Dr. Serrano-Aguilar is the main researcher of a study (indicates) on this disease in the archipelago in which the Islands of La Palma, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote participate.This research has emerged "from the concern of a broad number of professionals, institutions and associations to the serious health problem in which type 2 diabetes is becoming," he says.

Dr. Serrano-Aguilar, Head of the Evaluation and Planning Service at the Directorate of the Canarian Health Service and responsible for the Health Technology Evaluation Unit (STDs), he is a principal medical study of the study indicated in Diabetes Mellitus type study2 in the Canary Islands.The investigation began its journey two and a half years ago in the most populated islands in the archipelago, among which is the palm.In an interview granted to La Palma, now, Dr. Serrano-Aguilar explains that the aforementioned study aimsAnother chronic disease that needs this type of control. ”

-What is the study indicates?

-Indica is the acronym for intervention in type 2 diabetes in the Canary Islands.The study indicates is a research study in which different methods of support for diabetics and health professionals are tested in order to achieve improvements in the health and quality of life of people with diabetes.It arises from the restlessness and involvement of a broad number of professionals, institutions and associations in the faceHealth Research (Funcanis), the two Canary Universities (La Laguna and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) together with the collaboration of the Diabetics Associations of Gran Canaria and Tenerife and the University of Oxford.

-Why has type 2 diabetes been chosen for the study?

-The type 2 diabetes mellitus has become a real challenge.A challenge for patients who suffer from it, for the toilets who work with them and for society, both worldwide and at the state level and, of course, at the Canary Islands level, which currently suffers a high rate ofMortality and complications due to the bad control of diabetes, despite the increase in investment in its treatment.There are complications, such as amputations or high diabetic figures that need dialysis due to renal failure produced by the bad control of their diabetes, and that produce a huge personal impact and also a huge social and economic impact.

-What is the objective of this research?

-Improve the health and quality of life of people with diabetes.And for this, he indicates, for two years, he studies the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of four different interventions.In Group 1 we work directly with patients and their families (since we understand that improving their knowledge can help improve patient health) to make them experts in their disease with educational support where knowledge, experiences and experiences are shared for a betterManagement of your diabetes, monitoring of your care through online or telephone questionnaires and sending daily messages to your mobile for improvement or reinforcement of your behaviors with the aim of modifying your life habits and that they are co-responsible for your diabetes.In group 2, we work directly with the patient's doctor and nurse, also with training support in the management of diabetes and with tools that help them make the most appropriate decisions regarding the health of their patients.In Group 3 we do a performanceJoint of groups 1 and 2. Finally, Group 4 is what we call the control group, in which no additional support is offered to the one they already receive in their health center, and that serves to compare what is doneAt present with the rest of the interventions.As I said before, these groups will be followed for two years, with individual interviews, blood analytical controls, renal function and thorough sight explorations.The results obtained from each of them will be compared and can tell us in which intervention group better health results are achieved for patients, and also, if the improvements achieved are sufficient in relation to their cost to implement them.

-Who performs these activities?

-The educational talks and the monitoring of the evolution of the patients are in charge of six nurses educators in diabetes distributed in the four islands to study.Carmen Daranas, in La Palma;Carolina Guerra, in Lanzarote;Sybille Kaiser and Carlos Sedeño, in Tenerife;and Margarita Roldán and Guillermo Monzón, in Gran Canaria.

-What population are the training actions direct?

-To the population with type 2 diabetes, between 18 and 65, who has at least one year of evolution since the diagnosis of their illness.

-And what is your scope of action and percentage of participation?

-Numerous health centers chosen at random among the four islands with the largest population: La Palma, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Lanzarote.Thus, with the more than 2,000 patients who are participating with us, we will obtain with the results of the study the reality in the different islands and areas within each island.

-Is it an isolated project or also participating professionals from health centers?

-This study could not be carried out without the participation of health centers professionals, and that was the previous step to contact patients: request their collaboration.Without it, we could not invite your patients to participate.At this point, we have always been clear that those who would continue to follow up and the evolution of the patients who participate are the professionals who usually attend them.

-Do you already know of results for the palm?

-Whor we cannot talk about results, although on the island we have already finished with half of the participants corresponding to two different study groups, but the progressive implementation in the different basic health areas has made some still miss someHealth centers to end, with what is still premature to talk about results.It will be in the coming months when results can be compared and talking about initial data.But, for now, we have stayed with very good feelings for the improvements of patients and their manifestations of not wanting the study to end.We, the toilets, must be prepared to guide our patients in improving their health, and it is with the improvement of knowledge and the use of current technologies with what it indicates wants to help that way be the most appropriate.