Every year around 864 pregnant women develop gestational diabetes, this number, only from the Mexican Social Security Institute, is equivalent to nine percent of the nine thousand 600 patients who give birth in that medical coverage system, said Carmen Andrea Reyes Reyes,Gynecologist at the Regional General Hospital No. 1 “Lic.Ignacio García Téllez ”.

The specialist stressed that during pregnancy blood glucose crosses the placental barrier and if the mother has high levels, the baby will suffer a state of hyperglycemia, which can condition that it is a macrosomic child, that is, very large, which will complicate thelabor and that can also be born with states of hyperglycemia, that is "diabetic."

“Macrosomic babies are those born with a weight above 4.5 kilograms.When they are born they look very beautiful and big.However, since insulin is not working well in them, they can also be born with hypoglycemia due to the lack of control of the insulin that occurs when the body tries to control its high glucose levels, ”warned the IMSS specialist.

The specialist explained that gestational diabetes is generally presented in the second half of pregnancy, since in that period by normal physiology of the state of gravity, insulin resistance increases.

“There are many factors that make diabetes occur during pregnancy.The most important is overweight or obesity.There are patients who get up to 20 kg., They are the most risky risk, ”he said.