New request at

Monica_LTD's profile photo   12/28/2015 11:43 p.m.

There is a new request that is taking strength at, and we believe that you might be interested in signing it:

Diabetics are not invalid.Stop discriminating on oppositions for the State

Carmen Belén Moreno Bernal
Ciudad Real, Spain

Signs the petition in: Link ours> The signature page at

I have always thought that diabetes was a totally normalized disease in society.That's why I stayed in shock when I recently discovered that the administration considers us "invalid."
Everything happened in the academy to which I had signed up to prepare my opposition to prison official.The first day of class, our teacher asked us that, "in case the flies", we read the list of medical exclusions published by the Ministry of Interior."People who suffer from type-i diabetes will also be excluded," I read.As I could not believe it, I had to ask the teacher, who confirmed that I could not introduce myself to the exam.
Millions of diabetics develop work of all kinds every day without any problem.I have occupied positions that required physical effort for several hours, I have worked in shifts and with maladaptive people and diabetes has never been an impediment.But, according to this rule, we cannot work as police, firefighters, civil guards, jurors or prison officials because we are invalid.Of course, without the right to the same type of aid, subsidies and percentages of public employment positions as the disabled.
The people who have suffered this discrimination are hundreds, maybe thousands.I know because many of them have contacted me following this request, there are even associations that are fighting against it and a few years ago there was a non -law proposition about this issue in Congress.
That's why we need your help.Sign this petition and help us to show public administrations that this rule is absurd and that they must withdraw it & GT; & GT;

Signs the request

Monica_LTD's profile photo
12/28/2015 11:43 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


Right now I'm going to sign it and spread it.We already tolerate too many injustices, and we have to demand a lot.This is the society of "integration"?What strangers are we dismissed to a person to exercise a job?It is a shame, and I hope that my diabetic daughter, who already fights every day with hundreds of external and internal factors, do not have to also fight against a society and unjust and obsolete legislation

Ainhoa's profile photo
12/29/2015 12:08 a.m.

Dulce introducción al caos...
DT 3


You have missed signing with a "I said !!!"

Monica_LTD's profile photo
12/29/2015 12:24 a.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


As the labor market is and the level of unemployment ... Wouldn't it be more intelligent to ask them to give us a paid or give us that 33% disability that gave us years ago?

Sherpa41's profile photo
12/29/2015 3:56 a.m.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?


sherpa41 said:
as the labor market is and the level of unemployment ... would not be more intelligent to ask that they give us a page or to give us again that 33% disability thatThey gave us years ago?

All the reason!We have a disabilities to look where you look ... If you hire a diabetic it is a whore, between doctors and what costs us to replace them with a hiccam .... I would not feel more sick for having that 33%

tica's profile photo
12/29/2015 7:45 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


I also signed yesterday.And as I said I don't think we get a lot, but at least it is useful to sensitize people about diabetes.

RocioLlinares's profile photo
12/29/2015 9:30 a.m.

Mamá de María. 15 años. Diagnósticada 05/06/2015
Última hemo 6,1


sherpa41 said:
as the labor market is and the level of unemployment ... would not be more intelligent to ask that they give us a page or to give us again that 33% disability thatThey gave us years ago?

I do not share your way of seeing it, I think the opposite, but you have had to reflect on one thing:

Or they tell us that we are disabled and give us disability of 33% + Paguita + aids, or we are not and does not put any work or discrimination.But the intermediate situation in which we are now is a shame, an insult.

Artorias's profile photo
12/29/2015 3:23 p.m.
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I am with what Artorias says.If diabetes is recognized as a disabled disease, and therefore likeTask if there are, then you could start talking ... but if it is not considered disabled, restrictions should not be under any concept.So there is nowhere to take the subject.
.. In addition to the system, the first thing to do is provide the existing medical equipment but outside the scope of many pockets, such as mine (continuous monitoring) and that we all know how much it facilitates things.There is much to discuss here, and I think an nonconformist and fighter position is necessary to demand the need to raise changes.We give too many things for supposed and swallow too much.

Ainhoa's profile photo
12/29/2015 4:32 p.m.

Dulce introducción al caos...
DT 3


If beta cells were seen in an radiography as the fingers are seen, we would already have the insured disquality.
And one of 33% is fair.They give you more when you miss a finger.

Regina's profile photo
12/29/2015 5:45 p.m.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20


I think the same as @Arotorias, I have already repeated it in several threads, we are in the middle, we are neither disabled nor suitable, which are already decided on a dagger time.
And referring to what @regina says, it seems to me that it was @ica that said in another thread "a lame is already seen that he is lame and it is not required that he runs" but as we are seen a good face andThat we are apparently well, we are demanded that a non -diabetic, and we have our little things ...).
That give us our 33%, that unfortunately we will end up adding something more and that we can present ourselves to PAHO

Gala's profile photo
12/29/2015 7:07 p.m.

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"


However, the Junta de Andalucía or the Government (I do not know who takes care of that) does not give us the disability of 33 %, if not, that gives us less.So they consider us invalid but do not give us the disability of 33 percent. I don't understand ...>: P

el_bardomero's profile photo
12/29/2015 7:15 p.m.
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Tos leaves in 32 and we have no right to anything

Gala's profile photo
12/29/2015 7:16 p.m.

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"


gala said:
I think like @artories, I have already repeated it in several threads, we are in the middle, we are neither disabled nor suitable, which are already decided on a dagger time.
And referring to what @regina says, it seems to me that it was @ica that said in another thread "a lame is already seen that he is lame and it is not required that he runs" but as we are seen a good face andThat we are apparently well, we are demanded that a non -diabetic, and we have our little things ...).
That give us our 33%, that unfortunately we will end up adding something more and that we can present ourselves to PAHO

Another problem is that DM1's parents have a lot of weight in diabetic associations and they are very worried that their child is "normal" and that everyone sees it "normal", and all those absurd paranoia of the politically correct.So they have never shown much support for that to be achieved, on the contrary, they prefer to make gilipolleces as this potentially counter -support request from

If I were the one who sent this, "" Well, if you are so well, we will give you the ability to be police and military and what you want, but as you are so well we will also stop investigating priests and we will stop subsidizing insulin and strips.And we will dedicate the resources to people who are really sick. "

Of course, sometimes I think we deserve it.

Sherpa41's profile photo
12/29/2015 8:13 p.m.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?


That also @sherpa41, as we are so good for what to invest in priests or treatments if we are going to ask us about

Gala's profile photo
12/29/2015 9:41 p.m.

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"


We have always defended that a person with diabetes is a normal person, with the same rights and obligations as anyone, especially labor.

Now, like any chronic patient (and I hate this expression), a degree of disability corresponds to us, not because we are disabled, but because we must recognize that being diabetic requires an implication and a daily level of care that many other diseasesChronicles do not need.

I give you an example: my mother -in -law, Alberto's mother, has multiple sclerosis.He has currently granted a degree of disability with reduced mobility of 85%.It is true that the woman has to walk with crutches and it costs him a lot, for example, going up and down stairs, but currently her sclerosis is stabilized, with her medication, he does not advance anymore.The sclerotic outbreaks with the medication have disappeared, that is, it leads a life, within its limitations, normal.We diabetic, no matter how much control we carry we are constantly exposed to hypoglycemia, or hyperglycemia, or cardiovascular accidents, or nervous system, etc ... All this if it should be valued to grant a disability.

On the issue of aid .... I am not in favor of "subsidizing" for "subsidizing", but it is true that the National Health System should serve more depth to the people who have diabetes;returning to the example of my mother -in -law;She uses as medication for her interferon sclerosis, very expensive injectable medication (we talk about more than € 2,000/month).This medication is dispensed in the hospital pharmacy, it is not hard for it.And us?Well, we pay, a small price, but we pay.

And if we talk about the differences between autonomous communities ... you screw (with forgiveHospital that you treat you receive different benefits.In our case, in Madrid, the hospital where they take Alberto can only put the Roche bomb, of course it is a hospital of these mixed (public-private) management and puts the most baratita;If you are lucky enough to be treated in a 100% public hospital they give you the bomb you want to carry, within which they are approved (Roche, Medtronic and Novalab) why?
It seems perfect (and we enter a very delicate debate) the claims of the cultural and national identities of the CC.AA., we all have the right to claim what we think is legitimate, but while we are and form part of the same state we all oweHaving the same rights and this, right now, is a chimera, does not exist.What is a Catalan diabetic from a Galician diabetic?An Asturian of an Andalusian one?An Extremaduran of a Basque one?In theory at all.In practice in everything related to your health care, which depends on where these can become very good or an authentic fudge.

But as @Sherpa41 says, we have what we deserve and look for.What do we have?Diabetic associations led by non -diabetic people, the Diabetes Foundation directed by a non -diabetic person, etc ... But fuck if we do not involve ourselves !!!

Is any of those present here we occur to a political party to see what they plan to do for us?

Everything that arises and is for our benefit are particular initiatives, of people with diabetes and who end up being initiatives with little repercussion.

What would I do?What do I propose?Promote a demonstration in front of the Congress of Deputies, supported and financed by all diabetic associations that have enough impact so that the media spread it and support it.That we hear at once, but very high.So far we are only heard in November, World Day ofDiabetes and more as a holiday than as a demanding day.Fuck in Spain is we about 6 million diabetics, is we not being able to gather about 200 thousand people (or more) against Congress?

Anyway ........ Thus we are in everything, not only in our diabetes.

Monica_LTD's profile photo
12/29/2015 10:43 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


@Sherpa41, when they diagnosed my daughter, I requested the disability with the conviction that they would be given without any doubt, and thinking about a possible surveillance help at school. I could not believe it when they answered me with 0%, andThat I insisted on hypoglycemia, very fricuent with the insulin we used. I could a claim and it was no use.
I blame associations and superdiabetics.
Parents are the first interested in granting enough disability to put nurse in schools.

Regina's profile photo
12/29/2015 11:07 p.m.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20


I still insist, among us we can speak, discuss, discuss, ...., but we have to make ourselves.

Now we have two new political formations with a lot of votes and make our way. Sure that through them can also be done cover everyone's political spectrum.

Monica_LTD's profile photo
12/29/2015 11:31 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


I think that we all agree on some points, and it is in the unfair of the situation as it is currently raised.It is clear that diabetes positions you in a position of vulnerability and disadvantage with respect to many things, and it is also clear that a fair system has to ensure equal opportunities at the universal level, providing the necessary aid and adaptations to those people necessary to those peoplethat need them so that they can develop in their social, school, work environment etc.This must be extended to any situation of inequality.The case of a student was recently raised in this forum, I do not remember well, who suffered a hypoglycemia before or during an exam.I tell my daughter that she is entitled, when she appears to an exam, to do so in the best conditions, which has the right to make her examiners make her glycemia before the test to ensure that she is perfectly good, as well as to interrupt the exam to be necessary to be necessary or postpone it in case of hip or hyper.If this right is not recognized, then I will have invented it, but I think this would be fair.And at work level the same.There will be jobs that a person with diabetes cannot do, but I can think of many others from that list of vetoed works that could do feed that without problem if the greatest medical and technological support is provided that is currently available to be able to carry out optimal conditions.(What is a shame is that it exists and does not subsidize globally. And I speak of those continuous meters with alarm) this is adaptation.Probably for this we have to redefine diabetes, the term disability is no longer used, but it is true that it is a disabled and limiting disease, with which the people who suffer from it are entitled, in a social state, that throughfinancial aid and adaptations to jobs, time flexibility etc.integration.It will be that I am a bit idealistic and I live in the country of the lollipop as Homer Simpson says.I am also with @regina in relation to the nurse in schools, and that the fathers and mothers that we had to stop working to take care of our children with diabetes can access aid and reductions of working hours, in short ... as she says@Monica_ltd The important thing is that there is debate and that all this begins to change.

Ainhoa's profile photo
12/30/2015 1:16 a.m.

Dulce introducción al caos...
DT 3


monica_ltd said:
but as @sherpa41 says, we have what we deserve and look for.What do we have?Diabetic associations led by non -diabetic people, the Diabetes Foundation directed by a non -diabetic person, etc ... But fuck if we do not involve ourselves !!!

I went to the Diabetics Association of my city a few years ago and had a huge Lilly poster at the entrance where I put "insulin is the best friend of the diabetic" I told them that the pussy was that and they told me that they were subsidized by that company, evidently I fell to the association at the feet.

Moreover, I was recently asking about the strips, these cheap ones are on the Internet and they told me that they were not interested in anything that only work with the great brands of the pharmaceutical lobby.The diabetics are sweat, they are only for the fucking business.

Sherpa41's profile photo
12/31/2015 10:14 a.m.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?


Nor is that@sherpa, there are very involved people who really help, and many times voluntarily.
But there are two things that bother me, that I do not fight because we are recognized by a disability and do not demand nurses in schools.
And I can't complain because I do nothing from here.
As @Monica says we could organize a great demonstration to be heard.

Regina's profile photo
12/31/2015 6:18 p.m.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20


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