The Biomedical Research Institute August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS) and Astrazeneca have presented 'Sketching Diabetes Idibaps', an illustrated book through which they want to raise awareness among patients and society in general about the importance of research to prevent and advance inThe treatment of diabetes.

Thus, through the 'sketching', or natural urban drawing, and thanks to the collaboration between the illustrators and the researchers of the center, they intend to sensitize about the need for innovation to cure diabetes.

Readers will find drawings and information about the daily work of scientists in the development of vaccines that prevent this disease;the impact of the environment on risk risk genes;Cellular reprogramming to obtain insulin -producing cells for transplantation, and lifestyle improvements to prevent and control the disease.

More than 45 'Sketchers' in Catalonia have participated in the edition of the book and, among them, is the Catalan artist awarded with the 'Fnac' Award for the best report in the 'III Urban Drawing Contest in Bookstore in Barcelona', CristinaCurto

The publication collects the drawings made in the 'Sketching' workshop open to the public and in which the Foundation has collaborated to generate interest in a disease suffered in Spain 5.3 million people.

The book is edited in three languages ​​and the initiative has also had the support of the Association of Diabètics de Catalunya (ADC), the Biomedical Research Center of Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM) and the Barcelona City Council.