{'en': 'Can you give me a homemade pizza recipe?', 'es': '¿Me dais una receta de pizza casera?'} Image

Can you give me a homemade pizza recipe?

elisa74's profile photo   03/11/2021 6:12 p.m.

I pizza, the few times that I take it now, always home 100% and I have relegated it totally at noon, also as long as I know that I can take a good walk later ...

Type 1 if you get the units of insulin great, but I, if not walking right after (sometimes not yet), I do not book a hyper that usually takes long to go down.

And what I miss most is the erratic behavior of my pancreas, because some strange time I have become as good as if I had eaten a liby fillet.

anif's profile photo
03/19/2021 6:57 p.m.

DM2 (2019)


Have you tried to take a walk before eating and another in the afternoon?
In the end we did the test with the comprehensive spelled flour of the Gallo brand and put 355g (we could surely have put more but as I read what happened to @Elisa74 we did not risk so that it was not hard).The dough did not go too much but I think that the water was too hot instead of temperate.At dinner time I had 84, take 4.5 HR and punctuI woke up with 87. Seeing the graphics is a much flatter curve with this flour, the truth that the taste is quite similar to that made with normal flour, that if, being integral the color is a little more ugly but well I think it deservesThe penalty seeing the curves ... so we will try again without heat the water

lalonsoa's profile photo
03/20/2021 3:23 p.m.
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@Lalonsoa How good!

I like how the dough is with spelled flour (I use Mercadona).

Maybe the times I have been more active before eating are the times that it has not uploaded to me (as I said before, some rare), I'm not sure ...

And of course, as I do not accompany with salad, I get much more ...

anif's profile photo
03/20/2021 4:25 p.m.

DM2 (2019)


@Lalonsoa As I am glad that this dough has gone well, I have not tried again, to see if the weekend I do, what yeast did you put it?I think that I did not upload me for yeast, at home we have always been to make homemade pizza and always use fresh pressed yeast, but this time I didn't have and put dust.By the way do you just click 1.5u quickly for dinner?My son takes 5R and the endocrine pattern is 7 fast for dinner although lately 6 because we see that it is doing well.

elisa74's profile photo
03/20/2021 10:39 p.m.
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At home I do a low carbohydrate pizza every Sunday.The base would be:

* 168G Rallado Mozarella cheese (one that does not have carbohydrates, I personally like the black package of Carrefour)
* A tablespoon (25-30g) of Philadelphia.

We put those two ingredients in a microwave bowl and put it 1 minute until we melt and mix.


* 85g of almond flour (I buy those of Happy Belly de Amazon)
* Salt to taste

Optionally (here what you want, I will put what I take and why):

* Xantana rubber, 3/4 of teaspoon of coffee (this gives the mass consistency and allows you to catch it with your hand as if it were a normal pizza.
* Nutritional yeast (this is visually as if it were oatmeal, but it is not oatmeal nor is it yeast like the one we know. It brings a lot of vitamin B and there are with B12 that are highly recommended for diabetics).It also gives a taste of cheese that is very rich.I use it for salads and many other things.
* Spells type powder, Italian spices ... anything that gives you a flavor (although in case the dough is tasty).

We mix well.If the cheese got hard again, it can be given a microwave blow without problems, but it is not usually necessary.If the Xantana rubber was thrown out, it will cost to mix (it is a thickener).

We throw an egg and here I already recommend integrating it with your hands.

The dough will be somewhat sticky, so you throw more almond flour (by eye) and keep mixing.If you are still sticky you throw a little more.In total next to 85g before, 120-150g of almond flour can fall.

You extend it (I like to extend it between 2 baking papers, so I don't man), you click with a fork and baked 10 minute (210 degrees) until it is golden brown.

We take it out and throw the ingredients we want and for the oven until we see that it is at our point.

In total 40-50 minutes from when you start until you feel to eat.

The base itself can have 13-15g of complete hydrates.The ingredients that we put on you would be there.

It is a pizza joy, it is rich, glycemia barely moves and being almonds, gives two people, and if you stretch the dough a lot, until there is plenty of.

Foxandxss's profile photo
03/21/2021 11:53 a.m.
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I write a second message, because looking for a photo I remembered something perfect for that pizza monkey.Although I already tell you, the recipe before I do every Sunday without exception.

Pizza to the pan:

100g grated cheese (Cheddar, although Mozarella should be used) in a bowl and heat it to the microwave (as in the other pizza).

We throw 3 tablespoons of almond flour and mix and then another 2 tablespoons (5 in total) and mix again.

Here we can optionally spoke or something, but really with those 2 ingredients it goes well.

We extend this dough in a large pan (24cm or more) and put the pan over medium low heat and see how it is being done.While it is done, we extend tomato, we put the ingredients that we want and cover the pan about 3 minutes.Once you see that everything is cooked (you can precondinate some things before if you want) because we throw some Mozarella and cover again until we see the cheese already melted.

We take it out and eat.Total, 10 minutes or 15 at most.

Give the hit totally.

Foxandxss's profile photo
03/21/2021 11:59 a.m.
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Thank you very much @anif, I will try with Mercadona's flour when this is spent.I didn't know the salad helped.

@Elisa74 I used 15 g of fresh yeast (which comes 2 25g taquitos of the Mercadona), always use that for what I think it could be that I put more time when the water in the microwave was heated.If I am below the objective values ​​at night I sulked 1.5U for the 4.5Rh that I take, if I am in rank (which is usually 80% of the time for dinner) I mark me 2u.At breakfast I am more similar to your child I take 5Rh and I have to click 6.5U.

@Foxandxss thanks for the recipe, what a pint it has !!, on the subject of allergies ... Do you know if you can change almond flour for another?

lalonsoa's profile photo
03/21/2021 2:36 p.m.
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@lalonsoa I wouldn't know what to tell you.There are not many flours that have conversion 1: 1 with that of wheat.It is a shame about allergies yes.

My girlfriend (the person with diabetes) was also allergic, but by suppressing gluten, it seems that he has no allergy.

Foxandxss's profile photo
03/21/2021 2:40 p.m.
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Here for some time, Altramuz flour has become very fashionable.

It is basically protein!

I don't know if you will have allergy but it can be an alternative to almond flour.

You have to be careful with the quantities, so as not to spend much with proteins.

jldiazdel's profile photo
03/21/2021 3:04 p.m.

DM1 desde Marzo 2018 (53 años). 7-10 unidades basal: Abasaglar (insulina glargina). NovoRapid. Factor 1.0/1.5.
Vivo en Alemania. CarboH total dia 70-80 gr. Deporte Gym todos dias L-V 1h-2 h
HbA1c 5,5% (Abril 2022)
Dexcom G6


Thank you very much @jldiazdel and @foxandxss for the answers, I could take both but my boyfriend neither of the two flours but I sign it for when you are not going to take them with him.

lalonsoa's profile photo
03/23/2021 8:40 p.m.
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@Foxandxss thank you very much for your recipes !!What a currada !!!Do I sign up both, by the way where do you buy nutritional yeast?

elisa74's profile photo
03/23/2021 11:21 p.m.
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@lalonsoa my partner (the person with diabetes) was allergic to everything (mango, almonds, nuts, peach ...) and was to leave gluten and now be able to eat all that.He had the permeable intestine.Now you can eat 6-7KG of almonds a year as little.

@Elisa74 Any herbalist usually has.I personally buy it on Amazon and the truth is that I take it in anything because it gives a very rich flavor and a lot of vitamin B

Foxandxss's profile photo
03/24/2021 10:33 a.m.
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Thank you very much for the info @foxandxss, I'm glad that you can take your partner for some of that.

lalonsoa's profile photo
03/25/2021 1:03 p.m.
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Well yesterday I finally made homemade pizza and it was very good, I put the amounts I put:
or 200 gr of 100% integral spelled flour
or 15 gr of olive oil
or 125 ml of warm water
or 12 gr of fresh bakery yeast
or half a teaspoon of salt
The 200 gr of flour was equivalent to about 12 HR, after waiting for the dough to pierce it and it was about 311 gr, so I divided it into 3 balls of 100 gr and told that each ball were 4Rh, I used one and the othersTwo froze them.
The filling was very simple, a crushed natural tomato Orlando, Jamon York and Mozarella grated ... came out spectacular.As I had read that sometimes the pizza can go up at hours because nothing more dinner was punctured (at that time it was in 122) ... error .... The truth is that the posterior curve was fine but at 2 hoursHe put in 66 (according to the sensor), gave him half juice and cookies and already traced and the stable night, the next time the insulin will be pricked before dinner as always.

elisa74's profile photo
04/04/2021 12:13 a.m.
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How rich, patent it !!: p

Alberto_13's profile photo
04/04/2021 7:19 p.m.

DM3c desde 2018; hb 6 % (feb.. 2022) (tresiba+fiasp+metformina)


1kg flour
50 g fresh or 13g yeast yeast
50 cc.Oil (8 tablespoons)
600 cc approx.Warm water
2 tablespoons of salt
1 tablespoon of sugar
Salsa or puree of tomatoes
Recipe rating

Pizza preparation:
1. In a container crumble the fresh washing or directly add the dry and add 4 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon and 100cc (½ glass) of warm water, mix everything very well and let stand for 10 minutes to activate the yeast

2. Place the flour in another container leaving a hole in the middle and adds the salt and the mixture of yeast and the oil in the center

3. Little by little, the warm water is colored and the ingredients mixing from the center of the hole to outside, kneads for 20 minutes (the more you love the better) until the dough has a chiclosa consistency and sticks a little to the fingers

4. Let the dough stand for 30 to 40 minutes until it doubles its volume

5. He hits the dough with force to get the gas produced by the yeast

6. With the help of a roller and fingertiff

7. Add the pizza tomato sauce and take it to the oven with a temperature of 200 250 degrees for 10 minutes

And voila!You can already add the cheese and other ingredients to your liking just put it in the oven for pizza until the cheese is brown.

Source: Pizza recipe at home

fermin's profile photo
10/10/2023 8:30 a.m.
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elisa74 said:
tomorrow will make 14 days that my son debuted, the truth is that he is doing it phenomenal.

What is costing the most is the issue of food but does not complain and eats what touches him.

I would like to reward him for all his effort and make him a homemade pizza that can eat, I know that it is not the healthiest but it is something punctual and I know that he will encourage him a lot.

I have bought comprehensive flour, spelled flour ... but not proportions, if someone could give me a cable I would appreciate it !!!


In case I serve you "false pizzas" with Mexican pancakes if they are better integral not to make a sharp climb

Alejandromonsi's profile photo
10/10/2023 8:44 p.m.
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