A study that is published in "The New England Journal of Medicine" confirms that Liraglutida, a medication that is used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, can become a powerful drug to fight obesity.The conclusions of the study, as its coordinator, Xavier Pi-Sunyer explained to ABC, point out that the lyreglutid2 in states of prediabetes ».

The trial, carried out on 3,731 non -diabetic volunteers overweight and obesity of five continents, administered the medication for 52 weeks, in combination with a diet and a physical activity program.And its results, says Pi-Sunyer, from the University of Columbia (USA)Placebo group.

The medicine is approved in the US and Europe at a dose of 3.0 mg daily for selected people who have overweight and obesity, but not diabetes (in Spain it is only approved in lower doses for type 2 diabetes).

different from what exists

Its mechanism of action, explains the researcher, “is very different from the other drugs in the market.It has a 97% similarity with a peptide similar to glucagon 1 (LPG1) that is secreted by the human intestine and acts by increasing the feeling of satiety and declining hunger ».

The medicine, he adds, adds to the therapeutic arsenal for overweight patients and obese to lose weight and, in addition, proves to be effective in the effective in the prevention of diabetes in prediabetic people. "

is not the cure

In an editorial that accompanies the study, Elias S. Siraj and Kevin J. Williams, of the Temple University Hospital (USA), highlights the relevance of the study since it proposes "another approach to the fight against the epidemic of obesity."Now, they warn, it is not "the cure for obesity."They remember that most of the patients treated, even if they lost weight, were still obese or overweight, but recognize that a "weight loss, although modest, remains important."