This day through a press conference was the announcement of diplomas for health professionals organized by the Mexican Association of Diabetes de Chihuahua, which will start on April 9 in the town.

Doris Peña Rico, a member of the Association, said that on April 9 the diploma begins at 8 in the morning, aimed at general doctors, specialists, pediatricians, nurses and the general public, with the issues of childhood and adult obesity, since it has become a generalized epidemic.He added that the diploma consists of 44 themes through 10 workshops, endorsed by the Mexican Diabetes Federation.

He pointed out that this silent condition is mainly due to obesity in the face of poor diet and sedentary lifestyType 2 and sulindodependent.

Dr. Rodolfo Sánchez Carrillo, an educator in diabetes, also said that 4.1 million schoolchildren develop the condition for bad habits, covering up to 19 years of age.

Finally, the Bachelor of Nutrition, Rocío Ruiz, said that food education is needed, where people modify their eating habits from home.

It should be noted that such a diploma will consist of 5 master conferences in the auditorium of the Angeles Hospital and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB), of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ), with the participation of international speakers of Germany and the United States.