marine said:
good !!!@Aler and @davidcasinos for allusions.
I started curlying the diet and learning it for myself.Seeing that my basal insulin needs increased and that it also increased insulin resistance was something that I did not understand and that although I asked they did not know how to respond.There was always something that I was doing wrong ...
I am currently supervised by a professional and for now, I am reaching the same results .. that is.Initially my nutritionist paid me a lowcarb 50-60g HC daily where I had to download 4UI of Tresiba and where I did not even need fast insulin in the food and my average was 100, that I did not even believe it and that ...
Subsequently when we have increased the fats to make it Keto, again to the trades ... again upload those units of threeiba .. again have late peaks of hyperglycemia etc etc etc, so I reached the same conclusion when it was only in theRoad that when I have been accompanied.
What is the failure?What makes the Keto so black box that nobody knows how to answer directly what happens ????What happens ... what happens to me only?Well .. to me and 2 more diabetic companions like me than when the fats have increased in their diet has happened to them exactly the same? ..
It is not the subject of gluconeogenesis because the amount of protein is controlled is more .... I notice glycemic climb when the origin of the protein is pig or chicken and when it is salmon or white fish I barely have rebound.
This reminds me of that song of ... the fault was from the cha cha chá.
PS: I am not against the Keto is more what I want to know is what really happens and I do not think that the solution is to read 3 or 4 books that are talking about the Keto to understand and know how my body manages the daily macronutrients thanI give him in a 1800kcal diet.
I particularly do not always use a fixed basal number, I think this happens to you in general, that is, more or less stress, more or less exercise, this number can change.
In my case, only as an example I tell you, I fast 16h 18h or what I need according to my day and I feel like it since I do not consider it a fast, it comes out naturally.My meals only do two, the first is the strongest in protein, healthy fats and some vegetables, this is during the day you can always observe it as your glucose changes or not, if it is raising then correcting plenty.
The second one at the night, although I usually do it too early, you have to be more care more than anything because you go to bed, especially when you start in ketYou put your insulin does not have to happen, in my case I tell you that I have no alarms on, there are days that I get in bed 50 or 60 of blood glucose, hehehe crazy ... I would have said years ago, now I say .... what happened, when I get up I am with 80, 90 or 100.
It is important to be active, this is sure that you do, move is key, we are in what we are oto, lowcarb, etc.
Our body will tend to create glucose, it has not removed it, I want to create it, be it from fat, carbs, or proteins, or the same stored in our liver, the same that so many readings gives us when it sends us glucose, by the waywonder.
I hope to help you, in my case I assure you that I do not miss carbs, there is very high food in delicious nutrients, carrying this is very simple, finding food in many restaurants to which I go that are many is simple, very simple.
On what you comment on the fats, you may have insulin that acts on that longer digestion, the fiasps are very short, for the carbs of course phenomenal, I do not use them, longer novorapid better.
Fat is synonymous withEnergia, a slow but very effective energy, which takes to digest, for that reason you may have that change, slowing down the digestion many people get the same benefit without putting fat, or using less.