{'en': 'Type 2 diabetes mellitus', 'es': 'Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2'} Image

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Nube's profile photo   09/28/2010 7:37 a.m.

I open this post about type 2 diabetes mellitus, all of us who are lucky to have been detected, I say so because there are many who suffer from it and do not know and then how logical is bad experiences.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes represents more than 90% of all cases of diabetes1.In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas may produce enough insulin, but the body cannot use it properly.This is known as insulin resistance.It is possible that at some point the pancreas will leave insulin.

Type 2 diabetes usually appears in adults, but can affect people of any age.

Among the risk factors or additional characteristics of type 2 diabetes are included:
• Diabetes family history
• Gestational diabetes history
• Obesity
• Race/ethnicity (for example, North American people of African origin, North American from Mexico, North American from the United States Pacific Islands, or American natives, although few investigations outside the United States have been carried out about the predisposition based on the basis based on the basisto the breed or ethnicity3)

As type 2 diabetes develops little by little and is often difficult to detect, many people are not diagnosed until several complications appear.A third of the diabetic people suffer from the disease without them being diagnosed still2.

Depending on its gravity, type 2 diabetes can be controlled only thanks to a healthy diet and physical exercise, oral medication or with the help of insulin injections, although in most cases the ideal is a combination of these therapies.Performing self -analysis of your blood sugar level can help you get the success of your therapy.

I put this page that I think is very interesting, if something seems bad to you just have to eliminate it.

Nube's profile photo
09/28/2010 7:37 a.m.

Diagnosticada en Agosto del 2009, solicite la curva de glucosa, diabetes melitus II, actualmente tomo Jentadueto, dos al día. Glicosilada 6,4


I'm glad you open the thread.Maybe there is not much movement at the beginning, but it is very important to have it.
A hug.

Velia's profile photo
09/28/2010 8:16 a.m.

De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1


From my point of view, infradiagnosis occurs for these reasons (among others):

- It does not exist (at least in Valencia) an adequate opportunistic screening policy (regularly testing people with greater chances of suffering from it: obesity, overweight, over 65, people with family history of DM2, women who have suffered SOP or diabetesgestational).

- The lie of altered basal glycemia: plasma glycemia in fasting greater than 110 mg/dl and less than 126 mg/dl.
That is an anomalous result that, discarded other organic causes, usually leads to non -diagnosed diabetes.

- Ineptitude/lack of time/lack of desire for primary schools

- Disinformation/disinterest/unconsciousness of society in general about health and diseases (chronic above all)

DiabetesForo's profile photo
09/28/2010 2:55 p.m.
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I know several cases of type 2 diabetes, the control they carry of the disease is very in their own way, this must be because they do not take it seriously, surely one day they will take a scare, my brother already took it and how thesaying: "scabies with pleasure does not it", I think that the first thing we should do what we have this disease is to mentalize that it is there and that it will not leave, and we must take care of ourselves so that it does not go anymore, it is a matter of discipline, that does notIt means that one day if we fancy an ice cream without, we take it.

In the Valencian Community I have not seen that they do a control at least in the SS, in the private one if I saw on one occasion in Adeslas that did controls, they even took the tension.

Nube's profile photo
09/29/2010 3:48 p.m.

Diagnosticada en Agosto del 2009, solicite la curva de glucosa, diabetes melitus II, actualmente tomo Jentadueto, dos al día. Glicosilada 6,4


Generalizing, type 2 are not usually aware of disease (I have a little sugar but nothing more) to which poor health care contributes (a blood glucose control per month in "fasting", nothing glycosilada, nothing education ....

Hunger joins the desire to eat :(

DiabetesForo's profile photo
09/29/2010 4:17 p.m.
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According to the lack of evidence, especially in possible patients with family history.
Referring to the fact that type2 carry the disease without too much care:
It is not my case but it is true that I conz several type2 that are not careful as they should, maybe it is because they have not yet seen the wolf's ears.
Many people usually cuded / control a lot when they debut and subsequently abandon daily control and healthy life.
My experience is that with a balanced diet and a lot of exercise you can carry the DM2 reasonably, in fact I only take 1 diamben up to date.

antoni's profile photo
10/08/2010 12:01 p.m.
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Hi Antoni:

Look, we are already two who take care of each other, I also take 1 Diamben pill a day.A few days ago I have given me the results of the last analytical, hemo in 5.8, descent from cholesterol and well .... Well, happy.

Nube's profile photo
10/08/2010 3:38 p.m.

Diagnosticada en Agosto del 2009, solicite la curva de glucosa, diabetes melitus II, actualmente tomo Jentadueto, dos al día. Glicosilada 6,4


Hello, I have introduced myself up.

My name is Carmen, I am 43 years old and yesterday I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

I tell you my case.

I have hypothyroidism from the age of 25 or so, I have obesity, asthma, sleep apnea, it seems that everything derived from hypothyroidism, and as of yesterday, diabetes ...

I carry in the endocrine all washed, controlled by the c abecara every 6 months and never ... never ... I have had problems with sugar.I have gone to a new endocrine to put myself on a diet, and I have made the glucose curve and apparently I am a diabetics, today I am a little discouraged, I see that you can lead a normal life, but now I face the challenge of weight lossAnd bring diabetes, I don't understand almost anything about the terms you use and I don't know what I have to ask my doctor to do.You can help me

Greetings and thanks

brujawena's profile photo
10/28/2010 5:11 a.m.
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Hi Carmen, I welcomed you in the presentation thread: Oops:

See you as in a short time you get with the terms and feel you like quiet ...

'Cheer up.

Velia's profile photo
10/28/2010 5:35 a.m.

De los buenos tiempos, siempre quiero más...
Mamá de Ángela, ¡16 añitos, fiera!. Debut: octubre de 2003.
Bomba insulina Medtronic Paradigm Veo desde junio 2005
Última hemo 6.1


Welcome Carmen:
With little you go through this forum, learn the meaning of all the teminology used in it.
There are many very valid people in this forum that will help you in all your doubts, with me they are doing it.
With reference to type 2 diabetes, if you do not really have it very uncontrolled with a reasonably strict diet and daily aerobic exercise, in many cases they do not depend on medication.

Many animals.

antoni's profile photo
10/28/2010 7:04 a.m.
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Hi Velia, Hi Antonio Hello everyone.
I am Extremadura.
As I tell you, they diagnosed me yesterday.I send me a diet for obesity and also for diabetes and told me to take half metformin by Lam Añana and a half for lan oche, tell you that I already took two at night for the polyquisical ovar syndrome, but leave it because it produced meSome horrible diarrhea, and yesterday I send it to me so that it will tole it better.

Today I have gone to my header, he has taken the sugar and I have 85. He told me that he does not believe it is diabetic and has given me the little machine to take it on an empty stomach for a week and see it again.

I have never ever had sugar in the tests that have done me on an empty stomach, in fact I have sometimes had something low, however in the glucose curve di 212 at two hours and says the endo that this is a universal symptom of diabetesType II.
You think that with the diet and walking I will have enough.

I suffer from S. O. Polyquisics, hypothyroidism, asthma, sleep apnea ... Enfin ... half asquito hehe I don't know if I have to tell you anything else for you to guide me.
Greetings and thank you all.

brujawena's profile photo
10/28/2010 8:46 a.m.
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It seems to me that if you are fasting every day, I think you are not diabetics.
I am type 2 and when they discovered it I was fasting every day at 170, 190. Nothing to do with your levels
The only experience that I have with the glucose curve, they did to my wife when she was in a barbecue, to see if she had gestational diabetes, came out a single positive index and made her repeat at three weeks, but at no time they told herI had diabetes.
Anyway, as I have told you before, there are people for this forum to give you their opinions, with more experience than me.

Greetings and animals

antoni's profile photo
10/28/2010 11:07 a.m.
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fasting blood glucose is only one more indicator, the most used but is only an indicator.

212 of glycemia 2 hours after eating, it means that you have a problem with glucose/insulin metabolism.
Glycosylated hemoglobin and gluteous curve is what will tell us if your glycemia are many days above normal values ​​and how your body works in food intake.
From there you have to look at the causes of type 2 diabetes and solutions.

Perhaps, an important weight loss largely reduces insulinators, so your glycemia would be normal.
I am sure that if you can lower weight significantly your blood glucose figures will be normalized.

Polyquisical ovary syndrome has high insulin resistance and is usually a marker to take into account for a future type 2 diabetes.
That is, the SOP increases blood glucose figures ... That is why metformin (Dianben) is usually prescribed to help improve blood glucose figures.

Take metformin always after eating, gastric discomforts should disappear in a few days.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/28/2010 5:37 p.m.
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Thanks Owash!and thanks to all

Glycosada hemoglobin I don't even know what it is ... and I don't know if my doctor knows it.At the moment the endocrine has not sent me more evidence, he has sent me a regime and that returns in three months.It has been when going to the doctor of C Abecera to tell him when the little machine has given me and all that, because in his opinion 212 is not like to be scared, although to take into account.

It seems that nim and thyroid or my sop give me truce and they are not regulated, so I have to throw with the fringes that are leaving, that from the 40 they have been enough.

A kiss

brujawena's profile photo
10/29/2010 5:59 a.m.
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BUENO ... interesting post ...

Very successful data and very diverse opinions ... I would only like to contribute something to the comment of lack of time / ineptitude / lack of desire ... (I would like to contribute much more that I am going to say, but in short ... everything toits due moment).Ineptos are everywhere, but the most serious problem is the management of resources (among other things with efforts that precisely encourage mediocrity).It hurts to read some things because I am a doctor, but they hurt me even more because I know that they are true.I would only ask that these accusations not be generalized since we are not all like that.

Today I don't have much time, I have recently arrived from my hospital ... When I can write something else about type 2 diabetes.

All the best.

pedro jiménez's profile photo
pedro jiménez
10/29/2010 6:15 p.m.
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Attacles in the center of the Diana, Pedro.
But with nuances.
Obviously I do not generalize, there are always good, regular and bad in all professions.

In the case of type 2 diabetes, all trilogy is together (not necessarily in order of importance):
- Absolute lack of control over primary doctors.
With the current therapeutic arsenal to treat type 2 diabetes have poorly controlled patients (discarding the patient's part) is to be inept and criminal.
But more inept and criminal are the hierarchical superiors who do not evaluate the performance and performance of people who have the health of the population in their hands, and also increases health expenditure.

- Ancient organization of health care.Patients do not need 10 minutes of consultation after 1 table and 1 computer every 2 months.
They need health education and that serve you in an integral way (most people with type 2 diabetes are pluripatological, especially metabolic syndrome).
And health education (diabetological) can only be done with a provision of human resources, specific plans, adequate local, accessible schedules (patients work), material means, coordination with their headmates, awareness of the health professionals themselves ...

Health assistance to chronic patients, ultimately.The current health system seems like a large emergency door that tries to solve the problems in the shortest possible deadline.

- Null health education in school.Adulthood is reached without knowing absolutely nothing of nutrition, of the human body, of the exercise ... the diseases seem always come from outside and that we cannot do anything (locus of external control, something dire for the control of diabetes).And that leads to difficulties in channeling and maintaining the daily treatment of patients.

: Shock ::-/ Jo, what a roll I've told.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/30/2010 3:14 a.m.
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I leave this link in case someone with DM2 could be interested:

DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/30/2010 6:54 a.m.
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Owash, you can say higher, but not clearer.

I subscribe point by point what you have exposed.


DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/30/2010 9:52 a.m.
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Well Owash ... you dared to say part of what I was not able to say ... I congratulate you and I see that you are quite put on the subject (you know the framework or chaos well ...).

I would like to add another problem about diabetes.Sometimes I call it "Metabolic situation for intelligent" (sorry for my constant uses of euphemisms, they are personal manias) and in this Owash, you will allow me to use you as an example.It is not just as easy to control in a patient who learns fast, who in people with low cultural level or difficulty in learning, would not be easy to control Owash as that of any of the characters of the movie "two very foolsdumb ".In general diabetes requires:

A) Knowing the disease almost as much as a qualified doctor (I insist: qualified)
B) Know yourself really

Imagine thus those people who by personal characteristics need more time of attention (typical glycades of 11 or more ...).Imagine all those who do not know how to navigate the web (before it was illiterate who did not make read, now the one who does not know a minimum of computer science).

Anyway, I don't get more ...

All the best

pedro jiménez's profile photo
pedro jiménez
10/31/2010 1:35 p.m.
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It is that education must be universal, for everyone, just that health is universal.

Educating in diabetes does not mean modeling behavior patterns (you teach a model and the patient copys it without further ado) but should be molded (taking a particular form in each case, adapting personal circumstances and characteristics).
This is the complicated, and even more in the current health system where there is almost everything but time.

The variable that most influences when designing an education process is not intellectual capacity but motivation and consequent adherence to treatment.
I have seen cases of women with gestational diabetes with an adherence to absolutely impeccable treatment and leading everything to the millimeter ... all because they have a clear objective and are motivated by their future offspring.It is also true that the effort to be made is limited in time, which helps keep it.

In type 2 diabetes it begins denying, in many cases, the existence of disease: "I have a little high sugar but nothing more" ... so it is difficult to assume self -care patterns and much less be receptive to new concepts or changes in stylesof life long established.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
10/31/2010 4:07 p.m.
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