After the sum of efforts of the sponsors of the Kosta Trail, Forum Sport, Salomon and Labor Kutxa, this thirteenth edition will be doubly supportive, since they will donate part of the proceeds not only to one but also to two non -profit associations.

The two beneficiaries of this solidarity sporting event that will take place on June 12 in the Biscayan town of Sopela will be the “Vizcaína Association of Diabetes” Asvidia and the Association of Aitas and Amas for the humanization, socialization and research of childhood cancer and theDisclosure of bone marrow, better known as "The quadri del hospi".

Recall that the Kosta Trail has since its inception solidarity purposes and that throughout its trajectory it has donated part of its benefits to different causes, such as the Basque Foundation of Multiple Eugenia Eugenia Epalza and the Association of Parents with Children Sick of Cancer of Cancer of Cancer of CancerBizkaia Aspanovas.

asvidia - Team One

This year, like the previous year, part of the collection will be delivered to the Vizcaína Association of Diabetes (ASVIDIA) that has been working since 1978 to help all people with Bizkaia diabetes providing them with the necessary diabetological education to their partners throughof various activities such as;Thematic courses (food, kitchen, sports, relaxation, new technologies ...) numerous conferences, excursions for all audiences and camps for the little ones.

This collection achieved thanks to the active collaboration of the participants through their inscriptions to the Kosta Trail, will be used for those affected to learn the benefits and challenges that sports in the daily management of the disease involve.According to experts, exercise helps diabetes to control blood glucose (glycemia) levels and therefore allows them to have a healthier life.

And to demonstrate this fact and strengthen the idea that Don Diabetes “You can also and sports, the Kosta Trail will have for the second consecutive year with the participation of several runners from the team of Team One Diabetes Challenge ( of the "Spanish Association for Sports with Diabetes".

An amateur team composed exclusively of athletes with diabetes that aims to raise awareness of society in general of the importance of sports and create healthy lifestyle among the diabetic population that are decisive for good control of the disease.

Therefore also the Kosta Trail with the collaboration of Team One, will have measurement and insulin devices at different supply points for all runners with diabetes that participate in the test.

The quadri del hospi

As for the second and new beneficiary “La Cuadri del Hospi” is a recent association founded in 2015 by parents of children and adolescents with cancer treated in the Pedriatic Hematology and Oncology Unit of the University Hospital of Cruces.

An initiative designed to make the lives of children more pleasant while they are hospitalized, which also supports other fathers and mothers with cancer children.In turn, they organize various events for the awareness and humanization of society about the disease and need it to donate marrows and collect funds to promote medical-scientific studies and research in the fight against childhood cancer.

And precisely to finance a Bio -Cruces project prepared for research on acute lymphoblastic leukemia (LLA), it is for what will be used in the case of “the quadri del hospi”.A disease that affects a third of children with cancer and that has as main objectives, better know the infant immune responseand of adolescents suffering from lla and identify new markers that allow a better analysis and monitoring of those affected.