This August 1 a group of specialist will dictate an open and free talk for those suffering from this disease and their relatives.

The Union of Civil Personnel of the San Juan Sectional Nation, through the Ministry of Culture and Training, invites the Diabetological Education Workshop to be held on Saturday, August 1 at 10 am in the UPCN Cultural Hall - Sarmiento 463 (S).

The workshop is intended for UPCN affiliates, patients diagnosed with diabetes and their beneficiary families of the province social work.Will be in charge of the pharmacist Luis Gorostorday and Lic. In Nutrition Carolina Conti and Lic. Paola Navarro

The issue that will be addressed is automation, so it is suggested that the attendees carry their glucometers.

For more information call UPCN Sectional San Juan, Telephone 4225265 Internal 22.