Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk about cold portfolios, you all know them, but I would like to explain them more thoroughly.

There are currently three manufacturers, one of which is based in South Africa and only provides at the local level (curiously I think it is the best and most cheaper), and the other two are Friouk (Ingés) and Medicol (USA).
Both manufacturers produce practically the same wallets, although with some difference.

Frías portfolios are breathable nylon bags that carry a gel inside that when immersing over time it absorbs the water, swelling.Once the evaporation process begins, the water that the gel absorbs evaporates more or less constantly, so that this evaporation generates cold.It is something similar to the house air conditioning, the inner apparatus is an evaporator, so that when evaporating gas and humidity of the environment it generates cold air (although it is much more complex), or as when in summer you feel close to the pool, you are cooler due to the evaporation of water.The portfolio containing the gel goes within another semi waterproof that avoids excess evaporation and that wet any object next to the wallet.

In order for the portfolio to start working, it must be submerged in tap water, not necessarily cold, for a while, depends on each manufacturer and the absorption capacity of the gel.At this time, it should be said that if we exceed the recommended time of immersion, the gel will absorb more water than necessary and when removing it will pray water, we will be dripping wherever we go with the portfolio .

The duration of the cold of the portfolio depends on the type of gel that is used, there are more absorbents, therefore with longer evaporation time and the least absorbent, with less evaporation time.The exterior temperature also affects this, the faster heat faster.

They are accessories that we do not consider cheap, prices between € 27 and 44, but it is true that they last and last, we have one with 3 years of use.

The differences between one manufacturer are the time that the cold and the price last.The best known cold portfolio of Friouk, and the best selling, but interestingly the cataloged as a portfolio with better quality and material ratio)/price is that of doctor.In Spain you can only buy in two establishments, one is access to health personnel and the other imagine what it is (you also have it on Amazon and EBAY).

I leave a link with a comparison between both portfolios:


By the way for pump users, cold pump wallets are small size (Small) but with the difference that an interior protector has so that the humidity does not affect the pump.Only for this they are more expensive, our recommendation is to buy a small case and protect bulb with a plastic bag, you will save money.For those who have submersible pumps it is evident that you can ignore this.

And only comment to the title of curiosity that there are those who are manufactured their cold portfolios, with gel that is acquired in florist centers to preserve flowers and plants, although be careful, these gels are of low quality and with a fairly limited duration.

I leave you some photos of the portfolios currently in the market:

The first 4 photos are from Friouk, the rest of the doctor.
