Spain estimates that every year the cases of children's diabetes increase by 1000.

Type 1 children's diabetes is the second most common chronic disease in childhood, and in Spain, some 30,000 children under 15 suffer from it.A sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits and genetic and environmental factors are most of the time the cause of this condition that has increased among the younger population.

It develops when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, which causes them to be higher than normal."To detect it, parents should pay attention to the symptoms" because a poorly controlled diabetes influences the physical and intellectual development of the child and, in the long run, it implies complications in adulthood, according to Cinfa's medical experts, Aurora Garreand Esther chatena.

We cannot prevent type 1 diabetes because it is caused by a mechanism of the organism itself that causes the destruction of the cells that produce insulin.But the type 2 yes, which is the one that truly worries the experts in these ages.Prevention through good diabetological education should be a fundamental part of the day to day between parents and children.The symptoms can go unnoticed, because in most cases they seem harmless, but making an early diagnosis is key to the well -being of the little ones.

These nine symptoms may indicate the presence of diabetes in the child

1. inexplicable weight loss.

2. Self constant.

3. Difficulties in vision

4. Excessive hunger.

5. Frequent urine and in greater volumes, even during the night when he no longer did.

6. Fatigue and weakness.

7. Irritability.

8. Vaginal infection in a prepubertal girl.

9. Nausea, bad breath, frequent stomach pain and breathing problems can be signs of diabetic ketoacidosis.

Being alert to these symptoms and resorting to the pediatrician in the face of the slightest doubt to perform a routine glucose analysis is the best procedure to follow.In addition, since children spend much of the day at school, teachers must know the specific treatments of each case to be able to meet their needs and care.