In defense of low diets in HC

Erguiye's profile photo   10/17/2013 3:52 a.m.

Farstar said:
I still expect that scientific report, not nonsense.

Do not expect it, and do not give more pádor to this user whose intentions do not seem very honest.

GonzaloI's profile photo
10/22/2013 6:11 p.m.

DT1 desde 2002
Novorapid (a demanda con pauta 4-8-6) + Lantus (16)
Última glico 6,5
Colesterol e hipotiroidismo
Deportista aficionado de alta intensidad


Updated 08/29/2012
ERCOROR OCH SVAR OM BHCAG Here are some frequent questions and answers about the BHC -AG diet (carbohydrates low - high in fat)

Is the dangerous saturated fat?
No. That is an ancient and refuted theory.It has been a mistake from the beginning.
I started eating BHCAG / Very low in carbohydrates and I feel dizzy / headache / tired?
Maleos/headaches and symptoms similarly are common during the first week that your body adapts to a very low carbohydrate diet.These symptoms usually disappear in a few days.
Questions and Answers about BHCAG
Adding a little more carbohydrates from food reduces symptoms, but can delay adaptation (and weight loss).
Another possibility is that you are dehydrated/low in salt.When starting a very low carburetor there is an extra loss of salt and liquids through the kidneys in the first weeks, until the body adapts.Drinking some extra fluid and putting some excess salt at food during the first week can avoid this problem, often heals the symptoms.Alternatively, you can take some Buillon a couple of times a day.
Do you use blood pressure medications?A very low diet in carbohydrates can decrease blood pressure, and may need to reduce medications in that case.Low blood pressure can cause dizziness.
Why do Asians eat rice and are thin?
Probably because they don't eat much sugar or refined starch.
What about biliary calculations and BHCAG?
High fat foods can give you short -term problems, if you already have bile calculations.Foods with little fat gives you gallstones in the long term.
Can you eat low cookies in carbohydrates / bread / paste and lose weight?
That is not probably a good idea:
False cookies low in carbohydrates
FALSE LOW Bread in Carbohydrates
False low in paste carbohydrates
Does cancer produce eating red meat?
Highly unlikely, although preferring unprocessed meat is the healthiest option.Meat replacement with processed carbohydrates can be one of the worst things you can do for your health and weight.
Can hypothyroidism be caused in a very low diet in carbohydrates?
No, just in a low diet in well -formulated carbohydrates, which means that the energy of carbohydrates changes for eating more fat.In scientific studies on BHCAG there are no problems with the thyroid and I do not see new thyroid problems in my patients already strictly low in carbohydrates.
However, hunger can lead to hypothyroidism, and if carbohydrates are removed and the fat of your diet is hungry.So you have to eat carbohydrates or fat to feed your body.
In a nutshell: a BHCAG diet is very good for the thyroid.
Are there scientific evidence that BHCAG is good for blood/sugar/cholesterol/blood pressure?
There are studies that show greater weight loss in low carbohydrates diet sponsored by the meat industry or ATKINS foundation?
Yes, some of them are.But repeated independent studies show the same results.
Does insulin play a role in increase/weight loss?
Yes, it is absolutely crucial in most cases.Some bloggers have objections, but biochemical facts do not change.
Can you drink alcohol in BHCAG?
Of course, in moderate quantities.But beer and sweet drinks should be avoided.Choose wines or sugar -free spirits.
Is salt dangerous?
No. At least not in moderate quantities.
What is a good BHCAG breakfast exception of eggs?
Maybe this.
Can you eatfruit in bhcag?
Only occasionally, as an exception, if you want to be strict and get the maximum effect.The fruit contains a lot of sugar.The fruit is sweet by nature.

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Erguiye's profile photo
10/23/2013 3:39 a.m.
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More and more evidences point out that fats are not an 'enemy'

The world Cristina G. Lucio Madrid Wednesday 10/23/2013 05:09 time

During the last decades, they have appeared on the list of the 'main enemies' of health.Its consumption has demonized, underpinned by a long risk list, and have not stopped growing the strategies to combat them.However, for a while to this part, fats are beginning to be redeemed by science.
Several recent investigations have pointed out that it may be time to take away the 'stigma' of harmful.And not only because of the finding that there are many types of fat (it is not the same to take olive oil, whose cardiosaludable properties have been ratified; to ingest those known as trans fatty acids, present in many processed foods and whose risks have also beenproven);but because there is more and more evidence that, in general, fats are not the main culprits of the epidemic of cardiovascular diseases.
"The apparently logical relationship between food consumption and accumulation of body fat has staggered," said José María Ordovás, director of the Nutrition and Genomic Laboratory of the USDA-Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging a few months agoUniversity of Tufts (USA) and one of the main experts in the area.
It also coincided with his point of view a few weeks ago, Dariush Mozafarian, co -director of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Program of Harvard University that, visiting the National Cardiovascular Research Center, pointed out the following: "In the 60s and 70s it began to useBlood cholesterol as the only parameter to evaluate the quality of the diet.a reduced photograph ".
This week, a comment published in the magazine 'BMJ' signed by the British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, joins this argument suggesting that it is time to suppress the mantra that associates saturated fat and cardiovascular disease.
For Malhotra, if in this story there is a real 'guilty' to point out with the finger, that is, without a doubt, the sugar that the industry adds to its products.
The 'fear' of fat, says the cardiologist, led to a considerable reduction in its presence in processed products.But the problem, exemplifies, is that "when you take away the fat, the food knows worse. And the food industry compensated [that fault] replacing the saturated fat with added sugars."
The current scientific evidence, he adds, is demonstrating that "sugar is a possible independent risk factor to develop metabolic syndrome."In fact, it is known that today, 75% of people who arrive at the hospital with a heart attack have "fully normal cholesterol concentrations", underlines Malhotra who, then, wonders if it is not time to rethink if cholesterolIt is really the problem.
The obsession with cholesterol has led to an "overmedation of millions of people," says the cardiologist.And he reflects: it is demonstrated that "adopting a Mediterranean diet after a heart attack is almost three times more effective than taking a statin to reduce mortality."

Erguiye's profile photo
10/23/2013 4:29 a.m.
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Of the Book Best Seller in the USA (4th edition) "Diabetes Solution" by Dr. Richard K Bernstein

Keep carbohydrate intake (HC) in 6 grams to breakfast, 12 lunch and 12 gr.To dinner, vegetables also contain some HC, keep them into account.No, in any way, you can compensate for what you have taken more at one meal taking less in another or vice versa.Respect guidelines 6-12-12 to Rajatabla.It is easy to calculate the amount of HC contained in food.All food containers must bring a list of HC content in 100 grams.Weight what you are going to eat, for example: 140 grams, HC in 100 gr 5.6%, 140 x 0.056 = 7.8.Repeat this operation for each food you are going to ingest.It is heavy at first but once you get used to (very soon) it already comes out automatically.
HC are necessary part of human food.Its absence would result in hypoglycemia, so the intake of 6-12-12 is recommended for diabetics of any age, sex and complexion.Expanding these amounts would result in glycemia increases, lowering them to hypoglycemia.Both circumstances are extremely dangerous.

Erguiye's profile photo
10/23/2013 5:27 a.m.
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I still expect a scientific report.

I can also write a book, not why it means that you are right.

farstar's profile photo
10/23/2013 8:59 p.m.
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Copiado de Internet, traducido con Google y corregido por mí.

¿La dieta BHCAG (LCHF) Difícil o Fácil?

Un montón de buenas grasas añade sabor a su comida y hace que todos los alimentos tengan mejor sabor. Y es que las grasas son las que te llenan.
Adaptable, LCHF funciona todo. Fácil de dejarlo por ejemplo, papas , papas fritas, arroz y pedir una buena salsa rica en grasa en su lugar, como la salsa Bearnaisse.
Usted puede confeccionar la dieta y ser muy activo al mismo tiempo obteniendo grandes beneficios en su formación.
El deseo de cosas dulces desaparece totalmente. No hay necesidad de sentir hambre, puedes comer hasta sentirte lleno.
Funciona para toda la familia, si un miembro de la familia quiere una patata la puede comer sin problema.
Se convierte en un estilo de vida que es fácil de mantener .
Te dan mucho más energía.
Fácil de hacer la comida LCHF y sabe tan bien .
No hay necesidad de contar calorías.
Usted duerme bien .
Se mantiene saludable y no se enferman con facilidad.
Mejora la calidad del cabello y las uñas.
En general se siente muy bien.
Difícil :
Reducir el consumo o dejar totalmente las frutas .
Algunas personas piensan que estás loco o que eres un aburrimiento.
Las personas siempre tienen diferentes opiniones acerca de las cosas , e incluso acerca de esta forma de comer .

Erguiye's profile photo
10/24/2013 4 a.m.
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Hello, what an interesting topic.

Although in practice I agree with Erguiye, I also understand that studies with scientific rigor are necessary.
I say in practice, because I am DBT I for 22 years, and for 3 use an infuser bomb with continuous monitoring and following continuous monitoring it has been possible to understand how different foods affect glycemia.The result is, summarizing, that my glycemias alter them in a very difficult way to control with insulin.
All CH?No. I get along very well with those of the vegetable, except for the potatoes and sweet potatoes, the orange ones in all their varieties when they are cooked.
Fruit?I ingest them as if it were sweets!
Fats?They are present in my diet and although those of plant and raw origin choose, I never resist a tasty roast (I live in Argentina!)

Everything Erguiye wrote are the practical lines of my day to day, and when I get out of those guidelines it takes several- and horrible- days to stabilize blood glucose.
All the nutritionists I have spoken with during my life of DBT I, included in my diet HC from flours and fruits.And my insulin requirements increased at that time and that would not be bad if it were not because it is so difficult to succeed with the insulin action curve.The option was the exhaustive programming of the intakes, insulin and physical activity taking into account the ambient temperature, stress, menstrual cycles (I am a woman), the other hormones, the mood, the work schedules (Full Time Time Time), Transit bottles, and other personal issues.

The low cho diet, solved many things.I am freer, happier.I feel better and my medical controls are better.

Scientific rigor?No, my practice- that of my life-
I recommend it?No!Do your own experience, just ask that doctors and nutritionists be more open and accompany better, after all many scientific theories have been refuted and rebuilt and knowledge still does not top the annals of humanity.

Here some studies, which are worth being read.They propose inconciputing results on the effects of low diets in CH, and in my opinion the fact that they cannot prove that the CH are the mana of life makes us feel in the obligation to rethink several assumptions


lviolante's profile photo
10/24/2013 11:15 a.m.
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As I see that you are given English, I recommend reading the latest edition (4a) of "Diabetes Solution" by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein.You may find it in your local library and if not in any online bookstore.
Very good all the links (I still have some to read) that you put in your post.There is a very broad and conclusive study of the Swedish food office, the equivalent of FDA of the USA.When I reunited it, I send it to you.
Your post helps me to continue with the LCHF diet because sometimes I had a bad time, my eyes go and my mouth makes water to the fruit and everything that HC has.But I keep enduring and more now.Thank you.

Erguiye's profile photo
10/24/2013 5:26 p.m.
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The same necklace.

No case for this, please.Let's not continue feeding particular interests.

GonzaloI's profile photo
10/24/2013 6:23 p.m.

DT1 desde 2002
Novorapid (a demanda con pauta 4-8-6) + Lantus (16)
Última glico 6,5
Colesterol e hipotiroidismo
Deportista aficionado de alta intensidad


Unavoidable conclusions of Gary Taubes (scientist journalist author of several books):

1. Fat, saturated or not, is not the cause of obesity, cardiovascular diseases or any other chronic disease of our civilization.
2. The problem is carbohydrates (HC) in the diet, its effect on insulin secretion and therefore the hormonal regulation of homeostasis (the harmonic state of the body).The more digestible and refined the carbohydrates will affect our health, weight and state.
3. The sugars -glucosa and the syrup of high corn in fructose specifically- are especially harmful.Probably because the combination of fructose and glucose simultaneously raises insulin levels while the liver with carbohydrates is overload.
4. The direct effect on insulin and blood sugar, refined carbohydrates, starches (potato) and sugars are the cause of coronary heart disease and diabetes.They are probably food causes of cancer, Alzheimer's and other chronic diseases of our civilization.
5. Obesity is an excessive fat disease, not for eating too much or by sedentary behavior.
6. Excessive calorie consumption does not make us fat.Use more energy than we consume does not lead us to long -term weight loss;It leads us to be hungry.
7. Obesity is caused by an imbalance in the hormonal regulation of adipose tissue and its consequent oxidation.We lose weight when the hormonal regulation of fatty tissue reverses this balance.
8. Insulin is the primary fat storage regulator.When insulin levels are high - permanently or after a meal - we accumulate more fat in our body.When insulin levels lower, we use fat from our reserve and use it as fuel.
9. When carbohydrates stimulate insulin secretion, they make us gain weight and eventually cause obesity.At least carbohydrates we eat, more skinny will be.
10. Causing the accumulation of fats, carbohydrates also cause an increase in hunger and a decrease in the amount of energy we use in our physical activity.

Erguiye's profile photo
10/25/2013 1:34 a.m.
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Eat saturated fats ... balanced
Having high cholesterol is related to heart problems;But that does not mean that including saturated fats in the diet is the main cause of those problems

By Ana Paulina Valencia - Friday, October 25, 2013

Consuming saturated fats is essential to produce certain hormones, transport vitamins, absorb minerals and other biological processes
We have all heard how terrible it is to eat butter through the saturated fats it contains.It has been said that these cause heart disease and cause obesity.This belief has led the population to bow to consume products that do not contain them.And experts to recommend that they avoid almost completely.

But according to ASEEM Malhotra, a cardiology specialist at the Hospital of the University of Croydon, in London, it is the trans fats that hurt (which are found in processed foods, which are prepared with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, including margarines,cookies and fries).

Recent research indicates that these types of fats can be harmful to health, while saturated "are a different case", although during the last decades, they have been discredited in favor of other foods, such as those that contain sugar,instead of trans fats.

According to the expert, scientific evidence shows that the decrease in the consumption of this type of fat has increased the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Malhotra points out that since the 70s, when a relationship between the coronary evils and the concentration of cholesterol - and therefore the consumption of saturated fats - in the body was found, it has been believed that less of them should be consumed, but remember that"Correlation is not cause."

That is, the fact that a high cholesterol has to do with the evils of the heart, does not mean that including a certain amount of saturated fats in the diet is their cause.

Erroneous idea

Recommendations from the 70s have agreed that saturated fats must form less than 10 percent of calories ingested in one day.

This proposal, according to Malhotra, assumes that the reduction of LDL cholesterol can decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases.And that this comes from saturated fats.

However, explains the expert in a publication at the British Medical Journal, there are two types of LDL cholesterol.Type A, which comes from these fats and that is not the one that causes these ills, since the real culprit is type B, or LDL cholesterol of dense particles, which responds to the consumption of carbohydrates.

In fact, Malhotra argues, recent studies "have not been able to support the existence of an association between the intake of saturated fats and cardiovascular risk", but "it has been found that it can protect us."

An important factor that we must consider is where the saturated fats that we consume come from.

For example, dairy products, although they contain them, also bring high levels of vitamin A and vitamin D. The deficiency of the latter vitamin has been linked to a greater risk of mortality due to cardiovascular causes.

Malhotra also points out that a high dairy consumption increases the concentration of certain proteins that decrease the incidence of diabetes in adults.

Another source of saturated fats that has been criticized is red meat.Despite this, the specialist mentions that processed meat is the one that really presents a problem, due to the amount of nitrates and sodium that are used as condoms in this.

Fat is not equal to obesity

Part of the bad reputation of fat comes from the fact that it has more calories per gram than carbohydrates and proteins.ButMalhotra mentions in its publication at the British Medical Journal that various scientists have done studies that prove that this is not a problem.

These results are reaffirmed with a recent study by the scientific journal Journal of the American Medical Association, which shows that a low fat diet causes a decrease in calorie consumption and greater insulin resistance when compared to a low diet inCarbohydrates

One of the reasons it mentions is that the food industry has compensated for the extraction of fat - and therefore of the taste - of food incorporating sugar, a possible cause of metabolic evils.

Erguiye's profile photo
10/25/2013 11:11 a.m.
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Fer, everything that is not endorsed by our endocrine would not have to be here.
It cannot be a forum that confuses those who consult it.
If so, I'm going, and I would feel it.

Regina's profile photo
10/26/2013 2:29 p.m.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20


¿La dieta BHCAG (LCHF) Difícil o Fácil?

Un montón de buenas grasas añade sabor a su comida y hace que todos los alimentos tengan mejor sabor. Y es que las grasas son las que llenan.
Adaptable, LCHF funciona todo. Fácil de dejarlo por ejemplo, papas , papas fritas, arroz y pedir una buena salsa rica en grasa en su lugar, como salsa bearnesa.
El deseo de cosas dulces desaparece totalmente. No hay necesidad de sentir hambre puedes comer hasta sentirte lleno.
Funciona para toda la familia, si un miembro de la familia quiere una patata la puede tomar sin problema.
Se convierte en un estilo de vida que es fácil de mantener.
Te da mucha más energía.
La comida LCHF es fácil de hacer y sabe muy bien.
No hay necesidad de contar calorías.
Usted duerme bien.
Se mantiene saludable y no se enferman con facilidad.
Mejora la calidad del cabello y las uñas.
En general se siente muy bien.
Difícil :
Reducir el consumo o dejar totalmente las frutas.
Algunas personas piensan que estás loco o que eres un pesado.
Las personas siempre tienen diferentes opiniones acerca de las cosas, e incluso acerca de esta forma de comer.
Traducido de un artículo en Internet con Google Traductor

Erguiye's profile photo
11/02/2013 3:26 p.m.
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Women with type 2 diabetes at greater risk of heart disease

By Barbara Hewitt on November 4, 2013

Young and middle -aged women with type 2 diabetes have a much higher risk of coronary artery disease of what was believed, a new one has found.

In general, women under 60 are at a much lower risk of coronary heart disease than men of the same age.However, among women of that age who have diabetes, the risk of heart disease increases up to four times, which is approximately equal to the same form of men's heart disease.

A study shows that women of any age who have diabetes have a greater risk of coronary heart disease than men.
The new study by a team from John Hopkins University in Baltimore, United States, is believed to be the first one that focuses specifically on gender differences in coronary arterial disease between young people and medium -sized people with diabetes.

"Our findings suggest that it is necessary to work more to prevent heart disease in women under 60 who has diabetes," said Rita Rastogi Kalyani, endocrinologist of the Faculty of Medicine and main author of the University's study.

"This study tells us that women of any age who have diabetes are at high risk of coronary arterial disease," he explained, adding that while men usually have a greater incidence of heart disease than women, the study foundthat diabetes had little or no effect on the risk of men's heart disease.

For research, she and her colleagues analyzed data from more than 10,000 participants in three studies considered by many: the Genestar Research Program, the Multi -Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and the Health National Nutrition Survey (NHAES) III.None of the participants had a history of heart disease.The three studies showed similar gender differences in diabetes indices and the risk of developing heart diseases.

"Our study adds to the growing evidence that there are gender differences in the risk of coronary heart disease caused by diabetes," Kalyani said.

She also said that in women and men, these results were not related to the differences in obesity and other traditional cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and smoking.

Kalyani and his colleagues offer several possible explanations for increased risk.There may be different genetic and hormonal factors related to the development of heart disease by gender.The differences in adherence to healthy lifestyle habits, compliance and treatment of cardiovascular treatments between genres are also possible, but it is necessary to investigate more, says Kalyani.In addition, the relationship of the duration of diabetes and glucose control with the risk of heart disease is still unclear.

The team, which also included Mario Lazo, Pamela Ouyang, Karinne Chevalier, Frederick Brancati, Diane Becker, and Dhananjay Vaidya of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Evrim Turkbey, radiology doctor and image sciences in the National Institutes in the National InstitutesClinic Center Health, has published its findings in the latest edition of the prestigious Diabetes Care magazine. copied by Google Translate for Business: Translator Toolkitwebsite Translator

Erguiye's profile photo
11/04/2013 1:51 p.m.
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Metabolism and carbohydrates
Carbohydrates, whether simple carbohydrates or complex carbohydrates, will begin to break almost immediately when food enters the mouth.The saliva itself will begin to dissolve simple carbohydrates.Amilase is an enzyme that is found in saliva that is necessary for complex carbohydrates to begin to decompose.The amylase begins to transform carbohydrates with starch into glucose.This physiological activity begins to activate metabolism immediately.
As foods make their way in the small intestine they find a greater amount of the amylase enzyme.Now, the amylase will act to continue with the decomposition of complex carbohydrates.Simple carbohydrates (that is, simple sugars) will enter the bloodstream.Simple sugars are quickly absorbed by the body.Once in the bloodstream the body uses them to obtain immediate energy or store the simple glycogen -shaped carbohydrates until they are needed.If the body has a surplus of energy, simple carbohydrates become fat and is stored for later use.
This is the fundamental way that carbohydrates and metabolism are related.When the body is fed with carbohydrates, the digestive process increases metabolism simply activating the digestive process.
The body stores glycogen -shaped carbohydrates when the body detects extra sugar in the blood of our system.This is caused by insulin levels.So when there is a high level of blood sugar, insulin is released to tell the body to store additional sugar in the form of glycogen.If the body does not produce enough insulin (as in diabetes), then it will not be able to reduce blood sugar.This is where medication comes into play.
Glucose is the preferred body macronutrient for use as a fuel source.Without glucose in the muscles and in the organs it will not work properly.It is suggested that at least half of the daily calories come from carbohydrates.The source of carbohydrates must come from foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.The consumption of foods such as cakes, cookies, sweets and soft drinks should be avoided.Yes, these foods contain carbohydrates but are simple sugars and do not offer much nutritional value.
There is a complex relationship between carbohydrates and metabolism.Do not try to find out for yourself.You can learn from an expert in the field of diets in nutrition and in the exercise that can guide you in the right direction.

Erguiye's profile photo
11/15/2013 9:20 a.m.
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People with diabetes are twice as likely to have a disability than people who do not have diabetes, according to a new study conducted in Australia.
A report entitled "Diabetes and Disability: deficiencies, activity limitations, participation restrictions and comorbidities" in the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows that the most serious disabilities are more common in people with diabetes.
The report found that disability rates among people with diabetes were 39 % compared to 17 % of non -diabetics.
Disability is defined as any impediment, limitation of activity or restriction of the participation that can be from minor restrictions in the daily activities of deep sensory loss such as view.
More severe disabilities are described as limitations in severe or deep basic activities, which means that a person sometimes or always needs the help of one or more essential activities of daily life, such as activities related to mobility, communicationand personal care.
Disability rates between people with diabetes were 39 % compared to 17 % of those who do not have diabetes, after adjusting for age differences.And the severe or deep limitation rate in people with diabetes was 14 % compared to 5 % of those who do not have diabetes.
"While there is a clear association between diabetes and disability, from this data we cannot draw conclusions about the causes of this association," said Aihw Susana Senes spokesman.
The most frequent disability was the restriction of physical activity or work, and Senes said that the combination of diabetes and disability had a great impact on participation in employment.
Among the people of working age with diabetes and disability, 40 % said they were permanently incapacitated to work, compared to 20 % of people with disabilities who did not have diabetes.
Compared to people without diabetes, diabetics also reported higher high blood pressure rates, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, depression, vision loss and kidney -related disorders.
The study found that 10 % of people with diabetes reported having suffered a stroke and more than 15 % reported having heart disease.
In 2009, it is estimated that 827,020 people in Australia had diabetes.Of these, 357,829 reported that diabetes was the health condition making most of the problems.Of all the people with diabetes, 441,640 reported that they had a disability, Senes added.
The AIHW is a national agency created by the Australian government to provide reliable information and statistics.

Erguiye's profile photo
11/18/2013 1:49 p.m.
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Just for sharing my experience.Without encouragement to go into debates and with the only weapon of my own experience and readings.

Erguiye is right.

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes two years ago and they recommended a "traditional" diet in CH (even more than I usually took).

1 and a half ago my very interested partner in health issues began to make the paleo diet (low in CH).The results in their health were spectacular (weight loss, cholesterol standardization, less body fat, strength, energy ...)

After much thinking about it and with a lot of fear and doubts I throw me to the ring and I can only say that it is the best decision I have made.I have normalized and stabilized the levels below 100. I have reduced insulin and measurements (only one or two random along day).And finally but most importantly I have strength and energy throughout the day.I go to the gym I train, I feel good.

I have nothing to win and I will not provide arguments to defend my position (whoever wants them has them on the Internet) I just wanted to tell you my case in case someone helps.

This person helped me:


A hug.

Dionisos's profile photo
11/19/2013 1:04 p.m.
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I just received my analytics corresponding to Nov. 2013: A1C 5.7%;Glucose 90;Triglycerides 71;HDL 57;Cholesterol quotient 3.2;All normal liver and kidneys results.(Who wants data, ask me.
This BHCAG diet (LCHF) is still very good and are already 5 months in a row.I still feel perfectly.I still lack exercise.Greetings.

Erguiye's profile photo
11/22/2013 1:43 p.m.
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Thanks, Dionysus for this link:

The 21 -day challenge in 30 seconds
This is the challenge.Do it only for 21 days and the results will speak for themselves.
1. Eat real food.
2. Avoid sugar, cereals, unhealthy fats, beans/legumes.
3. Adapt your carbohydrate consumption to your weight goals and activity levels.
4. Move frequently at a slower pace: Make between 2-5 hours a week of moderate aerobic exercise.
5. Raise heavy things: Make 1-3 brief and intense periods of sessions of the functional movements of the full body.
6. Give free rein.Run, everything outside!Once a week.
7. Get 8 hours of sleep every night.
8. Receive 15 minutes of direct sun exposure every day.
9. Play!Find time to let go, disconnect, relax and have fun every day.

Erguiye's profile photo
11/22/2013 1:54 p.m.
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Here is my last almost complete analytics

Erguiye's profile photo
11/23/2013 6:48 a.m.
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