by CVC Capital Partners, risk capital group and dedicated to speculation, has all the visions of becoming in the great monopoly of private management of public health

The link between political decisions and business interests is evident.Former Health Counselors such as Manuel Lamela, with interests in Capio, or Güemes, who had to resign as a unilabs advisor, owned by Capio, a company to which he awarded the management of clinical analysis of six hospitals, illustrate it.> Another case is Antonio Burgueño, current general director of hospitals of the Community of Madrid, who was Medical Director of Adeslas, a company integrated in Ribera Health and main promoter of the first private management hospital, that of Alzira, and whose son, AntonioBurgueño Jerez, works as head of the Business and Quality Development Unit at Ribera Salud, a winner of the Torrejón Hospital.

But the signing of "arrangers" is not only limited to the ranks of the PP.Nicolás Redondo Terreros is a advisor to FCC, a company that manages the Hospital de Arganda, to which we must add the long list of former ministers and former PSOE Health Ministers who are counselors of large multinationals, including those of the pharmaceutical industry.

The theft of health by private companies, with the necessary collusion of governments, is not just an plundering of public resources, it is also a crime. the business in health, impossible if aUniversal and quality care, is achieved against the life and safety of patients, in addition to increasing cost.

The explanation of the mechanisms to achieve it exceed the limits of this article.I list some of them:

Decrease in the amount of personnel (around 30%) and the qualification of the same.
Patient selection, leaving non -profitable for public health.
Overindication of profitable surgical interventions.
Prioritization of patients depending on the income that your care reports to the company.
Pressure on health administrations, tothrough the collusion of politicians, to raise the amounts paid by public health.
The execution of savings mechanisms (high early, low use of expensive diagnostic and treatment resources), vital to get the business, require "collaboration" especially of medical staff, which is the one who indicates spending.To achieve this, temporary contracts, insecurity at work and that an important part of the salary are linked to the fulfillment of expense decrease objectives are decisive.

The reality is that all this gear has unquestionable legal coverage, endorsed by courts of the courts before which it has been denounced: Law 15/97 of new forms of management.that for their own lives it means the privatization of health and the consequent decision about the necessary action to prevent it from being saved.

It is necessary, in my opinion, that at this time we focus, not so much on mass demonstrations, as in the creation and extension of local groups, sufficiently coordinated, capable of going to the offensive and blocking the execution of the privatization plans, it isTo say, that the popular power manifests and acts with three major objectives: not one more privatization, repeal of Law 15/97 and return to public hands everything privatized.

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04/07/2013 1:39 p.m.
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Source: The PP accepts 'open the debate' of the copayment in more health services

The man who directs health policy in the PP, José Ignacio Echániz, has been in favor of "opening the debate" about the convenience of expanding the copay to other health services after the success that, in his opinion, has achieved the copaymentof medications.Madrid has already activated the plan to ensure that there are no officials in regional health.

"Can the rest of the health services be extrapolated? It is the big question and in Spain this is a brutal political debate (...) I offer me that this debate can be opened, and we all reach agreements," said theNational Secretary of Health and Social Affairs of the PP during its participation in the cycle of conferences on the quality of the National Health System (SNS), organized by the National Health Precision Group (PSN) and the AD Qualitem Foundation.

The Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato, has reiterated on numerous occasions that her health reform launched a year ago has allowed guaranteeing the sustainability of the system without having to implement a care copayment.

This reform, among other measures, did introduce a new copayment system according to rent that, for the also Health Minister of Castilla-La Mancha, has offered in less than a year "extraordinary" results, since in their community they have achievedSave "two months of your budget.""We have rationalized consumption and people are very happy," he said.

However, it has advanced that in the future "there will be innovations that we can not afford with a budget like the current one", and it will be then when "Spanish society must decide whether they put more resources, increasing taxes or through the copayment, orbenefits are limited. "

In this sense, Echániz has been in favor of analyzing the expansion of copayment to other health services, but "from truth, common sense and data, and not from the political passion of the self I oppose this and make a manifestation becauseI am against conceptually. "

pay for incentives'

"Things in life should not be told that not by nature. You have to see them, see why Germany, France or other countries are doing it, whether it is worth it, how it can affect in terms of health and accessibility,Always leaving the population less economically strong outside the system.

In addition, in his speech the 'popular' leader has been in favor of incorporating "without taboos" to public health those aspects of private health that have shown that the most efficient system can make, as a remuneration system "by incentives"

"Standardizing the remuneration does not seem fair," said Echániz, which has been shown in favor of public-private collaboration because, among other issues, "it allows to place the incentives more efficiently."

On the other hand, the Castilian-Manchego Health Minister has insisted on the need for clinical management to be accompanied by a "high specialization."

"We need experts in clinical management. Health must be managed by technicians, not be in the hands of inexperienced people. Zapatero to your shoes," he said, noting that the most appropriate thing is that at the head of this management there are professionalsSanitary"But with a postgraduate degree in health management and with previous experience in this area, in which some specific knowledge is needed," he concluded.

olmo's profile photo
04/08/2013 2:32 p.m.
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It is necessary to be cynical and face to pronounce the last paragraph without a single muscle from the face.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
04/08/2013 3:52 p.m.
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This reform, among other measures, did introduce a new co-payment system according to rent that, for the also Health Minister of Castilla-La Mancha, has offered "extraordinary" results in less than a yearthat in their community they have managed to save "two months of their budget.""We have rationalized consumption and people are very happy," he said.

People will be very happy, I do not doubt it, but ask these users and their families, to see what opinion they have ... the coz-pedal and their own if they are very "ejpertos" ...

Link ... wide.html
"Is this how the deficit is reduced in Castilla La Mancha?"

María Dolores de Cospedal announced the reduction of the deficit of 7.7% from 2011 to 1.5% in 2012 "without leaving any bill in the drawer" but to the Solana's capacity association, 20 months of subsidies already signed are owed.

The Castilla La Mancha Board owes them 1,134,823 euros.Due to the delay they cannot deal with the payment of social security and the Treasury, so they have seized their accounts and the vehicles they used to displace users.Meanwhile, the Minister of Health and Social Affairs, José Ignacio Echániz Salgado, remains at all silence.

The 31 professionals who work in the association assume their fifth month without charging.

When Angela arrived at the center she was 19 and many battles freed behind her.He remembers well the day he armed himself with courage, took advantage that there was no one at home and escaped to the office of social services of his town.Vitoria, the social wizard, knew her case and did not lose a second when Angela said: "Buscard me a quiet place to live."

In Castilla La Mancha of the transition many families hid their relatives with disabilities for “shame” or occupied them in agricultural work without giving them the opportunity to consider what they wanted to do, condemning them therefore to a dependent future.In 1983 "great crazy people" believed that it was possible to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and that of their families and created the Pro-Capacity Regional Association.Before the lack of facilities to be able to develop their activities, they rehabilitated an old school and based on effort and commitment managed to shape a socio-labor integration center in which crafts were and continues to be the main axis of action.At this time 60 users work in the different workshops of the center, receive training and have the satisfaction of creating things for themselves receiving remuneration for it.

The project was branched as new needs were detected.Thus, the Special Employment Center was born in 1999 that gives work to 10 people, the day center for seriously affected disabilities, in which 13 people are served and subsequently, in 2001, three homes with support where 15 people reside.

Housing were born to coverPeople with different degrees of mental disability with very difficult family situations.They differ by the level of autonomy of their residents although they all wash their clothes, they cook, they take care of the cleaning and home tasks.Some work thanks to the Special Employment Center and those who do not go to the workshops of the Occupational Center every morning.

Angela was one of the first to reach the tuned homes.At that time he could not afford to imagine a better future but now, seventeen years later, everything has changed.He lives in the autonomous house with Joaquín, Rosa and Fernanda and has a job as a cleaner.He does not understand public deficit, risk premium or banking bailouts but asking what the crisis means not taking long to answer: "A nightmare."And since 2009 and mainly with the policy of cuts of the current regional government the present of Ángela and that of all his companions staggers.

The center has a subsidy of the Community Board of Castilla La Mancha of 720,000 euros per year but payments have a delay of 20 months and the situation is desperate.“We can't continue like this!We owe us a half agreement of 2011 and the 2012 entire agreement. This amounts to a total of € 1,134,823.We have not received any news except for the embargoes of our accounts for not being able to pay social security and the Treasury.The vehicles have seized us ... and I wonder: what are we doing wrong? ”And the truth is that neither the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, nor the Board of Communities of Castilla La Mancha responds to Patro Rodríguez, worker of the association.

The Regional Administration answers the “come back tomorrow” each of the calls and letters issued by family members, users and professionals who work in the association and uncertainty is for them a fierce enemy. ”If they warn us of the date ofA possible payment of the debt could make forecasts, because even the postponements to Social Security and the Treasury need dates, ”says Paqui Rivera and remembers that professionals who work in the center assume their fifth month without collecting their salary, a situation that isHe has repeated several times in the last two years.

A few days ago, the president of the Community Board of Castilla La Mancha, María Dolores de Cospedal, proudLeave no bill in the drawer. ”But taking into account that the Pro-Capacity Regional Association has been paying for 20 months without receiving subsidies already signed its director wonders if this is the way to reduce the deficit of Castilla La Mancha.

Isabel is one of the 31 professionals who work in the center, in her four years as an educator she has seen the evolution of many of the boys, all have achieved objectives that had never imagined that they could achieve and in that workers like her have a lotWhat to see. It considerates that the closure of the occupational center and housing would destroy everything achieved in years because “there are no many centers such as this that foster an autonomous life and the boys do not have the profile of a residence of disabled where theapproach is welfare. ”

At fifty -four years Fernanda acknowledges that his life prior to homes was like "a fear movie", suicides, murders and serious diseasesThey were gradually destroying everything he believed in.In spite of this, Fernanda gives off joy and vitality but is blunt when referring to the possible closure of the center “these houses are our life, we are a family.If they closed this, where were Asun, Pruden or Manolo go?My world is housing and the center.Here I have a job as a cleaners and I have a life that I like. ”

Desde que la Junta no cumple con los pagos familias, usuarios y profesionales han organizado ventas ambulantes de catalanas en partidos de fútbol, ​​han diseñado cuadernos que después venden, a bajo precio porque la crisis afecta a todos los bolsillos, venden lotería, hacen rifas,Theaters, dances ... They summoned a demonstration in Toledo, in front of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs so that the counselor, José Ignacio Echániz Salgado, attended them and knew their case first hand but they met with closed doors and policemen who invited them to leave.“On the Board there are many people who are not ashamed because they do not give their face.We are not criminals, we came to claim what ours is, ”recalls Angela.

They have started a petition through the platform to request flexibility from the Treasury and Social Security with the Oenegés who cannot assume their payments for the debts pending of public administrations.Local entrepreneurs support and organize events whose benefits are aimed at the Association.Any action is valid to raise the money that gets the doors of the center to remain open but unfortunately all these efforts will be in bucket if the administration does not make the payment of the granting subsidies.

The story of each of the 75 boys is very different from the base but very similar today.None of them imagine their life elsewhere, they are born survivors and are willing to fight to maintain what has cost them many years to get.Fernanda, Rosa, Ángela, Joaquín, Pruden, Luis, David, Asun, Pepe, Manolo, Puri, María, Pilar and 62 more people with names and surnames are an example of courage and integrity.

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04/08/2013 4:50 p.m.
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Community of Madrid:

Neighborhood initiatives to stop privatizations ...

Source: http: // ... _1012.html
Neighborhood associations fight in Vallecas for public health
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Neighbors associations of the Vallecas neighborhood protested this Monday to claim that the Community of Madrid went back to its plan to privatize the management of the Federica Montseny Health Center.Although the organizers expected the protests to spread throughout the night with an confinement in that center, they have finally decided to leave because they did not want incidents with the security people of the center.

The call had been organized by four neighborhood associations that fear that the specialization services of the ambulatory Federica Montseny will be included in the Plan for the Privatization of the Management of Six Hospitals and 27 Health Centers.Specifically, from the community they intend to put “in the same lot” to this center along with another that is close - vicente Soldevilla - in the privatization of the Infanta Leonor hospital, the summoners have indicated.This means that some 350,000 people will become attended by people from private companies.

“We call this type of protests because it is necessary to fight for public health.These services are paid by workers' fees and therefore we must continue to preserve them, ”said Juan Antonio Carnés, representative of the Alto del Arenal de Vallecas association, who fully rejects the idea of ​​a privatization, whether partial or total."Private health cannot work because the company that will want to earn money and will cut in employees, medicines and in all medical services," said Carnés.

Angels Maestro, Superior Public Health Technique of the Ministry of Health, stressed that citizens must support this type of causes because "life is played."The sanitary sets as an example the clinics of births, where 97% of pregnancies are "normal.""Obviously, in this sense public health is deficient but when a private clinic receives a difficult case that corresponds to that 3% derives from public centers," he stressed.

Teacher believes that privatization would mean a strong pressure measure for doctors in order to reduce spending."With private management, medical staff would be encouraged to give high precocious, so that it does not request expensive treatments and that it does not derive cases to the specialist."The problem would be aggravated, in their opinion, because many employees of the sector have precarious job and are willing to accept this type of behavior.

The protest, convened by the Alto del Arenal Associations and the Union of Vallecas, the Casmadrid coordinator and the Matusalen platform, will conclude with a concentration this Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in front of the Federica Montseny Health Center, on Avenida de la Albufera.

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04/08/2013 7:11 p.m.
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More news about the community ....

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The toilets will make a 'referendum' in May about the privatizations of Ignacio González

Public health professionals continue with their fight against privatizations announced by the Government of Ignacio González.After months of protests and demonstrations, and with the externalizations of hospitals and outpatients closer and closer, they have decided to make a referendum to ask the citizens what they think of this measure.The popular consultation will take place in the health centers throughout the region between May 5 and 10.

The objective of this new initiative against the PP is, as indicated on the web, that “it is the population who decides, since these privatizations were not in the electoral program” presented by the party to the last electionsregional, which took place in May 2011, "which is a fraud to democracy."

The idea of ​​health professionals is "to put between 500 and 2,000 voting tables." To do this, they ask for the collaboration of Madrid, since “5 to 10 table activists” are required so that for each of them, in a voting day, approximately 1,000 votes are achieved.
The deadline for registering the voting tables will be open until April 15, a process in which the toilets invite "all people and organizations who want to support" this fight in defense of public health.Hospitals such as the princess, clinician, Gregorio Marañón, October twelve, of Henares, Tajo, Infanta Leonor or Puerta de Hierro have already confirmed their tables.This has also done the 15M, which will install voting voters in the Plaza de Santa Ana and in the Plaza Dalí.

The idea of ​​this group is "to continue and improve the experience of participatory democracy, follow the model of the citizen consultation against the privatization of the Canal de Isabel II, which was a success."

On that occasion, “in the Community of Madrid there were a total of 305 tables, which achieved some 187,000 votes, with some 2,500 volunteers participating.We not only value the result, but the dissemination, participation and citizen involvement.The percentage was so clear (99% against) that the privatization plans backed down. ”And now they want to repeat that same experience to stop Ignacio González's plans for health.

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04/08/2013 7:15 p.m.
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Source: http: // ... 18124.html
Spain gives the worst European attention to ‘without papers’, according to doctors of the world
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Spain has gone from being a modelic country in universal health care to concentrate the worst practices in response to undocumented immigrants.Doctors of the world have launched a hard diagnosis on access to public health of the most disadvantaged in the European Union.The experts of the NGO highlight the case of Spain, which has become "the worst example", in the words of the president of the organization in Belgium, Michel Degueldre.

The decree of the Government that prevents access to ordinary consultations for foreigners without papers- except pregnant children and women- marks the results of a study that doctors of the world has carried out in seven community countries in 2012 and that has been presented this Tuesday inBrussels.97% of the patients received in the consultations of this organization in Spain lacked access to the public system.In addition, 62% had previously attended a public center and had denied access, well above the 20% average obtained by taking into account the seven countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Holland andUnited Kingdom, in addition to Spain).

"The increase in copayment in medicines and the exclusion of immigrants are causing a change of model in Spain, universal health care to an insurance model," explained Álvaro González, president of doctors from the world Spain.This expert explains that the situation varies greatly between autonomous communities, since some apply the decree to Rajataba and others are avoiding it.Although the norm continues to allow the access of pregnant women and children to the consultations, the NGO is with cases in which the doors are also closed.

Three years ago, the Greeks were 8% of those attended by the NGO in the country.Now, 50%

Beyond the ethical reasons that oppose a measure like Spanish, González warns that not even for economic reasons justify it.Although there are no global data, González cites several scientific studies that show that these measures reduce visits in primary care but, in return, increase the emergency care and hospital income, more expensive than the consultations of family doctors.In addition, the Spanish system, until now mainly financed with public funds, is cheaper than the OECD average (about 1,500 euros per patient per year in Spain).

Together with Spain, the situation is particularly serious in Greece, where doctors of the world increasingly serve immigrants victims of ill -treatment linked to xenophobia.“Every day we live xenophobia in our clinics.In the last two months we have had 15 cases.We cannot remain silent before this problem, ”says Nikitas Kanakis, responsible for the organization in Greece.In addition to receiving immigrants, the poverty that the country appears has turned a turn in the type of patient that the organization, increasingly a native.To represent 8% of those treated three years ago, the Greeks already suppose half of the patients in the Clinics of the NGO.

Doctors of the world wants to alert the European authorities to the problem and ask to preserve one of the essential elements of the European welfare state."The first thing we ask is for experts to propose what to do with the health system," says NathalieSimonnot, from the international network of the organization.This responsible recalls that human rights constitute one of the foundational principles of the European Union.

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04/09/2013 1:15 p.m.
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Source: http: // Noti ... e = national

Rajoy is 'played' in the Constitutional 8,000 million in cuts

The flattering forecasts that both Mariano Rajoy and his government team make day and day also relying on the cuts rushed in recent months could end up in Varapalo.The Executive is waiting for the Constitutional Court to pronounce on measures such as the health co -payment, the non -update of pensions or the tax amnesty, measures that according to the forecasts will save 8,000 million.

The Decision of the Portuguese Court, which last weekend knocked the cuts of the Government of Pedsos Coelho, may not be an isolated case.The Spanish Constitutional has both resources presented against the measures of Mariano Rajoy, and if the Executive is finally pronounced against them, he will have to rethink his policy again.

Health cuts are one of the points on which the Constitutional must decide.According to the SER chain, the Court will have to pronounce on the reasons wielded by the Andalusian, Canarian, Basque and Catalan governments to determine that the sanitary measures go against the Constitution.

If you finally accept this consideration, the High Court would leave the pharmaceutical co -payment or the new criteria imposed by Minister Ana Mato without effect to access the health card, among other measures, which the Government promoted by including at a saving of 4,000 millionof euros.

Something similar occurs with the non -update of pensions that resorted to the constitutional PSOE, CiU, United Left, PNV and UPyD.This decision avoided the Rajoy Executive an expense of 1.9 billion euros per year, starting to count since 2012. and also hits a thread for another one billion that the Government announced that it would save with educational measures such as the increase in the weekly hours of teachersor not cover the casualties of teachers of a few days.

In the same order, and after a lawsuit of the unions, the National Court has asked the high court to pronounce on the suppression of extra pay to more than 50,000 employees of public companies.Along with this, we must count the 300 million euros that the Government wants to raise with the Law of Judicial Fees and the 342 that it calculated that it would save with the reduction of RTVE counselors, also measures pending of the constitutional opinion.

Finally, the high court must resolve whether or not they are legal are the tax amnesty and labor reform.With the first of these measures the government raised almost 1.2 billion euros last year.Labor market reform is also aware of what the Constitutional Court says.

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04/09/2013 2:17 p.m.
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Source: Link ... 90802.html
The Madrid health of the PP: only business

Carlos Barra Galán- Specialist Medical of the National Health System

The arrival of Esperanza Aguirre to the Presidency of the Community of Madrid, after the Tamayazo, meant the application of a health policy designed with the aim of privatizing the entire Madrid public health system;Its political action, framed in a neoliberal ideology, contemplates health as a consumer product and health care as a business market with the possibility of obtaining great benefits, thus began a privatization process that obtained any rational approach of planning in the assignmentof resources since its purpose was to facilitate the thrombus entry of private companies in the management and provision of health services and benefits;A progressive dismantling of public health began that today is unfortunately a little debatable reality.

With unusual speed, contracts for the construction of eight hospitals with private financing were awarded and the false irregular sedations in the Severo Ochoa hospital were used as a smoke curtain that eclipsed and prevented the political debate that a democracy demandedbefore a subject of such a draft.An irruption of private capital of such magnitude and simultaneously in public health, had no paragon or outside our borders and as some said then endangered the future of Madrid public health;Today a decade later, the health debt in Madrid is not sufficiently known, the financial situation of the Ministry of Health is disastrous and the payment of the canons for thirty years to the companies awarded the concessions are a heavy ballast that mortgages to a large extentThe immediate future, all without having achieved any of the substantial improvements that the PP government publicized were going to be achieved.What today is a reality is the dismantling of direct management hospitals, the enormous deterioration of primary care not providing it with the necessary human resources to fulfill its important mission as a door to the system, which today is a reality is amortizationof places, the non -renewal of numerous contracts and the extreme precariousness of the few that are carried out;This is leading to a decrease in care quality despite the efforts of professionals and workers in the sector.

The wasteful marketing launched to confuse and chePP voters.The professionals of others for time to what was happening, have reacted and shown their outrage at the plunder that is being done with Madrid health.White tides have meant the union in the streets of Madrid of professionals and citizens defending public health and rejecting their privatization.

Given such social rejection, it would seem logical to think that the Government could rectify, this is frequent in democracy, but it has not been so and in the face of this immovable attitude it could be asked: why don't you rectify?This is a question that made already known as others that could appear in the future, can help you answer.I will explain.
In the privatization process carried out there has been an element that has had afrankly positive evolution, I am referring to the constant increase that the volume of business of private companies has had in the health field;The budget items assigned to privatize (they call it outsourcing) the provision of certain benefits (image diagnosis, surgeries from the waiting list, laboratories) have grown substantially during these years in which the millionaire payments of millionaires have also been facedThe canons to the concessionaires.

It is here that the health business with juicy benefits for companies has been embodied;At the same time we have known that former positions of Madrid's health have taken positions of great relevance in companies to which the Ministry of Health had awarded contracts at the time of their mandate or in very close later periods, so we have known thatMr. Güemes was appointed CEO of a company that manages the clinical analysis laboratories privatized by him when he was an advisor;Known for public opinion, this enormous legal shame and before the scandal that the aforementioned Mr. Güemes began to occur, he was forced to leave his substantial job.We have also known that Mrs. Elena de Mingo, former general director of Infrastructure with the rank of Vice Minister has been signed by a company A was awarded substantial advice and consulting contracts in the period of her mandate;As of today it does not seem that the aforementioned Mr. De Mingo has considered abandoning his job.It is evident that it is another case of unpresentable legal shamelessness.

We have just learned that the ominous character Mr. Lamela, former counselor of Health, protagonist of the most ruin political action in Spanish health throughout its history (false irregular sedations in the Severo Ochoa hospital) has also been appointed CEO of the company assignswhich manages all privatized services of the Tajo Hospital, a center built and awarded in its mandate, we have also known that this company since Lamela occupies in it such a relevant position has achieved contracts worth four million euros both since the Ministry ofHealth as administrative structures dependent on the current regional president.It seems therefore that not only companies do business but also former positions are sought relevant positions in private companies directly related to the health sector and that have received important awards from the health administration.Not certainly illegal, but also an absolute lack of ethics and an intolerable shamelessness in a democratic society;Perhaps these cases can somehow explain the regional government's refusal to rectify its health policy since health privatization seems to favor the future work of high positions when they leave them.Observing what happened does not seem unreasonable to think, that if there is no rectification in health policy, let's see in the future close to other high political-sanitary positions to occupy relevant positions in private companies that have been related to the health administration;It seems that like all the former PP have a common feature, being billionaires, the former health positions of the Madrid PP can end up having a common feature, being CEOs of private companies directly related to the health world.

Given this predatory policy, which is producing an plunder of Madrid's public health, citizens have the ability and obligation to avoid it, causing the tides to peacefully flood the streets of Madrid demanding the withdrawal of the entire privatizing plans;In this it goes at stake a fundamental pillar of the welfare state:Public Health.It is a battle that citizens will not lose.

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04/11/2013 1:01 p.m.
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Source: http: // Noti ... e = national

Capio tries to ‘wash its image’ in the face of the white tide pressure

The pressure that white tide is exerting on Capio has forced the company to start a ‘image wash’ campaign to try to get out of the way.After announcing Ignacio González, his health privatizations, this group has 'attacked' incessantly to the company both on the street and in social networks, which has made Capio change the name to IDC Health andEnsure that you are not interested in the outsourcing announced by the Madrid government.

The sanitary privatizations that the Community of Madrid plans to carry out Capio in the spotlight.First was the complaint campaign that health and patients started on Twitter, where for three days in a row they remembered their businesses with the regional executive, their business structure, and some of the complaints launched by various groups regarding their way of serving patients.They did it through several hashtag: #Alcappione, #lagallinAppiomata and #LeodeCappio.

This white tide campaign, together with the incessant publication of news about the activity of the company, has forced Capio to say publicly that he will not bid for the hospitals that Ignacio González will outsource.Specifically, the general director of Capio Health, Adolfo Fernández-Valmayor, said in an interview with El Mundo that the company "is not interested" in this project.

However, the pressure of the collective that defends public health has not ceased, but has increased.And it is in the midst of that scenario when it has been known that the company will cease to be called Capio and recover its old denomination: IDC Health.

As published by El País, the company has made this decision after receiving an 'order' of its old matrix, the Swedish group Capio, which has demanded that it stop using that name after having disconnected from it in February 2011, whenThe CVC Risk Capital firm bought the Spanish subsidiary in an operation valued at 900 million.

Although, as expected, the white tide also echoed the news on social networks, where it loaded again against the company and warned that with this campaign of 'image washing' it will not stop the pressures of toilets and patients.

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04/15/2013 10:29 a.m.
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Source: http: // Noti ... e = national

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Doctors believe that Javier Fernández-Lasquetty's decision to create the figure of the Director General of Monitoring and Control of Indirect Management Health Centers, in which he will put Manuel Molina, to control privatized hospitals is an "urgent" measurethat only seeks to silence the protests of the white tide.Something that they announce will not achieve, since by putting a political person in charge, and not to a technician, in this position the Minister of Health has eliminated any hint of independence from the agency.

The Association of Specialists of Madrid (AFEM) has strongly criticized the new ‘idea’ of Lasquetty.Precisely the same day that Manuel Molina takes possession of his new position, the group of doctors has criticized this ‘improvised’ measure that also reveals to the Ministry itself.

As the association asserts, “without information there is no possibility of control.A reform such as the proposed by the Ministry of Health without information or prior control of the existing privatized centers is a serious irresponsibility ”, so the figure of the new general director will not serve anything.

The AFEM comes has denounced during the last six months “the opacity and lack of transparency of the Ministry, which has not presented to date any data that supports its privatization plan, the data of the billing of intercentros of the private management hospitals orthe indicators of quality of health care ”.

In response to their complaint, the Madrid doctors say, "and given the imminent exit of the tender specifications of candidate hospitals for privatization, the Ministry has created the General Directorate of Monitoring and Control of the Indirect Management Health Centers."However, from the AFEM they wonder “how it will continue and exercise the necessary control of the centers the new general director if it has no information, since the Madrid community does not have the proper information systems that allow real evaluation (economic and economic (economic andof results) of the current private management hospitals ”.

In this sense, the AFEM spokeswoman Fátima Brañas has assured that “without information there can be no evaluation and much less control.The first thing that the Ministry has to do is have the information and make it public.It would be a gesture of transparency that we would appreciate all Madrid's. ”

Brañas also commented that “the control mechanisms are essential but what does it mean to be carried out by a political responsible?The Ministry of Health has lost a great opportunity: to appoint a technician and not a politician.It is not enough to say that there is a control commission, the important thing is that it can be and be a real control mechanism and seek that cannot be politicized. ”

However, it is not the only criticism of the AFEM, which ensures that the Lasquetty has also created “urgently” the Advisory Commission for Health Assistance Quality Indicators.Specifically, doctors say that “it is striking that recognizing that they currently do not have such indicators and therefore without a previous analysis of the private management centers already functioning, it is intended to initiate a process of privatization of more health centers.This is undoubtedly one more sign of irresponsibility, lack of transparency and lack of planning capacity ofThe current Ministry. ”

Today, Manuel Molina Muñoz takes office, who had already worked in the Madrid Health Ministry under his last three headlines, Manuel Lamela, Juan José Güemes, and Javier Fernández-Lasquetty.In 2011 he was elected spokesman and president of the PP of Fuenlabrada and left the health administration for a while, although now he returns to it after resigning from his responsibilities in the city of southern Madrid.

Greetings to the forum!

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04/15/2013 10:33 a.m.
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