Talavera will host tomorrow a diabetes workshop aimed at primary care doctors.As reported from the organization, the activity seeks to improve the knowledge of primary doctors in approaching the main risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.

‘Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular risk.News and alternatives ’is an organized training day in different cities of Castilla-La Mancha by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen) with the collaboration of the Biopharmaceutical Company Astrazeneca.

The training, which has already been developed in Ciudad Real, Toledo and Albacete, will be taught tomorrow in Talavera and in Cuenca on the 28th, and in total 150 primary care doctors will participate.

"The main cause of mortality in people with diabetes is cardiovascular disease," explains César Lozano, president of Semergen Castilla La Mancha, family doctor at the Health Center of Almagro (Ciudad Real) and speaker of the course.Therefore, the main objective of the course is "to expose the pathophysiological foundations to improve the management of the main cardiovascular risk factors."

According to Lozano, among the main primary care challenges in the area of ​​type 2 diabetes is the early identification of people at risk, so that, "intervening on healthy life habits, we can delay the appearance of complications".Likewise, "once a pharmacological treatment is indicated, it is very important to train in self -control and self -care, in addition to promoting therapeutic compliance," he says.

For their part, the endocrine stand out as the main challenge in the area "to achieve adequate control and in an integrated way of the different cardiovascular risk factors," explains Pedro Rozas, specialist of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the General University Hospital of Ciudad Real.

To do this, it continues, “the therapeutic objectives should be fixed individually being fundamental that the patient gets involved in the self -control of his disease through adequate education and implementing pharmacological measures that have been shown safe and effective in glycemic control, weightand cardiovascular risk, without an increase in the incidence of hypoglycemia ».