Cell inflammation is the cause of obesity, diseases such as diabetes and premature aging, because when this inflammation is reduced, blood glucose levels are stabilized, excess body fat is eliminated, and physical energy is improvedMental acuity, as explained by the president of the inflammation Research Foundation and researcher at the Massachusetts Institute and the Boston School of Medicine, Barry Sears, on the occasion of the presentation of his new book 'The Mediterranean Zone'.

It is estimated that a very high percentage of obese people suffer from silent cell inflammation, which can establish a figure greater than 20 percent of the general population, according to the specialist in clinical biochemistry and senior consultant of the Biochemistry and Genetic Service of the HospitalClinic de Barcelona, ​​Dr. Joan Clària, who added that "no food produces cell inflammation directly or is harmful by itself consumed in moderation."

Now in Dr. Sears the book there are a series of recommendations to avoid cell inflammation.One of these tips passes through a third of the dish must be filled with low fat protein, such as chicken or fish, or vegetable protein, such as firm tofu or soybeat substitutes.We must also ensure that the ration we put on does not exceed the length or thickness of your hand.This is about 100 grams of low fat protein for a woman and about 150 grams for a man.

On the other hand, it is important to fill the rest of the plate with colored carbohydrates, low in glycemic load, such as vegetables and fruits, because bright colors indicate that they are rich in polyphenols, which help control the inflammation induced by the diet.In addition, starchy vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, onions or asparagus are the best sources of carbohydrates, since they have a very low glycemic load.In this way we can avoid cell inflammation and therefore the development of diabetes.

Regarding fruits and whole grains, these have a higher glucemic load.In fact, white carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes must be reduced and eaten sporadically due to their excessive glycemic load and lack of polyphenols.

Finally, it is important to add a little fat, a soup tablespoon, which is low in omega-6 fatty acids and saturated fats.In Spain, without a doubt, the best option is extra virgin olive oil.

They are known tips, base of the Mediterranean diet, which we should not miss and constantly remember for the prevention of diabetes or for the best control of it.

Load glycemicader searsfrutas and colored carbon cereals cell Inflammation Inflammation Research FoundationLibro 'The Mediterranean Zone'.