A study by the International Federation of Diabetes (IDF) showed that Chile presents a significant increase in the diabetic population, even exceeding the world percentage.

The figures indicated by the international agency indicate that until 2014 11.9 percent of Chileans suffered from diabetes, which amounts to a million 700 thousand people, twice what had 10 years ago.

Only being surpassed by Mexico (12.63 percent), Chile is positioned within Latin American countries with more diabetic population, surpassing Argentina, Brazil and the United States.

The Executive Director of the Association of Diabetics of Chile (Adich), Loreto Aguirre, said through the thirdThese factors and sedentary lifestyle continue to increase, diabetes will also do so, "he said.

For the Ministry of Health, prevention is important to avoid this disease, especially in the youngest population.According to the Minsal, through exercise and healthy food we can prevent the elderly with diabetes.

prelude to diabetes

However, there is a pathology that can be a prelude to diabetes.It is insulin resistance, a condition that prevents this hormone from fulfilling its function of metabolizing glucose and lipids in the body.

Verónica Araya, of the Chilean Society of Endocrinology and Diabetes (Soched), explained to the third that this is a disease that despite being known, few know that they suffer since it does not cause symptoms.

But the specialist adds that the obesity of the abdominal zone and the dark coloration of the skin of the neck and the armpits could be indications.

Despite the above, the expert explains that "following the treatment up to 80 percent of these patients can be improved and avoid being diabetic."

worries gestational diabetes

However, diabetes has various types, among which are: type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.

The latter worries the authorities since it occurs exclusively during the pregnancy due to the high -calorie and sugars feeding of the mother, affecting the baby who at the time of birth will be diagnosed.

This fact represents a no less on health scenario that must be addressed in our country to take the corresponding measures and prevent the figure from increasing.