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My experience and advice

DiabetesForo's profile photo   12/07/2010 1:02 p.m.

My experience and advice

Hello everyone!I also suffer from type 1 diabetes, specifically for 2 years and now I am 25. I found the forum while looking for information about the causes that the disease can produce and about the personal situation in which there were other people who suffer from it in the monthsPrior to the disease since I find myself among those who think that neither this nor any other disease arise by chance or from nothing.Once in the forum, I read some issues in which some things related to our peculiar daily life were commented and with which I felt identified.But now what I would like is to tell you some of the inquiries that I have obtained with the experience and that are allowing me for the moment to have the glucose levels quite at bay.In fact, the values ​​of my last four glycosylated hemoglobins do not rise from 5.2.And my last month in the glucometer is 86. This I do not mean that my method or my way of caring for me is better than anyone else's, since everyone has their own circumstances and we have all of us all with loading with this diseaseso heavy.I only want to tell you what I do and I have found out so that each one can use it or not to the extent that it creates convenient, and that taking into account that every human body works the same, certainly debatable thing.

Well, I currently use Lantus insulin (I put it when I wake up) and Apidra.

When I left the hospital I went to diabetological education sessions in which they taught me some basic issues about diabetes: injection zones, how to act in case of ups and downs, what foods contain carbohydrates etc.With these explanations and a sheet in which I was recommended a diet I planted the first day at home with a tremendous idiot face.The units that had to put me insulin at first were adjusted by the doctor according to the glycemia measurements that I pointed in my notebook.The diet was 6 HC rations for breakfast, 6 to eat, 6 for dinner, 1 in mid -morning and 1 in the afternoon.The rations calculated them with a glass with letters.I add that I consider a ration like 10 grams of carbohydrates.At first my glycemia were good after meals (100 mg/dl) and crazy between hours (& lt; 300 mg/dl) the solution they gave me was to increase the lantus and reduce the apidra and the thing improved but not much sinceBecause of much insulin that put my body constantly tended to be high, apart from the fact that the results were unpredictable.

A month after being at home I discovered the way to calculate the rations of carbohydrates through the nutritional value tables that appear on food labels.There is no doubt that this first measure had had an effect: the glycemia remained high but at least the results were predictable and provided that before the meals I had the same blood glucose, if I ate the rations well calculated and the same one put the sameIt was always similar.But I repeat that the blood glucose remained high by much lantus that put me.

The next step was to eliminate 2 rations of HC from each of the three meals and eliminate the ones I ate between hours, so I went from to 4.4.4.Obviously the levels stabilized as if by magic.Postprandial levels were still around 100 and between hours were 140, the highest level being before dinner.With this change I reduced the lantus and the apidra obviously I had to reduce it as long as I had removed 2 portions to each meal.However, I was still wondering the reason why the glycemia before dinner was so high, because it normally was around 140-200.Why if the Lantus acted 24 hours and always took the sameRations for breakfast, eating and dinner, I got up with 100 and before dinner was 200?Also from time to time I also got out of my levels.

After 4 months I reached an important conclusion.My stomach was not always in the same conditions for the simple fact of always taking the same HC rations and putting the insulin necessary to be well after meals.The stomach has a capacity, digestion a duration and insulin a period of effect.It is not the same to eat 4 rations in cookies with a cup of milk than 4 rations of spaghetti with four fillets.The food bolus or amount of food housed in the stomach is obviously different and, if you pay a good bread of eating, once the apidra has stopped taking effect you still have a considerable amount of food in the stomach that is being digested andentering the blood without insulin that can control it.I tried to verify the veracity of this idea experiencing, so a week ate more and another less and it turned out that blood glucose levels were totally different.When I ate a lot, before dinner I arrived in 200 and when I moderated with the food I arrived in 120. And the same thing happened when I got up with respect to the amount of food that was having dinner;If I had dinner at the same amount of HC with a lot of fillets, chicken etc. I lifted me higher.Everything began to make sense.Type 1 diabetics cannot make the mistake of believing that when we put insulin we function as a person without diabetes, because they can stick a bread of eating and their pancreas will go to their aid and control those levels (until they burn and end withType 2 diabetes and lost obese) while we have to understand that insulin is in a delicate balance and that food introduction cannot break it.If the Lantus insulin is gradually secreted and the apidra (or the rapid)that the food bolus must take the same to digest as the effect that the apidra lasts.Indeed the veal chops do not have HC and do not rise glucose but if you together 50 grams of spaghetti with 3 kilos of chops the stomach mixes everything and will digest it little by little and if when the apidra is finished, the apidra is stillAnd medium of chops in the stomach mixed with many other spaghetti, glucose will rise irremediably since part of the digestion is done without insulin.

The next measure derived from the previous deduction was to modify HC rations again.I went from 4.4.4 to 5.2.3 and it was when I found the desired balance.The measures were completely stabilized.Before the meals were around 70 mg/dl and after the meals it was at 80-90 mg/dl, a measure that remained stable throughout the afternoon and night.Thus I have been more than a year and a half.I always calculating this by HC rations through the nutritional value and with a scale and controlling the amount of meat, fish or fruit to prevent food from being copious and stomach is filled in excess.I take more HC rations for breakfast because I do not accompany them from anything else and if not the stomach would be very empty and arrive under the time of eating.However, to eat I take less HC rations because I can accompany them with meat, fish or fruit and the stomach is fuller.Dinner however is at an intermediate point.

Therefore the important thing is that the ingested food has to be in balance with the insulin received.If you take too much food, part of the digestion will be done outside the effect of fast insulin and the levels will rise a lot and if you eat too little the slow insulin will maintainLow levels throughout the day.It is also important to add that HC rations should not exceed 10 a day.How can a human being take 20 portions of HC per day?Our own nature is not made to consume such an amount of carbohydrates, not even an elite athlete.In addition, what does some people who suffer from a disease related to the incorrect metabolization of HC become HC?Is it logical that an infarction from Infle to Churrasco de Ávila?Is it logical for a obese to inflate cakes?Is it logical that someone with the broken meniscus down the stairs instead of elevator?Are they telling me that if not as a kilo of potatoes a day I produce acetone?Are the human being really over hundreds of thousands of years has taken a food based on 60 % carbohydrates when agriculture was invented just 8000 years ago?What madness!

And it is not only important how much to eat, but also what to eat.Logically, all kinds of refined sugars and flours have to be eradicated as glycemia are completely increased.I food based on meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, potato and some rice and legume.The rest is left over since the human body is not made to ingest it, and not only us, but any person.Breads, pasta, buns, potato bags and other chucheías fried, cakes, sugar, spaghetti, pizzas and all those rich things should not be tested.You also have to be careful with the sweeteners, I at least do not trust anything and I do not take them.Precisely the epidemic of obesity suffered by the first world is due to those foods (refined flours and sugars) since when ingesting them, as they have a very high degree of absorption of the very high glucose, the pancreas suddenly segregates a lot of insulin and, when they have digested, insulin still present in the blood causes hypoglycemient symptoms and need to eat more whispers and sugary chucheías.And so on.There comes a time when introducing more HC than necessary and not burning them, they accumulate in the form of fat.Refined HC are therefore addictive.In fact, there is nothing more to see that those who are picing something on the street always take chucheías and Bollitos.If I am hungry between hours and I feel like it, I always take food without HC such as sausages, a few of nuts, a can of tuna, olives, cheese.Everything is a matter of throwing imagination.Moreover, if I ever go out to eat or have dinner out I do it without drinking carbohydrates and without putting insulin.Obviously this should never be the general food guideline since the body needs carbohydrates and insulin so as not to start burn fat and enter ketosis.But nothing happens to take a day steak with salad if you have breakfast 5 rations of HC and dinner 150 grams of potatoes with eggs.At least I am still alive.Even if before leaving I am in 70 you can even ask for a yogurt.Has anyone died for eating a steak with salad?Why this interest in inflating carbohydrates?

Exercise is also important for several reasons.Exercising endorphins, which makes mood more euphoric, something that is not bad in the times when we feel more declined with the disease.It also helps burn excess fat and increases insulin absorption so that surely who exercises will need less;I at least notice that in times when I do more sport under the Lantus a couple of units.And that without counting that increases HDL or cholesterol levels, increases lung capacity, balances blood pressure and pulse, prevents colds etc.Not everyone has to do the same exercise, which each one chooses based on theirfree time, his preferences, his age, his general state of health and the recommendations of his doctor.But the important thing is to move.

Well, I think I don't have to add anything else, I already feel the tostón I've released.These are the guidelines that I follow to control this disease and at least they work for me, which does not mean that others do.I only comment on my experience in case you can serve someone or if you can solve any issue.However, who believes that he still does not clarify well with the disease, before modifying his habits he should consult with his doctor.The important thing is to resemble our blood glucose levels to those of a person without diabetes and try to keep them between 80 and 100 mg/dl, thus we will avoid long -term complications.Much encouragement to everyone, we have to think that our life is as normal as anyone's, we just have to take care of ourselves a little more and surely that in the long run we will thank us on the other hand.All the best.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/07/2010 1:02 p.m.
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I have read everything, which records:-/

To take a tip ... you have to completely eradicate all kinds of sugars and refined flours since they absorb too fast and increase the blood glucose very much
Yes and no
The industrial pastries, if something has, is that it takes hours to absorb ... which does not mean that you can take every day, or be good.
Pizza and spaguettis do not consider them prohibitive ... but the Italians would be the ones that would have diabetes the most
Together with potatoes and bread is the most easily measurable, in terms of carbohydrates

What is the difference between eating a few nuts of a few macaroni?:-/
Both foods carry carbohydrates, just like cheese ... and vegetables that also have carbohydrates

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/07/2010 2:13 p.m.
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Dagaz, I'm glad you found your right pattern.
But anyway, I do not totally "agree" to say something, although it is not something to agree if you do well.
I think that in some aspects you can be right, as in the 60% carbohydrates in the diet, I have also come to think that they are excessive, but I also believe, that it is to find the diet with which each person feels comfortable.
In what I do not "agree" is to eliminate lunch and snack, not to mention the re-zena, which for what you tell, I imagine you will not do.It is well that it is not to overcome with carbohydrates, but it is also very important not to fall short.In my case, and in that of many other people for what I have read, if we omit the meals between hours, we have hypos before the time of the next meal arrives.And in the same way as reasoning that it is not healthy for a diabetic person to eat so many carbohydrates, I reasons, that for a diabetic person it will be healthier to distribute them throughout the day and not give 3 large meals of carbohydrates.
And keeping the glucose between 80 and 100, it seems to me something utopian, no matter how much you have found your routine, it makes me think you are on the honeymoon.Although I am a rookie in this, I only have been a month and a half, I am not the one who to give diagnosis since I am not a doctor ...

With respect to what you say about:

breads, pasta, buns, potato bags and other chucherías fried, cakes, sugar, spaghetti, pizzas and all those rich things should not be tested.
If you have achieved it, I congratulate you for your willpower.In this aspect, I think that many times, it is thought that the rich is not healthy.Or that because they are diabetic we should not try rich things, or the derivative, that when we eat them we should feel guilty.It seems to me that this is a mistake.The important thing in this case is to know what you eat, how many hydrates, and an approximate idea of ​​how long it takes to digest.I think something that is prohibited is something that will attract us irremediably, and more if it is something we like, and that is why it should not be prohibited.My theory is that if I think I can eat it and I have it at your fingertips, it does not catch my attention and it does not create the same anxiety as if they prohibit it.

As you say, exercise is good, releases endorphins and help us when we are declined by the disease.But if we prohibit all the things we like, we will also be more declined by the disease ...

In short, each one must find their pattern whenever it is responsibly and using the head.If someone wants to be strict, it seems great to me, but it doesn't have to be so for everyone.And above all, we should not feel guilty for not being so strict, because it is not necessary and will cause us more anxiety.

If they tell me now that I can't try those rich things again, my answer is going to be "and incidentally, why don't you put me on the wall?"Exaggerated, yes, but that's how I feel right now ...

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/07/2010 3:35 p.m.
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I've been frequenting this forum for a short time, but there are not too many first posts that are very movie?Or do you only seem to me?

It seems like a story with enough "shadows" (I don't think anyone leaves the hospital with treatment of Lantus + Apidra and in HC count in the diet you have: 6-1-6-1-6, onlyfor counting some of the "shadows") and with the occasional contradiction (called to rebellion so that people pass from the diet prescribed by a doctor and end that "before modifying their habits I should consult with your doctor", onlyfor counting some of the contradictions).

Now that as a story I give you a notable.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/07/2010 3:48 p.m.
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TNT, I have also sounded a little a movie story, but still, it seemed to me that it made a little more sense than some of those that I have already read ancient, that's why I give it the benefit of doubt ...

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/07/2010 4:30 p.m.
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I will answer each person.

-& GT;Owash:

1. "The industrial pastries, if something has, is that it takes hours to absorb ... which does not mean that you can take every day, or be good."
Industrial pastries is an extremely conflictive food because they combine sugars and "trans" (artificial unsaturated fatty acids).Indeed, all kinds of fat slowly slow down and in this case the trans fats are not different, also having the "quality" of being with much difference the most harmful fats.They have nothing to do with monounsaturated fats or omega 3 u omega 6 fatty acids, which are beneficial in the appropriate amounts.However, the fact that they slow down the digestion does not subtract the glycemic index food since it is refined sugar.

2. "Pizza and Spayettis do not consider them prohibitive ... but the Italians would be the ones that would have diabetes"
Indeed, eating pizza or spaghetti does not necessarily imply suffering from type 2 diabetes. Here you have to clarify.You may occasionally take a plate of pasta and have perfect blood glucose levels if consumption is reasonable and does not become a regular rule, being also the rest of their correct diet.What gives rise to type 2 diabetes is frequent consumption and over several years of large amounts of carbohydrates, which is usually associated with obesity.Because?When a person who does not suffer from type 1 diabetes ingests a generous plate of pasta or pizza its pancreas will segregate another generous amount of insulin to face him.Once the pasta is digested and as a consequence of the large amount of segregated insulin, part is in the blood causing hypoglycemic symptoms, that is, weakness and hunger, which encourages the consumption of more carbohydrates to quench those needs.The consumption of more HC produces in turn that the pancreas re -generates inulin and once digested the hypoglycemic effect will be produced again.If at the same time we take into account that more HCs would be consumed than necessary and that they are not used are stored in the form of fat The result is obesity.Over the years insulin resistance increases, and type 2 diabetes arises. Why do British seem more obese than Italians for example?An Italian may eat more pasta but at the same time I intuit that he renounces more industrial pastries and his diet is more directed than that of a British to eat fruit, vegetables, vegetables ... however the British, despite eating less pasta, isWell known that they infect trans fats and refined flours.Now, this analysis would not be complete without knowing the figures of type 2 diabetes in both countries, and I do not know them at this time.

3. "Pizza and spaghetti along with potatoes and bread is the most easily measurable, in carbohydrates."
Not necessarily.It is true that weighing the corresponding grams of spaghetti and putting them to cook is fast and simple, but I do not think it is easier to measure the bread than the chickpeas.In fact I practically ever as bread to the point that I do not know how many grams is a ration and yet I know that 180 gr of chickpeas already cooked are 3 portions.And the foods that have the nutritional value label are even easier to measure (in raw) taking into account the carbohydrates that the product has per 100 gr.

4. "What is the difference between eating a few nuts of a few macaroni? Both foods carry carbohydrates, just like cheese ... and vegetables that also have carbohydrates."
The difference is that nuts have between 9 and 14 gr.of HC per 100 gr depending on the type that are (the nuts more than thehazelnas), so you have to eat a very large amount to make a ration.However in macaroni, if I'm not mistaken, for every 100 gr.We have 60 or 70 HC so a few already form a ration.On the other hand, cheese and vegetables have an amount of HC per 100 gr really small, about 2 or 3 gr., So to eat a ration of lettuce you would have to eat almost half a kilo, something that is unthinkable.The same happens with tuna cans, sardines ... that unless they have tomatoes have virtually nothing HC per 100 gr, since they are mostly proteins.I remember that a ration of HC raises the glucose about 50 mg/dl, so it is not the same to eat 50 gr of hazelnuts than 50 gr cookies since the same grams of the former have much less HC than of the second and will raiseMuch less blood glucose.
All the best!

Do I seem peliculero?Do you think about the 5 days that I was in the ICU in shock, with loss of consciousness, renal insufficiency and tachycardia?Do you think about the 7 days that I was in the plant while I lost part of the exams, thus losing a course?Do they seem "shadows" to have to hear your girlfriend say that I was so bad that I thought I was going to die and that I would not see me again?Are there type 1 diabetics of the first and second category based on how credible your experiences result?Do you think that by taking longer, it is more type 1 diabetic than me and is able to judge my life and my experience without knowing and calling myself with a movie?Does it seem an interesting "story" what I have written to try to help people who can have the same doubts that I had when leaving the hospital and in which I had to use more than half an hour?I notice that he speaks with a certain tone of resignation and veteran, a shame.Thanks for the notable by the way.If you are interested, I will tell you that they effectively prescribed a diet of 2,200 kal that included 6 HC rations for each meal, one in the middle of the morning, and another for the snack or the answer.And indeed from the day they diagnosed me until today I have had gray and blue pens of Apidra in my fridge, it is indifferent to me whether it believes me or not.I do not urge rebellion, I only spent my time (and one is removed from the desire) in writing something that can help people as it has helped me to control my illness, and if I recommend commenting on the changes in habitsWith the doctor it is because a newly diagnosed person cannot apply from good to first what another person recommends, even if it is true and does it with good will, because it can suffer severe hypoglycemia.

-& GT;Neihs

I appreciate that at least you give me the benefit of the doubt and that you consider that my experience has, at least, a little meaning.It is not that I do not take Re-Cena, I simply do not take a snack or lunch with carbohydrates.In the middle of the morning if I feel a little low, I have a cookie from the gullón that upload the glucose 30 mg/dl but if not, it is enough to satisfy hunger with nuts.For snack I take sausages, cheese, some can if I am at home or a small fruit if I feel a bit low.With respect to what he tells me about hypoglycemia between hours I would have to assess case by case and see the measures between hours, postprandials and meals.Personally, if I were between hours below 65 I would put 1 unity less of Lantus until it reached 80. Basal blood glucose between hours is the one that marks if we have excess or deficit of Lantus.Now, if staying at 80 between hours without having hypoglycemia, it means being high at other times of the day then it would be necessary to analyze the meals more carefully, that is, what is eaten and how much it is eaten.WithRegarding the need to distribute the HC, if a person needs to be ingesting them all day is that he is uncontrolled and I refer to what I told him before about basal and postprandials.Between hours you never have to be low, and at night either.If the basal levels are low or have to be low to prevent others from being very high then you have to lower lantus and look at the amount of food ingested.At least it is my opinion.

With respect to my measures and the honeymoon will allow me to disagree.Not only is it taken with reservations its existence but, in case it existed, I doubt that it is in that period given the stability in the Lantus units that I put since I left the hospital.I have barely uploaded a couple of units in 2 years, other times I get a ... but quite stable.The measures can be between those levels with will and understanding force;My last hemoglobin is 5.2.Of course I am below 80 and above 100, many times in fact.But if I am below 80 I have between 60-75 and if I am above 100 it is very raresome wine;And in those cases I already wait for the ascent in advance, why deny it.What is important is to know the measures because depending on them it becomes more or less apidra to eat.Knowing the measures is essential to be controlled and avoid complications derived from DM1.As it tells me that it has been a month and a half, I send you many spirits since it is the worst stage, and I assure you that with proof and willpower practically everything can be achieved.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to address me through a private message, I will try to answer the best you know.

He also comments: “I think many times, it is thought that the rich is not healthy.Or that because they are diabetic we should not try rich things, or the derivative, that when we eat them we should feel guilty. ”I believe that rich things is very subjective, do you know better a pringent cake knowing the tons of sugar and trans fats that leads to a baked lamb leg with a little red wine?Not for Asomo!It is not a matter of prohibiting it and creating an anxiety conflict to ourselves.It is a matter of reasoning that a cake, a cake, a bun, a bag of fried potatoes or a coffee with condensed milk are not only bad for us but for the whole world and avoiding them is a long -term health guarantee since we will avoid theObesity, cholesterol, body acidification, insulin resistance, physical inactivity, apathy, caries and dental malformations etc.Now, each one is free to make their own decisions regarding their health and anything else, both we and non -diabetics.Health, and we should know better than anyone, it is something so important that it is not worth losing to feed badly because then there is no turning back.Greetings and courage, if you want you can get what you intend.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/07/2010 8:27 p.m.
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You have seemed a movie in your first post where there are many shadows and where there are also some other contradiction but you have finished confirming it in your second post, you seem much more movie.

You make too many statements of too many things, things that are not known or cannot be made a 100% statement, however you do it:

Such as what are the reasons for type 2 diabetes:

What gives rise to type 2 diabetes is frequent consumption and over several years of large amounts of carbohydrates, which is usually associated with obesity.
There will be cases of type 2 diabetes whose reason can be obesity but there are many cases where that is not so, but you seem to know what are the reasons for all cases of DM2 ...

O You make calculations as glycemia raises when eating certain amounts of carbohydrates or certain foods:

(...) A ration of HC rises glucose about 50 mg/dl (...)
(...) A gullón cookie that upload the glucose 30 mg/dl (...)

When that is impossible to know 100 %, or at least that will be what will happen in your body, in each body the blood glucose will rise differently just like each body has greater or lesser resistance to insulin and needs greater or minor doses.

Change your initial diet prescribed by a doctor of 6-1-6-1-6 (20 rations of HC/day) to 5-2-3 (10 rations of HC/day) and showing it to me seems like aVery serious theme.

It is also important to add that HC rations should not exceed 10 a day.How can a human being take 20 portions of HC a day?
There are things that you say that they seem very serious and almost all of them adorned with any rhetorical question ( 1. f. Art of good saying, of giving written language or spoken efficacy enough fordelight, persuade or move.To start the opponent or interlocutor an answer that may compromise it, or that favors the purposes of who formulates them.

Call the rebellion so that people pass from the diet prescribed by a doctor and then end up saying that "before modifying their habits I should consult with your doctor" What were we left?Do we go to the mountain?Or not? ...

The glycemia values ​​that you advise to have better do not say anything that is that I escape what should not ... and also step to answer the entire battery of rhetorical and/or capcious questions with the intention of convincing or sorry or notHe knows that you have dedicated me in "My paragraph."

What I am going to say has nothing to do with the fact that it has been having diabetes for more or less years: too many meaningless statements, too many rhetorical questions, too many capcious questions, too much desire to demonstrate, it is not known that, too much morality in all speeches... You seem quite a movie, but come on, it's just my opinion and my opinion is not going anywhere.

But to write stories I already tell you that from remarkable up.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/07/2010 10:35 p.m.
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The dagaz story is no different from that of most of us ... in the early years of the disease.
We all go out with our fixed insulin guideline and our fixed food guideline ... Little by little you are sweeting those guidelines and adapting them to each case.
Precisely, diabetes is a unique disease ... The theory is very good, but the endors, educators and primary doctors should treat each case as the unique ... not giving the same broth for all but adjusting it to each case.
The only way to bring diabetes well is to become experts from our diabetes ... We don't know diabetes, we know of our diabetes.

Dagaz counts the method he carries and nothing else.
Extrapolar beyond does not make sense ... This is a forum, people enter and tell their things, and the rest we think, without more.

From the dagaz story, there are things that attract attention.
I don't know if you'll have been reading ...
- The issue of diet for portions, glycemic index and other food things have it learned ... without acrimony and without superb of me, do not take us as ignorant;There are many forgers with sufficient level to teach theory and their practice on this subject before any audience.
You are one more, which is good for us all.

- Cold your hemoglobin attention ... 5.2% That is equivalent to an average blood glucose of 96 ... which is meritorious and quite common within the first 2-3 years of the disease.
I was the first 2 years with glycades smaller than 6.
More difficult to understand is your low glycemic variability ... Being in figures with such little variability is very rare, especially without hypoglycemia ... or you have a quite sedentary life or you have an extraordinary capacity to prevention of hypos (everything can be) and a great self -control to overcome them without falling into the hyper.
I have not met anyone with those figures beyond 1-2 weeks .... But everything can be, I don't doubt it.

- The strict control of the food you describe is, at least, unusual ... in patients type 1 I have not met anyone with such a Spartan method ... not even vegetarians and see that they are rare: mrgreen: (but insist I insistin that if you do well and you like you ... great).
To me, cheese ups me a lot, just like milk .... as an example that each one is a world.

- In my opinion, mixtures concepts and types of diabetes.
On the one hand, type 1 diabetes is autoimmune without the cause today ... it is known that it has nothing to do with any type of food ... there are the case of twins where 1 develops theillness and the other does not.
Type 2 diabetes is influenced by obesity, yes, but not exclusive.There are obese people without diabetes and thin people with type 2 diabetes (inheritance).
In fact, the highest diabetes rates are given in sites such as Canary Islands or Utah (Mormons), clearly influenced by a zero genetic diversification.

- The honeymoon concept ... it exists and is real ... in fact it is one of the "fashion" concepts when popular peptide analyzes ... scientific literature accounts for in various cases where the insulin reserveIt is surprisingly high in patients with several years of evolution ... So there are currents that advocate screening all patients with diabetes in search of improving the diagnosis towards a lada diabetes (more numerous than it currently is assured).

- Diabetes In addition to a metabolic disease has an important behavioral/social component ... maybe, in your case you are not affected now, but most likely over time you will be ... obligations, family, commitments, desires forSocial integration, laziness, stress, apathy, resistance to change, resistance to failure etc.

Ale, another tocho.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 4:04 a.m.
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Dagaz, what you write seems most interesting to me that I have read lately.I also don't understand that obsession with inflating ourselves to carbohydrates.Before the DM1 I was doing intense sports and was a healthy, optimistic and active person.After the DM1, due to my tendency to gain weight, to the effect of insulin and my hypoglycemia, I have fattened more than 30 kilos, I cannot move and tell me the doctor that while the DM goes well, with which I loseA few kilos is already enough.My quality of life has plummeted and they continue to underline the importance of hydrates ... I hate the DM1 with all my strength but even more obesity.Ah, and I totally agree with you with what you tell about industrial pastries, I don't know how they allow it to sell it, it's poison!

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 6:15 a.m.
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It does not seem to me that anyone has to disqualify because he exposes his experience and does not match ours, here we are to tell our way of carrying diabetes and if someone can learn from our experiences because perfect.I think the most important thing is respect and we are none in possession of the truth;)
As Owash says one thing is the theory that tells us and another the experience and that is that in the end there are as many diabetes as diabetics .....
I agree with Dagaz that not as anything between hours, except if I have hypos.I have the basal very tight and only melting if I am going to do sports, normally some slow hydrate, so that it does not have hypo.I don't think his diet does not seem so bad and if he is doing well, what is there?That does not mean that we will be the same .....

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 7:39 a.m.
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I just have to add one more answer, without pretending to enter controversy:

also comments on the following: “I think many times, it is thought that the rich is not healthy.Or that because they are diabetic we should not try rich things, or the derivative, that when we eat them we should feel guilty. ”I believe that rich things is very subjective, do you know better a pringent cake knowing the tons of sugar and trans fats that leads to a baked lamb leg with a little red wine?Not for Asomo!It is not a matter of prohibiting it and creating an anxiety conflict to ourselves.It is a matter of reasoning that a cake, a cake, a bun, a bag of fried potatoes or a coffee with condensed milk are not only bad for us but for the whole world and avoiding them is a long -term health guarantee since we will avoid theObesity, cholesterol, body acidification, insulin resistance, physical inactivity, apathy, caries and dental malformations etc.

With respect to pringo -cakes, tons of sugar and trans fats, not everything is white or black, good or bad.
I can say that I have not returned to take an industrial bun since I was detected the diabetes, I do not say that it will never do it, but if I do it will be in moderation and as something very sporadic.But we do not put everything in the same bag, breads, pasta, pizzas, desserts ... etc. not all are the same.
As an example I put, that at home I do homemade pizzas, yes, homemade, the only thing that is bought is yeast, flour, salt, water and vegetables that I put on top, I do not use a tomato bought, if not naturalFinite cut and a little waste with oil and oregano involved in advance in the oven, plus the splash of olive oil that I do not stick.
I also make homemade custard, with sweetener, that the only "harmful" thing they carry are egg yolks, and I put few.And we all know that eggs are not only restricted, but it is recommended to eat 2 to 3 per week.
Add the jam that my mother makes, to which we no longer add sugar, if it does not natural, and remains homemade with quinces caught in the town ...
Like these, there are thousands of examples, of rich things, that we do not have to avoid eating, if they do not eat them knowing the amount of hydrates they contain, and that are not harmful, if not, I would dare to say, that because they are homemade, they areOn the contrary and they also help us carry our diabetes with a better humor.

Apart from, add, that less and less industrial foods have trans fats, although of course if they wear saturated fats, you have to look at the label.But they also wear saturated fats all the flesh from the animal kingdom, including lambs.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 8:01 a.m.
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(...) AND TNT None are in possession of the truth;) (...)

(...) In the end there are as many diabetes as diabetics (...)

Those things I think you should explain to the one who has made statements such as a ration of HC rises the glycemia x mg/dl or that a type of cookie uploads the glycemia x mg/dl, I also believe that you should explain it to the one who seems to know what it isThe cause of all type 2 diabetes and many other statements in which it mixes concepts.

This person has said in several parts of his stories that you have to go from diets prescribed by doctors, PQ does not agree with what is a balanced diet, this person exposes his case: he leaves the hospital with a diet of 2200 kcalin which HC rations are distributed throughout the day according to pattern 6-1-6-1-6 (20 Rations of HC per day) and after time the uncle at his own risk takes the following portions: 5-2-3 (10 rations of HC per day).

It seems to me a very large furple PQ I doubt that it maintains the level of calories prescribed by your doctor (2200 kcal) when making that wild reduction of HC (now it will say that it supplies it with calories that come from proteins, fats and/or alcoholContinue giving "BUÉN example", as he "meets at the calorie level").It seems serious because it is little less to make anorexia apology and this issue seems very serious to come to come to frivolize about it.

But nothing happens ... we applaud the "good examples."

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 10:07 a.m.
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It happens to me many times that I read things in this and other forums and I think that my personal experience has nothing to do with the things I am reading, and not for that reason credibility to anyone.I could give enough examples because, in the end, there are as many different diabetes as diabetics, as someone has already commented.The experiences of others should serve to enrich, not to argue, I think ...

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 10:37 a.m.
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And if in the experience of others they are brought, Enriquezcamosososososososososonos with those buried PQ all the experiences of others are enriching.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 11:41 a.m.
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I just wanted to say that congratulations for being so well controlled, 5.2 of HBA1c ... incredible!
I could not deprive me of the `` rich things '' that you say, such as pizzas, ice cream, and chocolate/chocolates (occasional).But I reached the same conclusion that you have long been absorption of food in the different time ... I passed me with the pizza: I punctured me before eating 3 or 4 units of fast, and at the time I had a terrible hypoglycemia ...Comomy of a couple of cookies and another hour later had 200 or 300, of course, because the pizza had not been absorbed yet.
But I already found the truquillo: I eat the pizza, and half an hour later I put 3 units of Apidra.An hour later I usually have about 140-150, and I puncture another unit again.If I have eaten pizza I arrive at dinner well, and if I have dinner the next morning at breakfast I am with 80 :).It's great, because I love pizza ... the exercise makes endorphins release, but I also feel better, since I feel better after eating it and while I am eating it, I enjoy it very much.I eat once a week or so, for dinner or eating ... I love it, I hope not to be criticized for it.


María2542006's profile photo
12/08/2010 11:52 a.m.
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Look that I like a good controversy, but it has to be that, good.

To begin with, and I think it is perfectly possible that dagaz experience is as the account.And I respect him.

However, I fear that not everything is extrapolable.I give an example.I like coffee.I really like coffee.In fact, until very recently, I was never going to bed without having a good cup of coffee.And I didn't take my sleep away.Even if any night I had trouble sleeping, for worries or for any other cause, I got out of bed, I prepared a good coffee and slept immediately.
Does that want to say that coffee is good to sleep?No. It is my personal and non -transferable experience.Of course, I have every right to tell it and to be respected in my opinion.

That said, there are considerations in the dagaz post that may interest me, such as the approach that, not only the "quality" of food, but its "quantity", influence later glycemia.In those who use a bomb, assuming that what it says was true for everyone, there would be no major problem: square bowling to extend the effect and subject.

On the other hand, there are things with which I am in total disagreement, like that kind of phobia to hydrates.Carbohydrates must establish the highest percentage of a healthy person, and I think that is applicable to the diabetic, who will simply have to know how to handle insulin to maintain their levels in adequate ranges.
That phobia of hydrate is as respectable as the phobia of animal protein by vegetarians.But that it is respectable does not mean that it is the goal or the solution for others.

The same has left a bit of "sitting chair" on the one hand and criticism of another.But this is a forum and both positions are respectable, although not too desirable.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 12:35 p.m.
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Hello everyone!I'm going to comment on some things.

-& GT;Owash

I totally agree on what you say about diabetes, it is a very personal disease and nobody better knows.Of course, an endocrine will know a lot of theory but it is impossible for me to know the life of each patient, their appetite, their schedules, the sport that it practices, which comes good and badly ... Diabetes is a disease of self -knowledge and forces you tothe force to be more mature and responsible.At no time have I taken anyone as ignorant, moreover, a person like you, who have written 1178 messages, I suppose there is practically nothing about diabetes that do not know or have already read.Simply if I have commented on something about rations or others is in case someone does not know when they are just debuting and with the intention of helping him, not to underpromize anyone, logically.I simply wanted to tell my experience and the diet that I carry according to what I have deducted in 2 years in case you can help someone.

As for my hemoglobin, I do not know what may happen from here to a few years, if I am on a honeymoon or not, or if it even exists, I will simply try to continue putting everything on my part to continue controlling the best thing that the disease knows and avoid complicationsIn the long term.Specifically, the average of 1 month in the glucometer is today 86, but taking into account that the capillary glycemic level is, according to my doctor, somewhat less than the blood in vein, I will be approximately in an average of 96 like you like youYou say.

On the low glycemic variability I would not know if my life is sedentary or not, since everyone has its criteria.More than sedentary I would say that my life is ordered in terms of schedules, that is, I come to give topics the same days at the same time and that allows me to order meals and make them coincide at the same hours but as a young person I amI also leave several afternoons and some night a week and in those cases I try to control a lot and not take anything that has HC or alcohol.The fact is that I have indeed little glycemic variation since it rarely under 65 or I go from 150 and I believe that it is due to what I have discovered about the amount of food and its relationship with the duration of digestion and the term of effectof the apidra.I have commented that with a political relative who also suffers from DM1 and believes that he is possible to be right but for personal reasons he does not want to give up eating in abundance;That is a matter of what each person decides, like any other decision in life, and we both respect each other deeply.I also do not believe that my diet is Spartan since as meat-embutations, fish, fruits, vegetables, nutgood.I only give up flours and sugar and once I have become accustomed I do not miss it.Moreover, I think anyone who appreciates their health without being diabetic type 1 should give up flours and sugar in the media of the possible.Cheese is a very variable food because it depends on the type and healing.The very cured cheese that is the one that I like has less HC (2 gr. Per 100), but nevertheless the softest cheese is more similar to milk and I suppose it will have around 6 gr HC per 100 andThat shows a lot in glycemia.

With respect to the types of diabetes, rivers of ink have run on the subject.The difference between type 1 and 2 is evident. We all know that type 1 that is usually youth is autoimmune, sudden and independent of eating habits, now the causes are a mystery although some have our own theory about it.However, type 2 is what I relate to eating habits and I have also read a lot about it.IsMy humble opinion depends on a racial and genetic issue and how your ascendants have adapted to carbohydrate intake once the neolithic revolution has emerged.I believe that it is a case very similar to that of milk tolerance, because there are some peoples that tolerate it better (such as Europeans, and especially the Hungarian) and others not, depending on whether they have traditionally ingested it and their body isHe has adapted and tolerate her;For example in Africa I believe that lactose tolerance is much less than in Europe.I believe (and it is my opinion) that a person descending from a more racially inbreasseful area whose ancestors have fed massively fuel and fat is much more prone than another whose ancestors have generally fed HC for 8000 years when inhabiting in areaswhere the Agrarian Neolithic Revolution arose (the Middle East).I believe that type 2 diabetes is a mixture of genetic predisposition + consumption habits.And I repeat that it is my opinion, lest TNT be angry.If a person with genetic tendency less suitable than another to HC consumption inflates buns, fried potatoes and pop.Someone may inflate HC not being genetically prepared for it and is not obese because their metabolism is like a Ferrari and burns everything.But normally who consumes many HC without being suitable for this is usually diabetic type 2 and obese, more than anything because the energy that is not consumed accumulates in the form of fat.That is a biological law and an inheritance of our cavernicultural ancestors, which they did not eat in 3 days and needed to pull fat.I suppose that in a few thousand years our bodies will adapt to the junk lifestyle that we currently have.All the best!

-& GT;Roa

I celebrate that I look interesting what I have commented.I will tell you the first one thing: it is not you who have to adapt to diabetes but diabetes that have to adapt to you.You have to lose those kilos that you say you have won and be a healthy, optimistic and active person.What I am going to comment on do so in particular and taking into account my experience and my body, without necessarily being so in other people.Now that TNT has taken the trouble to go to the DRAE and clarify very kindly what means capcious question, I will use some: is it logical that a person who has a shoulder dyslocado plays a 4 -hour tennis game?Is it logical that a Churrasco Coma and Cene Cochinillo?So why is it that a person who has problems correctly metabolizing glucose inflated carbohydrates?I am not saying that carbohydrates should not be taken because if I said that I would be crazy since we would enter cetosis and our body would begin to devour himself;What I am saying is that I do not understand why a type 1 diabetic has to take more carbohydrates than someone who is not and not the same when what characterizes precisely a diabetic is that he has problems to metabolize them.A diabetic has to eat like anyone who is not, and must both take care and give up flours and sugars.

I see that sometimes my family members have a salad or eat soup with a fillet.Why can't I and have to eat 6 rations of potatoes according to my doctor?6 rations!300 grams of potatoes, which is a potato the size of a melon!And if we put ourselves we can accompany it for dessert with a good curd and snack 3 cookies with quince and a glass of milk, lest we stay without hydrates.No problem, we get a chutazo of 14 units of Apidra and voila.The mysterious thing is that then at 9 at night beforedinner has 280 sugar.How strange ... Of course diabetes is unpredictable, goes up and down when you want, it does what you want.Come now!What happens is that this person will have been zamped in a while and when the apidra has finished effect, it will still have a ball size of the size of Mars on the stomach formed of curd, quince, cookies, potatoes and milk that will continue to digest withoutinsulin and pouring glucose to the blood.To keep the appropriate glucose levels having zampado that animated we surely have to put another chutazo in the middle of 4 more units and already add 18. Then we had 6 rations of spaghetti with tomato (of that fried with sugar) that becomes adish that weighs so much that you bend your wrists accompanied by a banana and resopone that can be a glass of cash juice with cookies.In total another 15 units of Apidra.Mysteriously the next day we will get up in 324 because of the damn alba effect and not for being at 4 in the morning digesting spaghetti without the effect of the rapid.So in a few hours we have quietly zampado 16 portions of carbohydrates that put on a scale could be 4 kilos of food and to compensate for it we have gotten more than 25 units of Pidra.Tremendous!To compensate for that brutality of food and not be dusty at 10 years of being diabetics you have to lower those levels and put them around 100 so you have to compensate it with a lot of insulin that transports that glucose to the cell.The problem is that the cell no longer needs energy so accumulates it in the form of fat.It is logical, it is a tool of the human body inherited from thousands of years ago and that is that what you have left over to when you need it, because 120000 years ago you could not go to Mercadona to buy a rabbit when hunger enters you.Or you may also have good luck and your metabolism is like a Ferrari and you burn it, something unlikely but not impossible.Of course, with the 20 portions I was starting to put Zepelin and now with 10 I have enough energy to study, go running even in winter with ice and snow, going out with my partner and developing a perfectly normal life, and I am not in thebones;Weight 77 kg.

Roa, what you have to do is eat what the body asks for and accompany it of the insulin necessary to correctly keep your levels around 90-100 mg/dl which is what a healthy person has.And exercise again if you liked it of course.And I remember: meat-embutations, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, cheese, milk, vegetables, legumes, rice and potatoes.Outside flour, bollacs and sugars.And the carbohydrates that you eat that are the ones that ask for the body and those that you need, not 1 kilo of potatoes a day because yes.Courage and greeting.


I agree with you.I do not intend to impose my truth on anyone, I simply comment my experience and do it selflessly in case I can help someone.And surely there are many things that I do not know today and I can learn them from other people.In fact I would like to understand the relationship between food, that is, how they influence each other depending on whether they have more fat, more fiber etc, and in that I walk lately.If TNT wants to eat more rations and think differently to me in many ways seems very good to me if it is his decision and is comfortable with his life, he would be missing.As I commented either as just carbohydrates between hours.I usually take nuts that have few HC and are very beneficial or if I'm going to run I take a cookie at most.


What is not enriching at all is your attitude.And neither do I intend to be sorry for anyone, as you hint, much less to you.I am not a cry.The appreciations you make about type 2 diabetesI just told Owash.I have not said that type 2 diabetes is caused by obesity, you should review your reading comprehension.What I said is that it is usually common for a type 2 diabetic to be obese.It is one thing to be related and another cause-effect.Now, what are no obese types?Of course, and obese without type 2 diabetes. In this there is a genetic and racial relationship as I told Owash.But the most common is that both phenomena are related.

Of course, I dare to say what a food and a ration of HC uploads, at least in me and I intuit that in others it is similar.What is not similar is the glucose units that each insulin unit goes down in each person.That is not general to all but depends on each person.There are people who to compensate for a ration need 2 units of Apidra, another 1, others not even 1 ... but yes, a ration goes 50 and I bought it several times when I have had some hypoglycemia of 50. I like a ration andIt turns out that then I have 100. And specifically a cookie of those does not upload 30 but 28. And who says 26 says 36 or 22. I know, apart from the cagcles, because the same one night I go to bed with 80, I take a cookiethat I suppose it will rise to me 28 and I get up with 105. In fact, all insulin calculations do them based on my preprandial level and the amount of food, taking as good and reliable that a ration always rises 50 and that1 Apidra unit I get what lowers me and that can be different from what lowers another.
Another thing that denotes your bad reading understanding is that of rebellion.To begin with, I do not call rebellion but to self -knowledge, to do what feels good about each of us and not do because they send it to us what comes badly.And I still say that a person who has just debuted cannot be guided by the advice of another until he has the right knowledge to understand everything and be able to manage herself because if she did, she could suffer hypoglycemia or severe hyperglycemia.First learn and then decide.But at first we have to go hand in hand with a doctor, who for that for other things to assume responsibility for his patient's health.That is why an auxiliary charges more than an auxiliary, because he has more responsibility and in his hands are the rights of the people and if he puts his leg his hair falls.Have I explained now with enough clarity?

"The glycemia values ​​that you advise to have better do not say anything, I do not escape what you should not" how!Is it bad to have blood glucose between 80 and 100 mg/dl?I have an average of 86 and I'm still alive.Why if a healthy person has a glucose of 92 a diabetic has to have it 170 on average?For me you can escape what you want.If you want to keep your glucose at levels that destroy your organs is your will and your responsibility.

“Change your initial diet prescribed by a doctor of 6-1-6-1-6 (20 rations of HC/day) to 5-2-3 (10 rations of HC/day) and showing it to me seems to meA very serious issue. "I invite you to read what I have told Roa.To me the diet of 20 portions of HC does like me a very serious issue since in the long run it was going to become a 95 kilos zeppelin and to have a much worse hemoglobin than I have.The doctor can have many theoretical knowledge about diabetes but another thing is practice and live with her.And if 20 portions of HC came bad to me, I don't know them.And if they come good 10, then as 10 and point, that simple.I only know that I am still alive and whenever the endocrine gives me the analyzes, it tells me that I am perfect.By the way, I do not drink alcohol except from time to time a glass of wine or a short of beer.And that of calories is a mamarrachada like the cup of a pine.Sugar has manycalories and a null nutritional value.What is needed is more bilogy, more common sense and less articles of magazines of marujonas with the body of All Bran de Kellogs.

“What I am going to say has nothing to do with the fact that it has been having diabetes for more or less years... You seem quite pyliler ”to tell the truth I don't care as much as you think of me, I have many things to worry before.I regret that you do not like my style and my advice.It is already known, it never rains to everyone's taste.All the best.

-& GT;Neihs

Of course, you don't have to put everything in the same bag, there are bad things and very bad things.The industrial pastries is poison since it combines sugars and fats "trans" (artificial unsaturated fatty acids).It is pure and hard poison, without more.When he referred to "rich things" referred to what is generally considered the common of mortals as something rich, and that refers above all to the sweet.Logically, if you make the dough at home, the dough being a food in my way of seeing negative, of course it has absolutely nothing to do with an industrial bollaco involved in a transparent paper with yellow letters.I once also take some flour or pasta, although very rarely.You do very well to use natural tomato because the fried tomato that comes in cardboard box usually brings a lot of sugar.And the eggs, which have been demonized for decades have nothing negative, moreover, are even beneficial along with the exercise to raise good cholesterol or HDL.And more of the same with the jam, a good town jam made with homemade products is not similar to trash confit and full of trans and preservatives of a supermarket.Among the bad things there are that they are poison and there are not good, although eating them on few occasions are not so harmful.By the way, I congratulate you for taking that dedication in the kitchen.It is a value that is being lost more every day as society falls into the majadería and in easy and materialistic life.

-& GT;MARÍA2542006

I'm glad you found a way to eat what you like.That is what I mean when I say that in diabetes you have to self -understand and not do what they tell you why.With respect to hypoglycemia when at first I had them always took what the hospital leaves brought me, which used to be a ton of carbohydrates with cash juice.When I asked the doctor the reason why he was later so high, he told me that it was the "rebound effect."Until I discovered that nothing bounced and that if I was 50 and took a glass of cash juice and 3 cookies it was normal for it to have 200And I put myself in 80 and there is no rebound effect or anything like it.It seems to me that in diabetes there are many "effects" that seek to give explanation to what is not understood.All the best.

-& GT;Alea

I am with you that each diabetes is a world.Not all people weigh and measure the same, we have the same stress, the same obligations, we do the same sport, we have the same age and hormonal boiling, or we have the same stomach capacity.Each is a separate world.I only tell my experience in case you can serve someone.As for insulin bombs I do not know the subject because I do not use it.I regret if I have given you the impression of wanting to sit chair.Obviously, each and every one of the people believe that what we do is correct and I personally understand my way of understanding the disease has helped me a lot to control it and greatly carefree from it.I only wishTelling my experience and what I believe because it has worked for me in case you can help someone.I have no phobia to carbohydrates, in fact they are necessary not to enter ketosis.But I do have a phobia to eat a kilo of potatoes a day and gain 15 kilos.The hydrates yes, but to the extent that they come good to each one and I feel HC of carbon of the good and not industrial pastries and chucheías.The nuts have HC (especially the chestnuts that I love), the legumes too, the fruit too, the potato too, the rice too, and I of all that I take.But I take it moderately, not a kilo of potatoes a day.Eating 20 rations of HC a day seems to me a real madness, and making a diet in which 60% are HC seems another.All the best.

Well today that it is a party and I had free time, I'm glad I could respond to everyone.Greetings.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 1:30 p.m.
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TNT is very respectable your opinion, like all, but I have not yet read any buried in this thread, on the contrary, the opinion and dagaz experience seems respectable and quite coherent, there are the results.Another thing is that we are worth all, that is something else.Do not disqualify what does not match your life or your lifestyle or your way of seeing life or diabetes.It helps me to see how other diabetics get good control, I learn from the experience of others even if it does not agree one hundred percent.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/08/2010 4:32 p.m.
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Well, to my gathering an hypo with 1 cookie it seems certainly daring ... I have the diabetes of my 12 -year -old daughter, for 7, I try to adjust what I can, but of course my 7 -year experience allows me to comment that in diabetes 1+1 They are almost never 2. I hope!Then with my acquaintances I would have this under control and I would like.In spite of my care, my pesos, my rations, my headaches, my reveals, my learning, my minilink, etc., sometimes, like yesterday, go and we find a 33 breakfast post when nothing presaged it.Nii extra exercise, no disease, no holy that raised it (Ahhhh, and that throws the first stone that is created free of certain files x) .... I usually get very prudent by tracing hypos, 1 ration of HC, quicks and s rapids andWhen 1/2 ration of slow begins to rise, enough to ensure that your glycemia rises what is necessary and that it will be maintained, without fear of having rebounds and with the assurance that it will not keep the hiccThe diabetees is very treated, and that as much as we are disabled, our pancreas does not work, we supply insulin externally, and sometimes the body does not behave as we hope, and believe me that I have knowledge of cause to speak like this.That I have suffered 2 serious hypoglycemia, to my liking, in my daughter's body ... and with respect to maintaining the levels with an average of 86, ole for you, and I tell you from the heart, I have not been able toGet or with a continuous meter that tells me glycemia every 5 minutes ... Of course, it must be because for me the quality of life is so important, that I understand how to make a life as normal as possible, how not to suffer certain risks...
With respect to the rations of HC, S, regardless of whether you want to eat 5 or 2, it seems to me.6 rations at dinner could perfectly be 4 tablespoons of rice and 1 banana, come on, nothing compared to a potato the size of a melon ...

Anyway, with respect to how you carry the diabetes, what do you do, what you eat and how you eat it, but that a newly debuted between and read that 1 cookie rises 26 and that a hicc is rises with that, then, well, then, thenIt will be that no .... an hypo rises with rapid absorption hydrates first, and then slow absorption hydrates ... if possible enough so that you do not have a rebound, and independently that each one findsWhat is best.

Velia's profile photo
12/08/2010 6:36 p.m.

De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1


I love reading this post, you are all contributing very interesting things, each one tries to carry this as well as possible, nobody I think does it lightly, I am also one of those who points everything but everything, over time and not thanks toMy endo I found out that my daughter does not upload the cooked potato that fried or that pasta or rice, I have my particular method that surely did not go well.Many things that you have put would have put them too, even if I do not express myself so well;), As for the portions I do it either as they told us in the hospital, that for example there were 4 rations and the snack: 150 gramsof fruit (pear, apple), milk with light cocoa and 2 maria cookies, for my daughter that was 1 barbarity, what I do is adapt it to what you see that you are going to eat well, for example 1 80 grams snack, andShe will take care of it with the skating or swimming or jumps that hits in the park every afternoon, at dinner they don't seem too many portions because 1 vegetable plate of 150 grams of potatoes is normal, your fish and her flesh,That accompanied by 1 yogurt or 1 banana, it is good dinner, at least I see it well for 1 child who is in full growth, such as giving 1 plate of 4 or 5 portions pasta if dinner is 5.5 portions, II'm not going to grow but my daughter is times that I would eat at my feet.
The bollacs you comment because no, it is not good for my girl or anyone who eats them daily but if my daughter 1 day you feel 1 donuts to snack because I give it to him, not everyone (neither would I give it toThe little one who does not have diabetes), but that for his emotional balance or I don't know how to say it is important and for this diabetes to go well, he has to be body and soul in good condition.
I suppose that if I would happen to me it would be different or not, that I also like some whim from time to time but thinking about children you have to be more flexible, as long as everything is in clear order ...

lucinere's profile photo
12/09/2010 6:04 a.m.
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