A drug manages to reduce cardiovascular mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes.

The PACA-REG-OUTCOME study data, presented last Thursday, have shown that packaglyzine reduces cardiovascular death, non-fatal heart attack and non-fatal stroke, when adding to the usual treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes.Its mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of the type 2 sodium-glucose collection, (SGLT-2), reducing the reabsorption of glucose and increasing the amount of this substance that is eliminated in the urine.

Another prominent result of the clinical trial, which has also been published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine magazine, has been the 38 percent reduction of cardiovascular death, without significant difference in the risk of non -fatal heart attack or non -fatal stroke.In addition, Pagliflozina reduced mortality for any cause and in 35 percent the hospitalization for heart failure.The security profile similar to those of previous studies, with very few cases of diabetic ketoacidosis and without increasing or hypoglycemic events or bone fractures.

The study has been carried out in 7,020 patients in 590 centers from 42 countries and has been directed by Bernard Zinman, director of the Diabetes Center of Monte Sinai Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto (Canada).99 percent of patients had diagnosed cardiovascular disease, approximately half had suffered a myocardial infarction and more than half had diagnosed diabetes at least 10 years before.

As Zinman recalled, type 2 diabetes «is much more than having blood sugar, because it entails heart, renal problems, obesity, depression ... Until now, and although there are many treatment options, no drug had associatedwith a reduction in mortality in clinical trials.Pagliflozine has shown positive effects on different factors related to cardiovascular risk: it decreases glucose and insulin levels, blood pressure, uric acid, albuminuria, triglycerides and oxidative stress.In addition, it reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, lowers the weight and increase the LDL and HDL cholesterol levels ».

In his opinion, the most significant data is that Pagliflozina "has prevented one in three cardiovascular deaths or, in other words, 25 lives have been saved in every 1,000 patients who received the drug."Different work done have shown that life expectancy is reduced six years in 60 -year -old type 2 -year -old diabetes patients with previous cardiovascular disease.If they have suffered a heart attack, life expectancy is reduced by 12 years.

medical-patient relationship

On the other hand, a survey presented within the framework of Congress has confirmed that a good medical-patient relationship improves clinical results.The study, called Entrodia, conducted in 26 countries to more than 10,000 patients with type 2 diabetes, which differentiated three attitudes from the doctor: to encourage, be collaborative and discouragement.Since it is obvious, the patients who observed that their doctors chose to cheer them out and to be collaborative, improved their management of the disease, their well -being and diet, increased the physical exercise performed and better fulfilled the treatment.