Good day to all!
I encourage one of my first post about this thread :)
Fortunately I have never lost knowledge or had to use glucagon in 21 years of diabetes, but it is a couple of months or three, I had an important scare.
I use threeiba and from time to time I have seasons where I am more fair at night.
I had a couple of nights correcting the basal, but in one of them (it is understood that the decrease in units was not yet enough) I woke up at 6:30 am, to use the juice that I keep on the bedside table.
Next, what I remember is that I started shouting as a hysterical authentic, and I could not control it.I launched pillows and asked the glucagon to my partner.
It was an extremely unpleasant feeling because there was a part of me that told me that I was already taking the juice, that nothing happened ... while on the other I could not control the screams ...
A feeling of not being able to respond from myself.Finally, the situation is releasing although it cost me three juices, and a good time ...
When I recovered the sanity a little and I could analyze the Freestyle curve had been from 1: 00-2: 00 am in hypoglycemia.The curve was flat and red.
The fact is that I woke up because it had been dreaming for a while that was low on a train platform, and I had no juice to take my mouth.
I imagine that I had been with hardly any glucose in the body so many hours that reacts such an aggressive way.Sometimes I get very irascible when I am in hypoglycemia, but from there to that level I was ...
I didn't even know what he did or what he said.When I had the scare, my partner had already commissioned the Nightrider, and I still apologize for that embarrassing performance, hahahaha.
A lot has always been involved and the scare I gave him was tremendous ...
Since then, and as some partner has said, I have been much more aware of how primordial the time is in the performance of hypoglycemia, because until then I also thought that to some extent that kind of situations were "under my control."