Armando Manzanero, Mariana Ochoa and Gloria Calzada act together with some associations to cover the expenses generated by the treatment of diabetes.

María José Castañeda, Executive Director of the Mexican Association of Southeast Diabetes stressed that the participation of celebrities such as Armando Manzanero, Mariana Ochoa, Gloria Calzada and the Pandora Group, among others, to this foundation has been fundamentalfor the support of children suffering from this condition.

As part of the support to infants with this disease, last year a camp was established in Cancun, Quintana Roo, where hundreds of diabetic children have found an alternative to cope with their illness and know various ways to attend.

"Diabetes is a chronic-degenerative disease that abounds in infants in this region of the country, who mostly do not have sufficient resources to face this condition, as it implies expensive economic maintenance," said Castañeda.

However, there are some foundations that turn out to be an oasis for those who are in this delicate state of health, to those who provide support in different ways.

The list highlights the Mexican Southeast Diabetes Association, Campeche and Quintana Roo, who over recent years have sought help from entertainment figures such as Armando Manzanero, Gloria Calzada, and the Pandora and OV7 group.

The interviewee said that they have even had the support of the event organizers such as the two editions of the Maya México Rally, which have financially supported special camps for dozens of children, where they are taught to fend for themselves for all the requirements thatdemands his illness.

"It is very expensive to cope with this condition, because a month a child with diabetes requires five thousand pesos to pay insulin, syringes, lancetas, radioactives, medical consultations with nutritionists and others," said Castañeda, in an interview.

That is why the foundations are grateful to the camp that last year sponsored the Mayan Rally with singer Mariana Ochoa as godmother, and that is planned to be repeated this year.

“The camp is made for a week in Cancun, Quintana Roo, where to serve children with type one diabetes, without the presence of parents, but with nutritionists and specialists.

"They learn to live with diabetes and how they should handle it, without the support of the parents, this serves to become independent, to learn more about their diabetes and know how to handle it," said Castañeda.

Among the learning that children with diabetes of these camps are taken is to know the food portions they must ingest, how to inject themselves and the importance of being responsible in everything.

On the other hand, Alejandra Beristain Navarrete, vice president of the Mexican Association of Southeast of Diabetes, who organized these camps, clarified that type one diabetes and two are two totally foreign pathologies.

Beristain, is also an educator in this disease that in the world affects about 170 thousand people, a figure that by 2030 is estimated to reach 370 million, according to the World Health Organization.

“Type one diabetes is when the body does not recognize the pancreas cells and destroys them, it is autoimmune, so there is a null or poor insulin production, it usually occurs in patients more in children, adolescents and adults before30 years.

"And type two diabetes occurs in people over this age, it is a more common diabetes, where the pancreas continues to work, but the production of insulin lowers and also the quality of this is very small for the needs of the organism," he said.

This is why those who suffer from the first of these diabetes, which represents between seven and10 percent of the total patients who suffer from it, according to the specialist, depend on insulin injections or pumps to have the hormones that their body does not produce.

For his part, Claudia Durán, president of the Mexican Association of Southeast Diabetes, stressed that there have been some personalities of the artistic environment that have joined the "blue circle", which is a worldwide symbol to aware of this condition.

“There have been many artists who have worried about our association, such as Gloria Calzada and precisely in Yucatan, singer Armando Manzanero has done us the favor of being present supporting us, because he has type two diabetes and supported us for our magazine that we havenational level.

"He has been with us, because he came during the world day campaign against diabetes a few years ago, he put on the blue circle and currently if we asked for a support he automatically gives us, because it is sensitive to the cause," he said.

In the same way, he commented that he is happy that the states of Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo are benefited by the aforementioned automobile event, because he said, the organizers have seen that these associations have had a constant and continuous job with children.

“We give free education in diabetes for anyone, regardless of the socioeconomic level;Children who are very scarce resources with the necessary supplies so that their quality of life is not diminished, so we are constantly raising funds.

“We are a network of diabetes associations throughout Mexico, because we could do the team and be able to make the camp for the three states and this year it will be the same, what is collected from the Mayan Rally, will be equitable for the three associations and allhappy for the same cause, ”he concluded.