It will take place until Friday at the Regional Hospital of Ushuaia, within the framework of the commemoration of World Health Day on April 7.The laboratory area performs fasting glycemia determinations, from 6.30 to 9:00, free of charge and without the need for medical order.

Ushuaia.- The Ministry of Health highlighted the diabetes prevention campaign that has been carried out- since this Monday, April 11 until Friday 15- at the Regional Hospital of Ushuaia, within the framework of the commemoration of World Health Dayof April 7.

The World Health Organization (WHO) "This year paid special attention to a disease such as diabetes, because there has, María Nazarena González, indicated that "in collaboration with the Laboratory Service (of the HRU), the proposal joined the proposal performing a task of prevention, control and diagnosis of this disease."

The professional said that the Laboratory Area of ​​the capital hospital is making "fasting glycemia determinations, from 6.30 to 9:00, free of charge and without the need for patients to bring a medical order."

He pointed out that "the call is aimed at people over 18 who are interested in knowing their health linked to diabetes."

He explained that, with the analysis of the interested parties, "once we have the result, if an increased blood glucose is detected that allows diabetes to be diagnosed, the affected person is referred to the doctor of the primary care center closest to their home."He also said that "in case the value does not allow us to confirm the disease and we need to do a complementary test, the patient will be cited again to attend the laboratory for the purposes of doing more specific studies."

He also said that while diabetes is “a chronic disease, it can be prevented by incorporating healthy life habits;for example a healthy eating and physical activity. ”

"We live in an area where, due to climatic conditions, physical activity is relegated and the vehicle is used a lot," he warned, to insist that "healthier feeding habits would have to be incorporated, for example consuming fish, sinceWe live in a coastal area. ”

He also recommended that "proper rest, avoid excessive alcohol consumption and not consume tobacco."

González commented that from WHO it is estimated that "by 2030 diabetes will be the seventh cause of death worldwide."