In order to publicize everything related to the impact of diabetes on the elderly today, tomorrow the UACJ will impart as a central theme in the VII Nutrition Symposium on the elderly.

The event will take place this thirteenth at 8:30 am at the University Cultural Center, by students and teachers of the Bachelor's Programs in Nutrition and Sports Training.

Where they will announce different aspects of the disease, according to Professor Blanca Verónica Ochoa, head of the subject nutrition in adult and older adults.

During the event, the student Mariana García Quiñónez will present the theme "Diabates and Epidemiology" Theme that will begin the Symposium and subsequently Dr. Yolanda Loya Méndez present "Molecular bases of diabetes".

In addition to the “2015 Diabetes Update Guide”, by Professor Miguel Solís Barraza, while Dr. Abraham Wall Medrano will play the issues of “Functional Foods and Diabetes”, and by the Nutronelogue Xaviera Cabada will announce the “Influence of the food industry in diabetes ”.

And to conclude will be the intervention of the sports training professor José Manuel García Rivera with the theme "Effect of physical exercise in patients with diabetes"