The singer Gilberto Santa Rosa knew that something was not well with his health during a trip he made to New York City in 2005, when he began experiencing episodes of excessive thirst.A few days later, a new signal appeared, feeling an uncontrolled appetite.

At that time, he remembers, he was at his mother's house -who was diabetic -and asked his father to take the sugar with the homemade machine to measure glucose.To his surprise, he had the sugar "in the clouds."Soon he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with type two diabetes, which is usually presented in adulthood.People who suffer from this type of diabetes create insulin resistance and do not use it with the effectiveness they should.

“I currently take medications and for a while I took this diet seriously, the quality of what you eat.I still have to take the exercise area more seriously because I depend on the exercise that is done working, but basically with that I have been able to control my sugar levels, ”said Gilberto Santa Rosa.

The interpreter is one of several figures of the national artistic environment that suffers from this medical condition that affects more than 600,000 people in Puerto Rico and that is the second cause of death in the country.

"The salsa knight" said the most important thing for people suffering from this disease is to go to the doctor, inform about this condition and lead a healthy lifestyle, based on a balanced diet and exercises.He stressed that every diabetic person who takes care of himself can lead an active life, as he has done.

“I confess that it is possible that when they read this report some people call because I have not stopped going to the places that I usually go to eat, what happens is I have modified many of the things I ate, I control the quantities.That part has helped me a lot because one can either be isolated, so it is important to inform yourself.Many people think that this is the end of people's regular life, that you cannot do anything and cancel, then, as they do not know and do not inform themselves, they go to the extremes and find more problems than solutions, ”he said.

When investigating what were the reasons that led him to suffer from this condition, Gilberto Santa Rosa said he was never a person to eat a lot, but to eat badly.A carbohydrate -based diet, as well as eating at the wrong time, could be determinants to affect your system.

“I liked carbohydrates very much, well I didn't like them, I like them, and I had to control them because it was what was complicating my health.From time to time one gives his love, but in moderation.I have gone down a lot of weight and my sugar levels are controlled and I have plans to continue in that wave because in reality you start to feel so good that afterwards you do not want to feel bad again, ”he shared.

The singer, who was a spokesman for the American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association) for the Latin market, said that the message he sent at that time and continues to spread, is that people go to their doctor as soon as they begin to feelThat something is not right with your health.

“Latinos have the habit of self -medication or consult with the first one you have next to it and suffer the same as you.You begin to ask what the other has and we forget that organisms are different.What I said then and I repeat now is, gentlemen, they will be informed, do not ask me that I take to see if they take the same thing because perhaps that does not make the same effect.Go to your doctor, ask everything you want, and know your condition, because that will make the difference in your quality of life. ”


Gilberto Santa Rosa, on the other hand, acknowledged that there are manySalsa singers, as well as producers and musician who suffer from this condition.Among them is the "Bonito de la Salsa", Ismael Miranda, who was diagnosed with diabetes in 2013.

Do you observe any correlation between sauce and diabetes? He was asked.

"Maybe this sauce from us has too much sugar, that was Mrs. Celia (Cruz) that left us too much sugar ... but there are a few, and we return, it is not the end of the world.What can be the end is if you don't inform yourself, if you don't take care of yourself, ”he concluded.