The Territorial Delegate of Education of the Junta de Andalucía in Córdoba, Esther Ruiz, has met with the Board of Directors of the Association for Diabetes de Córdoba (Addator) with the aim of presenting itself as a new association to the delegation.

In a note, the Board has indicated that adding was founded as an association in Córdoba last February and tries to provide non -professional help to people with diabetes and their closest environment.

One of the objectives is to "sensitize the educational community of what the presence of students with diabetes in classrooms and the basic aspects for glucose control."

The Education Delegation has an action protocol for both the monitoring and the detection of students that present diabetes and the addition has wanted to offer their knowledge and collaboration.

Esther Ruiz has highlighted the importance they have for the Delegation of Education to have the presence of this association in the educational community, "since this chronic disease affects students in many centers."