Hello everyone.
I have two girls of three and five years.The older of five years, diabetics since the age of 18.Insulin bomb is currently
With her the experience in the school has been disparate.
The first year had a teacher who didn't want to take care of anything.
It has also had very unstable diabetes from the beginning.So I was in charge of going control in mid -morning.I reduced my day and although I had a person at home because the little girl had a year, I was going to administer the insulin, before the meals, because this person even though she was willing to do the controls, she was afraid to manage theinsulin.
In the afternoon during the first quarter of the first year I almost did not take it.
When I arrived from the school I threw it for a while and if before going to school I was or very high or very low stayed with me.Then he was going discontinuously.
At the end of this first year of schooling they put the insulin bomb.
During the second year he had a teacher who despite being a diabetic was not involved at all.
At most he agreed to do some control when he had psychomotor and stop the bomb.
More than a day the somewhat justious breeding of the school came out.
It was more continuous to school thanks, especially that with the insulin bomb I could better control its diabetes and that I was at all times.
In the current year it is in another center and in another town.
The school in this case has turned.
The reason for the change was that I separated from his father for ill -treatment.
The center got a person who is responsible for doing the controls, and with guidelines that his pediatrician and I give him depending on what he is going to eat, what he will do and a lot of more conditions, he is responsible for managing himInsulin.
I have been lucky that this person is exceptional both for their human and professional quality.
The tutor and the rest of the teachers have also had a great deal with her and helped her to integrate quickly.
The road has not been easy, because his father has done everything possible to hinder his work.At first, putting fear of a possible hypo, then threatening them with denouncing if I had it, etc, etc.
My little daughter thanks to God adapted well and my family is also helping me a lot.
My daughter's pediatrician has also been there at all times.
As the saying goes a door closes but another
I hope my experience can be worth something and I am at your disposal for what you want
A hug