{'en': 'My experience and advice', 'es': 'Mi experiencia y consejos'} Image

My experience and advice

DiabetesForo's profile photo   12/07/2010 1:02 p.m.

dagaz said:
my experience and advice

Hello everyone!I also suffer from type 1 diabetes, specifically for 2 years and now I am 25. I found the forum while looking for information about the causes that the disease can produce and about the personal situation in which there were other people who suffer from it in the monthsPrior to the disease since I find myself among those who think that neither this nor any other disease arise by chance or from nothing.Once in the forum, I read some issues in which some things related to our peculiar daily life were commented and with which I felt identified.But now what I would like is to tell you some of the inquiries that I have obtained with the experience and that are allowing me for the moment to have the glucose levels quite at bay.In fact, the values ​​of my last four glycosylated hemoglobins do not rise from 5.2.And my last month in the glucometer is 86. This I do not mean that my method or my way of caring for me is better than anyone else's, since everyone has their own circumstances and we have all of us all with loading with this diseaseso heavy.I only want to tell you what I do and I have found out so that each one can use it or not to the extent that it creates convenient, and that taking into account that every human body works the same, certainly debatable thing.

Well, I currently use Lantus insulin (I put it when I wake up) and Apidra.

When I left the hospital I went to diabetological education sessions in which they taught me some basic issues about diabetes: injection zones, how to act in case of ups and downs, what foods contain carbohydrates etc.With these explanations and a sheet in which I was recommended a diet I planted the first day at home with a tremendous idiot face.The units that had to put me insulin at first were adjusted by the doctor according to the glycemia measurements that I pointed in my notebook.The diet was 6 HC rations for breakfast, 6 to eat, 6 for dinner, 1 in mid -morning and 1 in the afternoon.The rations calculated them with a glass with letters.I add that I consider a ration like 10 grams of carbohydrates.At first my glycemia were good after meals (100 mg/dl) and crazy between hours (& lt; 300 mg/dl) the solution they gave me was to increase the lantus and reduce the apidra and the thing improved but not much sinceBecause of much insulin that put my body constantly tended to be high, apart from the fact that the results were unpredictable.

A month after being at home I discovered the way to calculate the rations of carbohydrates through the nutritional value tables that appear on food labels.There is no doubt that this first measure had had an effect: the glycemia remained high but at least the results were predictable and provided that before the meals I had the same blood glucose, if I ate the rations well calculated and the same one put the sameIt was always similar.But I repeat that the blood glucose remained high by much lantus that put me.

The next step was to eliminate 2 rations of HC from each of the three meals and eliminate the ones I ate between hours, so I went from to 4.4.4.Obviously the levels stabilized as if by magic.Postprandial levels were still around 100 and between hours were 140, the highest level being before dinner.With this change I reduced the lantus and the apidra obviously I had to reduce it as long as I had removed 2 portions to each meal.However, I was still wondering the reason why the glycemia before dinner was so high, because it normally was around 140-200.Why if the Lantus acted during the 24hours and always took the same rations for breakfast, eating and dinner, I got up with 100 and before dinner was 200?Also from time to time I also got out of my levels.

After 4 months I reached an important conclusion.My stomach was not always in the same conditions for the simple fact of always taking the same HC rations and putting the insulin necessary to be well after meals.The stomach has a capacity, digestion a duration and insulin a period of effect.It is not the same to eat 4 rations in cookies with a cup of milk than 4 rations of spaghetti with four fillets.The food bolus or amount of food housed in the stomach is obviously different and, if you pay a good bread of eating, once the apidra has stopped taking effect you still have a considerable amount of food in the stomach that is being digested andentering the blood without insulin that can control it.I tried to verify the veracity of this idea experiencing, so a week ate more and another less and it turned out that blood glucose levels were totally different.When I ate a lot, before dinner I arrived in 200 and when I moderated with the food I arrived in 120. And the same thing happened when I got up with respect to the amount of food that was having dinner;If I had dinner at the same amount of HC with a lot of fillets, chicken etc. I lifted me higher.Everything began to make sense.Type 1 diabetics cannot make the mistake of believing that when we put insulin we function as a person without diabetes, because they can stick a bread of eating and their pancreas will go to their aid and control those levels (until they burn and end withType 2 diabetes and lost obese) while we have to understand that insulin is in a delicate balance and that food introduction cannot break it.If the Lantus insulin is gradually secreted and the apidra (or the rapid)that the food bolus must take the same to digest as the effect that the apidra lasts.Indeed the veal chops do not have HC and do not rise glucose but if you together 50 grams of spaghetti with 3 kilos of chops the stomach mixes everything and will digest it little by little and if when the apidra is finished, the apidra is stillAnd medium of chops in the stomach mixed with many other spaghetti, glucose will rise irremediably since part of the digestion is done without insulin.

The next measure derived from the previous deduction was to modify HC rations again.I went from 4.4.4 to 5.2.3 and it was when I found the desired balance.The measures were completely stabilized.Before the meals were around 70 mg/dl and after the meals it was at 80-90 mg/dl, a measure that remained stable throughout the afternoon and night.Thus I have been more than a year and a half.I always calculating this by HC rations through the nutritional value and with a scale and controlling the amount of meat, fish or fruit to prevent food from being copious and stomach is filled in excess.I take more HC rations for breakfast because I do not accompany them from anything else and if not the stomach would be very empty and arrive under the time of eating.However, to eat I take less HC rations because I can accompany them with meat, fish or fruit and the stomach is fuller.Dinner however is at an intermediate point.

Therefore the important thing is that the ingested food has to be in balance with the insulin received.If you take too much food, part of the digestion will be done outside the effect of fast insulin and the levels will rise a lot and if you eat too muchLittle slow insulin will maintain low levels throughout the day.It is also important to add that HC rations should not exceed 10 a day.How can a human being take 20 portions of HC per day?Our own nature is not made to consume such an amount of carbohydrates, not even an elite athlete.In addition, what does some people who suffer from a disease related to the incorrect metabolization of HC become HC?Is it logical that an infarction from Infle to Churrasco de Ávila?Is it logical for a obese to inflate cakes?Is it logical that someone with the broken meniscus down the stairs instead of elevator?Are they telling me that if not as a kilo of potatoes a day I produce acetone?Are the human being really over hundreds of thousands of years has taken a food based on 60 % carbohydrates when agriculture was invented just 8000 years ago?What madness!

And it is not only important how much to eat, but also what to eat.Logically, all kinds of refined sugars and flours have to be eradicated as glycemia are completely increased.I food based on meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, potato and some rice and legume.The rest is left over since the human body is not made to ingest it, and not only us, but any person.Breads, pasta, buns, potato bags and other chucheías fried, cakes, sugar, spaghetti, pizzas and all those rich things should not be tested.You also have to be careful with the sweeteners, I at least do not trust anything and I do not take them.Precisely the epidemic of obesity suffered by the first world is due to those foods (refined flours and sugars) since when ingesting them, as they have a very high degree of absorption of the very high glucose, the pancreas suddenly segregates a lot of insulin and, when they have digested, insulin still present in the blood causes hypoglycemient symptoms and need to eat more whispers and sugary chucheías.And so on.There comes a time when introducing more HC than necessary and not burning them, they accumulate in the form of fat.Refined HC are therefore addictive.In fact, there is nothing more to see that those who are picing something on the street always take chucheías and Bollitos.If I am hungry between hours and I feel like it, I always take food without HC such as sausages, a few of nuts, a can of tuna, olives, cheese.Everything is a matter of throwing imagination.Moreover, if I ever go out to eat or have dinner out I do it without drinking carbohydrates and without putting insulin.Obviously this should never be the general food guideline since the body needs carbohydrates and insulin so as not to start burn fat and enter ketosis.But nothing happens to take a day steak with salad if you have breakfast 5 rations of HC and dinner 150 grams of potatoes with eggs.At least I am still alive.Even if before leaving I am in 70 you can even ask for a yogurt.Has anyone died for eating a steak with salad?Why this interest in inflating carbohydrates?

Exercise is also important for several reasons.Exercising endorphins, which makes mood more euphoric, something that is not bad in the times when we feel more declined with the disease.It also helps burn excess fat and increases insulin absorption so that surely who exercises will need less;I at least notice that in times when I do more sport under the Lantus a couple of units.And that without counting that increases HDL or cholesterol levels, increases lung capacity, balances blood pressure and pulse, prevents colds etc.Not everyone has to do the same exercise, that eachWhich chooses based on your free time, your preferences, your age, your general state of health and your doctor's recommendations.But the important thing is to move.

Well, I think I don't have to add anything else, I already feel the tostón I've released.These are the guidelines that I follow to control this disease and at least they work for me, which does not mean that others do.I only comment on my experience in case you can serve someone or if you can solve any issue.However, who believes that he still does not clarify well with the disease, before modifying his habits he should consult with his doctor.The important thing is to resemble our blood glucose levels to those of a person without diabetes and try to keep them between 80 and 100 mg/dl, thus we will avoid long -term complications.Much encouragement to everyone, we have to think that our life is as normal as anyone's, we just have to take care of ourselves a little more and surely that in the long run we will thank us on the other hand.Greetings.

Thank you for such a good explanation, I totally agree with you, it makes quite sense what you say, I would add that I think that the first of all is that the basal is very well adjusted, to be able to eat without putting insulin, although it does not have hydrates, andfor 2 rations of hydrates in food and therefore putting less fast in the food, arriving with glycenia in range 70 to 100 to dinner,
All the best

nuriapal14's profile photo
08/24/2022 5:40 p.m.
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Thanks for the super document provided.It is necessary to have a vocation to help others have the patience that you have put to tell it.

evacf's profile photo
08/25/2022 11:56 a.m.
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... the patience he had when he wrote it almost 12 years ago, you will say.

12mas37's profile photo
08/26/2022 8:21 a.m.
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dagaz said:
my experience and advice

Hello everyone!I also suffer from type 1 diabetes, specifically for 2 years and now I am 25. I found the forum while looking for information about the causes that the disease can produce and about the personal situation in which there were other people who suffer from it in the monthsPrior to the disease since I find myself among those who think that neither this nor any other disease arise by chance or from nothing.Once in the forum, I read some issues in which some things related to our peculiar daily life were commented and with which I felt identified.But now what I would like is to tell you some of the inquiries that I have obtained with the experience and that are allowing me for the moment to have the glucose levels quite at bay.In fact, the values ​​of my last four glycosylated hemoglobins do not rise from 5.2.And my last month in the glucometer is 86. This I do not mean that my method or my way of caring for me is better than anyone else's, since everyone has their own circumstances and we have all of us all with loading with this diseaseso heavy.I only want to tell you what I do and I have found out so that each one can use it or not to the extent that it creates convenient, and that taking into account that every human body works the same, certainly debatable thing.

Well, I currently use Lantus insulin (I put it when I wake up) and Apidra.

When I left the hospital I went to diabetological education sessions in which they taught me some basic issues about diabetes: injection zones, how to act in case of ups and downs, what foods contain carbohydrates etc.With these explanations and a sheet in which I was recommended a diet I planted the first day at home with a tremendous idiot face.The units that had to put me insulin at first were adjusted by the doctor according to the glycemia measurements that I pointed in my notebook.The diet was 6 HC rations for breakfast, 6 to eat, 6 for dinner, 1 in mid -morning and 1 in the afternoon.The rations calculated them with a glass with letters.I add that I consider a ration like 10 grams of carbohydrates.At first my glycemia were good after meals (100 mg/dl) and crazy between hours (& lt; 300 mg/dl) the solution they gave me was to increase the lantus and reduce the apidra and the thing improved but not much sinceBecause of much insulin that put my body constantly tended to be high, apart from the fact that the results were unpredictable.

A month after being at home I discovered the way to calculate the rations of carbohydrates through the nutritional value tables that appear on food labels.There is no doubt that this first measure had had an effect: the glycemia remained high but at least the results were predictable and provided that before the meals I had the same blood glucose, if I ate the rations well calculated and the same one put the sameIt was always similar.But I repeat that the blood glucose remained high by much lantus that put me.

The next step was to eliminate 2 rations of HC from each of the three meals and eliminate the ones I ate between hours, so I went from to 4.4.4.Obviously the levels stabilized as if by magic.Postprandial levels were still around 100 and between hours were 140, the highest level being before dinner.With this change I reduced the lantus and the apidra obviously I had to reduce it as long as I had removed 2 portions to each meal.However, I was still wondering the reason why the glycemia before dinner was so high, because it normally was around 140-200.Why if the Lantus acted during the 24hours and always took the same rations for breakfast, eating and dinner, I got up with 100 and before dinner was 200?Also from time to time I also got out of my levels.

After 4 months I reached an important conclusion.My stomach was not always in the same conditions for the simple fact of always taking the same HC rations and putting the insulin necessary to be well after meals.The stomach has a capacity, digestion a duration and insulin a period of effect.It is not the same to eat 4 rations in cookies with a cup of milk than 4 rations of spaghetti with four fillets.The food bolus or amount of food housed in the stomach is obviously different and, if you pay a good bread of eating, once the apidra has stopped taking effect you still have a considerable amount of food in the stomach that is being digested andentering the blood without insulin that can control it.I tried to verify the veracity of this idea experiencing, so a week ate more and another less and it turned out that blood glucose levels were totally different.When I ate a lot, before dinner I arrived in 200 and when I moderated with the food I arrived in 120. And the same thing happened when I got up with respect to the amount of food that was having dinner;If I had dinner at the same amount of HC with a lot of fillets, chicken etc. I lifted me higher.Everything began to make sense.Type 1 diabetics cannot make the mistake of believing that when we put insulin we function as a person without diabetes, because they can stick a bread of eating and their pancreas will go to their aid and control those levels (until they burn and end withType 2 diabetes and lost obese) while we have to understand that insulin is in a delicate balance and that food introduction cannot break it.If the Lantus insulin is gradually secreted and the apidra (or the rapid)that the food bolus must take the same to digest as the effect that the apidra lasts.Indeed the veal chops do not have HC and do not rise glucose but if you together 50 grams of spaghetti with 3 kilos of chops the stomach mixes everything and will digest it little by little and if when the apidra is finished, the apidra is stillAnd medium of chops in the stomach mixed with many other spaghetti, glucose will rise irremediably since part of the digestion is done without insulin.

The next measure derived from the previous deduction was to modify HC rations again.I went from 4.4.4 to 5.2.3 and it was when I found the desired balance.The measures were completely stabilized.Before the meals were around 70 mg/dl and after the meals it was at 80-90 mg/dl, a measure that remained stable throughout the afternoon and night.Thus I have been more than a year and a half.I always calculating this by HC rations through the nutritional value and with a scale and controlling the amount of meat, fish or fruit to prevent food from being copious and stomach is filled in excess.I take more HC rations for breakfast because I do not accompany them from anything else and if not the stomach would be very empty and arrive under the time of eating.However, to eat I take less HC rations because I can accompany them with meat, fish or fruit and the stomach is fuller.Dinner however is at an intermediate point.

Therefore the important thing is that the ingested food has to be in balance with the insulin received.If you take too much food, part of the digestion will be done outside the effect of fast insulin and the levels will rise a lot and if you eat too muchLittle slow insulin will maintain low levels throughout the day.It is also important to add that HC rations should not exceed 10 a day.How can a human being take 20 portions of HC per day?Our own nature is not made to consume such an amount of carbohydrates, not even an elite athlete.In addition, what does some people who suffer from a disease related to the incorrect metabolization of HC become HC?Is it logical that an infarction from Infle to Churrasco de Ávila?Is it logical for a obese to inflate cakes?Is it logical that someone with the broken meniscus down the stairs instead of elevator?Are they telling me that if not as a kilo of potatoes a day I produce acetone?Are the human being really over hundreds of thousands of years has taken a food based on 60 % carbohydrates when agriculture was invented just 8000 years ago?What madness!

And it is not only important how much to eat, but also what to eat.Logically, all kinds of refined sugars and flours have to be eradicated as glycemia are completely increased.I food based on meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, potato and some rice and legume.The rest is left over since the human body is not made to ingest it, and not only us, but any person.Breads, pasta, buns, potato bags and other chucheías fried, cakes, sugar, spaghetti, pizzas and all those rich things should not be tested.You also have to be careful with the sweeteners, I at least do not trust anything and I do not take them.Precisely the epidemic of obesity suffered by the first world is due to those foods (refined flours and sugars) since when ingesting them, as they have a very high degree of absorption of the very high glucose, the pancreas suddenly segregates a lot of insulin and, when they have digested, insulin still present in the blood causes hypoglycemient symptoms and need to eat more whispers and sugary chucheías.And so on.There comes a time when introducing more HC than necessary and not burning them, they accumulate in the form of fat.Refined HC are therefore addictive.In fact, there is nothing more to see that those who are picing something on the street always take chucheías and Bollitos.If I am hungry between hours and I feel like it, I always take food without HC such as sausages, a few of nuts, a can of tuna, olives, cheese.Everything is a matter of throwing imagination.Moreover, if I ever go out to eat or have dinner out I do it without drinking carbohydrates and without putting insulin.Obviously this should never be the general food guideline since the body needs carbohydrates and insulin so as not to start burn fat and enter ketosis.But nothing happens to take a day steak with salad if you have breakfast 5 rations of HC and dinner 150 grams of potatoes with eggs.At least I am still alive.Even if before leaving I am in 70 you can even ask for a yogurt.Has anyone died for eating a steak with salad?Why this interest in inflating carbohydrates?

Exercise is also important for several reasons.Exercising endorphins, which makes mood more euphoric, something that is not bad in the times when we feel more declined with the disease.It also helps burn excess fat and increases insulin absorption so that surely who exercises will need less;I at least notice that in times when I do more sport under the Lantus a couple of units.And that without counting that increases HDL or cholesterol levels, increases lung capacity, balances blood pressure and pulse, prevents colds etc.Not everyone has to do the same exercise, that eachWhich chooses based on your free time, your preferences, your age, your general state of health and your doctor's recommendations.But the important thing is to move.

Well, I think I don't have to add anything else, I already feel the tostón I've released.These are the guidelines that I follow to control this disease and at least they work for me, which does not mean that others do.I only comment on my experience in case you can serve someone or if you can solve any issue.However, who believes that he still does not clarify well with the disease, before modifying his habits he should consult with his doctor.The important thing is to resemble our blood glucose levels to those of a person without diabetes and try to keep them between 80 and 100 mg/dl, thus we will avoid long -term complications.Much encouragement to everyone, we have to think that our life is as normal as anyone's, we just have to take care of ourselves a little more and surely that in the long run we will thank us on the other hand.All the best.

I agree with you largely.My May/2022 glycosilada was 5.0 and me food based on animal and plant proteins and the essential HC.I am doing very well, I have created muscle and I do not have practically body fat.That if my meals do it to me and if as a sweet is done by me without sugars added except the HC of the flour and others.I am type 1 since August of last year.

adrianasanz's profile photo
08/30/2022 4:19 p.m.
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