The hospital treats 250 children currently, to whom he offers advice and diabetological education for them and their families in order to learn to live with it.

The Our Lady of Candelaria University Hospital, in Tenerife, annually detects between 20 and 30 new cases of child diabetes.

Type diabetes is the most common in childhood and from the hospital it is treated and controls 250 children currently, which also offers advice and diabetological education for them and their families in order to learn to live with it to improveYour quality of life.

The hospital recalls that diabetes is a chronic disease that appears when the pancreas does not generate sufficient insulin to maintain adequate glucose levels.If insulin does not help glucose to enter the cells to become energy, sugar accumulates in the blood to harmful levels.

The treatment of diabetes must adapt to the different first leg and circumstances of each of the patients;Therefore, it is required that from an early age, knowledge and skills to normalize the day to day with diabetes will be acquired, both the child himself and his family.

The pediatrician of the Candelaria Hospital, José Manuel Rial, has highlighted the support of specialized, fundamental health teams because thanks to the work they do through diabetological education, the implication of the patient and his family is really achieved in the objective of achieving the normalization ofglucose figures.

When this knowledge about diabetes, food and habits have already settled, it is time to apply new therapies or techniques that will only be useful and beneficial, the specialist added.

The methods for the control of type one diabetes go through the administration of insulin through injections, but the progress and innovation of health technology has allowed the development of new more flexible and comfortable methods such as insulin pumps, devicesThe size of a mobile phone that provides the treatment continuously facilitating autonomy and flexibility in the schedules.

Not all pediatric patients are candidates to bring this modality of insulin administration, because there must be a previous training advice from the educational professionals in diabetes and that their personal circumstances and lifestyle coincide with the medical criteria to use them.

In the case of the Candelaria hospital around 20 children followed by the pediatrics service of the center already have this device.

From the pediatrics service this alternative is encouraged to control diabetes in children in those cases that we consider appropriate.