The diabetes campaign data in your neighborhood, launched by the Official College of Pharmacists of Madrid (COFM), show that about 88,000 Madrid are at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, in a statement the organization affectsin the important role of health prevention and promotion that must be carried out in the pharmaceutical field to "stop the prevalence of this disease."

The Madrid population that can develop this diabetes over the next 10 years increased by 4 percentage points between 2007 and 2014, according to school.Its vice president, Manuel Martínez del Peral, explained that 79 pharmacy offices in the capital have been attended, during the "Health Education Day at the Pharmacy Offices", held on May 27 at the Royal AcademyNational Pharmacy, with the sponsorship of MSD.

The objective is to detect people with a high risk of suffering from this type of diabetes.To do this, the body mass index and the abdominal perimeter of patients who have submitted to the Findrisc test were measured, a questionnaire of questions that allows to value the risk of this disease.

The importance of physical exercise

Other actions of pharmacies have been to promote the practice of physical exercise and the monitoring of healthy diets as a better means of promoting health and reducing the incidence of high prevalence diseases such as diabetes.

The first vice president of the College highlighted the active commitment of pharmacists when informing and preventing through health campaigns or training courses, as well as the important welfare role that the region of 2,837 pharmacies of the region plays, for its professionalism andclose to the population.

A new diabetes campaign in your neighborhood will be launched next November with the participation of 400 Pharmacy offices in Madrid and the objective of extending this initiative for the prevention of the Community of Madrid with the support of health centers andThe collaboration between health professionals.