From April 2011 to April, the General Consumer Price Index (INPC) in Mexico grew 15.43 percent, while the average medicine was 19.47 percent.

Héctor Arreola Ornelas, Coordinator of Economic Research of the Mexican Foundation for Health (FUNSALUD), warned of this phenomenon, since diabetes is the main cause of the use of health services and the second death in the general population.

“For these families that have a member diagnosed with diabetes and that are under control, the rise in the prices of their control medications implies the postponement of their expense and/or the non -purchase, which implies an elevation of the risk of sufferingDecompensations for the disease, ”said the expert.

A decompensation detonates greater expenses for the care of complications, reduction in the quality of life of patients and their families or even death.

In the Metropolitan Area of ​​Mexico City, the 10 milliliter Lantus blishThe average prices published by the INPC.

This is followed by the Euglucon tablets, of 5 milligrams, whose price increased 73 percent, from 112 pesos to 196, in the same period.