In his research hypertension and diabetes: experimental models and treatments, the doctor of physiological sciences of the Department of Electrophysiology and Pharmacological Bioevaluation of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM), Juan José Acevedo Fernández, verified throughExperimental studies that diabetes are related to male infertility, since excess sugar in the body has a direct effect on sperm, altering its three basic physiological processes: mobility, training and acrosomic reaction.

Within the framework of the XIX Scientific Days of the Academic Unit of Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemical Sciences (UACQBF) of the Autonomous University of Nayarit (UAN) and exclusively for the Conacyt Information Agency, the specialist Level I MEMBER I of the National System of Researchers (SNI), shared this and other results that he obtained when experiencing with mice.

CONACYT INFORMATIVE AGENCY (AIC): Why do you use mice in your experimental models?

Juan José Acevedo Fernández (JJAF): Mice are mammals and share with us all the physiological regulation of blood glucose, pressure, endocrine axes, neuronal axes, reproduction, that is, from the physiological point of view they are verycomparable to the human being.

AIC: What is the reason that diabetes is related to male infertility?

JJAF: Once diabetes is established, hyperglycemia is generated, which maintains chronic oxidative stress in different organs and tissues.In particular, the testicular epithelium is very susceptible to oxidative stress, so that hyperglycemia, in the experimental models we perform, after fifteen days generates a lethal oxidative stress for the seminiferous epithelium and, of course, the sperm account decreases significantly, byThe fertility process is seriously affected.

Jjafse diabetes worked with the mechanisms involved with the physiology of sperm and one of them was in vitro fertility, in which precisely the diabetic mice of fifteen days of induction of diabetes, or one month or two months, were tested in theirReproductive capacity with fertile females, previously tested with coupling with other males, there it was shown that with these females fertility was quite reduced;Of twenty females, only six were fertilized and with such a delimited number of young, even some were born dead.

In relation to in vitro trials, we can say that sperm has alteration at the level of mobility, if normal sperm nothing for example one hundred kilometers per hour, the diabetic sperm is about five kilometers per hour, that is, its mobilityIt looks significantly diminished and, seeing them in the microscope, 90 or 95 percent of the sperm do not move.

Another of the mechanisms we are looking for was at the level of training.In the training, a hyperpolarization process must occur so that later calcium channels, dependent on the voltage that is in the sperm, remove their inactivation and allow the following event that is important for fertilization, which is theAcrosomic reaction.We observe that in the sperm of diabetic mice there is no such hyperpolarization and therefore when quantifying the acrosomal reaction of these sperm we determine that it was limited, even when we indujus it with the natural inductor obtained from the ovules of the females.

AIC: Another result was that stress can generate diabetes, why does this happen?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2014, nine percent of the population of adulthood haddiabetes;While two years ago, in 2012, 1.5 million people died as a direct consequence of this disease, more than 80 percent of these victims lived in low and middle income countries.This is how WHO projects that by 2030, diabetes will be the seventh cause of mortality worldwide.
JJAF: If it is a cortisonic stress for example, cortisol induces hyperglycemia that can be chronic and by the insulin secretion mechanism by the beta cell can be very toxic, then if that stress is chronic and hyperglycemia is chronic, that hyperglycemiaIt can lead to beta cell damage for an exocytotic event due to an increase in calcium that activates caspases and the beta cell can die.So chronic stress can be responsible for diabetes.

AIC: What treatments did you experience in your research?

JJAF: We work on the evaluation of some principles that in vitro have proven to be inhibitors of amylase and alpha-glucosidase enzymeof diabetics, to avoid greater glucose absorption.Internationally, this treatment is having a significant importance.

From the clinical point of view, the caress, which is already in the market, has positive control;The patient shortly before food or during food, no matter the caloric or carbohydrate load, consumes the caress in parallel and that limits its absorption, but you have to do a very important clinical study, because if they do not take digestionThese polysaccharides, there is an accumulation of fibers at the digestive tract level and can bring problems in the digestive system.I recommend it but with medical supervision.

Dr. Juan José Acevedo Fernández

Department of Electrophysiology and Pharmacological Bioevaluation of the Faculty of Medicine of the UAEM