In recent days there was an important diabetes training.The space was destined for health agents, nurses, social works, doctors, obstetricians, university interns, and health promoters of Garza, Taboada, Beltrán, Forres, Suncho Corral, Colonia El Simbolar and Fernández.

Likewise, the meeting took place at the Friends Club of this city and was sponsored by the Ministry of Health of the Province through the Provincial Diabetes Program (Prodiase) and the Municipality of Fernández.

The event was attended by Dr. Omar Marcelo Abdala, general director of Diabetes of Santiago del Estero, who in exclusive dialogue with this multimaire explained the details of the meeting.

“This is an important and high impact day so I must congratulate the organizers, the zonal hospital and community doctors, because it has the importance of addressing a high prevalence issue such as diabetes, a flagelus worldwide, aPandemia, taking into account that there are 382 million diabetics in the world and that Santiago del Estero is not exempt in this pandemic. ”

Dr. Abdala also said that “in our province there are between 80 and 100 thousand people suffering from this pathology, which produces a high impact on the cost of health, so it is very important that training courses are given for the entire teamHealth for which this day is directed since health agents, nurses, social, doctors and obstetricians from different locations are present ”.

The training was developed in the modality of two groups of which one approached about diabetes and the other on gestational diabetes, which is the one that happens during pregnancy, this information collaborates in that people who have diabetes, have better attention.


The objective of the Provincial Health Team on this subject, according to Abdala is that, “since the beginning of the management of former governor Gerardo Zamora and with the continuation of Dr. Claudia Ledesma Abdala de Zamora Public Health is State Policy and State PolicyThis program has demonstrated it throughout this time, because we have been 9 years that began as a program of one of the six provinces they did not have and today Santiago is positioned with the provincial diabetes program as one of the largest programsHierarchy nationwide and with international recognition, because people with diabetes are educated and assisted. ”

“The necessary treatment is provided from the tablets for glycemia to the last generation insulins, this is the most important, all types of insulin, that is, the latest of medicine in insulin worldwide, the public health of ourProvince has it, thanks to the product, which is of deep action the policies of this government, ”he added.

It should be noted that the aforementioned program is executed through all the hospitals of Santiago del EsterTraffic, a zonal hospital, where the State provides them with the necessary elements.