The Contentious Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) of the Region of Murcia has dismissed the appeal of an immigrant who was denied the renewal of the residence permit because the diabetes he suffers does not justify that he was two years without developing activityany work.

The sentence, to which EFE has had access, indicates that the Contentious Court of Murcia corresponded to the lawsuit filed by the appellant supported the resolution of the Government Delegation in Murcia who did not agree to renew the residence and work permit"By not stating the continuity of the work activity that gave rise to the concession of authorization."

The Court, in the judgment that is now ratified by the TSJ, declared that this immigrant does not meet the requirements required by the legislation and, specifically, by the Foreigner Regulation, "since during the period between April 22010 and April 2012, corresponding to the validity of the authorization to work whose renewal is requested, exclusively appears the collection of unemployment subsidy. "

The sentence added that he remained on decline since December thirty, 2010, "not accrediting work activity at least three months a year."

In his resource, he claimed that due to diabetes melitus and he does not find it easy to find work, given the frequency with which he has to enter hospital centers.

In addition, he explained that he is integrated in Spain, with long residence in the Murcian municipality of San Javier, and that his wife has residence permission until November 2016.

By dismissing the resource, the TSJ comments that "the appellant has not accredited that it usually worked for six months, nor that the interruptions of the employment relationship have been due to causes outside their will."

And he adds that "neither is the record of any document that proves that he has been a job demanding or that he has participated in the actions that are determined by the Public State Employment Service or in Programs of Socio -labor insertion of public or private entities."

And he concludes that "the difficulty in finding employment is not enough to be a patient with diabetes melitus i"