A study led by Tomohide Yamada, from the University of Tokyo, concludes that the very prolonged naps - which defined by Camilo José Cela as “Pijama and Urinal” - are linked to a greater probability of suffering from diabetes 2.

Scientists have reached this conclusion after carrying out an analysis of clinical records and habits of more than 260,000 Asian and Western people.

The objective was to trace the link between this chronic disease, which manifests itself with high blood sugar levels, and two possible factors: excessive daytime sleepiness - or hypersomnia - and naps.

Thus they observed that the possibility of suffering diabetes 2 increased 56% in individuals with hypersomnia, and a negligible 46% nothing between those who admitted to usually throw dreams of more than an hour during the day.

It seems that signing up to 40 minutes is optimal;Above this limit, the risk of becoming diabetics begins to increase.

The authors of the study, presented during the Annual Convention of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), advise: “Multiple works demonstrate the beneficial effects of naps of less than half an hour, which help maintain the alert stateand motor skills.

So that they do not harm us, these breaks must end before the deep sleep begins, of slow brain waves. ”