The Health Commission of the Chamber of Deputies will meet this Tuesday in order to address the project that provides for the creation of the Provincial Diabetes Program.The initiative also establishes the creation of "the services of endocrinology, diabetes and nutrition in the highest level hospitals."

On Tuesday at 10 the Commission of Health and Social Development of the Chamber of Deputies will deal with the project that provides for the creation of the “Provincial Diabetes Program”, which “will be applied in public and private entities with incumbency in this disease”.

The initiative, which at the same time declares “of provincial interest the prevention and control of diabetes”, belongs to the justicialist and radical legislators Agustín Federik, Sergio Schmunck, Juan Reynaldo Navarro, Pablo Mendoza, Rosario Romero, Jorge Monge and Antonio Rubio.

In article 2 of the project, the “objectives” of the Diabetes Program are established, among which the “preparation of integral prevention policies aimed at reducing the probability of diabetes in the population” are mentioned, and the development of ""Permanent update programs in interdisciplinary health teams ”and“ Continuing Education programs at all educational levels and in groups of risk people ”.

The program also aims to "adopt comprehensive measures to improve the health and quality of life of diabetic people and advise the family for the proper management of the disease" and to control "the appearance of acute and chronic complications, and reduce themorbidity and mortality through prevention and early treatment. ”

Another objective is to "adapt the structure and procedures of the health system to the norms established by the Argentine Diabetes Society, and promote the formation of interdisciplinary equipment for the care of people with diabetes."

The application authority will be the Ministry of Health of Entre Ríos, which will implement the Provincial Diabetes Program, will coordinate actions with the national health authorities, will promote the budgetary modifications that are necessary and create the necessary positions to meet the objectives of the program.

The initiative also provides the creation, within the scope of the Provincial Diabetes Program, of a Central Control Commission.

It will consist of two representatives of the Ministry of Health of Entre Ríos, a representative of the Argentine Diabetes Society, one of the Endocrinology and Diabetes Service of the Hospital with the highest complexity in the province;one for each non -profit entity that have as its object the theme of diabetes, and that has legal status before the Directorate of Legal Persons of the Province and a common representative of the entities of private health providers.

Among its functions are “advising the director of the program”, supervising and enforcing the objectives of the program and annually reviewing the care plan for the attention of people with diabetes and proposing adjustments.

To be beneficiaries of the program, “having a residence in the province, having a diagnosis of diabetes made by a doctor specialized in endocrinology, diabetology, pediatrics, nutrition, medical clinic or general medicine, lack of medical-assistance coverage, lack of sufficient income,to solve the expenses of medicines and supplies necessary for the proper treatment and control of your disease, according to the diagnosis of the corresponding social service, and lack equal or similar benefits in the national, municipal order or granted by private organizations. ”

The project also provides that “social works and existing prepaid health systems in the province must includeMandatory in their health plans, medical practices and the provision of medicines necessary for the treatment of diabetes ”.

Article 15 of the project establishes the creation of “the services of endocrinology, diabetes and nutrition in the highest level hospitals of the province”.They will have the purpose of "offering centers of excellence for the care of diabetes patients, where welfare actions, continuous professional training of health and research, education and teaching teams will be performed."The initiative also notes that "the services of endocrinology, diabetes and nutrition already existing will be adapted to the guidelines of the present."