For a universal health

olmo's profile photo   11/18/2012 4:37 p.m.

The theory of private ones:

Public Health now costs 10
We (the private one) can do it for 8, with a benefit of 1.5
Then, theory, public health should cost 6.5

Why are the changes to make to make public health cost 6.5?

Owash, these changes are not made due to lack of political will ...
Who governs us? Well, a band of thieves without any scrupulous that obviously want to continue sucking the blood to the system ...
Many expenses that could be rationalized are not eliminated by that simple reason ... They look at each expendThis case, many more.Of course, you could get efficient health and cost that 6.5 that quotes.

Link ... _33708.php

A manager of the Sant Pau Hospital charged 140,000 euros annually for seven years without working

Ricard Gutiérrez Martí, manager of the Sant Pau Hospital between 2001 and 2004, continued to charge a salary of about 140,000 euros per year for seven more years after leaving office, until 2011, according to a report by the Accounts Syndicate.It was not until 2011, despite having another manager exercising, that the address definitely gave Gutiérrez Martí, prior payment of 158,000 euros as compensation.The figure of 140,000 euros is the one that received 2009, but the rest of the years he charged from the hospital received similar amounts, the country reports.

The text also ensures that the union sees "contrary to the legal system" the relationship between Gutierrez Martí and the hospital because at the time when he was a manager between 2001 and 2004, he was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Hospital on behalf of the Generalitat of Catalonia,an incompatibility of charges contemplated by law.In addition, the report states that hospital managers awarded works contracts directly without requesting different budgets, applied tacit extensions prohibited by law and did not respect the principles of advertising and concurrence in the restoration contract, which cost five million euros.

The Hospital Directorate has been qualified, in terms of the management of these contracts, as a private sector entity, which allows itallegations to the union.On the other hand, apply salary cuts as if it were a public entity, such as the suppression of Christmas pay, for example, and as a "public sector entity" is how its 2012 management report is defined. This bipolarity of theFundación is understood by the Company Committee as "law fraud", and has announced that they will incorporate this report from the union to the various judicial processes that have open against the hospital managers.

olmo's profile photo
03/10/2013 10:06 a.m.
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no if my question was rhetoric

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/10/2013 10:49 a.m.
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No if my question was rhetoric

Ah, ok ... there was no caught it ..: D As the Rolling Eyes icon or some similar was not accompanied ...

olmo's profile photo
03/10/2013 10:57 a.m.
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More about "excellence" in outsourcing in services ...

Link ... Sasunbidea
Health tries to silence Osasunbidea workers
Remember that the complex director must authorize interviews and filming

Asks in an internal email that 'the informative activity is developed to avoid the dissemination of incidents in the kitchen, which continue

"Cover the mouth"cool the controversy."It is clear that they do not want it to transcend what is happening in the hospital complex with food. They cannot say that it is to protect patients because until now none has complained about the presence of the media, rather on the contrary, they have found in them a way for their frustration, "said a center nurse yesterday."It's from the meal to protect them," he added.

The diet continued yesterday being a reason for complaints.Complex patients expressed their disagreement with the food of last day, despite the fact that the head of the Dietetics and Nutrition Service said Thursday in the Health Commission that on Monday, day 4, it supposed a turning point for the improvement of the service, when already available to the book with validated diets, without which menus have been served until that date.

Fishless fish and with an unpleasant smell, purrusalda of a color and appearance far from the usual at the tables of the Navarrese and also served as patients with problems in the digestive system, despite being a vegetable that causes flatulence,They were part of yesterday's diet in the hospital complex.

The request for the public service reversion of hospital kitchens continues to gain support.The website surpassed yesterday the21,400 signatures.

The keys

The ELA union criticized "firmly" the "shamelessness" of the company that manages the kitchen service of the Hospital Complex of Navarra (CHN), Catering Mediterranean, and stressed that "if there are almost a thousand claims, it is for the null quality of the service quality of the service"In a statement made public yesterday, the union also demanded, the company "a public rectification for the last unfounded accusations of the Catering Mediterranean Directorate."Specifically, he explained that "a director of this company has tried to hide its incompetence by blaming the nursing group, but it is clear that if there are almost a thousand claims it is for the null quality of the service.""That cannot be hidden, either with lies," he added.

Finally, ELA insisted that he will continue "defending the work of all employees of the Navarro Health Service" and claimed "the immediate reversal of hospital kitchens to the public service."ELA thus adds to the indignation that the words of the person in charge of the company in Navarra, Javier Carrecedo, caused the SATSE Nursing and LAB Nursing Union, accusing nurses of filling in patient claims.

What will think about this the "honorable" president of the Foral Community? ... Not everyone enjoys 5000 euros in diets ..

olmo's profile photo
03/10/2013 11:39 a.m.
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Good news ...
At the moment the urgencies are saved in trembling: D

Here I leave the link

TSJCM gives the reason to Temleque: The Emergencies are saved
The Superior Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha, in its foundations of law, argues in the sentence that the Board "does not make the slightest allusion" to the "risks" explained by the City Council of Templeque in its appeal.This decision of the TSJCM feels preceding on other resources admitted to processing.

The "risks" wielded by the City Council of Templeque are "the greatest times in the displacements and derivations, postponements of treatment and diagnosis, risks of saturation of the services, lack of concretion of the healthcare personnel and the means of transport available together withthe technical and personal support with which they must count. "

This "silence" of the Board in the face of these arguments "is inexplicable" for the court "and it is a reason for added weight to convince yourself that the risks pointed are patent and ostensible, and with it it makes more strength and meaning the pleaded suspension that was issued"

The TSJCM judgment indicates that the Board alleges precariousness in the data, arguments and justifications of the City Council of Templeque in order to provide a favorable indicative provisional trial to specify the real damage of the validity of the order.

On the other hand, the mayor of Templeque, Jesús Fernández, has been happy for the decision of the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha (TSJCM) to dismiss the appeal of the Board against the car that left open the emergencies of trembling,And he has expected the regional government not to resort to.

Fernández has valued that this is the second consecutive time that the Magistrates of the TSJCM "have put themselves on the side of the 120,000 neighbors affected by this barbarity that the Board wants to do.""I hope the Board will leave it there because every time it turns it puts the neighbors in suspense," he added.

"People are tense and suffering," said the mayor, who added that he has already been talking to some neighbors who, although they have shown their joy, has asked them caution because "surely the regional government resorts to theSupreme Court ".

Congratulations to the Castilian-Manchego;)

olmo's profile photo
03/11/2013 9:14 a.m.
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The Generalitat admits the "financial collapse" of Catalan health
The advisor Boi Ruiz sees the health model in danger if the 0.7% of GDP deficit is limited

Link 300px;

The Health Minister of Catalonia, Boi Ruiz, has admitted today that Catalan health is in a situation of "financial collapse."Asked if the new cuts that the Catalan government will have to apply will cause the collapse of public health in this autonomous community, Ruiz has assured that "what is collapsed is the financial situation of Catalan health, not health care."

The Catalan government understands that the new cuts that it will have to apply if it wants to reduce the deficit from the current 1.96% to 0.7% of GDP, will be in basic services, including health.Ruiz has assured at the press conference after the Catalan government meeting that "it is absolutely impossible to consider a health policy like the one we have at the moment with a 0.7%deficit objective."If the Catalan accounts are approved with this deficit objective, the Generalitat would have to cut another 4.4 billion euros.

Ruiz has admitted on up to three different occasions during the press conference that Catalan health is in a situation of “financial collapse” highlighting, yes, that does not influence the health care received by the Catalans and that will continue to be so."We believe that this financial collapse will have no consequences on the attention of citizens."Ruiz has not specified when debts can be paid to pharmacies and concerted centers.

Despite being already in mid -March, the Generalitat still does not present this year's budgets to the Catalan Parliament.He does it because, today, the Government forces it to prepare them with a deficit limit of 0.7% and its members of Esquerra Republicana (ERC) have already warned that they will not support some accounts with this figure.Yesterday the leader of Unió, Josep Antoni Duran I Lleida, described this attitude of the Republicans as little understandable, and the Minister of Economy, Andreu Mas-Colell warned ERC that while the budgets are extended the Generalitat will restrict the expense to contain the deficit0.7%.Today Homs has pressured ERC again ensuring that Catalonia cannot afford to be without budgets.

On the other hand, the Catalan government has decided today to appeal before April 15 before the Constitutional Court (TC) against the appeal presented by the Central Government with respect to several articles of the Catalan Decree-Law that limits to 12 hours the daily opening of eachestablishment and allows, at most, to open eight holidays a year.As announced by Francesc Homs, the Generalitat will be presented in the case in "Defense of the Trade Model in force in the last three decades in a peaceful way."

olmo's profile photo
03/12/2013 10:05 a.m.
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Link ... 89328.html >
A transplant in Spain is up to ten times cheaper than in the US

The director of the National Transplant Organization (ONT), Rafael Matesanz, has defended the cost-efficiency of the current Spanish donation system and organ transplants, as it shows that performing such an intervention in Spain is between eight and ten times moreCheap than in the United States.

This has been highlighted during an act at the Royal Academy of Medicine on the occasion of the National Transplant Day held this Wednesday, remembering that a heart or lung transplant usually costs between 80,000 and 90,000 euros in Spain, while in the United StatesThey cost between $ 800,000 and $ 900,000 (between 610,000 and 690,000 euros).

"The figures of what a transplant costs in Spain are scandalously lower if compared to any other country in our environment. In fact, which costs a transplant in Spain is the same as it costs in the United States only to extract the organ,"He has defended
This price difference, according to the director of the ONT, is "basically to the cost of professionals is much cheaper in Spain than in the United States, because medicines and techniques have the same prices."

"And this is important to highlight it, especially given the situation that is not easy for the country and the health system," according to Matesanz.But, in addition to the cost, Spain has also demonstrated greater efficiency than other countries when it comes to getting better survival for its patients.

In this way, in the case of renal transplant there are different studies that show that in Spain the survival rates at 10 years of having carried out the transplant exceed 20 points to those of the United States.

"It cannot be explained by different surgery or medication, but by a better health system, which provides medication, which finances it (since in the United States many organs are lost due to lack of financing of medication), or that continues with specialistsThe evolution of their patients and treats the possible complications.

At present, the Spanish survival record for a renal transplant rises to 43 years, 27 in the case of cardiac and 26 in the liver transplantation.

The most 'modern' transplants, such as pancreas, lung or intestine, have maximum survival of 22, 17 and 12 years, respectively.

The renal transplant, in addition, is another example of how profitable these interventions are since, while keeping a dialysis person cost about 50,000 euros per patient and year, between dialysis, medication and possible complications session, a transplantIt costs "a little more" but, once done, "the medication is barely 8,000 and 9,000 euros per year."

hard to maintain with a health system other than the current one

In this sense, Matesanz has defended that a good transplant system such as Spanish would be "difficult to carry" without the current National Health System (SNS).

"The clearest example is Germany, which has a very powerful health system but based on a model of mutuals, which makes health spending much higher than Spanish
But when they have tried to make a Spanish -like donation system they have always failed, because they have not had a health system like ours, totallyPublic, "said the director of the ONT.

In fact, he has recognized that "private medicine and donation are hardly compatible," since, "although in Spain it has been achieved in some communities such as the Balearic Islands, where hospitals contribute and well to donation, it is much more difficult."

"It is not the same to have a national health system, structured, public, in which there are guidelines that can be monitored. While Spain has 35 donors per million inhabitants and Germany is in 14 and does not increase despite the fact thatThey try, "he insisted.

Matesanz recalled that to date in Spain more than 86,000 organ transplants have been carried out, with an average of 11 daily, of which 54,460 have been renal, 20,483 hepatic, 6,775 cardiac, 2,940 pulmonary, 1,425 pancreas and 97 intestinal.They are added about 400,000 tissue and cell transplants.

For his part, the president of the National Federation of Patients and Transplanted hepatic (FNETH), Antonio Bernal, has celebrated the "high level" that currently shows the Spanish transplant system and highlights that these interventions have an "incalculable value" sinceIt is "a second chance" that allows "to be born again."

He has also asked those who are waiting for a transplant and recalled that, once done, it is important to "meet the treatments and lead a healthy life."

As for the average waiting time in 2012, for a renal transplant it was 22 months;3.5 months for liver transplantation, 2 months for cardiac, 6 months for the pulmonary and 11 months for pancreas.

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03/13/2013 5:06 a.m.
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The British privatization experience, I leave you a link:

Listening to a high political person in charge of asking for public apologies has become something unusual in our day.Therefore, it has caught more attention than the British prime minister did it a few days ago by the management developed in some hospital centers of the National Health System (NHS) of the United Kingdom.

And he did it by verifying an investigation that in just a hospital had registered improperly, and the result of the lousy attention received, between 440 and 1,200 deaths over four years.Dramatic cases of people with names and surnames who, apparently, were deprived of water and food.

This and other investigations that are being known recently what they come to demonstrate is that the privatization process of the British health system launched at the initiative of Margaret Thatcher in the late 80s, following a road map called White Paper Working for Patiens,It has led to negative consequences in the attention provided to the citizen and in the working conditions of professionals that we should not overlook in our country.

The strength of reason and union of citizens and professionals can still change things "
What happened in the United Kingdom should not stay in a mere press holder but to serve us all to make a deep reflection on the future model we want for our health.Now, more if possible, since they are many and powerful the political and economic interests that, lethargic but to the expectation over the last years, are starring a full -fledged offensive against the public and in favor of the private.

Another good example that we should also take into account is the "reversal" of the German government of Ángela Merkel to the sanitary co -payment that was launched years ago to reduce unnecessary visits to health centers, when demonstrating that this goal has not been achievedand that people were harmed with limited economic resources.

Why not learn from the mistakes of others if we are still on time? Why not attend to the experiences of the United Kingdom or Germany, true referents for the rest of the world in their way of managing and adopting all kinds of policies?Well, in the same way that we do not seem that we want to account for the attempts of other countries, such as the United States, to "copy" that until now it has been a health model envied by many.

And I'm sorry to say so far because the stubborn reality is that many of our rulers have taken a path, for them of no return, where health is no longer an end but the means to get other things (reduce the deficit, get quick money,make new friends ...).

Is it possible to reverse?In the nursing union we believe yes.The force of reason and union of citizens and professionals can still change things.It will not be easy because there are many foci of attention and concern of citizens that cause mobilization to divide and dispense, unemployment, economy, corruption ... but is possible, very possible.

We are still in time to prevent the covers of the 2025 newspapers from our country and the rest of the world from denouncing practices and actions that have harmed the patient's health, which, we never forget it, is the center and reason for beingof our health system.

olmo's profile photo
03/15/2013 4:43 a.m.
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White tides continue ...

Link ... 89823.html
The 'Sanitary Marea' goes out again in protest for the privatization of hospitals

The eighth Blanca Marea returned this Sunday to go out to the streets of Madrid to demand the Government of the PP to rectify its externalization plans of six hospitals and 27 health centers.

Link Style = "Max-Width: 300px;

Several thousand health professionals are demonstrating this noon in the center of Madrid despite the threat of rain that looms over the capital, in protest of the outsourcing plans of six hospitals and 27 health centers that the regional government intends to apply.

The mobilization convened by the table in defense of public health has left at 12 noon in two columns.The first from Columbus and the second from the Plaza de Neptuno, to converge around 12.45 in the Plaza de Cibeles and go in a single 'tide' to the Puerta del Sol.

The march has a double header, where the slogans' health is not sold, it is defended 'and' not to cuts and privatization.Yes to Health and Public Services'.

In addition, you can distinguish different songs issued by the toilets, such as "public health", "yes you can" and "nothing, nothing, nothing for the private one".

olmo's profile photo
03/17/2013 10:31 a.m.
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Call for demonstration on the 21st in Pontevedra ....

Link ... zj8pyuq16/

The SOS Public Platform of Pontevedra expects the participation of "no less than 20,000 people" in the demonstration against the cuts that will be held on Thursday 21 with departure at 8:00 p.m. from the Praza da Ferrería and arrival at the Government Subdelegation."Every conscious citizen should go to demonstrate that the defense of public health and the welfare state isIt is planned to build "the Monte Carrasco hospital announced by the Xunta, Pontevedra will be exposed to" unacceptable hospital deficit. "Thus, he has referred to the situation of the current hospital complex, "fractional in two, the absence of resources and unbearable waiting lists."A situation that would lead to "citizens run health risks." Manuel Martín has highlighted the "great unity" between political and union organizations, the Federations of Associations of Neighborhoods Teucro and Castelao, and social groups, together withHealth professionals.This collaboration has provided the celebration of about thirty informative talks in the neighborhoods and parishes of the municipality.Therefore, Martín has reaffirmed that the Pontevedra platform "is at the head of Galicia's platforms" for his activity. Caravana and Batucada in the eve of the demonstration, on Wednesday 20th from 6:00 p.m.A caravan of vehicles through the streets of the city, with departure and arrival on the esplanade of the Pazo de Pontevedra Pazo.At 7:15 p.m., the students of the Pontevedra Conservatory will participate in a 'batucada' of a festive nature to participate to the citizens that "Pontevedra no longer accepts the cuts that are being imposed," said Francisco Vázquez. From the federations ofNeighborhood Associations have criticized that the constitutional right to health "is in danger" and that "infinity of voters of the PP are with us" in the defense of public health."That does not happen as with Margaret Thacher in England, which have ended up asking for forgiveness for the deaths" that occurred, attributed to the health system.

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03/18/2013 3:40 p.m.
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More than 6,000 doctors accuse Lasquetty of abandoning their responsibilities for the "plundering" of health

More than 6,000 Madrid doctors have signed and sent a letter addressed to Ignacio González in which they accuse the Minister of Health, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, to abandon their responsibilities as a public manager by announcing the privatization of six hospitals and 27 outpatients.The doctors ask the President of the Community of Madrid to stop this “plunder” that will be carried out without providing any data that shows the sought savings.

As reported by the Association of Specialist Facultatives of Madrid (AFEM), thousands of Madrid doctors, service chiefs, attachments and resident doctors have signed this letter in just 72 hours before the announcement of Lasquetty of the imminent departure of the specifications to outsourcethe management of health centers.

The letter, which has written the Professional Coordinating Committee, a group that was established at the beginning of the health conflict with representatives of AFEM, heads of service of public hospitals in Madrid, coordinators of health centers, illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid andStrategic plans, criticizes that this privatization plan involves "de facto the plundering of Madrid public health."

“The Ministry has not provided scientific data or studies that support that the privatization of management will be a saving for the pocket of citizens.Moreover, the background available in Spain and outside our country demonstrates just the opposite, ”says the letter, in which doctors also say that“ in meetings held with the Ministry, the low interest of it has become clear in quality in quality in qualityAssistance and in the offers and collaboration commitments, being its ultimate and main objective the privatization of the system ”.

The doctors accuse Lasquetty of abandoning their responsibilities as a health manager of the Community of Madrid, since he has closed beds in public hospitals without this "responding to an analysis of the care demand", deriving patients towards the new hospitals ofPrivate management that was not necessary to build, increasing spending and detracting from public sector resources to derive them to the private.

“There has been much of the activity that took place in the afternoon and all the activities of extension of the day that were carried out in public centers have been canceled.This activity is referring to private and concerted centers that are increasing their care activity at the expense of this money, ”they say.

In his opinion, we are facing an irresponsible transfer of public resources to private companies, without any control of the results, which is not precedents."All the steps taken so far seem to be directed to an uselessness of public health that justifies their subsequent dismantling."Madrid doctors do not hesitate to ensure that "the solution to the problems facing health is not to transfer them to private companies, but to undertake the real reforms that the system needs."

Therefore, professionals ask for an exercise of responsibility again.Ignacio González and Lasquetty himself urgentThe fact that outsourcing is effective, that is, when the specifications are published.

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03/18/2013 3:59 p.m.
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Doctors accuse Ignacio González to create a "sanitary apartheid" with their privatizations

Doctors have taken another step in their fight against the privatization of hospitals and outpatients that Ignacio González will carry out.The Association of Specialists of Madrid (AFEM) has prepared a report defending the unconstitutionality of this measure, which will create a “sanitary apartheid” by discriminating patients by areas.

In a statement, the Association explains the report that ensures that "as freedom of choice is not full, patients in the concessioned populations would have difficulty accessing the attention of hospitals in other areas."

Specifically, the specialist doctors indicate that if this measure is implemented “public hospitals would continue to have a budgetary and cooperative economic regime, in which there is no problem for patients to refer to the most suitable hospital to attend them;While private hospitals would have a contractual and competitive economic regime, which would penalize them if they refer patients from their area to another hospital. ”

The text, which AFEM has elaborated from the hand of the firm López Rodó & Amp;Cruz Ferrer, whom he has hired to take these privatizations before the courts, will be delivered this afternoon, at 6:45 p.m., at the headquarters of the Ombudsman so that this institution knows the reality of Madrid's Health and goes to the CourtConstitutional to file a resource.

Doctors assert in this document that the authorization of the Madrid law to proceed with the granting of the health services of the hospitals violates the basic constitutional norms on social security and on public health for several reasons, and not only because it breaks “theUnit of the economic regime of the assurance of the health benefit ”.

As indicated, the standard promoted by the Executive of Ignacio González does not attend to issues such as “the information systems of the Madrid Health Service do not seem to dispose of the capacity or benefits to provide all the information that would require compliance with thesecontracts and especially intercentros billing, which is a key issue for dealers not to obtain excessive remuneration that does not correspond to them ”

Moreover, the report shows that the Community of Madrid has not studied how to optimize its own health resources, nor the real need to privatize, nor the real costs that they would mean;and that does not have the control mechanisms to ensure the quality of health care in privatized hospitals.

The AFEM highlights in the text that the public health is one of the greatest achievements of Spanish society, the result of the continued effort of several generations for seventy years, and that “the Community of Madrid has been launched to the privatization processwithout having any study on real costs and on the viability of this mode of management, and without having any similar experience in other countries ”

Therefore, as Pedro González, president of this association, has affirmed, this project “is a real experiment worldwide.In fact, for studies on costs that arise in the report, the project does not seem economically viable ”

Doctors will also send this report on the unconstitutionality of privatizations to the Minister of Presidency, SorayaSáenz de Santamaría, that of Health, Ana Mato, and the members of the Health Commission of Congress, the Senate and the Madrid Assembly.

New strike

The AFEM has summoned this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. on October, an assembly of doctors to decide the characteristics of the strike call, which will be held once the Ministry of Health publishes the specifications with the conditions of theHospitals outsourcing.

olmo's profile photo
03/21/2013 11:34 a.m.
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On the excellences of outsourcing in health ...

The Navarrese government prohibits talking about the vomitives menus of the Pamplona Hospital

Source: Link ... ar-de.html >

More than a thousand claims against the vomitive food used by the Pamplona hospital complex are bothered to the Navarrese government.And to solve the problem, the direction wants to put the gag to the template so that they do not talk about it.But the photos of the menus already fly through the network and a report of the Navarro Health Service states that kitchen hygiene is a "disaster."

"Hygiene disaster" or "Impossible to carry the hygiene protocol. Personal uniformed personnel, tapas and dirty trays that are not changed, the equally stained plated tape, poorly placed masks, hair outside the hats, food collected from the groundAnd they are replaced in their place ... They are some of the irregularities found by the dietary and nutrition service of the Navarro Health Service.

olmo's profile photo
03/21/2013 6:17 p.m.
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Collection of signatures against the externalized kitchens of the Hospital Complex of Navarra ..

Delivered more than 23,000 signatures against the kitchen service
Mediterranean catering, considers that the savings referred to in the Ministry of Health for the new contract is not real, since the elaborate foodIt is not ingested by patients and family members end up taking food from their home.

"From good to first, for an arbitrary decision of the government, it changes with the promise that it willCost less money.But people are not eating hospital food, so that food is being thrown away, in addition to having to take food from the house.They also follow the errors in the diets, the diabetics take food with sugar , the hypertensive with salt, "he said.

olmo's profile photo
03/21/2013 6:40 p.m.
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Source: Link ... _1034.html
Cospedal: "We have reduced the deficit without closing a hospital, without closing a health center"

The regional government has put on the table the reduction of the schedule of 21 of the health centers that remain open 24 hours.At the moment it is paralyzed after much of the affected peoples took the case to the courts

The unions denounce the closure of "whole wings" of hospitals and the privatization of four of them.The new construction will be private management.
judicial decisions

Precisely on Monday, the Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha has dismissed this Monday the appeal filed by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs against the order of said Court that raised the quatelar suspension of the Order of the Regional Government that modified theHours of 21 PAC except in the trembling area, reports Europa Press.

On February 5, Cospedal said that if these 21 PACs who had to reduce their schedule, they will finally open "another management measure" in other services to achieve "the money that was going to be achieved" with that decision.Specifically, it was intended to save four million euros.

Hospitals privatization

In hospital matters you also have to make a series of details.The unions have been denouncing in recent months the closure of "entire wings" in hospitals and the opposition insists that the waiting lists have increased.

Like its neighbor, the Community of Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha is not alien to hospital privatization.Four of their public hospitals are in the hands of the private sector.The same that will happen with those that are built from now on.

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03/21/2013 7:38 p.m.
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The Government of Madrid Veta The debate on the Capio's link with the Cayman Islands
The PP uses its absolute majority to knock down the questions of the socialist group
Conservatives claim that the Executive has no competences to find out who integrates the societies of the health giant

The PP has used its absolute majority in the Madrid Assembly to knock all the questions asked by the Socialist Group about the Capio Group links with the fiscal paradise of the Cayman Islands.The PP, which is prepared to privatize the management of six other hospitals, alleges that none of the three questions must be admitted to process because its object "is not the competence of the Government of the Community of Madrid."The questions did not even ask for oral answer.Just written.

As published on the 8th, the last owners of the privatized health giant- it shows four hospitals integrated into the Madrid public health network- are hidden after five societies domiciled in the Caribbean archipelago.That is, in one of the most accredited Opaque Capital Sanctuaries, port and refuge of investors that are shielded after screen companies.

After the publication of that first news, the Television program Las Mañanas de Cuatro asked the Minister of Health, Javier Fernández Lasquetty for the matter.Visibly annoying, Lasquetty ended up saying that he does not know if it is "relevant" that Capio's skein leads to the Cayman Islands and that, in any case, "he does not have the obligation to know who is the shareholder's shareholder."

The corporate armor of the Cayman Islands, which functions as a British colony, prevents raising the mantle that protects the real and tangible owners of a company.Only if a judge launches a rogatory commission- the process of international aid- it is possibleThey have happened in the investigation of the Gürtel case.

unknown unknowns

After the information published by this newspaper, the socialist deputy Laura Oliva asked the Government of Ignacio González if you know which natural or legal persons integrate each of the companies of the Capio group.The parliamentarian also interested an executive assessment on the fact that the conglomerate that manages several public health centers in the Community of Madrid is based in a fiscal paradise.Finally, he inquired the Government about his opinion regarding the corporate structure of Capio.

Formed as a Russian wrist, that corporate structure plant its roots in the Cayman.From there, it goes to Luxembourg, jumps to Holland and finally extends its branches in Spain.Of the 22 companies that make up the group, at least 10 are instrumental.That is, its only mission is to have actions from other societies.
Capio's opacity has led him to violate the royal decree that regulates the accounting plan.

This standard, obliged by all Spanish companies, provides that the annual memory of societies must detail the remuneration of any type paid to the members of the senior management.Capio Health Holding SL did not do so in 2011, last year whose accounts are available in the Mercantile Registry.The legal breach led Deloitte to include a proviso- a formal reproach- in its audit reports corresponding to the two semesters of theexercise.

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03/23/2013 6:07 a.m.
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First and second class patients ...

ICV-EUIA will ask in the Parliament that health avoids the double waiting list
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Joan Herrera, first secretary of ICV, expressed yesterday his rejection of the new formulas that the Sant Pau hospital begins to apply, which allow payment patients to be operated without taking into account the waiting lists of public health.Herrera, who also presides over the ICV-Euia parliamentary group, announced that he will present a proposal in the Chamber to "stop this measure", and criticized that citizens have one type or another of health, "according to the money they carry inthe pocket ”.

The country revealed yesterday that the Sant Pau hospital has begun to practice vascular surgery operations to patients prior payment, thus avoiding having to wait 8.4 months of delay that, according to the Catalan Health Service (Catsalut), support thePublic patients to be intervened in varicose veins in the Barcelona center.The hospital was spent in 2009 218,000 euros in four reports by the consultant PricewaterhouseCooper in which the viability to serve patients from private health was explored and analyzed.

Herrera attributed the initiative of the hospital to "CiU and Boi Ruiz", which he accused of allowing "facilities that are public with a private logic, which allows those who are on a waiting list pass in front if you pay"

For its part, the Directorate of the Barcelona center yesterday a statement in which it ensures that the hospital “studies a new legal model” to be able to host more private activity, beyond the billing of third parties that it carries out for the mutuals and bythe activity derivation of other health centers.

The Sant Pau Hospital looks for new financing chances to be able to deal with its debt, which since 2011 has increased to 30 million euros.This year, they say from the direction, the hospital will generate 19 million losses due to the impossibility of applying the measures planned by the failed ERE of 2011, which was only in force three months - among the end of November 2011 and early February this year of this year-.The works for third parties paid by mutuals or services to other hospitals, such as Manresa, contribute 3% of Sant Pau billing, about eight million.

In the statement, the hospital ensures that any private activity that is carried out in the center will not affect the services it offers to public health.In this sense, he argues that the two operations that have been carried out in the center to private clients were for “aesthetic” issues, and therefore were out of the portfolio of the services given by the Catsalut.

The hospital address ensures in the text that the hospital waiting lists to operate varicose veins to public health patients is 1.64 months.However, this data does not coincide with those offered by the Department of Health, which reveals that the average delay time they had to withstand the patients with public health to operate varicose veins at the Sant Pau hospital was 8, 4 months.This data, last offered by the Catsalut, the agency responsible for managing waiting lists, corresponds to December 31, 2012. The law sets that all patients have the right to be intervened in less than six months.

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03/24/2013 5:26 p.m.
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Source: http: // Noti ... e = national
The toilets collect as many firms against privatizations as votes achieved the PP of Madrid in the last elections

The same number of Madrid who supported the PP candidacy for the Community of Madrid has now signed against the regional government's decision to privatize the management of six public hospitals.Thus it is evident after professionals and users have delivered in the Ministry of Health 413,381 new rubrics against this decision, which raises the support collected by the toilets to 1.32 million.

These signatures join at 911,786 deposited at the end of last November, just thirty days after President Ignacio González and the counselor of the branch, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, had announced that the regional executive was going to outsource the management of sixpublic hospitals.

In this way, the Platform of Workers and Users (Patu-Salud), which has been responsible for organizing the collection of signatures, has achieved as many supports as the PP of Madrid obtained in the regional elections of May 2011.

In those elections, the candidacy presented by the popular to the Community of Madrid, headed by Esperanza Aguirre, added 1.54 million votes and achieved the absolute majority in the Regional Assembly, in which it has 72 deputies.Some data that, however, are something worse than those obtained by the training only four years before, in the 2007 elections (1.59 million votes).

Madrid sanitary and patients expect that, having added this number of support, Ignacio González reconsider and remove the guarantee plan for the sustainability of the public health system that contemplates not only the privatization of six hospitals, but also of 27 health centers,although in the latter case and due to the lack of interested parties, the regional executive has announced that it will finally only outsource four.

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03/25/2013 10:23 a.m.
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Source: http: // ... _1012.html
A protest against thequetty in Madrid is paid with a detainee

According to the police, the detainee tried to assault the counselor and an agent who intermedy
The detainee is a member of the Popular Assembly of Carabanchel, an organization that denies that he has committed "missing or crime".

The "thief" Lasquetty

On its website, the sociocultural space released and self -managed the Eko de Carabanchel said that the arrest has occurred against his partner "without having committed any crime or offense."
"The protest consisted of receiving the Locetty thief, Minister of Health, on the anniversary of the Rey Juan Carlos Hospital in Móstoles," he explained.To do this, a cacerolada had been organized to which health professionals, neighbors and patients have joined.

From the EKO and the Popular Assembly of Carabanchel, its immediate release was demanded without charges, and that those responsible "for such a petty action are taken before justice."

"The information we have are confusing, but we know that before starting the action, the security forces, repressors and accomplices of the neoliberal regime that will be tried by these and other actions against citizens, has gone for our partner, with premeditation andAlevosía ", can read on the website of this group.

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03/25/2013 4:22 p.m.
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Source: http: // Noti ... e = national

Rosa Díez asks the Ombudsman to resort to the privatization of health in Madrid for violating the Constitution

The spokeswoman for Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD), Rosa Díez, has sent a letter to the Ombudsman, Soledad Becerril, to file an appeal for unconstitutionality against the outsourcing of the health care that the Community of Madrid intends in six hospitals in six hospitalsAnd twenty -seven health centers, because he considers that he opens the door to inequality among citizens, reports Europa Press.

As explained, the PP government in the Community of Madrid approved a plan and sent to the Assembly a bill that changes the management model of an important part of the Madrid health system “without having or publishing any study of the cost of thatchange or its viability ”.In fact, he remembers that Madrid's information was not given to "vote with knowledge of cause, thus cutting off their rights as public representatives."

In his opinion, "all solid deliberation must be based on neutral, objective and quality information, which has been lacked" in this case."Without these requirements there is no democratic debate, or the possibility of developing laws that fulfill the function of integrating one of the fundamental principles of our Constitution: democratic pluralism," he says.

For Rosa Díez, this lack of information is even more serious if one takes into account that it affects the right to health protection, one of the "guiding principles of social and economic policy", and when the law also establishes that "Public authorities will maintain a public social security regime for all citizens, which guarantees sufficient social assistance and benefits in situations of need, among which is health care

The Magenta party indicates in a press release that the Law of the Community of Madrid allows to outsource the management of the public health care service specialized in six hospitals through contracts for public-private partnerships, as well as in 27 twenty-seven health centers.

In his opinion, this change could “directly violate articles 41 and 43 of the Constitution” because, of a total of 1,150,000 inhabitants, in the region 20% of the population would be attended by a system managed by private companies and therest for another public management."This scenario opens the road to important inequalities among citizens served by one system and on the other, thus breaking the principle of equality provided for in article 14 of the Constitution," he warns.

As UPyD does not have enough deputies to present the appeal of unconstitutionality, since a minimum of 50 signatures is required, Rosa Díez has been accepted to the law that regulates the functions of the Ombudsman (Organic Law 3/1981) that allows theDeputies and senators address this institution to request their intervention in the investigation or clarification of acts, resolutions and behaviors of public administrations that affect citizens.

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03/26/2013 10:51 a.m.
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