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My experience and advice

DiabetesForo's profile photo   12/07/2010 1:02 p.m.

I believe that Donuts and other industrial pastries are pure garbage.If he had a child and wanted some of that, he would buy a craft sweet or make a good tart or another homemade dessert, he would know rich and he would not have contributed an industry that only creates sick.I, of the bad things I don't want little or much ... Nothing!

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/09/2010 7:10 a.m.
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If I roa, if you are all the reason in the world but it has not had children, it cannot be said that one would do one ... as a mother I also Alejo as much as possible of those marranadas, their snack is a snack of those of a lifetime, some smoothie, light, nuts, rice/corn pancakes, fruit, etc. But a celebration arrives and we already know how this is, it is celebrated with food, example, birthday of school friends (bimbo, nocilla, fries, cake potatoes, cake) When I go to some (and we have any other by the way ..) I have> But imagine a 7 -year -old girl who already feels quite different from others because she has to take the gluco to school, who has to do the controls before going down to the recess to play, who has to snack at the time she hasI say, that he has to get down sugar in case to recess in case he gives him a hicc.There is no one to take responsibility for it, who knows that he cannot eat a chuche when he feels like it but when I see that he can eat it, tell him that when the others in a birthday are lunching those things that I have told you, sheIt has to eat 2 pancakes, some sausage of turkey and fruit and that when they eat the cake that sing the cumper happily and already .... that no man, that they cannot do it every day but the day that I have at leastI don't tell him anything.
How to go to McDonalds because we all know that there is more fat food and is not the healthiest in the world but who has not been left with friends (I talk to children) to snack or dinner, what I do, I take my daughter to my daughter the burger of the burger ofhome?Well, for a day, nothing happens, when we go there, the rations that are and that insulin is doing well, also how it is with friends play a Monton and it is never high later.
There are so many things that I thought I would not do with my daughters and in the end you do .....

lucinere's profile photo
12/09/2010 7:56 a.m.
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Hello everyone, it has been impossible for me to read everything, what a boar!I will start by saying that the current Hemo is 8.1, ma has valed a little.I am putting more insulin, having if you go.I say that hydrates are very important especially for the brain, and I think there is a minimum daily amount, I take 160 HC.Distributed in three parts, apart 2 fruits, a coffee or cut 2 hours before eating and a glass of milk to snack, also two hours before dinner.And the glass of milk before going to sleep. At the beginning they told me that I could eat all the meat I wanted, well .. I took cholesterol, because I ate butter, pork and lamb, but now I don't, and I avoid the fats ofThe veal, the chicken, the pig sometimes like but of ham, or loin and roasted.I no longer have cholesterol, but I continue with a daily pill.And of course, no product that does not tell me the kind of oil it carries.
Before I ate everything without sugar, now almost not, sympleously I count the hydrates.For example, the milk base with two muffins, "carry sunflower oil," do not reach 40 grs.of HC., And sometimes I spend 2 or 3 grs of HC.More, it doesn't have to be so accurate either.
You know a lot, and you could say the minimum amount of hydrates that we must take? I think it is important, since few hydrates can physically and mentally affect.
Greetings and thanks.

Consu's profile photo
12/09/2010 11:01 a.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Lucinere, it is true that there are chances, such as you meet them, in which it is impossible to control, but I think that in the day to day it should be bet more on the sweets made at home or by the artisanal bought than by that type of poop.But well, I suppose you are right and theorize from an adult point of view is easier than dealing with kids ...

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/09/2010 11:08 a.m.
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Ai by God!I wrote yesterday an impressive parraph and is not:?:?:?:?:?:?And I don't have it in drafts ... Does anyone know what could happen?: Shock ::?:?:?:?

olguilla's profile photo
12/09/2010 11:59 a.m.
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-& GT;Lucinere
I already imagine that everything we are talking about here multiplies in complication when we have to apply it in children, no matter how much in these cases they surprise us for their maturity and responsibility.I have seen more than one report on children with DM1 and surprise the way they carry it.Without a doubt, the weakest part are in any complicated situation and I can not feel more than disgust when seeing the majaderías in which public money is thrown while then you read the lack of preparation and media they have in many public schools to serve childrenSick, either DM1, asthma or whatever.Perhaps with what the official car of one of certain leeches costs (and I am very sorry if any is reading me) the salary could be paid to a prepared person who took care of the problems that could arise.But that is another story.As for the sweets I agree with Roa;If it is inevitable that at some point I take them there is no other than trying to compensate for insulin levels.And in the rest of the cases reduce the sweet as much as possible, and when there is no option so you comment on the children, then look for sweets that have less sugar than others and do them at home or look for some substitute that you also like.

-& GT;Roa
I totally agree with you.Sugar, refined flours and industrial pastries are garbage, and they are for anyone, have diabetes or not, although for us even more.Another thing is that on some occasion, for issues of social integration you should give your arm to twist, but those cases must be specific exceptions.In all those buns we find artificial unsaturated fatty acids, tons, dyes, preservatives, emulguents ... and that not to mention the "dietary", which although they have less sugar, supply it with Aspartamo and other nurses.The hamburgers are anything else to avoid, and I do not mean those that one can do at home with good meat, but to the others.To start that flesh I suspected for how he knows (before the DM1 I ate some) that has to be hormones up.They also put them in the worst of the possible breads, in white bread, and also throw ketchup that always carries sugar.If on top of a person who does not have diabetes, he accompanies him with a soda we will already have two other sugar -dissolved sugar envelopes in the drink.In short: a bomb.To start it is not good to mix proteins with starches in the same meal, even if we all do it sometime and if you do not abuse and add fiber it can happen.But if you add to the sugar mixture, your stomach will be calling you everything.In the digestion of the proteins, the stomach pepsin or enzyme participates, which needs to develop its function in an acidic environment so that they become peptides and subsequently reduce to usable amino acids.For its part when we eat starches our saliva secretes Ptialina and alkaline juices and when swallowing them must find an alkaline environment in the stomach.If you mix both types of food, the stomach will secrete acid and alkaline juices, creating a neutral environment that cannot correctly digest a food or other, rotting the protein and fermenting carbohydrate.This situation can be corrected in part if we added some fiber and vegetables to the food, but if we add is sugar then the correct digestion of food is further inhibited and sugar cannot pass directly to the intestine so that it also fermentsin the stomach;It also increases salivation and further corrupts the digestion of carbohydrates.The hamburgers of certain establishments mixed with sugary soft drinks are a bomb.We see this on a television program when they try to see the effects that a person feeds during aSeason of this garbage and after a few weeks it has fattened 30 kilos and is physically and morally surrendered.You have to be careful with what we eat and what we mix.Sugar is incompatible with everything and bounts everything that touches, teeth included.

-& GT;Consu
Do you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes?When do you say "I take 160 HC" do you mean 16 portions?As for the minimum amount of carbohydrates that must be taken from who says that with 2 portions it is sufficient to whom it recommends to take 18. In recent years, diets that drastically reduce carbohydrates such as ATKINS diet have been drastically.I have come to read in some forums dedicated to this type of diet to some diabetic people who claim to take 2 rations of carbohydrates per day.This does not seem right at all.It is one thing to be against HC and another to reduce them to a minimum.I do not doubt that a human body can survive with 2 rations of HC per day, but I do not believe that with that small amount a person thong is enough to adequately carry out the obligations that any of us have any day.Let us not forget that a good part of glucose devours the brain as you say and that if we do not have enough HC we will be the day surrendered and dragging exhausted.In addition, the Atkins diet when reducing the HC does not attend to their quality, and in order to meet the established rations, it does not matter if they are refined flours than fruits, and that is not the case either.I also oppose the establishment of diets with 18 rations for the reasons that I already explained the other day.Personally I believe that with taking between 9 and 12 rations of HC a day it is sufficient depending on our needs.It is not the same to be young, child, adult, retired, student, triathlon athlete ... Logically my grandfather does not have the same energy needs as a teenager.

Many strange things are also said about cholesterol.There are doctors who seem to be allergy to eggs and then each one considers a different figure from which you should start taking care of yourself.As for food I would not criminalize either eggs or nuts or fats that fish have.Monounsaturated fats and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are beneficial so I do not think they are harmful to eggs, or nuts or fish, it is more I think they are recommended.Saturated fats must be controlled more so you don't have to pass with meat, dairy and butter.And trans fats, present in industrial bowling alley, should not be tested.I also don't think you have to replace margarine with butter.And it must also be said how bad it is to have the LDL or bad cholesterol very high how to have excessively under the HDL or good cholesterol.In addition to eliminating from the bad and increasing the good is important to exercise.Greetings

-& GT;Olguilla
I don't know what could happen to your paragraph and I don't know very well how all the things in the forum work.If you don't feel like writing it again, you can summarize it a bit, don't leave us now with intrigue!All the best

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/09/2010 2:17 p.m.
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-& GT;Velia
Velia, when I was referring to that with a cookie it is enough to trace a hypoglycemia I referred to my specific case since I never usually be below 50. Logically if you have it 33 you will not trace it with a cookie.Also in hypoglycemia often it depends more on how you feel than what the glucometer says.There are times that with a higher measure I have found myself worse than with a lower one and at least in the instructions of my reactive strips they say that when the results are very high or very low the accuracy is reduced.I of course with a measure of 33 would take 2 cookies.What I criticized was what they sent me to me at the beginning, that is, to take a glass of cash juice and more than a ration of HC because that seems excessive and counterproductive since then if you are very high you will have to have toPut on insulin.Besides, I have proven that you not only have hypoglycemia symptoms by having very low levels.On the other hand it is true that in diabetes 1+1 they are not always 2, and more if you tell us that your daughter is 12 years old.I guess in puberty as all the most altered hormones are more difficult to predict and control everything.I still think that 6 rations are excessive, and more if you meet them with another 12 and add 18 a day.The stomach does not tolerate them of course, but if there is another person to whom they do well, with less hungry and can have stabilized their levels then I say nothing.What I comment do from my experience.Greetings

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/09/2010 2:40 p.m.
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Dagaz, with the theme of a glass of juice and 3 cookies to overcome a hypo I am the same as you.If I take that, even if I am 30, I go up excessively (even more than 200).It is better to take a sugar juice (only with fructose) and a sugarless cookie (half a ration of CH).He went quickly and I don't climb more than 100 (always speaking as a rule, of course, sometimes it is not enough and sometimes I get more hyper).

Phew!I will not repeat the paragraph I said :)) :)) :)) What a laziness :)) :)) :)) :))

The only thing I want to highlight, that we should not mix within the same pizza, pasta, rice and industrial bolleria and chuches.Come on, it has nothing to do.Nor has anything to do with a cake bought in the Super (no matter how without sugar) that one made in house :).In addition to the CH are essential.Perhaps 20 Rations of CH in a day to depend on who is excessive.Of course, doctors give us their super diet with x calories and x rations and there you manage.The important thing is then to be able to talk to him, the nurse and the nutritionist and adapt it to your real life and your needs.Come on, we should not put more insulin because they touch us x ch, but we must take the CH we need and insulin accordingly.

It was more or less something like this: D

All the best,

olguilla's profile photo
12/09/2010 3:15 p.m.
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According to my personal philosophy, in principle I am not totally against sweets or pizzas, but of very processed or industrial things.I also try to avoid refined flours but would never put in the same place to eat a sandwich with a white flour bread that puts the body a donuts or similar.For me the latter is the devil.

In another order of things, I still do not understand the obsession of the endocrine with drinking tropecies of hydrates.I would have liked to read Dagaz comments when I debuted because I think I would have saved me many problems, but this is already my personal experience that does not have to be worth everyone.Dagaz, could you recommend any book that, without having health training, can read to learn about proteins/ pepsins/ stomach/ acid/ alkaline enzymes etc?

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/09/2010 7:02 p.m.
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Dagaz, I really appreciate your generosity when telling your experience in this forum.It has helped me to enrich myself and I also agree with you.I totally identify with your way of carrying the disease, although I after six years being type 1 diabetic, lately I have made it fatal;Luckily, despite having had up and down I have glycosylated hemoglobin at 6.8.Reading you encourages me to be more strict with control as I have been doing for more than five years.
I congratulate you and thank you for your good way to fit the negative and even disqualifying comments that some have made about what you have generously shared with us, because instead of throwing the towel you have explained to each one why you say what you say with patience, education, educationand respect.
I have ever seen as someone has written in this forum for the first time and after what they have answered it has not done it again and has also felt fatal.I'm glad that the same thing has not happened to you and I hope to read you more times.Thanks again for your courage.

maravisa's profile photo
12/10/2010 10:41 a.m.
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Dagaz, many things that you say I agree, I debut the educator because of so many HC, in fact I do not like the HC that told me, because they are a burial, and of course, at first, at first if I did, and it swollen and was eating for eating.
I paste, sweet etc. Well, the fair, if as a pastry is the homemade, healthier than the industrial one, and I do it and I know what it carries
From the experiences of each one you learn, thanks for sharing yours, and do not stop entering the forum

anabeg's profile photo
12/10/2010 11:02 a.m.
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Thanks Dagaz, I have type 1 diabetes two years ago, and since then I have always taken the same hydrates, which are 12 portions, 40 breakfast, 40 food and 40 dinner!now yes.:( I was equipped.

Consu's profile photo
12/10/2010 2:07 p.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Maravisa, I don't know who you mean that you have been answered in such a way that they have abandoned the forum feeling fatal.You seem to imply that there are those who throw themselves on those who enter like beasts about martyrs.
I would love to tell us what you base.
Thank you.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/10/2010 2:52 p.m.
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When talking about industrial pastries it is because the fats they carry are harmful to everyone, they carry coconut acite, palm or pork fat etc.Particularly I buy pastries that exclusively have sunflower or olive oil, and they are not supposed to lie.
As for Slguien, he has abandoned the forum for being misguided by one of us, I do not believe, I have not read anything out of tune or offensive so far so that anyone bothers, except those who want to put the "miracles priests"We all have the same and answer with a lot of respect and affection.;) I have said

Consu's profile photo
12/10/2010 4:34 p.m.

DM LADA (7-4-09). Con 50 años. Novorrapit flexpen, y Tresiva. Sin complicaciones.


Alea: I have not said what you write.I am happy to be able to participate in this forum that helps me so much, but my first contact experience was not good because some accused me of taking advantage of the S.S.Without being true and also another Forero who wrote for the first time, that I do not know what he was called, was insulted and tried fatal because he had high values ​​and criticized doctors and insulin and diabetological material companies.I noticed that I was depressed and wanted to let off steam, I thought that is why he wrote things that I would not have written in another state.I did not have time to write at that time and then I could not find his participation in the forum so I cannot say his name because I do not remember, but I remember that someone called him immature, little girl, things like that.He responded also insulting and saying how repentant he had to participate in the forum.I felt bad for him and regretted not being able to answer.Seeing the reaction that some have had with Dagaz reminded me of these two episodes and that is why I have written about it.I hope I have not bothered you.My intention is that by answering each other more respectful because otherwise we can harm ourselves.

maravisa's profile photo
12/10/2010 5:29 p.m.
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Well dagaz, if you allow me the advice, the day you want to trace with 2 cookies, at least try to have the glucagon nearby.

And to me, that I dedicate a large part of my time to try to help who may need it, with better or worse success, but with
All the dedication I can, I would also like an explanation to your post, amazed.

Velia's profile photo
12/10/2010 5:33 p.m.

De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1


I have ever seen how someone has written in this forum for the first time and after what they have responded, they have not done it again and also felt fatal.

This is what you have written, amazed.And it sounds quite a lot of free attacks by the foreros.
From the outset, in a forum we cannot see the gestures, or listen to the tones, so everything depends on the texts that are written, and not everyone expresses itself with the same ease or effectiveness.Moreover, there are times when we seriously strive to understand what the problem or question that arises is.Similarly, who responds does not always be right with the "tone" or with the exact phrase.

What is true is that it is usually always tried.In fact, I am quite little patient with what attitudes and many times I prefer not to respond to comments that seem out of place, so as not to hurt unnecessarily.And I assure you that sometimes there are people who go to play a little the FLYs and I usually be the ones who jump, because I do not like bad rolls in the forum.Maybe the one you say sowed winds and picked up storms.

In any case, it is not the style of those who participate in the forum insulting anyone.Dagaz is very free to expose their way of seeing things, in the same way that others are very free to share it or not, and express themselves as they think is convenient, and to succeed or make mistakes, and to be corrected and apologize if thecase.

You have not bothered me, amazed, you have surprised me, because, except for possible sporadic misunderstandings, I think that in this forum we all help each other, each one as it can or knows, sometimes turning to respond to people who disappear without even givingThank you or say goodbye, but with the satisfaction of knowing that, at least some, our advice, or our experience, or our criticism.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/10/2010 6:51 p.m.
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I agree with you Alea.Thanks for being there.:)

maravisa's profile photo
12/11/2010 7:51 a.m.
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Dagaz , I totally agree on everything you have said (well almost everything, because each body is a world).I have also drastically reduced the carbohydrates that I take up to date.In the morning breakfast 3.5 portions (and if there are no external factors such as the rule, stress, disease ...) I get the sugar the same.To eat I take 5 rations and for dinner a ration.Before I always went to bed, sometimes the digestion quickly took more times and I asked the endocrine that if something happened but a bit carbohydrates at dinner and told me no.A few months ago I arrived very high after breakfast, (I comment on the forum) and the endocrine told me not to have breakfast hydrates, to eat an omelet with a little ham or something ... I tried but it was very hard and meI found cookies with which I do not do the beak.What I mean, is that there are endocrine that does not seem bad not to eat hydrates in all meals.And with respect to the industrial bowling alley, the less we eat better, for all and especially for diabetics.As for the pasta ... I feel much better for a pasta dish than one of rice, in fact I try to avoid the rice because I feel very bad, I have a little allergy or something ....

Maravisa , I was the one who told you about social security, I feel you would take it so bad.My intention was not to attack you or anything, I didn't even know your situation.But I remember bad live outside of Spain and you would prefer to go to the doctor in Spain than to pay private insurance because it was very expensive or something.I only told you that the SS costs a paste even if we do not see it and, as a diabetics, it bothers me that sometimes they do not facilitate a better treatment to the diabetics (the insulin pump) because it is very expensive .... an egg is paidof taxes to have access to the treatments that each one needs.It is clear that if we charge the entire payroll (among the 5% that retain the workers and 40% or more that the company has to pay) it would give us the bomb and much more.It seems perfect to me that this SS and that each one receives the treatments they need, who knows .... Someday I need a transplant (hopefully) and I do not think that is paid in the work life.But it does not seem good that people extracted from Europe come to Spain to treatments that it does not cover in its country (medical tourism or something they call it).If they get bad in Spain to give them the treatment they need, but come to seek a better service "because it is free", because it does not seem good to me.If you live were but you pay social security (I think you say that) you have the same right as me or any of us to put the bomb or the treatment you need

tica's profile photo
12/13/2010 9:16 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


Hi Tica: I understand, it does not seem good to me that foreigners go to Spain to become treatments and even operate for free.I have friends who are officials of the S.S.And they tell me that there are those who go to a holiday hotel operate and return to their country.
Clarified the misunderstandings, I tell you the same as everyone in the forum.Thanks for being there.: D

maravisa's profile photo
12/13/2010 11:34 a.m.
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