I take white bread, or cloud or seed flour/nut flour that I do, it depends on the moment of day, blood glucose, and what I feel like
What bread eat?
I take white bread, or cloud or seed flour/nut flour that I do, it depends on the moment of day, blood glucose, and what I feel like
DM1 desde abril 2006. 33años
Fiasp a demanda
Dexcom G6
Última HbA1c: 6% (junio)
Good Alicia!
If you have high cholesterol I don't think it's for bread.In any case you can use a 100% integral bread with the low glycemic index to have good control the two hours after the puncture.On the other hand to lower the glycemic index of white bread I recommend you toast it.
All the best!
27 años. Diabético tipo 1 desde los 7 años
Tresiba 24 u.
NovoRapid: ratio 1ui-1ch. Mañanas 1.5ui-1ch
hA1c: 5,7%
aliciaalicia said:
hello everyone !!I have to control the cholesterol and as in the morning whole bread of mold but they have told me that it has more fats than the bar and I wondered if someone dares to do at home whole wheat bread and if I could give the recipe.
Thank you!.
The bread ..... bread, has no fat, only water, flour, salt and yeast, industrial breads have everything ...
DM3c desde 2018; hb 6 % (feb.. 2022) (tresiba+fiasp+metformina)
I take it without gluten, and the truth is that I miss the white bread of a lifetime.It is not that it is very much to eat bread but it is not the taste of bread, bread :)
DM1 desde Julio 1992 (con 11 años).
Bomba Medtronic 780G con Novorapid.
HbA1c: 5,9% (Octubre 2022), TIR 91%