"Excess weight, sedentary lifestyle and fat -loaded diets, common sugars, salt and many calories are the main source to develop diabetes.", Doctor Félix M. seat.

Coordinator of the Diabetes Unit General of the Plaza de la Salud la Diabetes, a disease known since the most remote times of antiquity, remains a great medical concern due to epidemiological growth worldwide and especially in countries with economics with economicsEmerging like ours.This concern is especially due to cardiovascular complications -which are the first cause of death -dialysis, amputations ...

It is estimated that there are four hundred and fifteen million diabetics in the world to date, and to continue this progressive growth, the number is expected by 2040 the number will amount to six hundred forty -two million, according to the Diabetes Atlas report of the International DiabetesFederation (IDF) presented at the last World Diabetes Congress in Vancouver, Canada, on December 1, 2015.

In our country, the study on cardiovascular risk factors in the Dominican Republic (Efricard) that we carry out jointly with the Society of Endocrinology and Cardiology, the Research Department of the Institute of Cardiology and Senasa coordinated by Dr. Rafael Pichardo, we find in the operationsDoctors who exist in the country 10 % of diabetics in the population and already with alterations of fasting glycemia (known as “path to diabetes” people) 15 %, which means that more than one million Dominicans has thedisease or alteration of fasting sugar.

In the light of multiple national and international research, cardiovascular diseases remain a frequent complication of the “poorly controlled” diabetic, so the control and prevention of the risk factors that occur in this disease is very important.

Risk factors.Within these risk factors there are the so -called "modifiable" and the "non -modifiable" that every person must have pending.

Modifiable risk factors are those that can be eradicated with a change in lifestyle: obesity or overweight, arterial hypertension, increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, eradication of sedentary lifestyle, diet rich in calories, salt, fats and simple carbohydrates such asCommon sugar, honey and molasses.

Non -modifiable risk factors are considered age, sex and genetic influence.

Food and diabetes.Remember that every time we eat food, the body immediately manufactures the insulin hormone to digest them that after two hours must be located in the different areas of the organism so that the heart gives beats, the blood circulates throughOur veins and arteries, the brain works etc.

In the diabetic, this insulin factory deteriorates and fails, allowing the food to "rise sugar" (glycemia) and that this excess is deposited in the walls of the arteries of all organs of the body necessarily causing cardiovascular diseases thatThey include angina, often painless, cardiac infarction, heart failure, systemic arterial hypertension and that are aggravated by the increase in cholesterol, triglycerides and the same blood glucose.

This is why we insist that excess weight, sedentary lifestyle and diets loaded with fat, common sugars, salt and many calories are the main source to develop diabetes and consequently, cardiovascular weakness.

Insulin is necessary for life

Insulin was discovered in Canada in 1921 by professors Frederick Banting, from Canada, and Charles Best, from the United States, whenThe pancreas called a dog called Margorie was removed and presented the symptoms of diabetes (orinadera, a lot of thirst, weight loss, dehydration etc.).From then on this hormone is industrialized and used throughout the world.

Insulin is necessary for life.In diabetic children, insulin is practically not produced and it must be supplied daily in injections (it is the so -called type 1 diabetes) in people with more than 40 years the so -called type 2 diabetes is presented. In this case there is a partial insulin productionby the pancreas and controls well with diet, pills and exercises.

Insulin must be administered to the body through injections because if it is by the mouth (pills), the digestive juices of the organism destroy it, an insulin that comes in spray has been manufactured like the bombs of the asthmatic that is in test.

There are different types of insulin that differ according to the beginning of action after injected.It is rapid, slow and ultralent insulin.

People in overweight or obese have a lot of insulin, but the same "does not act" because fat prevents their function.Therefore, losing weight is part of the solution.

Diabetes, who is at risk of suffering from it?

Based on medical evidence carried out through multiple investigations, it is considered that the diabetic heart is identical to that of a person who has suffered a heart attack without being diabetic.This occurs greatly in obese people in a proportion of eight obese to a thin.

Fortunately for diabetics, medical science today provides the opportunity to perform their home analysis with immediately use and immediate response, guide to know how their metabolism is and on the other hand, have multiple medications in pills in pillsas the different insulin modalities for good control and improvement in the quality of life.

Recommendations.The challenge to the population of preventing the disease in those who have the greatest risk to develop:
a) For having close relatives with diabetes.
b) Be overweight or obesity.
c) suffer arterial hypertension.
d) Have increased cholesterol and triglycerides.
e) Mothers who have had children with nine pounds or more.
f) Take certain medications in the daily routine.
g) Have more than 45 years of life.
h) suffer from ovarian cysts.
i) Maintain a rich diet in fat, sugars and salt.