New request at

Monica_LTD's profile photo   12/28/2015 11:43 p.m.

Vamosssss next year we organize it.

Happy years everyone.

Monica_LTD's profile photo
12/31/2015 7:17 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


I also sign up for the manife = D>

Ainhoa's profile photo
01/02/2016 12:06 a.m.

Dulce introducción al caos...
DT 3


Tell me.

ROAR's profile photo
01/02/2016 10:45 p.m.
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But please let's do it!XD and if it is already better, and define what we claim and ask.

Because I agree that if we do not fan we let us go into some positions of the administration.But I sincerely think that Police and such would make me complicated if they don't give us continuous meters either.It is that the meters is something essential, it can save many.

Dori's profile photo
01/04/2016 11:50 a.m.

21 años, 10 con diabetes.
20u insulina toujeo por las mañanas. Humalog 4, 6 (5), media mañana y la merienda 3 o 4 y cena 3. Última glicosilada 6,7, sin casi tipos.


We have no problem organizing it.If you think Alberto who knows someone in the General Directorate of the Police to report how to do it and shape him.

Monica_LTD's profile photo
01/04/2016 4:32 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


Well, let's!

Regina's profile photo
01/04/2016 5:31 p.m.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20


ComeWhat rule \: d/

Ainhoa's profile photo
01/04/2016 5:40 p.m.

Dulce introducción al caos...
DT 3


Yes, I ask.Thank you!

Dori's profile photo
01/04/2016 5:42 p.m.

21 años, 10 con diabetes.
20u insulina toujeo por las mañanas. Humalog 4, 6 (5), media mañana y la merienda 3 o 4 y cena 3. Última glicosilada 6,7, sin casi tipos.


We have never gone to a manisfestation, but for my daughter, and if work leaves us, we will not miss.And I already care to summon all the surrounding people.

RocioLlinares's profile photo
01/04/2016 6:08 p.m.

Mamá de María. 15 años. Diagnósticada 05/06/2015
Última hemo 6,1


Hello everyone,

I am Alberto.I have been talking to an acquaintance who works in the Government Delegation of the Community of Madrid on the issue of demonstrations.The issue is relatively simple, to convene a demonstration, an application must be submitted in the Government Delegation of the corresponding Autonomous Community, indicating that it requests it (natural person or association/collective), reason for the call, number of participants, and someCosilla more ...... and the date you want to celebrate.The application must be submitted by a minimum of 10 days before the call and a maximum of 30 days before.

It does not seem a complicated procedure.

What I see more complex is to mobilize people to attend the demonstration, I prefer to call it "march."As we told you, I have no problem starting to move this.

I think that to organize this "march" a series of things should be considered:

1º An ideology or points that are the reason for the march, it is not just a march for diabetes, a series of points that would have to be defined must be claimed;
2º The place of celebration does not have to be Madrid, although it is true that we are in the almost geographical center;
3º There should be people who in each autonomous community took care of "moving" this issue;
4º To make the march attractive, you must facilitate displacements, you would have to contact bus companies and the like;
5º Every march or manifestation needs a spokesman, it would be necessary to see who wanted to take care of this issue, someone with word and with "gift of people".
6th to talk to emergency services and public order forces to support us on the tour;
7º The date, very important, so that we can go to the maximum number of people would be that it would be on the weekend;
8th media, very important.

And something more than surely left me in the inkwell.

I sincerely believe that the political instability in which we are and that, I think, it will lead us to new elections is a unique opportunity to make us hear.

We are almost 6 million diabetics and we deserve much more than we receive.

I think if we get a good number of people can be a success.

I am not a supporter that diabetics associations are in the organization, if they want to participate to do so, but I think that in the organization they do not, in the end each sweep for their home.

If you agree and convinced, we move it to manifest before the new general elections to see if any politician puts us in their electoral program.

Good I leave the idea and tell me and those who want to participate in each CC.AA. to say it.

Monica_LTD's profile photo
01/05/2016 8:35 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


I like that of diabetes.
I am from Madrid and there is plenty of saying that I am available.But don of people zero jaaajaja
It would also be to move it through social networks and saying what we ask and why and the day and such.
And I don't know maybe I can contact someone who is in charge of communication in IU, but I don't know.
And of the university newspaper and a very majete teacher who is a journalist.I try.
And it is a good time.

monica_ltd said:
hello to all,

I am Alberto.I have been talking to an acquaintance who works in the Government Delegation of the Community of Madrid on the issue of demonstrations.The issue is relatively simple, to convene a demonstration, an application must be submitted in the Government Delegation of the corresponding Autonomous Community, indicating that it requests it (natural person or association/collective), reason for the call, number of participants, and someCosilla more ...... and the date you want to celebrate.The application must be submitted by a minimum of 10 days before the call and a maximum of 30 days before.

It does not seem a complicated procedure.

What I see more complex is to mobilize people to attend the demonstration, I prefer to call it "march."As we told you, I have no problem starting to move this.

I think that to organize this "march" a series of things should be considered:

1º An ideology or points that are the reason for the march, it is not just a march for diabetes, a series of points that would have to be defined must be claimed;
2º The place of celebration does not have to be Madrid, although it is true that we are in the almost geographical center;
3º There should be people who in each autonomous community took care of "moving" this issue;
4º To make the march attractive, you must facilitate displacements, you would have to contact bus companies and the like;
5º Every march or manifestation needs a spokesman, it would be necessary to see who wanted to take care of this issue, someone with word and with "gift of people".
6th to talk to emergency services and public order forces to support us on the tour;
7º The date, very important, so that we can go to the maximum number of people would be that it would be on the weekend;
8th media, very important.

And something more than surely left me in the inkwell.

I sincerely believe that the political instability in which we are and that, I think, it will lead us to new elections is a unique opportunity to make us hear.

We are almost 6 million diabetics and we deserve much more than we receive.

I think if we get a good number of people can be a success.

I am not a supporter that diabetics associations are in the organization, if they want to participate to do so, but I think that in the organization they do not, in the end each sweep for their home.

If you agree and convinced, we move it to manifest before the new general elections to see if any politician puts us in their electoral program.

Good I leave the idea and tell me and those who want to participate in each CC.AA. to say it.

Dori's profile photo
01/06/2016 1:02 a.m.

21 años, 10 con diabetes.
20u insulina toujeo por las mañanas. Humalog 4, 6 (5), media mañana y la merienda 3 o 4 y cena 3. Última glicosilada 6,7, sin casi tipos.


I would leave politicians out.In any case, if I "invite" some politician I would have the two new games, so that it is represented both right and left, but for now it would leave them on the sidelines.And also in case the politicians sign up making it very clear that the prominence is not theirs, it is ours.

Monica_LTD's profile photo
01/06/2016 1:42 a.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


And do so coinciding with the Experience Day diabetes?

Ainhoa's profile photo
01/06/2016 11:32 a.m.

Dulce introducción al caos...
DT 3


If it is an option but ........ maybe they interfere with each other .... What do you think?

Monica_LTD's profile photo
01/06/2016 12:36 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


The most important thing will be to define an ideology, and that is difficult, because we are a very heterogeneous collective.There are those who do not have any type of technology and live in a glycemic roller coaster, those who look like Robocop and live super controlled, without having a hypo, those who do not move and want disability, those who would feel offended before that requestBecause they do high level sports and are physically better than most mortals (with diabetes or without it) .... I mean there are many things that separate us, but maybe there are one that we all want to get.That is what we have to claim.

ROAR's profile photo
01/06/2016 10:34 p.m.
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Sobre este tema os pongo lo que podría ser el objeto de la marcha y las reivindicaciones. Se admiten sugerencias.

Reivindicaciones ante la Administración Pública

1º Igualdad asistencial en todas las CC.AA., incorporando a las carteras de servicios todas las mejoras asistenciales que cada CC.AA. ofrece a las personas con diabetes (en todas las CC.AA. y en todos los Hospitales de cada CC.AA.):

*Medición Continua Glucosa.
*Servicios de podología.
*Entrega de tiras reactivas en suficiente cantidad
*Entrega de medidores y tiras reactivas para medición de cuerpos cetónicos.
*Entrega de material de calidad.

2º Implantar en los Hospitales y Centros de Especialidades de todas las CC.AA. Unidades de Endocrinología dedicadas a la atención de personas con diabetes.

3º Generalizar la implantación de los sistemas de infusión continua, bombas de insulina, a todos aquellas personas que las demanden. El objetivo debe ser que en un plazo no superior a 3 años toda persona con diabetes que lo demande y tenga los conocimientos necesarios pueda ser tratada con bomba de insulina.

4º Restablecer el grado de discapacidad de mínimo el 33% para todas aquellas personas que tienen diabetes.

5º Establecer cursos de formación periódicos en Hospitales y Centros de Salud para personas con diabetes.

6º Establecer sistemas de ayuda para aquellas personas con diabetes con escasos recursos para poder acceder a los tratamientos necesarios.

7º Eliminar la discriminación laboral existente para personas con diabetes y eliminar las restricciones existentes para presentarse a oposiciones de empleo público y/o privado. Para ello deberá legislarse en este sentido de forma inmediata.

8º Incorporar personal sanitario a todos los colegios (públicos, concertados y privados) donde haya estudiantes con diabetes. Formar al profesorado de los colegios e institutos (públicos, concertados y privados) en diabetes.

Hay un tema sobre el que se ha debatido mucho y está incluido. La valoración de discapacidad. Yo soy delos que piensan que la mayoría de personas con diabetes somos muy capaces, eso no quita que se valore una minusválida en nuestro sistema endocrino.

Por lo demás se admiten sugerencias.


Monica_LTD's profile photo
01/07/2016 8:02 p.m.

El Libro Blanco de la Diabetes
La diabetes contada por diabéticos


I agree at all points.
And well, it is that in the disability I do not have a definite position, for me it would be to study each case because there are people who do not have as good control as others.In addition, with the continuous meter if we would be more prepared for any setback in any job.

I would also demand that there are menu for diabetic people in schools.(In some there will be, I don't know).

Dori's profile photo
01/07/2016 9:45 p.m.

21 años, 10 con diabetes.
20u insulina toujeo por las mañanas. Humalog 4, 6 (5), media mañana y la merienda 3 o 4 y cena 3. Última glicosilada 6,7, sin casi tipos.


The truth is that I believe that many of us will agree on most of the points stated by @monica_ltd ... the most polemic, referring to the consideration of the diebetes as a disabled, I understand that I should notBeing more than a problem of personal choice, I mean, in the event that a disabled disease with 33% grade does not mean that this recognition is imposed.If someone does not want it, because they are not considered deserving of the same or does not need it, with not requesting it and not going to the valuation center to pass the interviews of a doctor, psychologist and social worker is sufficient.But that there is the possibility that if you want to take advantage of that recognition, you can do it.And like this, everything else ... that each of us can decide whether or not to carry insulin bomb... if or not to use continuous medication ... what kind of flexibility wants in its treatment .... that diabetological education is amazima, continuous, updated, professional, so complete that each diabetic person, within thatHeterogeneity of the set that describes @roar so well, you can live your life with diabetes in the way that you create better for yourself.The material and supplies good, to speak... that the strips are raised is of guard court.In fact, in my opinion, diabalance and glucosport for hypoglycemia should also prescribe us.This group has much to claim.

Ainhoa's profile photo
01/07/2016 10 p.m.

Dulce introducción al caos...
DT 3


For me the most important thing with difference is the cure.I mean, which allocate more budget to investigate possible priests.Nowadays, diseases are chronicled, instead of healing them and I think it is a wrong way of acting.We must claim our right to health (which is different from "throwing" with the material they give us).

And also, let us participate in experimental evidence, under our own responsibility, instead of having to wait a thousand years until they are approved.

Another very important thing is the presence of health personnel in schools.

ROAR's profile photo
01/07/2016 10:03 p.m.
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