{'en': 'Good night ... And what "Hartitos" we are !!!', 'es': 'Buenas noches... y qué "hartitos" estamos!!!'} Image

Good night ... And what "Hartitos" we are !!!

06/02/2017 10:04 a.m.

@"Runing50" "The people who are willing are looking for life", it is true.However, I totally agree with @"sigsauer" in which there are all kinds of people and situations.And any generalization is inadequate.Each person has their priorities, due to body conditions, sensitivity, loads or socio-economic-family obligations, etc.And you can't get to everything.
greetings :-)

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06/02/2017 10:57 a.m.

Good day.It is true, each one has its circumstances.But we also know that the first thing is health, so prioritizing exercise is necessary for good control.I bought an elliptical bike for years ago (the best invention in the world).Due to knee problems I only make 15 minute daily.I assure you that those fifteen minutes spread, because when I spend a week without doing so they begin to climb the glycemia ... So more shoes!

Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.

06/02/2017 11:25 a.m.

Of course, @"Solaria" I agree with you that first is health, at least for me.And that is why I do not do the exercise that many others say that it is good for them, because for my health it is good in another degree and another type.To these circumstances, among many others, I referred to me :-)


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06/05/2017 8:24 a.m.

@"Imara" do not be misunderstood, I just want to deduce my experiences in case you can help someone and encourage these people who are undecided for not finding time since I think it will be helpful.Of course there are many people who do not like or cannot do sports and I would not think of recommending it, you only lacked that, on top of having to avoided aunt this throughout life, the poster of "athlete" for force.

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06/05/2017 7:17 p.m.

@"Runing50" :-) If I agree in the benefits of the exercise :-) But it is a matter of possibilities of many types, as I said before;Surely those who cost them and can the animas:-D There are times that we interpret things a bit according to the dosses ;-)
What happens is that it has been hard to change many things.Before, until four years ago I started to fatigue me a lot, I often exercised: two -hour mountain walks was the minimum and easy;I skimmed on the street about six or seven hours a week, climbing and lowered stairs two by two without meanting ... the years that a birthday weighs, of course, but to the levels that I have had to reduce it is not a matter of age, butof diabetes linked to personal characteristics.
That is why it is important that we share experiences but not to compare to anyone, but to take what serves us always from the listening and respect of one's body.


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06/06/2017 11:49 a.m.

Insulin fattens, that's so.Every time your body has an insulin peak, it begins to generate reserves and store (fat), in our case, our pancreas does not regulate these insulin peaks so every time we click, we have the peak.I have read here many people who use insulin happily to be able to eat everything that they want and honestly, I do not think that is nothing good, but that is another issue.
In my case, on the subject of the two -year -old kg here I took 15kg without varying my diet or anything, at first I packed it that I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism but my surprise was when even having already regulated the thyroid, I kept taking weight.Now I have managed to download 13kg and the first thing the new endocrine told me is that by putting the slow insulin at night I was favoring that my body would generate and save grease he alone, the pattern has changed to me in the morning and this along with a dietFree of fat and low in hydrates I am going down.The cholesterol has also lowered me, which was something that worried me a lot and that I did not understand, because I ate very healthy but everything was because of the fats that I was storing.Anyway, this is my experience, as you say, each person is a world.
Greetings to all!

DM1 desde 1990 - Fiasp y Toujeo - HG: 6,1

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