For the second time, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) join their forces to write a clinical practice guide on the management of diabetes mellitus (DM), prediabetes and diseaseCardiovascular, designed to attend clinicians and other health professionals when making evidence -based decisions.

The growing awareness of the close biological relationship between DM and cardiovascular disease (ECV) has led these two great organizations to collaborate to generate a relevant guide to their mutual interest, the first of which was published in 2007.

There are those who affirm that too many guides are being prepared, but in this continuously changing field 5 years of development of basic and clinical science is a long time;In addition, important clinical studies have been published in this period, which has made it necessary to update the previous guides.

The process that has been followed to generate this guide has already been previously described and can be found at: Link Guidelines-surveys/Esc-guidelines/About/Pages/Rules-writing.aspx

Briefly, the EASD and the ESC have appointed some moderators to represent each organization and direct the activities of the working group.

Each of the members were chosen according to their specialty and their knowledge to address the different aspects of the guide, for their reputation in the field and to represent the diversity that characterizes modern Europe.

Each member agreed to declare- and regularly update- any conflict of Interse, whose details are in the European Heart House and are available at: Link

The members of the working group often prepare their pairs and the development of the guide has been made following the recommendations of the ESC.

You can download here the guide