The different Spanish diabetics associations have wanted to take a step this year to raise awareness about this disease with the march of transdiabetes, which today has arrived in Castilla y León after starting yesterday in the Canary Islands and in Andalusia.

The first route has been held, with the assistance of several hundred people, on the wall of Ciudad Rodrigo where attendees have traveled the different doors of the walled enclosure to, in the form of relay, passing a blue ring, which isThe symbol of this disease.

Carolina Paniagua, president of the Ciudad Rodrigo Diabatic Association, today assured Efe that in recent years "much progress has been made" in the investigation of this disease, so the patient's quality of life has risen "a lot".

For attendees, the great discovery have been the so -called insulin bombs, small and portable devices that manage insulin throughout the day, so traditional punctures are avoided.

"In addition, these bombs, which have a price of about 6,000 euros, are paid for public health," said Paniagua.

Those responsible for the different associations participating in this march have recalled that there are more than one million diabetics throughout Spain who does not know that this disease has, hence "prevention is basic," according to Paniagua.

On many occasions, when diabetes is detected to the patient, it has affected other organs of the body, so its treatment is more complicated.

They have also recalled that the best form of prevention is healthy food and physical exercise, since obesity is the main cause to contract it.

In Spain there are about three and a half million people diagnosed with diabetes disease.

The march of the transdiabetes will continue tomorrow Monday with Granada and Vitoria and will also pass through other regions such as Castilla La Mancha, Balearic Islands, Navarra or Extremadura, to conclude in Madrid on November 14, World Diabetes Day.